
【题目】 The story I’m going to tell you happened two years ago when I was in high school in Poland. I came to school early on a sunny day, ____ I felt that there was something wrong. Students from my class were behaving ____.

I noticed that Tom was absent from school that day. Later, I ____ what happened. Tom had got sick and he had lung cancer, a very serious disease. It was _____ for my friends and me. I couldn’t believe that this had happened to him. He was so ____ and he was good at sports.

____ he had lung cancer, so he had to have an operation. It was successful. After that, he returned to school and felt very good. Twice a month he went back to the ____ for medical examinations just to make sure that everything was going well.

One day, the doctors noticed that the cancer had ____ to his brain. When I heard this ____, I felt like bursting into tears, “God, why do you do this, it is not ____.”

A lot of my friends ____ their faith and hope, and they even thought that there was no ____ for him to live, but he was strong. Tom was eager to live, and he said: “No way, I’m not going to ____. I will fight!”

The doctors made another operation on his brain. The operation ____ well and now he feels great and everything is fine. From Tom’s ____, I learned that whatever happens in our lives, we can’t give up or lose heart.



3A.spoke outB.pointed outC.worked outD.found out










13A.give offB.giv upC.give outD.give in





















1考查连词词义辨析。句意:在阳光明媚的一天,我很早地来到了学校,但是感觉到情况有些不对。A. so所以;B. but但是;C. for对于;D. and和。由前面的earlysunny及后面的wrong可知,这里用but表示转折关系。故选B

2考查副词词义辨析。句意:班级的同学表现得有些奇怪。A. strangely奇怪地;B. interestingly有趣的是;C. naturally自然地;D. impatiently不耐烦地。前面提到“I felt that there was something wrong”,下文提到Tom患了严重的疾病,从而可以推断出班级同学表现异常,所以此处应选用strangely。故选A

3考查动词短语辨析。句意:之后,我弄清楚了发生的事情。A. spoke out说出来;B. pointed out指出;C. worked out解决;D. found out发现;弄清楚。由上下文语境可知,作者后来得知Tom患了严重的疾病,所以选用found out合乎语境。故选D

4考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对我和我的朋友们来说,这是令人震惊的。A. disappointing令人失望的;B. frightening吓人的;C. shocking令人震惊的;D. amusing有趣的。下文提到Tom擅长运动、身体健康,因此听说他患了肺癌,作者和同学们都很震惊,所以选用shocking合乎语境。故选C

5考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他身体如此的健康,并且善长运动。A. kind善良的;B. humorous幽默的;C. clever聪明的;D. healthy健康的。由后面的“he was good at sports”可以推断出他身体健康,所以选用healthy。故选D

6考查副词词义辨析。句意:不管怎么说,他还是患了肺癌,因此他需要做手术。A. Therefore因此;B. Thus从而;C. Besides此外;D. Anyhow无论如何。上文提到他身体健康,下文提到他要动手术构成了转折关系,所以选用Anyhow。故选D

7考查名词词义辨析。句意:他每个月要回到医院进行两次医学检查来确保一切正常。A. stadium体育场;B. hospital医院;C. school学校;D. home家。由后面的“medical examinations”可知他进行检查需要回到医院,所以选用hospital。故选B

8考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,医生发现癌症转移到了他的大脑。A. adapted改编,适应;B. crashed撞击,坠毁;C. turned转身;D. moved移动。move to移动,移到。表示位置或场所的变换,从一地移动到另一个地方。此处要表达的意思是癌症转移到了大脑,选用moved合乎语境。故选D

9考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我听到这个消息后我想大哭一场。A. research研究;B. evidence证据;C. idea想法;D. information 消息,信息。这里用information指代上文中医生发现Tom的癌症转移到了大脑这一消息,所以选用information合乎语境。故选D

10考查形容词词义辨析。句意:上帝,你为什么要这样,这太不公平了。A. fair公平的;B. perfect完美的;C. honest诚实的;D. reliable可靠的。由Tom的不幸遭遇以及空格前面的“God, why do you do this”可知,作者哭诉这不公平,空格前有not。故选A

11考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的许多朋友失去了信心和希望,他们甚至认为他没有机会活下去了,但是他依然很坚强。A. held握住;B. lost丢失;C. rebuilt重建;D. kept保持。这里用lost表示失去信心和希望,文章的最后一句也有信息的重现,所以选用lost。故选B

12考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的许多朋友失去了信心和希望,他们甚至认为他没有机会活下去了,但是他依然很坚强。A. need需要;B. wonder奇迹;C. chance机会;D. doubt怀疑。由医生发现癌症转移到了他的大脑可知,这里要表达的是同学们甚至认为Tom没有机会存活下来了,所以选用chance。故选C

13考查名动词短语辨析。句意:他说:“我不会放弃的,我会战斗到底的”。A. give off发出;B. give up放弃;C. give out分发;D. give in让步。由后面的“I will fight”可推断出Tom不会放弃,文章最后一句话也重现了这一信息,所以选用give up。故选B

14考查动词词义辨析。句意:手术进展顺利,现在他感觉不错,一切都很正常。A. went去;B. observed观测,遵守;C. command命令;D. charged指控,充电,收费。由后面的“now he feels great and everything is fine”可知,手术进展顺利。go well进展顺利,所以选用went。故选A

15考查名词词义辨析。句意:从汤姆的经历我明白了不管我们生活中发生了什么事情,我们都不能放弃和失去信心。A. misfortune不幸;B. achievement成就;C. accident事故;D. experience经验,经历。本文主要讲述了作者从Tom的经历中明白了无论生活中发生了什么事情都不要放弃,不要失去信心和希望,所以选用experience符合语境。故选D


【题目】 More cycling, better public transport and car bans...Places all over the world are taking a range of measures to lower traffic pollution.


Paris bans cars in many historic central districts on weekends, places odd-even (单双日的) bans on vehiclesmakes public transport free during major pollution events and encourages car-sharing programs. A long section of the right bank of the river Seine is now car-free and a monthly ban on cars has come into force along the Champs-Elysees.

The Netherlands

Politicians want to ban the sale of all petrol cars from 2025, allowing only electric or hydrogen vehicles. The new law will allow anyone who already owns a petrol car to continue using it. Most cities encourage bicycle use.


Freiburg in Germany has 500km of bike routes and a cheap and efficient public transport system. One town, Vauban, forbids people to park near homes and makes car-owners pay $18,000 for a space on the edge of town in return for living without a car. People are offered cheaper housing, free public transport, and plentiful bicycle spaces.


The southern Brazilian city of two million people has one of the biggest and lowest-cost bus systems in the world. Nearly 70% of its people go to work by public transport and the result is pollution-free air and traffic-free streets.


Copenhagen prioritizes (优先考虑) bikes over cars and now has more cycles than people. The city calculates that one mile on a bike is worth $0.42 to society, while one mile in a car is a $0.2 loss. Large parts of the Danish capital have been closed to vehicles for decades.

1What will happen in Paris during major pollution events?

A.Historic central districts won’t allow cars in.

B.Car-sharing programs will raise money publicly.

C.People must obey the odd-even traffic restrictions on weekends.

D.People can take public transport free of charge.

2From 2025, the Netherlands will ________.

A.put 500km of bike routes into full use

B.only allow the sale of electric or hydrogen vehicles

C.completely forbid the use of petrol cars

D.own the biggest and lowest-cost bus system in the world

3Which of the following cities attach great importance to cycling?

A.Freiburg and CopenhagenB.Park and Curitiba

C.Paris and FreiburgD.Curitiba and Copenhagen

【题目】 Chris Mazdzer won a silver medal in a men’s luge (无舵雪橇) singles event at 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, South Korea — equaling the best finish ever for any member of the US Olympic luge team. In the luge, competitors lie flat, feet first, on a small sled (雪橇). They can travel around an icy track at speeds up to 140 kilometers an hour. The riders control the sled’s speed by changing the position of their feet or by moving their shoulders.

So why did the US luge team win a medal at the Pyeongchang Olympics? Most credit must go to Chris Mazdzer himself. The American said his win was a product of 16 years of preparation and intense training. But another reason for Mazdzer’s success could have been the 3-D printing technology, which his team used to make its equipment.

The term 3-D is short for three dimensional, meaning an object with length, width and height. In 3-D printing, 3-D models are first created as files, or documents, on a computer. The printer then uses a substance (物质) like plastic or metal to create physical objects. The process involves making one layer of material at a time until the objects reach full form.

The US luge team worked with an American company called Stratasys on the designing and manufacturing process for the sleds. First, the company made a scan, or image, of the body of every member of the luge team. Then, 3-D printing technology was used to create tools for making molds (模子) in the shape of Olympians on top of a sled. The process of designing and tooling sled parts is highly complex and can take several weeks. Officials from the US luge team say 3-D printing can greatly simplify the process, speeding up the production of parts.

Jon Owen, says the use of 3-D printing has made the team more competitive. It helps the team “continuously adjust designs and run the sleds on the track much faster than traditional processes,” he said. He added that the technology also provides a way to perfectly fit each rider to the sled, while cutting production time and costs.

1According to the author, what mainly contributed to Mazdzer’s winning the medal?

A.His own great efforts.B.His using a new technique.

C.The cooperation with his luge team.D.The US Olympic luge team’s encouragement.

2To make the sleds for the team, what did the company have to do?

A.To create tools for making sled parts.

B.To take some photos of the members first.

C.To create molds according to the members’ bodies.

D.To ask the Olympians to be present for several weeks.

3From the last paragraph we learn that 3-D printing most probably __________.

A.saves plenty of competitors’ training time

B.helps competitors achieve their full potential

C.requires great skills of riders to fit the track

D.allows riders to change their sleds continuously

4What is the text mainly about?

A.How 3-D printing usually works.

B.How we take advantage of 3-D printing.

C.How the US luge team performed this year.

D.How 3-D printing helped Team US go for gold.

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