

In early autumn I applied for admission to college. I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University, but my mother fought strongly against it. When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell, she tore it up.

“You can't say it's not a great university, just because Papa went there.”

“That's not it at all. And it is a top university.” She was still holding the pieces in her hand. “But we can't afford to send you to college.”

“I wouldn't dream of asking you for money. Do you want me to get a job to help support you and Papa? Things aren't that bad, are they?”

“No” she said. “I don't expect you to help support us.”

Father borrowed money from his rich cousins to start a small jewellery shop. His chief customers were his old college friends. To get new customers, my mother had to help. She picked up a longforgotten membership in the local league of women, so that she could get to know more people. Whether those people would turn into customers was another question. I knew that my parents had to wait for quite a long time before their small investment (投资) could show returns. What's more, they had not wanted enough to be rich and successful; otherwise they could not possibly have managed their lives so badly.

I was torn between the desire to help them and change their lives, and the determination not to repeat their mistakes. I had a strong belief in my power to get what I wanted. After months of hard study I won a full college scholarship . My father could hardly contain his pride in me, and my mother eventually gave in before my success.

1According to the text, in that autumn the author made up his mind ____________.

A. to start a small jewellery shop.

B. to get to know more people.

C. to carry on with his father's business.

D. to be admitted into his dream university.

2The author was not permitted to attend Cornell University mainly because ________.

A. his parents did not have abundant money for him

B. his mother did not think it a top university

C. his parents expected him to help support the family

D. his father dropped out of the university

3The father started his small shop with the money from ______.

A. a local league B. his relatives

C. his customers D. his college friends

4Why did the mother renew her membership in the league?

A. To help with her husband's business.

B. To help her son to enter colleges.

C. To meet her longforgotten friends.

D. To make herself lead a peaceful life.







【文章大意】本文为记叙文。作者决定报考 Cornell University,但妈妈因为无法承担费用而坚决反对,最后作者通过努力获得了全额奖学金,妈妈让步了。

1D.细节理解题。由第一段的前两句可知,在那个秋天,“我”决心考取理想中的大学—Cornell University。故选D。

2A.细节理解题。由第三段妈妈所说的话“But we can't afford to send you to college. ”可知,她反对“我”上这所大学的原因是无法承担这些费用。故选A。

3B. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段 Father borrowed money from his rich cousins to start a small jewellery shop.可知,父亲是从亲戚那里借的钱,故选B

4A.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“ To get new customers,my mother had to help. She picked up a…so that she could get to know more people. ”可以得知,作者的妈妈保持当地妇女联盟的永久会员资格,是为了认识更多的人,以此来帮助她丈夫的生意。故选A。



A new phone app uses vibrations from smartphones to alert people about earthquakes.

The phone app recognizes sudden shaking of the earths surface through sensors in smartphones. The new app is called MyShake. It is the work of four researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. They said they created a worldwide warning system that would inform people and give them time to prepare. Other earthquake apps include QuakeFeed, Quakes and Earthquake. They show where earthquakes have happened, at what strength, and the aftershocks. Those use data from the U.S. Geological Survey. The MyShake app is available only for Android phones.

Smartphones are equipped with accelerometers(加速计). These instruments measure movement, like that of a car or airplane. They can also measure the shaking of a machine, a building or other structures. Accelerometers are used in activity trackers and apps that count steps or other exercise. They also are used in global positioning system apps, also called GPS. MyShake uses phone accelerometers to measure seismic activity. It has been programmed to know the difference between normal activity and earthquake movement. The software developers say their app is right 93 percent of the time.

A smartphone sends seismic information to the app developers. If the developers receive several notifications from one area, it recognizes that an earthquake may be taking place or will take place soon. Using information sent from the app, the network then estimates the location and strength of the quake in real time. MyShake can record magnitude 5.0 earthquakes at distances of 10 kilometers or less. MyShake uses very little power, according to its developers. Only when seismic activity is sensed by the app does it become active and sends data to the network.

The developers hope that MyShake can add to information collected by the U.S. Geological Survey. That U.S. agency has created the earthquake early warning system, also known as the EEW. The EEW has deployed sensors for measuring quakes in many areas. In places where no such equipment exists, MyShake may be the only method of early quake detection.

The app also shows ways to stay safer during an earthquake. The developers say it will become more effective as more people use it. Our goal is to build a worldwide seismic network and use the data to reduce the effects of earthquakes on us as individuals and on society as a whole, say the researchers. And they hope to add a feature that would warn people of a possible tsunami, or the huge waves after an earthquake.

【1】According to the researchers from Berkeley, the new app MyShake can _______.

A. shake sensors in smartphones to recognize different earthquakes

B. make people aware of earthquakes in advance

C. help find goods ways to prevent earthquakes

D. predict earthquakes as well as other disasters

2 Whats the critical factor for the MyShake when it works?

A. GPS. B. Power. C. Accelerometer. D. EEW.


材料一 …唯一摆脱困境(人们彼此妨害)的方式则是互相妥协。通过契约的方式建立国家,制定法律,调整人们之间的利益。




材料二 武昌起义的第四天,清廷启用袁世凯,督师南下剿灭革命党。不久,袁世凯集清朝军政大权于一身。面对全国如火如荼的革命起义,袁世凯提出召开国会,宽容武昌起义人士,并释放了喻培伦、汪精卫等革命党人。……袁世凯一路南下,11月1日攻占武昌,数日内又攻占汉阳。即使如此,袁世凯认为“此次鄂变,事虽仓猝,蓄谋已久……若悉索敝赋,力与一战,未尝不能收复一二省……然彼众若狂,醉心民主,兵力所能平等土地,而不能平定人心矣。”此时的革命党阵营内部,张謇等立宪派支持和谈,黄兴也于11月9日写给袁世凯的信中期待他“以拿破仑、华盛顿之资格,出而建拿破仑、华盛顿之事功……非但湘鄂人民拥戴明公为拿破仑、华盛顿,即南方各省无不拱手听命者。”最终,南北双方经过在民主共和与君主立宪等多个问题上的协商、妥协,最终达成议和。清帝颁布《清帝逊位诏书》,中华民国参议院通过《中华民国临时约法》。






材料一 1949年6月,毛泽东在《论人民民主专政》中说:“一边倒,是孙中山的四十年经验和共产党的二十八年经验教给我们的,深知欲达到胜利和巩固胜利,必须一边倒。”中华人民共和国成立后,毛泽东又提出:我们在国际上属于以苏联为首的反帝国主义阵线的一方面,并明确宣布“一边倒”。

材料二 在1954年关于越南问题的日内瓦会议上发生的一件事,表明周恩来对藐视中国民族尊严的的敏感程度。周代表着中国,约翰·杜勒斯美国国务卿代表着美国。杜勒斯对一个记者说,“只有在我们的汽车相撞的情况下,两人才会会晤”。一天上午,当双方都提前到了会场时,他们彼此遭遇了。杜勒斯摇摇头,走出会议室,完全藐视这位中国外交部长。到了1971年因此我走下首次抵达北京的飞机向他指周恩来走去时,就主动伸出了我的手。当我们的手握在一起了,一个时代结束了,另一个时代开始了。


材料三 在周恩来同尼克松第一次会晤时……对尼克松说:“你刚才不是在毛主席那里已经说了么,我们握手了。杜勒斯就不敢这样做。”尼克松则说,“总理也不一定愿意同他握手。”周恩来肯定地说:“不见得,如果他愿意的话,我也会跟他握手的。”尼克松说:“那好,我们握-次手吧。”他们隔着茶几又伸出手相握,周围的人都笑了。



2根据材料二、三并结合所学知识,指出 “一个时代结束了,另一个时代开始了”的主要原因,并结合所学知识分析中美关系改善产生的影响

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