
The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is to speak it as much as you can. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up (混合) and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor (幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes(错误). Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”
小题1:The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is        .
C.using itD.learning grammar
小题2:What should you do to learn English well?
A.Be careful not to make any mistake.
B.Write as quickly as you can.
C.Laugh more often.
D.Speak English as much as you can.
小题3:When people laugh at your mistakes, you should          .
A.not careB.be angry
C.feel worriedD.be unhappy
小题4:The story tells us “        .”
A.Only foolish (愚蠢的) people make mistakes
B.Few people make mistakes
C.People never make mistakes
D.There is no one who doesn’t make mistakes


小题1:细节理解题。根据The best way of learning a language is using it.句意:学习语言最好的方法是使用语言。故选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据The best way of learning English is to speak it as much as you can.句意:学习英语最好的办法是尽可能多地说英语。可知应选D。
小题3:推理判断题。根据Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying.句意:如果人们笑话你的错误,不要不高兴。人们笑话你的错误总比生你的气要好,因为他们不知道你在说什么。可知当人们嘲笑你的错误时,你不应该在意。故选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.句意:不要害怕犯错因为每个人都会犯错。故选D。
Bikes are popular in the Dutch(荷兰). In fact, nearly half of all travel in the Dutch is by bike. Now, one Dutch bike designer(设计师), Thomas, has taken the country’s interest in bikes by making a school bus bike.
The big bike has eight sets of pedals(踏板) for kids, a driver seat for an adult, and three other seats, comfortably letting little kids for their trip to and from school. The bike even has a motor, which can help with high hills or at times when few kids on it.
So far, Thomas tells Fast Company, he’s sold 25 school-bikes, at a price of $ 25,000 each—less than it would cost to buy a traditional school bus with the same number of seats. Along with the traditional color, the bikes ,are colored yellow so that they can be seen easily.
Thomas says he’s sold school bus bikes to neighboring countries such as Belgium, England and Germany, but so far, the school bus bike hasn’t been sold in the United States. If the U.S. agrees to buy this kind of school bus bike, it could do a lot of good to improve exercise for a young age and help them keep healthy.

小题1:How do people in the Dutch usually go to work?
A.By car.B.By bus.
C.By bike.D.On foot.
小题2:How many seats does the school bus bike have?
小题3:The school buses are yellow in the Dutch because _______.
A.the color yellow is easy to paint
B.yellow buses can be seen easily
C.yellow is the national color of Dutch
D.it’s the designer’s favorite color
小题4:Which country of the following hasn’t bought a school bus bike?
小题5: Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Thomas made a new kind of school bus.
B.A school bus usually costs $ 25,000.
C.Thomas sold bikes to Asian countries.
D.Riding school bus bikes helps keep kids healthy.
Can you imagine living in the desert for a whole year, watching the activities of a group of busy ants? Deborah Gordon did exactly that. She finally found out that there were four main groups of workers in the ant team: cleaners, haulers(搬运工), gatherers and security (安全) ants. Each group did their own job to finish the task of the whole team.
Cleaner ants carried waste food from inside the nest to outside. Hauler ants walked on the top of the nest and cleared rubbish. Gatherer ants went out to find food for the whole team and security ants fought against anyone who wanted to hurt the members of the team.
While she was watching the ants in the desert, Deborah found that the most interesting part was watching the ants dealing with difficulties, such as fighting against other insects that wanted to destroy their nest, or a big fire. At those moments, they would all stop what they were doing and go to help security ants to protect their home.
What do we do when people around us meet difficulties? What have we done to turn our world into a better place? It’s time to think.
小题1: If there was a fire near their home, the groups of ants would________.
A.just do their own job
B.run away at once
C.help to fight against the fire
D.go back into their nest
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Cleaner ants carried waste food from outside the nest to the inside.
B.Gatherer ants went out to find food for themselves.
C.Each group did their own job when meeting difficulties.
D.There were some other insects that wanted to destroy their nest.
小题3:The writer mainly wants to tell us____________.
A.everyone should help others when they meet difficulties
B.there were four groups of workers in the ant team
C.how Deborah Gordon lived in the desert
D.Deborah Gordon is a brave woman
Five teenagers from Sarasota, Florida, are making music from garbage. The Garbage-Men band’s instruments are made from old things. The guitars are boxes. The horn (喇叭) is made from pipes . The keyboard is formed from old bottles.
The band started about two years ago. Jack, who was in eighth grade at the time, decided to make a homemade guitar. After some hard work, he ended up building it from a cereal box, a big ruler and some little sticks. After Jack showed his guitar to his friend Ollie, Ollie had the idea to make a band using other homemade instruments as a way to suggest people recycle old things. “We want to show people there is more to recycling than throwing things away in the rubbish box,” Jack, 16, told TFK. “You can actually recycle old things.”
Ollie, 15, plays the drums made from rubbish cans. Evan, 14, plays the guitar; Harrison, 15, plays the horns and the violin; and Austin, 16, plays the keyboard. They make up the band The Garbage-Men and play at local parties around. They wand to help people get interested in recycling old things. “Music is a really good way to get a good message across to people because it’s really easy for people to understand,” Jack says. Their instruments may be garbage, but their message isn’t.
小题1:What are the Garbage-Men band’s instruments made from?
A. Big boxes.         
B. Little sticks.            
C. Old things.
小题2:Which of the followings is NOT true?
A. Evan is the youngest in his band.     
B. Jack came out of the idea to make a band first.
C. There are five members in the Garbage-Men band.
小题3:Ollie’s drums are made of           .

A.                     B.                       C.
小题4:What do the five teenagers suggest people do?
A. Making instruments.    
B. Listen to music.         
C. Reuse garbage.
小题5:The best title of the passage is           .
A. Five music Fans        
B. Reduce, Reuse, Replay    
C. A Strange Band
Do you know you could get sick just by walking past a building? The bacteria(细菌) that cause Legionnaire's disease grow very fast in large modern buildings. They are carried by air through the buildings and outside. Legionnaire s disease is only one of the illnesses that are caused by "sick buildings".
Some buildings can make you ill because their heating and air-conditioning(空调调节系统) are controlled(控制). Air from outside cannot get in through the closed windows; This indoor air pollution is a growing problem.
Legionnaire's disease may be the most serious result of sick buildings, but other unpleasant illnesses can appear.People who work in some buildings suffer (受苦)from tiredness, feeling sick and headaches. Their offices look bright and clean, but invisible(无形的) and dangerous bacteria are in the air around them.
There is an answer to the problem. The air-conditioning and heating can be tested for bacteria. Once the tests are finished, the sick buildings can be cured. This is expensive to do, but the results are good. The people in the buildings no longer get sick, and everybody is happier.
小题1:"Sick buildings" means _______.
A.very old buildings
B.buildings that make people feel sick
C.buildings for sick people
D.buildings that are going to fall down
小题2:The indoor air pollution is caused by _______.
A.Legionnaire's diseaseB.the air from outside
C.lack(缺乏) of fresh airD.unpleasant illnesses
小题3:We can tell that a building might be "sick" when _______.
A.the windows are all closed
B.bacteria can be seen in the air
C.the air-conditioning and heating don't work well
D.people in it have got different kinds of diseases
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Legionnaire's disease is only one of the results of "sick buildings".
B.There is less and less indoor air pollution.
C.The bacteria are not dangerous if the offices look bright and clean.
D.If the tests for bacteria are expensive. the results are good. .
小题5:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means "As soon as the tests are finished, _______."
A.bacteria will disappear by themselves
B.Legionnaire's disease won't kill people
C.people in the building will no longer get sick
D.something can be done to cure the sick building
A sunflower is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. But can you combine the two to do something for your local environment? As early as next year it may well be possible. When you have finished with your mobile phone you will be able to bury (埋葬) it in the garden and wait for it to flower(开花). A biodegradable (生物可降解的) mobile phone was, this month, introduced by scientists. It is hoped that the new type of phone will encourage users to recycle. Scientists have come up with a new material over the last five years. It looks like any other plastic and can be hard or soft, and able to change shape. Overtime it can also break down into the soil without giving out any poisonous(有毒的)chemicals. British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover that includes a sunflower seed .When this new type of cover turns into waste, it forms nitrates (硝酸盐). These feed the seed and help the flower grow. Engineers have designed a small transparent (透明的) window to hold the seed. They have made sure it only grows when the phone is thrown away. “We’ve only put sunflower seeds into the cover so far. But we are working with scientists to find out which flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put roses in next time.” said one scientist.
As phone technology is developing so quickly, people are constantly(不断)throwing their mobiles away. This means producers are under pressure to find ways of recycling them. Some 650 million mobile phones have been sold this year. Most of them will be thrown away within two years, adding plastic, heavy metal and chemical waste to the environment. A biodegradable cover can change this, according to the scientists.
小题1: After you have finished using the new type of mobile phone, _______.
A.the phone will do harm to the environment
B.the phone cover will break down easily in the soil you bury it
C.it will be recycled by the producers
D.it can be sent back to the shops.
小题2: Which of the following is wrong about the cover of the new type of phone?
A.It can help the sunflower seed after the mobile phone breaks down.
B.It looks like normal plastics but it can break down.
C.It includes a sunflower seed.
D.It makes sure the seed only grows after the phone is thrown away.
小题3:The new type of phone can reduce the harm to the environment mainly ______.
A.because of the material of its cover
B.because of the sunflower seed
C.because it’s made of no poisonous chemicals
D.because you bury it in the soil after you finish with it
小题4: This type of research is done because ________.
A.the technology that produces mobile phones is changing quickly
B.users are constantly throwing their mobiles away
C.nobody has ever thought of recycling mobile phones
D.producing mobile phones uses a lot of energy, so this has become a very big problem for the environment
小题5:We can guess from the story ________.
A.the new type of mobile phones is already on the market
B.the new type of mobile phones will sell very well
C.recycling mobile phones is not useful to the environment
D.other flowers may be used in the new type of mobile phones
★8-year-old boy becomes a CEO
Harli Jordean, an 8-year-old boy from Stoke Newington, London loves marbles(弹珠)very much. With his mother’s help, he set up his own website named marblelcing.co.uk. He sells all kinds of marbles online and his online store is very popular. Harli’s dream is to become the owner of one of the biggest toy stores in the world.
★Matt Cardle-from an unknown(不知名的)painter to a hot singer
Matt Cardle, a 27-year-old young man from a small town in England liked music very much, but he had to do different jobs to make a living. He worked as a postman, milkman and a painter. Life was not easy, but Matt__(1)_________________________(从没有放弃过他的梦想)-to be a singer. In 2010, he took part in a famous British singing talent show(歌唱真人秀)and won first place.
The Zapps are from Argentina. With the help of their old 1928 car, they began their tour on January 23, 2000. In ten years, they traveled to over 40 countries with their four children. When people asked what made them travel the whole world, they answered, “It’s just one dream, a big one, from Argentina to the whole world.”
Truly, all of us have dreams.(3) Each one of us can make our dreams come true if we start it now!
小题1:What does Hark Jordean dream of doing?
小题2:Translate the sentence underlined into English.
Matt _____________________________________________________________
小题3:What kinds of jobs did Matt Cardle do before he became a hot singer?
根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
It is two months since MH730 first went missing in the early hours of March 8th, while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Malaysia Airlines said it was terribly sorry that MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean. People are losing hope that the passengers on the      could return alive and realize they should know how to save themselves when accidents like this happen in the air.
  1985, an Australia professor, Ed Galea, has interviewed 2,000 survivors of 105 airplane accidents, searching for the keys to survival (n.幸存) and found out      golden rules after years of research.
First, make sure that the airline does not keep your family members too far away on the plane, if you are traveling in family group.     ? It’s natural that while feeling in danger, you’ll probably want to meet the family before you can calmly move out.
Second, how do you untie (解开) your seat belt on a plane? By lifting a latch.            you can’t untie your seat belt, you can hardly run away and your chances of survival will drop.
Third, the           to the exits (逃生口), the more likely you are to survive. Count exactly how many rows you are from the nearest two exits. Why two exits? Because this helps you find at least               even in the sudden dark during an accident.
Fourth, we would be safer if airline seats faced backward, according to Galea’s research. But the problem is that most of the passengers              traveling with their back facing the direction of travel.
Fifth, “Smoke is dangerous to your health. If you take in too much of it, your will die,” explains Galea. You must learn how to use a smoke mask. Without the knowledge of putting on a mask, you’ll              time trying to put it on—time that could be used to run away.
At last, listen to the flight attendants before flying and look      at everything shown on a video or a safety card. Always be prepared. Good luck to you.
A.don’t likeB.enjoyC.hopeD.don’t want

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