
It was so dark outside the car window that it was hard to see anything.
“ Can I have a carrot, Mom?” Bruce asked.
“I don’t have any carrots,” his mom said. “How about an apple?”
“No,” said Bruce. “It has to be a carrot.”
“Why do you want a carrot?” asked his mom
“You always say carrots help your eyes.” said Bruce. “If I eat one now, it might help me see in the dark.”
Would eating a carrot really help Bruce? What is special about carrots? What makes a carrot special is its color. Carrots are orange because they contain(包含) bta-carotene( 胡萝卜素). Beta-carotene is a way of saying vitamin A. Your eyes need vitamin A. It helps them work.
When light hits your eye, very small parts inside turn the light into messages. The messages go to your brain(大脑), and then you know what you’re looking at. Your eye can only turn light into messages when it has a special chemical(化学物质). Your eyes use vitamin A to make the special chemical. Every time your eye changes light into messages, a little bit of the chemical is used up. By the end of the day, you’ve looked at hundreds of things. That uses up a lot of the chemical. Your eyes need to make more.
What should you eat if you don’t like carrots? Don’t worry. Other fruits and vegetables have vitamin A, too. The secret is in their color. Most orange or red fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, or vitamin A, Sweet vegetable, red peppers(胡椒), Mangoes(芒果) are a few foods that have the same orange secret.
小题1: Bruce wanted a carrot because he thought _______.
A. he liked it
B. it could help him see in the dark
C.  it was sweet and delicious
小题2:How does vitamin A help your eyes work?
A. The special chemical can stop your eyes from using up vitamin A.
B. The special chemical is used to make Vitamin A which turns the light into messages
C. Vitamin A is used to make the special chemical which turns light into messages.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Carrots are orange because they store beta-carotene.
B. Any food which is orange or red must have some Vitamin A.
C. Most fruits that are orange or red store some beta-carotene or Vitamin A.
小题4: Sweet vegetable, red peppers, and mangoes don’t have the same orange secret, do they?
A. No, they don’t.     B. Yes, they do.     C. I’m not sure.
小题5: The passage mainly tells us that _______.
A. we can’t see in the dark unless we eat many carrots every day
B. we can’t see unless we eat a lot of orange or red food every day
C. we should eat some food containing vitamin A so that we can see well


小题1:根据“You always say carrots help your eyes.” said Bruce. “If I eat one now, it might help me see in the dark.”可知选B。
小题2:根据When light hits your eye, very small parts inside turn the light into messages. The messages go to your brain(大脑), and then you know what you’re looking at. Your eye can only turn light into messages when it has a special chemical(化学物质). Your eyes use vitamin A to make the special chemical. Every time your eye changes light into messages, a little bit of the chemical is used up.描述可知选C.
小题3:根据Most orange or red fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, or vitamin A,most不等于any,故选项B与短文不符.
小题4:根据 Sweet vegetable, red peppers(胡椒), Mangoes(芒果) are a few foods that have the same orange secret.可知答案为肯定.英语反义疑问句的回答只依据事实来回答,故选B.
Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the US. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfast, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.
The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, egg, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.
The result is opposite to what some people think. Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight(减轻体重).This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch. They will gain weight (增加体重 )instead of losing it. You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
小题1:During the test, the people were given __________.
A.no breakfast at allB.different foods or sometimes none
C.very rich breakfastD.little food for breakfast
小题2:The results show that _________.
A.breakfast has great effect (影响) on work and studies.
B.breakfast has little to do with a person’s work
C.a person will work better if he only has fruit and milk.
D.girl students should have little for breakfast.
小题3:According to the passage, some people think that if you don’t have breakfast you will _______.
A.be healthierB.work betterC.lose weightD.lose your way
小题4: The word “reduce” in the last sentence means_________
When we see a cigarette box, we’ll see “ Smoking is harmful to your health” on it. Children are not    36  to smoke by their parents or teachers. But in many countries  37 is becoming a bigger problem for young people. Most smokers   38  in their teens or earlier.
Some students think smoking is very cool, and they can see many people smoking around them. They want to have a   39 .
“If young people start smoking early, they will probably get addicted (上瘾的)to nicotine(尼古丁). And it will be very hard to  40   later on,” said a professor. A study shows smoking is a problem for many Chinese teens.  41    can we do to make them stop smoking?
Some people think we can make a law. Teenagers under 18 are not allowed to smoke,   42   they should be fined. Parents should give up smoking. They can set an example (树立榜样)43   their children.
“Every year about four million people die of smoking. And if people  44   smoking, the number will increase (增加)10 million a year from now on,” said the World Health Organization. So we must learn and tell others about the  45  of smoking.
A.get upB.give upC.stay upD.look up

June 5 is World Environment Day.This makes us pay more attention to our environment and the need to protect it.
When Wang Baoxuan,a Beijing high school boy,finishes his exercise books,he does not throw them away.He puts them in the big box in the corner of his classroom.Other students do so.Then the exercise books are sold to a paper-factory in Beijing.The paper is collected and used again by students and teachers in the school.At the same time,the money made from selling the paper goes towards schools in Inner Mongolia  for planting trees and grass.During spring time,the sandstorms often attack here.
Wang’s school is one of the schools in the capital that take part in the “green promise”environmental protection activity.So far,nearly 210,000 students have taken part in the activity,collecting more than 174 kilograms of waste paper.
“There are some environment problems in the city,such as sandstorms.We should do our duty and encourage others to do so as well.”Said Wang.
Vice-premier Zeng Peiyan has written a letter to the teachers and students to encourage them to go on taking part in the environmental protection.
小题1:What do Wang Baoxuan and his schoolmates do with the waste exercise books?
A.Throw them away
B.Collect and sell them
C.Cut them into pieces
D.Give them to the students in Inner Mongolia
小题2:What is the money from selling the paper used for?
A.Buying new exercise booksB.Helping poor students
C.Planting trees and grassD.Being their pocket money
小题3:What can we infer(推断)from the third paragraph?
A.Many years later,students will have no exercise books to use.
B.Many years later,there will be no waste paper.
C.Many years later,the sandstorms will be weaker in Beijing.
D.Many years later,Beijing will be much dirtier.

I can’t remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of seeing litter nearby and ___1___ that no one else was going to pick it up.
I live near a forest in Ohio, America. I can walk there ___2___ three minutes. I used to love going there to play with my dog. But one day there was ___3___ much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to feel happy ___4___ there again.
I __5___ my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes after starting to pick up litter, my bag was ___6__! It had cans, bottles, broken glasses and newspapers in it. From then on, I went to the forest four times a year to pick up litter. I’m often there for three hours. It makes me feel ___7___ to do something for the environment.
After each trip, I look at all the litter that I’ve found. If ___8___ of it is recyclable(可回收的) , I keep it. I can’t understand ___9___ people drop litter. But I will keep picking it up until they stop dropping it. I know I am only doing a small bit to ___10___ the earth, but I still think it is important.
It is said that all dreams serve a purpose(目的). While there is no agreement among scientists about why we dream, there are many ideas about the different kinds of dreams we have.
One common kind of dream is the repeating dream, in which the same story is repeated again and again, often for many months or even years. Some believe these are a sign people have a problem in their life and once that problem is gone then the dream will stop. Others think they are a way to help people remember something very important.
Another well-known kind of dream is the nightmare. The pictures and stories in such dreams make people very afraid and dreamers usually remember them far more clearly than normal dreams. The cause of such dreams may be seeing something terrifying such as a car accident or some deadly snakes. Others think such dreams may be trying to make a person pay attention to something that is dangerous in their life.
Daydreams happen during wake-time when we forget where we are or what we are doing and find ourselves in a made-up story or unreal world. We often daydream when we are doing something that is not interesting or exciting. They help us think about our future.
Lucid dreams are the most fun. These happen when dreamers suddenly understand that they are dreaming. Instead of waking up, they stay in the dream and are able to control what happens in the dream as if they are making a movie.
小题1:The underlined word “they” (in paragraph 2) refers to “_________”.
小题2:The underline word “terrifying” (in paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to _________.
小题3:When might a person daydream?
A.During a very interesting movie.
B.While playing at a fun park.
C.While listening to an uninteresting talk.
D.When making a movie.
小题4:How do we know if we are lucid dreaming?
A.We can remember the dream very clearly.
B.We can control what happens in the dream.
C.We think that the dream is like a movie.
D.We feel very nervous after we wake up.
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Daydream of You
B.Enjoy Your Dream
C.What Dreams Mean
D.Where Dreams Go
All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries, people have very different ideas about drinking tea.
In China, for example, people always drink tea when they are getting together. They drink it at any time of the day at homes or in the teahouses. They prefer plain tea, with nothing else in it.
Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called tea ceremony(茶道). It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in Japanese homes.
Another tea-drinking country is England. In England, the late afternoon is “tea time”. Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with milk and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and a few sandwiches at tea time. This is the so-called “Afternoon Tea” in Britain.
In the United States, people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea—“iced tea”. Sometimes they drink canned iced tea, just as soda.
小题1:Tea is popular________.   
A.all around the world
B.only in the United States
C.only in English-speaking countries
D.in Japan, China and other Asian countries
小题2:The Chinese drink tea ________.
A.for breakfast
B.at any time of the day
C.only in teahouses
D.in a special ceremony
小题3:The English like to drink their tea ________.  
A.in a special room
B.with dinner
C.with cakes and cookies
D.when they are free
小题4:“They prefer plain tea, with nothing else in it.” The word “plain” here means ________.
A.朴素的B.平坦的C.单纯的 D.直率的
小题5:In this passage, which country’s way of drinking tea isn’t mentioned(提及)?
The ability to forgive others is a great thing that can certainly help to make life happier for everyone. However, some people think that it is very     1     to do, and they don’t know how to forgive others, especially their family and friends. This is all because they don’t understand the meaning of “forgiveness”.
In the dictionary, “to forgive” means “to     2     feeling angry with somebody that has done something bad to you.” I’m happy that many people have     3     in doing this. I have succeeded, too, and I know how hard it is.
I lived with a friend for two years. During that time, he did cause me many     4    . I easily got angry when communicating with him. However, we     5    had a talk about our problems. When he pointed out (指出) that I wasn’t treating him like a friend, I was     6   . I never knew that I also needed to be forgiven for doing something wrong. I thought however     7     I might get, I did love my friend deep in my heart. Then I understood the saying, “To love is to forgive.” And when we     8    each other, we feel great. After that long talk, we both     9     those bad moments. Our friendship became fresh again. 
Now I understand the     10    of forgiveness better.

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