
Last March, the H7N9 virus (病毒) hit Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and so on. It seemed that most people who were infected(被感染) with H7N9 had the common flu. Some people suffered from a fever or a cough.

Don’t be afraid—it’s not easy to be infected with the virus. Here is some advice to help you protect yourself when it comes.
Wash your hands. You need to wash your hands with soap and hot water before you eat, after you use the toilet, and after you touch animals, because your hands may carry viruses.
Cover your nose and mouth. When someone sneezes(打喷嚏) or coughs, flu viruses can travel as far as one meter through the air, so you’d better stand a proper distance (距离) while talking to someone who has a cold. And always cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough, and then clean your hands.
Wear a mask(口罩). Some doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 80%, but if
you don’t wash your hands often, it’s no use wearing a mask. And it’s necessary to wear the mask in the groups of people.
Do sports often. Exercises will help make your body strong enough to resist the virus. 
小题1:When did the H7N9 virus hit Shanghai?
A.In March, 2013.  B.In May, 2013.    C.In March, 2012.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Some people who were infected with the H7N9 virus had a toothache.
B.You should cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough.
C.Some doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 100%. 
小题3:How many ways to stop the virus are mentioned in the passage?
A.Three.   B.Four.    C.Five.
小题4:What does the underlined word “resist ” mean in Chinese?
A.抵抗 B.传播 C.感染
小题5:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.It tells us how to wash hands.
B.It tells us why we should use masks.   
C.It gives us some advice on how to protect ourselves when the H7N9 virus comes.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Last March, the H7N9 virus (病毒) hit Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and so on可知选A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第四段中And always cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough,可知选B。
小题3:细节理解题。文中提到的防止病毒的方法有:Wash your hands、Cover your nose and mouth、Wear a mask 、Do sports often,所以选B。
小题4:词义猜测题。根据前半句Exercises will help make your body strong enough可知选A。
Why do people love pandas so much? Perhaps it is because they look very cute, or perhaps it is because there are not many left.

Pandas are actually called giant pandas. Many people also call them panda bears because they are mammals (哺乳类) classified from the bear family. Giant pandas originate in China. Pictures of both the dragon and the giant panda are often regarded as the symbols of China.
Giant pandas look different from other bears because they are white with black patches around their eyes, over their ears, and across their bodies. Although they look adorable and move slow, they can be as dangerous as any other bear when they are angry. Pandas mostly eat bamboo, but they may also eat other food like eggs, fish, oranges and bananas.

Many people think that giant pandas have few babies, and that is one of the reasons that there are not many of them left. But scientists say that a female panda may have about five or six cubs during her life. The female panda gives birth to one or two panda cubs, but she is only able to take care of only one of her cubs. As a result, one of her cubs dies soon after birth because of a lack of intense care.
The giant panda is an endangered species, and there are only about 2,000 giant pandas left in the world. People have been trying hard to protect giant pandas. It looks like their work is paying off because the number of giant pandas is increasing.
小题1:Why do some people call “pandas” panda bears?
A.Because they look like bears.
B.Because they like to live with bears.
C.Because they are often regarded as bears.
D.Because they are mammals classified from the bear family.
小题2:What do pandas like eating most?
小题3:How many baby pandas can a female panda have in her life?
A.Three.B.Four or five.C.Five or six.D.More than seven.
小题4:What does the phrase “paying off ” mean in the last paragraph?
A.To result in success.B. To pay money on it.
C.To stop working.D. To make it work.
Hip-hop dancing(街舞)is popular with many young people today. They like it because they can invent their own moves. They use this dance to show their love for life. It also shows that they feel good about life, that they just want to be themselves and enjoy life, and that they are not afraid of problems.
Hip-hop dancing has a history of more than 20 years. It first began in the 1980s in the US. In early times, it was seen in New York and Los Angles. At that time, many young black people often danced to the music in the street. They used their legs, arms, heads and even shoulders to dance. Many young people still use most of these moves today.
Hip-hop dancing became popular all over the world because of the 1983 movie Flash-dance. Some people performed Hip-hop dancing in the movie. People enjoyed their performance. They began to dance like them. Then it became popular. There are two kinds of Hip-hop dancing: new school and old school. More and more young people are learning Hip-hop dancing. People believe that it is a good way to exercise their bodies, and that it is good for their health.
小题1:Young people like Hip-hop dancing because __________.
A.it has a history of more than 20 years
B.it first began in the US
C.they can invent their own moves
D.many young black people often dance it
小题2:At first Hip-hop dancing was seen ___________.
A.in the moviesB.in the streetsC.in old schoolsD.in new schools
小题3:The young black people used their ______ to dance at that time.
A.legsB.headsC.arms and shouldersD.A B and C
小题4:Hip-hop dancing became popular all over the world ________.
A.in 1983B.in the 1980sC.20 years agoD.in early times
小题5:Which of the following is true about Hip-hop dancing?
A.It’s not a good way to exercise.
B.It shows that young people feel bad about life.
C.Young people use this dance to show their love for life.
D.It shows that young people are afraid of problems
Young people can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard and they have too much homework to do every day. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their teachers and classmates.
Liu Wei, a junior 2 student from Shandong, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in his lessons. He became so worried about it that he started to cut his finger with a knife.
Another student, Xiao Li from a university in Shanghai, got on badly with his roommate, Xiao Huang. He killed his roommate Xiao Huang by poisoning(投毒) the water in the drinking machine in their dormitory(寝室).
A recent report says about 18% of teenagers(青少年) have mental(精神上的) problems. Their troubles include being worried and very unhappy, and having problems in learning and getting on with people. Many students who have problems won’t go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. Others don’t want to talk about their secrets.
Liang Hong, an expert(专家) on teenagers from Beijing Hospital has the following advice for teenagers:
Talk to your parents or teachers often.
Take part in group activities and play sports.
Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.
小题1:Liu Wei cut his finger with a knife because _______.
A.he was afraid ofh isteacher
B.his finger was badly hurt
C.he didn’t look cool
D.he was so worried about his studies
小题2:What was Xiao Li’s problem?
A.He did badly in his lessons.
B.He had a bad headache.
C.He had trouble getting on well with his roommate.
D.He didn’t afford to pay for his education.
小题3:If a student often feels worried and unhappy, he or she may have ______.
A.mental problemsB.a coldC.no familyD.no money
小题4:Students who have problems won’t go to see a doctor because ______.
A.they don’t think doctors can help them
B.they think they will look stupid
C.they can’t afford it
D.they don’t think their problems are serious
小题5:What should we do if we have problems with our minds?
A.We should argue with others.B.We should eat more.
C.We should talk to others often.D.We should cut our fingers.
We are all busy talking about and using the Internet. But how many of us know the history of the Internet?
Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks(网络)didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system(系统) had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time 。
At first the Internet was only used by the government (政府), but in the early 1970s; universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it, too. However, computers were still very expensive and yet Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed (开发) software (软件) that made "surfing" the Internet easier.
Today it is easy to get online and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among young people.
The Internet has become one of the most important parts of people s life.
小题1:How long has the Internet been used?
A.For about 10 years.B.For about 20 years.
C.For about 50 years.D.For about 60 years.
小题2:What would happen when one computer in the network broke down after the new network system was set up?
A.The other computers would wait.
B.The other computers would still work.
C.Some of the others still worked.
D.The other computers wouldn't work.
小题3:Which of the following used the Internet first?
A.HospitalsB.Universities.C.BanksD.The government.
小题4:Which is true about computers in the 1990s?
A.They became cheaper and easier to use.
B.They became larger and larger
C.People couldn't buy them anywhere.
D.People could get information only from them.
小题5:What can we infer(推断) from the last sentence(句子)?
A.People will die without the Internet.
B.All people should set up their own network.
C.People live easily without the Internet.
D.People will more and more depend on(依赖) the Internet.
When US student Olivia Priedeman, 17, woke up one morning, she thought she had had a dream about making plans with a friend.
But it wasn’t a dream. Her phone showed that during the night, Priedeman had read a text message from her friend. She did it while she was fast asleep.
Reading and sending text messages while asleep—called “sleep texting”—is an unusual sleep behaviour, similar to sleepwalking. It’s also a growing concern(关心的事) among doctors: young people can’t live without their cell phones.
One in three teenagers sends more than 100 text messages a day, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. And at least four out of five teenagers said they sleep with their phone on or near their bed.
Elizabeth Dowdell, a professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, has studied sleeping texting. She said that having a phone nearby all night is a big part of the problem.
Andrew Stiehm, a sleep medicine expert with Allina Health in Minnesota, agrees. It’s possible for the part of the brain that controls motor skills (动作技能) to wake up, while the part of the brain that controls memory and judgment(判断) may be still asleep. That’s why some people can perform basic movements ---such as walking, talking, texting or even driving—while they’re sleeping. Some of Dowdell’s students said that they’re disturbed by their nighttime texting behavior. But because sleep texting is unconscious, it’s a difficult habit to break. Dowdell said she knows of some students who wear socks on their hands to keep themselves from texting.
Marjorie Hogan, a doctor at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, suggests keeping all electronic devices(电子设备) outside the bedroom at certain times.  
小题1:What happened to Olivia Priedeman?
A.She sleepwalked to a friend’s house.
B.She dreamed of making plans with a friend.
C.She phoned one of her friends during the night.
D.She read a text message from her friend while asleep.
小题2:Which part the brain controls keeps awake while asleep?
A.judgmentB.languageC.memoryD.motor skills
小题3:What does the underlined word “unconscious” mean?
小题4:What does doctor Hogan suggest people who sleep text do?
A.Stop text during the daytime.
B.Take some medicine to control the behaviour.
C.Keep their phones out of their bedrooms while they sleep.
D.Wear socks on their hands to stop themselves from texting.
小题5:We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.It’s easy to give up a sleep texting habit.
B.One in three teenagers has a sleep texting habit.
C.Sleep texting can reduce the quality of one’s sleep.
D.Sleep texting does more harm to one’s health than sleepwalking.
The world would be a very different place if someone hadn’t invented the lift. There would be few, if any, high-rise buildings because people would refuse to climb many stairs. By the time workers reached their offices on the top floors of a tower building, it would be time to go home – if they were not too tired for the long walk down!

The first lift that we know about was used by the Greek scientist, Archimedes, in about 230 BC. It was a simple place that could be pulled up and down with a rope. A lift like this was used much later in the 12th century by priests who lived on top of a mountain at Metereo in Greece. Because they were afraid of killers, the priests had not built any stairs up the mountain. The only way up was by lift, which priests worked from the top of the mountain.
A few hundred years later, a Frenchman, Villayer, invented a ‘flying chair’ which used a rope and a place. A number of rich people had these ‘flying chairs’ built in their homes, including Queen Anne of England in Windsor Castle and Louis XVI of France at Versailles. Unluckily, Louis’ daughter was badly hurt when using one of the chairs, and Villayer ran away, afraid that he would be punished.
The main problem for lift engineers was that either humans or animals were needed to pull the ropes. This problem was not worked out until the discovery of steam power. But even steam powered lifts were not always safe because they also used ropes which sometimes broke. If the rope broke - which it sometimes did - the lift fell to the ground and people in it were killed or hurt. This problem worked out in 1854 when an American, Elisha Otis, invented something which stopped the lift from falling if the rope broke. At first Otis lifts were used only in factories, then in 1857 he built one in a large New York store. Now lifts use electric power and are completely safe. They also travel very quickly. Some lifts travel faster than 60 kilometers an hour.
小题1:The writer thinks that lifts are important today because __________.
A.people like playing on them
B.they are the best way of using steam power
C.we need them for tall buildings
D.workers are lazy
小题2:The 12th century priests had a simple lift instead of stairs because ___________.
A.they thought the stairs were broken
B.they liked having stairs and a lift
C.the lived at the bottom of a mountain
D.they were afraid of killers
小题3:Villayer thought he would be punished because ____________.
A.poor people could not afford his ‘flying chair
B.someone was hurt in one of his ‘flying chairs’
C.his ‘flying chair’ did not work at all
D.he ran away with Louis XVI’s daughter
小题4:Steam power meant that ________  .
A.they did not need a living thing to pull the ropes
B.Elisha Otis could invent a lift that would not fall
C.the rope always broke
D.they could use lifts in factories
We each have a memory(记忆力). That’s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.
A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.
But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.
小题1:Some people can easily learn many things by heart because             .
A.they always sleep very wellB.they often eat good food
C.they read a lot of booksD.they have very good memories
小题2:Everybody learns his mother language          .
A.at the age of sixB.when he is a small child
C.after he goes to schoolD.when he can read and write
小题3:Before a child can speak, he must             .
A.read and writeB.make sentences
C.hear and remember the soundsD.think hard
小题4:In school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language well because         .
A.they have no good memoriesB.they have no recorders
C.they have too much time for itD.they are busy with other subjects
小题5:Your memory will become better and better         .
A.if you have plenty of good food
B.if you do more and more exercises
C.if you do morning exercises every day
D.if you get up early
According to a new survey . Students’ safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery (抢劫) on the way to and from school. Now in some big cities in China, some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.
Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No 25 Middle School gives young students advice on how to deal with danger:
If you are robbed
Keep calm. lf you can not cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.
If you are in a traffic accident.
If a car hits you. You should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how badly you are hurt
If it is raining hard and there is lighting. (闪电)
Don’t stay in high places and stay away from trees.
When there is a fire.
Run away as fast as yon can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not take the lift.
If someone is drowning(溺水)
If you can’t swim, don’t get into the water. Cry out for help.
Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!
小题1:Why do students like the self-protection lesson?
①Because there are no tests.
②Because the lessons are boring
③ Because they can learn how to save lives.
④Because they know how to stop danger before it happens.
小题2:What will you do if a bicycle hurts you?
A.I will remember the bicycle number.
B.I won't let the rider go until I call my parents.
C.I will let the rider go before I call my parents.
D.I will let the rider go because I know how badly I am hurt.
小题3:lf your house is on fire, you must ______ .
A.put dry things on your body
B.run quickly and take the lift
C.run away and find an exit as quickly as you can
D.take everything you have and then run away
小题4:There are _____ ways of self-protection mentioned in the passage.
小题5:The best title for this passage is ________ .
A.How to Keep CalmB.Self-protectionC.An usual lessonD.Danger

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