
In today’s class, we’ll learn how to send birthday e-cards to friends anywhere in the world without leaving our classroom. I’ll show it to you on 123 Greetings, which is one of the most popular e-card websites.
Step 1: Surf the Internet and go to 123 Greetings. Click (点击) “Happy Birthday”
Step 2: Make your e-card. After clicking the card you want, you’ll see a menu.
Step 3: Add your text in the box.
Step 4: Enter your e-mail address. Then enter your friend’s e-mail address.
Step 5: Click “Send”, and your birthday e-card is on its way.
小题1:How many steps are there to send birthday e-cards?
小题2:What is 123 Greetings?
A.It’s a post office which posts birthday cards
B.It’s an e-card website which sends birthday e-cards.
C.It’s a workshop which teaches how to make e-cards
D.It’s a company which produces e-cards
小题3:This passage is most probably from a(n)_______class


小题2:细节理解题。根据文中描述I’ll show it to you on 123 Greetings, which is one of the most popular e-card websites.我将向你介绍123问候网站,它是最流行的电子贺卡网站。
Lots of people get money from ATMs. If you don’t know how to use an ATM, read the instructions carefully.
Put your card into the machine.(机器)
Look at the screen. Input(输入) your password into the machine.
Input how much money you want on the screen of the machine. Then press (按)“OK”.
Get the money from the machine. If you want, you can also get a receipt(凭条).
Take back your card.
Remember these rules:
Don’t write your password on your card.
Don't let other people see your password.
If you lose your card, tell the bank at once.
小题1: What does the underline word “password” mean in Chinese?
小题2:These are the instructions of the ATM. Put these things into the right order(顺序).
①Get the money from the machine.
②Input the password into the machine.
③Take back your card
④Put your card into the machine
⑤Input how much money you want on the screen and press “OK”.
④②⑤①③ B. ⑤①③④② C. ④②①③⑤ D. ⑤①④②③
小题3:According to the passage, you _____________.
A.shouldn’t write your password on the card.
B.can let your best friend see your password
C.shouldn’t tell the bank that you lose your card.
D.shouldn’t use the ATM when you lose your card.
小题4:After reading the passage, we can know___________.
A.how to make money
B.how to own the bank card
C.how to use an ATM
D.when to use an ATM.
小题5:When you use an ATM, _________ maybe is not necessary to you.
A.moneyB.a receiptC.passwordD.a card
Everyone has their own dreams. They give us courage(勇气) and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Here     some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.     giving up is the key to making our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time,     we can learn from failure(失败), correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals . For that reason, no matter     difficult problems we meet, we don’t fail unless we give up our hopes. Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses. It sometimes has wind and rain. We believe rainbows(彩虹) will appear after storms.  We will realize our dreams      last if we do our best. Cooperation (合作) is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others . Besides, in our society , most problems can’t be    by one person alone.       is like a small part of a medicine. If one part isn’t     , the medicine can not work well. It’s hard for a person who is away from the society to have a deep understanding of the world . Cooperation is becoming one of     ways for people living in the developing society. As a saying goes, “ one tree doesn’t make a     ” . At the same time , we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know about our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face challenges . Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.
A.solveB.solvedC.solvingD.to solve
A.WeB.We eachC.Each of usD.Us
A.in timeB.in orderC.in needD.in agreement
A.importantB.more importantC.the most importantD.the more important
When you watch TV programs about wild animals, it is surprising to see how an antelope (羚羊) can run away from a strong lion. In the wilderness, everyone has his own way to protect himself. Even plants have their own ways to fight off enemies.
Over millions of years, plants have developed their own defense system (防卫系统). Chemicals are fantastically used by plants to survive (幸存). By making their leaves, flowers, roots and fruits poisonous (有毒的) to enemies, plants can fight back.
One such plant is the Golden Wattle tree. The British scientist David Cameron has found when an animal eats the tree’s leaves, the amount (数量) of poison increases in the other leaves. “It’s like the injured leaves telephoning the others to fight together against the enemy,” he said.
The tree also sends defense messages to neighboring plants by giving out a special smell. Golden Wattle trees in the nearby 45 meters will get the message and produce more poison within 10 minutes. Now, if an enemy eats too many of the trees’ leaves, he will die.
Every kind of plant or tree is good at producing a special set of chemicals. Herbivores, like rabbits, can safely eat the leaves of one tree, but they may be poisoned by its neighbor.
In this way, plants have not only developed their own defense system, but also shared it with others. This makes it impossible for a single animal to destroy even a small area of forest.
小题1:From the first 2 paragraphs, we can learn that _________.
A.plants can do nothing against their enemies
B.chemicals are quite useful for plants to survive
C.an antelope can always run away from a strong lion
D.leaves, roots, flowers and fruits of plants are poisonous
小题2:If animals eat one Golden Wattle tree’s leaves, the tree can________.
A.kill the animals with a special smell
B.tell other trees to come to protect it
C.warn other trees against the animals on the phone
D.send defense messages to the neighboring plants
小题3:The underlined word “herbivores” in the 5th paragraph probably means animals which _____.
A.produce poisonB.live on small animals
C.like to eat rabbitsD.feed on plants or grass
小题4:The last paragraph of the passage suggests that this kind of defense system is ________.
A.bad for animals B.good for forests
C.helpful to some animalsD.harmful to forests
小题5:The passage is mainly about __________.
A.the examples of protecting forests
B.the balance between animals and plants
C.the ways of plants fighting against enemies
D.the relationship between lions and antelopes
All students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you will learn things quickly and also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place, because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom A quiet place will help you only to think about one thing. When you study, do not think about other things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do so, you will do your homework more quickly, and you will make fewer mistakes.
Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn them. If your study
habitsare already good. Try to make them better.
小题1:If you have good study habits, you can__________.
A.learn things quickly and remember them easily
B.do things quickly and remember them easily
C.read books quickly but forget them easily
D.write words quickly but forget them easily
小题2:You need_______ when you study.
A.a dining roomB.a quiet placeC.a living roomD.a noisy place
小题3:When you study, you should think about________.
A.good study habitsB.other thingsC.your homeworkD.your hobbies
小题4:After reading this passage, we know that good study habits are very_______.
小题5:According to (根据) the writer, which can be a good study habit?
A.Reading English among a crowd of people.
B.Thinking only about math in a math class.
C.Thinking in Chinese while talking in English.
D.Do your homework as quickly as you can.
Liberal (自由) education is designed not only to teach and learn knowledge, but also to develop a person’s character. Its aim is to   1  each student to think for himself and make wise decisions. Now liberal education has a great    2 on the world.
Much work has been done to  3  a better way of teaching. In a liberal class, students are  4 to have their own thoughts and own ideas when they have  5  which are often held in the form of group discussion. They are properly guided to   6  the knowledge learned. Punishment no longer exists (存在).  7 and students are just like friends.
The idea is of course a perfect one if it can really be carried out. However, it  8 exists in the imagination and will never be realized. We must admit (承认) that  9  should at least be guided properly. Just close your eyes and think how many students will   10  the duties of a student if they are not pushed.   11 is the use of advice only if it is not supported by a reasonable   12  of  control and punishment?
It is   13  for us to judge the success and failure of the kind of education now, but   14  the bad behavior of children, which is really the   15  of liberal education, we can see that something must be done to help these children.
A.organization B.figureC.effectD.fact
A.easyB.possible C.hardD.helpful

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