
Henry and Bill are good friends, but they never see each other. They come from____countries. Henry is from the USA, and Bill is from England. They both have computers and often talk on ____. Now they are talking about how to ____in good health.
Henry thinks doing exercise is good ___his health. He plays many kinds of sports ____the house. But he doesn’t think _____exercise is good. He also thinks good eating habits are important. Vegetables fruit _____his favorite. He never eats junk food. He says, “Most kids love it, ____i don’t.”
Bill agrees with Henry. He often plays sports and eats ____food. He thinks _____enough water every day is good for his health.
小题1:A. same       B the same    C. different    D. difference 
A.TVB.the InternetC.the telephoneD.the letter
A.too muchB.too manyC.much tooD.many too
A.healthyB. healthC.healthilyD.unhealthy


小题1:考查语境理解及词义辨析。Same相同的;the same相同的;different不同的;difference 差异,不同。联系后一句描述,可知他们来自不同的国家。故选C。
小题2:考查语境理解及名词。TV电视;the Internet因特网;the telephone电话;the letter信件。联系前半句描述,可知此处指的是,他们在网上聊天。故选B。
小题3:考查语境理解及动词。Exercise练习,锻炼;make制作,使得;keep保持,经营;take 拿,取,接受。结合语境可知此处指的是如何保持健康。故选C。
小题4:考查语境理解及介词。for为了,对于;at在一点;to到,向;in 在里面。联系上下文,可知很里认为多锻炼对健康有好处。故选A。
小题5:考查语境理解及介词。On在……上面,关于;out外面的;outside在……外面;with 带有,伴随。联系上下文,可知此处指的是,亨利在户外做许多运动。故选C。
小题6:考查句意理解及短语辨析。much too中心词是too,much此处做副词表示程度,意思是太;too much中心词是much,much此处意思是多,too作为副词修饰much,意思是太多. too many意思是太多,修饰可数名词复数;many too无此用法。结合语境可知此处指的是太多的锻炼,exercise为不可数名词,故选A。
小题9:考查语境理解及词义辨析。Healthy健康的;health名词,健康;healthily副词,健康地;unhealthy 形容词,不健康的。联系前文描述,可知此处指的是,他常常吃健康的食品,故选A。
Today we can see that many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. A lot of        lands have become deserts. If we read newspapers, we’ll learn that the forests on the earth are getting smaller       . We are cutting down large numbers of trees        we need wood and farmland. Some scientists say that there will not be any great forests        20 or 30 years.
What will happen if the forests disappear? A lot of plants will die and the animals will      
their homes. In many places the new farmland will soon look        the old desert. Crops will not grow there. There won’t be enough       , and the weather will get hot and dry. If the climate of the earth changes, life will be        for everyone. Our living environment will become       . More and more rich farmland will disappear. We will suffer a lot from both droughts (干旱) and floods.
It’s our duty        the forests well. Everyone should try his best to make a contribution (贡献) to taking care of the forests. Stop cutting down the trees and make the world greener!
小题1:A. rich                B. low                  C. lonely
小题2:A. on time         B. all the time             C. in time
小题3:A. or              B. so                   C. because
小题4:A. at              B. on                   C. in
小题5:A. find                B. build                    C. lose
小题6:A. up              B. like                 C. at
小题7:A. snow            B. rain               C. wind
小题8:A. easy                B. happy                   C. hard
小题9:A. better and better   B. worse and worse          C. bigger and bigger
小题10:A. to protect     B. do                   C. to do
A large part of China experienced larger amounts of smog ( 雾霾 ) than usual this January and the air was badly polluted. The distance ( 距离 ) one could see was shorter than 1,000 meters in Beijing, Tianjin, and the provinces of Hebei, Henan, Shandong and Anhui. In some areas, it was down to 200 meters.
People usually set off firecrackers ( 爆竹 ) to celebrate Spring Festival. But because of the smog, this year seemed very quiet. It was really different. A man called Zhang Wei said that his friends and he hadn’t set off a single firecracker.
“ We all suffered ( 遭受 ) from last month’s smog. If we don’t call an end to the firecrackers, the environment will get worse and worse during the holiday. ” said Zhang Wei. He called on more people to set off fewer firecrackers during this year’s Spring Festival by putting up a notice in his neighborhood.
More Chinese looked forward to celebrating ( 庆祝 ) the holiday in a greener way . They decided not to set off firecrackers. They also decided not to waste food . They said the new celebrations sounded fashionable.
To clean the sky ,more than ten provinces including Guangdong, Zhejiang  and Jiangsu have started to use national 4 standard ( 标准 ), which is expected to reduce ( 减少 ) vehicle emission ( 车辆排放 ) by 30% to 50%. Beijing even has started to use the stricter national standard.
We still have a lot to do to improve the air quality. For example, using public transportation as much as possible is not a hard thing for us to do, but it matters a lot .
小题1: What happened in a large part of China this January?
A.It experienced larger amounts of smog.
B.People set off lots of firecrackers.
C.There was a heavy rain.
D.Many car accidents happened
小题2:How do people usually celebrate Spring Festival in China ?
A.By putting up a noticeB.By setting off firecrackers
C.By not wasting foodD.By using public transportation
小题3:How many provinces have started to use national 4 standard?
A.ThreeB.SixC.EightD.More than ten
小题4: Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A.Zhang Wei didn’t set off a single firecracker this Spring Festival
B.We should use more public transportation to help reduce the air pollution.
C.Zhejiang has started to use national 4 standard to reduce vehicle emission.
D.More Chinese think the celebration of setting off firecrackers is fashionable.
小题5: What’s the best title for the passage?
A.How to reduce the vehicle emission
B.How to improve the air quality
C.What do Chinese do in Spring Festival
D.Using public transportation
We’ve talked about snails (蜗牛) and their slow move. But much of the time snails don’t move at all. They’re in their shells ---sleeping .
Hot sun will dry out a snail’s body. So at the least sign of hot sun, a snail draws its body into its shell and closes the opening with a thin cover. Then it goes to sleep. A snail will die in a heavy rain. So whenever it rains, it goes inside its shell house and goes to sleep. A snail can sleep for as long as it needs to. It can take a short sleep. Or it can sleep for days at a time. And it spends all the winter months in its shell, asleep.
In spring the snail wakes up. Its body, about three inches long, comes out of from the shell. When hungry, the snail looks for food. It can’t see very well. Its eyes, at the ends of the top feelers are very weak. But its sense of smell is very strong. It helps the snail to the new greens. Then the snail’s little mouth goes to work.
A snail’s mouth is no longer than the point of a pin(针). Yet it has 256,000 teeth! The teeth are so small that you can’t see them. But they do their work.. If you put a snail in a hard paper box, it will eat its way out. And if a snail wears out its teeth, it will grow new ones.
Mostly, a snail looks for food at night .But on cloudy days it eats in the daytime. It eats all day long. A snail can go on eating for hours and never feel full.
小题1:A snail__________.
A.moves more slowly in the daytimeB.has thousands of feet
C.doesn’t move at allD.sleeps much of the time
小题2:In the sentence “A snail draws its body into its shell” the word “draw” means_________.
A.to make with a penB.to keep away from
C.to pullD.to move to end
小题3:From the story we know_________.
A.the snail’s shell is very thin
B.a snail can’t see well
C.the snail’s nose is quite short
D.the snail’s body changes in different seasons
小题4:A snail goes to sleep when_________.
A.it feels hungry B.it is put in a paper box
C.spring is coming D.it rains heavily
小题5:Which of the following in not true?
A.A snail doesn’t like living under the sun.
B.In winter the snail doesn’t eat or move.
C.The snail’s teeth can’t be worn out..
D.The snail’s strong sense of smell helps to find things far away.
In nature, you may see many insects (昆虫)and animals of different colors. Have you ever wondered why?
Locusts are super delicious food for birds,but it is not always an easy job for birds to catch them.It is neither because locusts are good jumpers or runners nor because they are smarter than their enemies. The reason is that the colors of locusts change with the colors of crops(庄稼). When crops are young,locusts look green. But when autumn comes, locusts change to the yellow and brown color as crops do.
Brown bears,tigers and other animals move quietly through forests. They can’t be seen easily by their enemies. This is because they have colors similar to the trees. For the same reason, polar bears that live on a land of snow and ice are white. Butterflies and bees living among the flowers are colorful like flowers. Soil insects are mostly dark-colored and they live under the soil(土壤) in a dark and wet environment. However, insects with colors different from plants can easily be found and eaten by others. So in order to survive,they have to hide themselves in the daytime and appear only at night.
Have you ever noticed some even stranger acts? The ink fish in the sea can send out some very black ink when it faces danger. As the ink spreads over , its enemies will find themselves suddenly in a dark world. At the same time the ink fish immediately swims away. That is how it keeps itself safe though it is not strong at all.
小题1:It is not easy for birds to catch locusts because____________.
A.locusts are good runnersB.locusts can jump very high
C.locusts are smarter than birdsD.locusts can change their color
小题2:According to the passage, most soil insects_________
A.do not have bright colors
B.change their colors with the soil
C.do not live in a dark and wet environment
D.Eat colorful insects like butterflies and bees
小题3:What’s the meaning of the underlined word”survive” in the passage?
小题4:The ink fish_______so that its enemies will not see it?
A.changes its colorB.makes the water around it black
C.appears only at nightD.hides itself in the sea rocks
小题5:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Some insects and animals have different skills.
B.Some insects and animals are clever than we think.
C.Some insects and animals use colors to protect themselves.
D.Some insects and animals can get used to the environment easily.
Zhang Zhaojie, a 13-year-old schoolboy in Xiamen enjoyed many snacks during Spring Festival. “I love chocolate and chips very much. They are high in sugar and fat. But I can’t help eating them,” Zhang said.
Recently, an online list of favorite snacks in China became popular. It said that peanuts, walnuts and chocolate are good for our health, and jelly, potato chips and lollipops(棒棒糖) are “bad”. Almost every kid on the planet loves snacks, and they seldom care how healthy they are. Although some snacks like chocolate and candy are found everywhere, others are unique(独特的) to a country or a culture.
In Japan, Matcha(抹茶) is a kind of green tea powder. It’s made from tea leaves and can be used with ice cream or cakes. In fact, Matcha originated in China but took off in Japan. Biscuits or cookies covered with chocolate are also a Japanese favorite.
Potato chips and French fries are very popular in the US. They are cheap but tasty. But they are high in calories and eating too much may make you fat. Popcorn(爆米花) is another typical snack. People eat it when they are watching sports games or visiting the amusement park. Most cinemas also sell Popcorn.
In the UK, many people sit down for snacks at around 4 p.m. every day. They call it “afternoon tea”. Traditional afternoon tea is biscuits and tea. People also have scones(烤饼) with jam and cream, which is probably the most classic English snack.
Countries   Snacks  What it is like
Japan   Matcha ★a kind of green tea powder made from 小题1:______
★often used with ice cream or cakes
Biscuits or cookies ★usually have 小题2:______ on them
The US 小题3:_______   ★cheap and tasty
Popcorn ★when watching sports games and 小题4:_______
★when visiting the amusement park
The UK  Biscuits and tea   ★the traditional afternoon tea
Scones ★eaten with小题5:________________

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