One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”

I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain, you can just wait until we make a quick at the grocery store. I have something to show you. ”

At grocery store, we some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to your question.” I put one apple of each on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a look on his face.

“People are like apples. They come in all colors, shapes and sizes. On the , some of the apples may not look as the others. ” As I was talking, Adam was each one carefully.

Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them, them back on the table, but a different place.

“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”

He said, “I tell. They all look same now. ” “Take a bite of . See if that helps you which one is which. ”

He took , and then a huge smile came cross his face. . ”People are like apples! They are all different, but once you the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”

He totally it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.

1.A. although B. so C. because D. if

2.A. stop B. start C. turn D. stay

3.A. expressiveB. encouraging C. informative D. interesting

4.A. bought B. counted C. saw D. collected

5.A. check B. mention C. answer D. improve

6.A. size B. type C. shape D. class

7.A. worried B. satisfied C. proud D. curious

8.A. ordinary B. normal C. different D. regular

9.A. outside B. whole C. table D. inside

10.A. still B. even C. only D. ever

11.A. examiningB. measuring C. drawing D. packing

12.A. keepingB. placing C. pulling D. giving

13.A. on B. toward C. for D. in

14.A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

15.A. each oneB. each other C. the other D. one another

16.A. admit B. consider C. decide D. believe

17.A. big bitesB. deep breaths C. a firm hold D. close look

18.A. just B. always C. merely D. seldom

19.A. put awayB. get down C. hand out D. take off

20.A. made B. took C. got D. did


One day a teacher was giving her young students a lesson on how the government works. She was trying to explain the principle of income tax (收入税).

“You see ,” she began , speaking slowly and carefully , “each person who works must pay part of his or her salary (薪水) to the government . If you make a high salary, your taxes are high. If you don’t make much money, your taxes are low .”

“Is that clear?” she asked. “Does everyone understand the meaning of income tax?” The students nodded.

Are there any questions?” she asked. The students shook their heads.

“Very good!” she said.” “Now, I would like you to take a piece of paper and write a short paragraph on the subject of income tax.”

Little Joey was a slow learner. He had lots of problems with spelling and grammar, but this time he at least seemed to understand the task.. He took his pen and after a few minutes, he handed the teacher the following composition:

Once I had a dog. His name was Tax. I opened the door and in come Tax.

1.The teacher was trying to explain _______one day.

A. everyone should pay income tax

B. how the government works

C. the basic principles of the income tax

D. how much tax one should pay for his income

2.After the teacher’s explanation,__________.

A. not all the students understood the meaning of income tax

B. many of the students were still puzzled

C. all the students shook their heads

D. few students disagreed with their teacher

3.The students were asked__________.

A. to write a composition on “income tax”

B. to answer some questions on income tax

C. to say something about income tax

D. to explain the principle of income tax

4.Little Joey __________.

A. wrote a paragraph about his dog

B. grasped what income tax meant

C. was clear about the subject

D. did as what he was told to do


A tourist comes out of the airport.There are a lot of taxis,but the tourist asks every taxi—driver his name.He takes the third taxi.It costs£5 from the airport to the hotel.“How much does it cost for the whole day?” the tourist asks.“£100”,says the taxi-driver.This is very expensive,but the tourist accepts the price.

The taxi—driver takes the tourist everywhere.He shows him all monuments and all the museums.In the evening they go back to the hotel.The tourist gives the taxi-driver£100 and says,“What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver looks at the tourist.“ Tomorrow? It’s another £100 tomorrow” But the tourist says,“That’s OK.If that’s the price,that is the price.See you tomorrow.”The taxi—driver is very pleased.

The next day the taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere again.They visit all the museums and all the monuments again.And in the second evening they go back to the hotel.The tourist gives the taxi—driver another£100 and says,“I’m going home tomorrow.”The taxi-driver is sorry.He likes the tourist and,above all,£100 a day is good money.“So you are going home.Where do you come from?” he asks.

“I come from New York.”

“New York!” says the taxi-driver,“I have a sister in New York.Her name is Susannah.Do you know her?”

“Of course I know her.She gave me £200 for you.”

1.The tourist is__ __. Englishman American

C.a Chinese D.a Frenchman

2.The tourist asks every taxi-driver his name because_____ _.

A.he knows of one of the taxi-drivers

B.he wants to remember all of the taxi-drivers’ names

C. he is afraid of being cheated

D.there is a friend of his among the taxi drivers

3.Why is the taxi-driver very pleased with the tourist?

A.His sister has brought so much money to him.

B.His sister knows the tourist.

C.None but the tourist agrees to the price given without arguing with him.

D.He wants to be the guide of the tourist.

4.We can conclude that _____ _.

A. the tourist will give the taxi-driver another£200

B.the taxi-driver insists that the tourist should pay him another£200

C.the tourist will give the taxi—driver half of the sum

D.the tourist makes fun of the taxi—driver


Most people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and the first person to win it twice. However, few people know that she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.

Born in September, 1897, Irene Curie was the first of the Curies' two daughters. Along with nine other children whose parents were also famous scholars, Irene studied in their own school, and her mother was one of the teachers. She finished her high school education at the College of Sévigné in Paris.

Irene entered the University of Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using X?ray facilities (设备) to help save the lives of wounded soldiers. Irene continued the work by developing X?ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgium. Her services were recognized in the form of a Military Medal by the French government.

In 1918, Irene became her mother's assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taught him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later.

Like her mother, Irene combined family and career. Like her mother, Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize, along with her husband, in 1935. Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed leukemia because of her work with radioactivity (辐射能). Irene Joliot?Curie died from leukemia on March 17, 1956.

1.Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?

A.Because she received a degree in mathematics.

B.Because she contributed to saving the wounded.

C.Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.

D.Because she worked as a helper to her mother.

2.Where did Irene Curie meet her husband Frederic Joliot?

A.At the Curie Institute.

B.At the University of Paris.

C.At a military hospital.

D.At the College of Sévigné.

3.When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born ?

A.In 1932. B.In 1927.

C.In 1897. D.In 1926.

4.In which of the following aspects was Irene Curie different from her mother?

A.Irene worked with radioactivity.

B.Irene combined family and career.

C.Irene won the Nobel Prize once.

D.Irene died from leukemia.


In early autumn I applied for admission to college. I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University, but my mother fought strongly against it. When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell, she tore it up.

“You can't say it's not a great university, just because Papa went there.”

“That's not it at all. And it is a top university.” She was still holding the pieces in her hand. “ But we can't afford to send you to college.”

“I wouldn't dream of asking you for money. Do you want me to get a job to help support you and Papa? Things aren't that bad, are they?”

“No,” she said. “I don't expect you to help support us.”

Father borrowed money from his rich cousins to start a small jewellery shop. His chief customers were his old college friends. To get new customers, my mother had to help. She picked up a long?forgotten membership in the local league of women, so that she could get to know more people. Whether those people would turn into customers was another question. I knew that my parents had to wait for quite a long time before their small investment (投资) could show returns. What's more, they had not wanted enough to be rich and successful; otherwise they could not possibly have managed their lives so badly.

I was torn between the desire to help them and change their lives, and the determination not to repeat their mistakes. I had a strong belief in my power to get what I wanted. After months of hard study I won a full college scholarship (奖学金). My father could hardly contain his pride in me, and my mother eventually gave in before my success.

1.The author was not allowed to go to Cornell University mainly because______.

A.his father graduated from the university

B.his mother did not think it a great university

C.his parents needed him to help support the family

D.his parents did not have enough money for him

2.The father started his small shop with the money from ______.

A.a local league B.his university

C.his relatives D.his college friends

3.Why did the mother renew her membership in the league?

A.To help with her husband's business.

B.To raise money for her son.

C.To meet her long?forgotten friends.

D.To better manage her life.



It's very important to keep your hair healthy. Here are five ways for you.

1.____ Good fats are also called necessary fatty acids which the body can't produce naturally. Eating these types of fats will help improve healthy skins, nails, teeth, and hair. They can be found in the form of oil, or in food such as seeds, nuts.

2. ____ Hair is nothing more than dead protein (蛋白质). But that doesn't mean that it is not important. A lack of it can cause slow growth and thinning, where on the contrary, getting enough amounts can help growth. Good choices to include in the diet would be eggs, meats, tofu, fish and beans.

3. ___ There are a handful of vitamins that have been known to be effective for healthy hair. Some of them include vitamins A, B, C and E, and iron. Other than in extra forms, these nutrients can also be found naturally in fruits, peppers, low?fat diary products, green vegetables and whole grains. A large salad can be made with the inclusion of a lot of these food.

4.____ Getting enough exercises can help improve hair growth. Aim to get at least 20 — 30 minutes of exercise every day. It can be walking, jogging, weight training and biking.

5. ____ Right after you brush your teeth, brush your hair as well. Brushing hair fifty to one hundred strokes before bed can help remove pollutants and dirt while also stimulating circulation. Also, natural oils are released which will add more sheen (光泽) and oxygen to your hair.

A.Take your vitamins.

B.Remember to brush before bed.

C.Wash your hair now and then.

D.Get your protein.

E.Exercises are very important.

F.Eat good fats.



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