35.We need a piano in this group to____ the sense of this piece of classical music.

    A.break down                   B.work on      

    C.bring out                   D.turn up

第二节 完形填空

    I met John on a blind date in 1973.He was working as a(n)  36  in Long Island.I was instantly  37  when I saw him.He had a tough  38  , but a gentle and rich inner world.I  39  that he was someone I wanted to spend my hfe with.We got married and lived  40  with our four children.John attended to his work,  41  I stayed home with the kids.We  42  our little spare time with barbecues in the backyard.It was a quiet, American Dream  43 

    Being a police officer' s  44  , I had to learn to assume the  45   until I hear otherwise.So on September 11, when hours went by with no word from my  46  , I didn' t panic.But immediately John's brother Patrick walked  47  toward me, I lost it."Do you have something to tell me?" I screamed.  48   Patrick had to tell me was that my husband had gone into the  49  , and was now missing.

    John was  50  .He was the last rescue worker pulled alive from the  51  .Much of his lower body was crashed and large sections of destroyed muscles had to be  52   .He has to wear pants with belts now because there's no longer enough flesh around his hips (屁股) to keep them up.Last Saturday, the family gathered in the backyard and friends were visiting.All of a sudden I realized things were quite  53  , though kind of back to normal.

    "Our lives have changed forever," John says."We need to be  54  of the human suffering that went on that day.If we forget, we're allowing ourselves to be set up for another  55   "

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