67.The purpose of writing this article is to

    A.advertise his or her website and books

    B.explain how this website is kept

    C.explain who this website is for

    D.discuss whether we should read on line


    Join us on December 17th, 2006 (2nd day of Hanukkah) for our annual Hanukkah Family Fun Fest for an exciting day of fun activities for the whole family.The Itazimir Choir will provide holiday musical entertainment.Dram Tales will present "The Hearty Story of Hanukkah" show.There will be ceramie() painting of dreidles, menorahs( ), and other Hanukkah items for the kids.And fun foods, crafts(手工艺) and activities will be happening throughout the day.Bring the whole family and enjoy a fun-filled day!

    ll:30---Jolly Foil/es puppet show Ages 2.12

    A fun muppet(木偶) style musical holiday story followed by a Hanukkah sing a long featuring the "Chipmunks" and other favorite characters. Adult: $ 7  Child $ 5

    1:31}--- Hazamir Teen Choir

    Sponsored by the Berman and Lerner families in memory of Cantor Moses L.Snyder

    3:IS--Drum Tales presents The Hearty Story of Hanuldkah

    Dram Tales is fun, interactive, percussive(~打击乐) and musical, k is much like the traditional dram circle concept.It combines story telling, musical insmnnentation and song.Each participant is given a percussive instrument which becomes their media of transportation to far away lands and exotic places, to ride the waves of mystery of an unfolding plot, and into the deep realm of imagination and the colorful beyond.Drumming, rhyming, rapping, clinking, shaking and clapping, this performance will leave you feeling refreshed after having returned from a journey through these stories!   Adults $ 7 Child $ 5

    Plus food am/fun for the entire family

    Crafts with BBYO and Young Judea

    Ceramic painfing with Jack and Jill

    T-Shirt fun with Computer Adventures

    Fun with Cyber.Connection


    Special visit by "Chanukah Bubby"

63.Which could be the best title of the passage?

    A.Being Rich Is Important          B.Animals, Our Best Friends

    C.No Pet Left behind             D.The Winograd Family


    This website is meant for the short story and for those interested in reading light articles.

    If you have a "classic" short story you would like added here, please don' t be shy about e-mailing me in this regard as I would be happy to give your favorite story consideration.I have a fairly large collection of short stories; however, if you want to send a story to me, I would appreciate it (this would save me scanning time).

    Please note three things about this site.One, some of the biographies are not available (the focus of this site is the story, not the biographies).If they are not in the book from which I am scanning the story, I will not go through my collection looking for a bio.Two, I will be focusing on shorter short stories.No Tolstoi or F.Scott Fitzgerald here (unless you are willing to send me the story ready to go online) ! Maybe some day I will want to spend an entire day or two on one story, but not at this time.

    Three, I have no summaries or analyses, so you needn' t ask.I read short stories often, but only for the enjoyment of doing so.I ~have very little desire to analyze what I am reading for that deep, hidden meaning.

    Fewer and fewer people these days read short stories.This is unforttmate- so few will ever experience the joy that reading such fine work can give.The goal of this site is to give a nice cross section of short stories in the hope that these short stories will excite these people into rediscovering this excellent source of entertainment.

    Happy reading! Oh yes, visit the bannered sites on this page.This is how we survive and thus keep this free site on line.If you are familiar with the costs involved with bandwidth, you will understand that a site such as this one requires a lot of bandwidth (as it is visited heavily), which can be quite expensive.So, if you appreciate this collection, go buy something.Thank you!

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