摘要:40.A.peacefully B.hardly C.mercifully D.difficultly




You Did More Than Carry My Books

    Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark   21   down and helped the boy pick up these articles.   22  they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark   23  the boy's name was Bill, that he  24  computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of   25   with his other subjects and that he had just broken  26  with his girlfriend.

    They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was   27  in for a Coke-Cola and to watch some television. The afternoon passed   28  with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They  29  to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before  30  , Bill asked Mark if they  31  talk.

  Bill  32   him of the day years ago when they had first met. "Do you  33  wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see, I  34   out my locker(柜) because I didn't want to leave a mess(脏乱)  35  anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to  36  my things. But after we spent some time together  37   and laughing, I realized that  38   I had done that, I would have  39  a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You   40   my life." 

A.fell    B.sat  C.lay  D.knelt

A.Although    B.Since    C.After    D.Until

A.discovered  B.realized C.said D.decided

A.played  B.loved    C.tried    D.made

A.questions   B.ideas    C.trouble  D.doubt

A.up  B.out  C.off  D.away

A.put B.helped   C.invited  D.pushed

A.peacefully  B.willingly    C.freely   D.pleasantly

A.continued   B.agreed   C.forced   D.offered

A.graduation  B.movement C.separation   D.vacation

A.would   B.should   C.could    D.must

A.demanded    B.reminded C.removed  D.asked

A.ever    B.usually  C.even D.never

A.checked B.took C.cleaned  D.put

A.over    B.into C.with D.for

A.find    B.pick C.pack D.hold

A.talking B.playing  C.reading  D.watching

A.before  B.if   C.while    D.as

A.forgotten   B.passed   C.left D.lost

A.helped  B.recovered    C.improved D.changed


Travis laughed as he tore at the wrapping paper on his birthday present.He was so    16 ! Finally, he would have the coolest pair of name-brand basketball shoes.

All the guys on his team were wearing the name-brand shoes of a popular basketball   17  , Chuck Hart.    18   Hart was criticized for his poor sportsmanship(运动员风范) and infamous(臭名远扬的)   19 , he was a great player.In fact, Travis wasn't thinking about Hart' s behavior; he had only expected to see Hart' s  20  on the side of the box.The first indication that something was   21  came as he tore away the last piece of paper.Not Hart' s.The new shoes were the name-brand of another player, Robert Ryann, who was   22   for his amazing work in the community.

Travis's hands   23  ; his heart stopped.It wasn't that the Ryann shoes weren't nice, but what would his friends think ?

They were the wrong shoes and Travis would be   24  by the other players. When he looked up into his dad' s eyes, however, Travis knew  he  25  tell him. "'Thanks, Dad.I was really hoping for shoes," Travis said as he pulled the shoes out of the box.

Next morning his dad drove him to school.When they   26  in front of his destination, Travis slowly opened the car door.Just then, his dad stopped him.

"Hey, Travis, wait a minute, look"…" his dad said  27   "Travis, I know those aren' t the shoes you had hoped for, but I saw the names of the two guys and made a(n)   28   The guy whose name is on those shoes," he said, pointing down at Travis’s feet, "is someone I   29   .Do you know how often Ryann has found himself in   30 ?"

"No," Travis said.

" Never.He' s never talked back to his coach or started a fight, and he' s a team player.You could have acted like a   31  when you didn't get the shoes you wanted, Travis,   32  you were polite and made the best of it.You have    33  , like the guy whose name is on these shoes.I' m hoping that someday, your name will be on the coolest pair of shoes I' 11 ever see."

When Travis looked down at his feet, he saw the shoes   34   . His dad had used his mind and heart to give the son a thoughtful   35   .

1.                A.surprised       B.ashamed        C.excited   D.worried


2.                A.team           B.player          C.coach    D.game


3.                A.Unless         B.If              C.Because  D.Although


4.                A.skill            B.performance     C.behavior  D.action


5.                A.name          B.photo          C.sign  D.model


6.                A.strange         B.wrong          C.true D.funny


7.                A.known         B.encouraged     C.adopted  D.influenced


8.                A.fell            B.froze           C.shook    D.folded


9.                A.questioned      B.noticed         C.teased   D.attacked


10.               A.mustn't         B.needn't        C.wouldn't   D.couldn't


11.               A.pulled up       B.put up         C.took up   D.turned up


12.               A.peacefully      B.hesitantly       C.delightedly D.naturally


13.               A.choice         B.effort          C.comment  D.mistake


14.               A.believe         B.miss           C.admire    D.remember


15.               A.danger         B.anger          C.sorrow    D.trouble


16.               A.teammate       B.adult           C.kid   D.student


17.               A.so             B.and            C.but   D.or


18.               A.honor          B.courage        C.dream D.belief


19.               A.clearly         B.carefully        C.patiently   D.differently


20.               A.gift            B.look           C.hope D.lesson






You Did More Than Carry My Books

    Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark   21   down and helped the boy pick up these articles.   22  they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark   23  the boy's name was Bill, that he  24  computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of   25   with his other subjects and that he had just broken  26  with his girlfriend.

    They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was   27  in for a Coke-Cola and to watch some television. The afternoon passed   28  with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They  29  to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before  30  , Bill asked Mark if they  31  talk.

  Bill  32   him of the day years ago when they had first met. "Do you  33  wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see, I  34   out my locker(柜) because I didn't want to leave a mess(脏乱)  35  anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to  36  my things. But after we spent some time together  37   and laughing, I realized that  38   I had done that, I would have  39  a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You   40   my life." 

1.A.fell               B.sat              C.lay          D.knelt

2.A.Although           B.Since            C.After        D.Until

3.A.discovered         B.realized         C.said         D.decided

4.A.played             B.loved            C.tried        D.made

5.A.questions          B.ideas            C.trouble      D.doubt

6.A.up                 B.out              C.off          D.away

7.A.put                B.helped           C.invited      D.pushed

8.A.peacefully         B.willingly        C.freely       D.pleasantly

9.A.continued          B.agreed           C.forced       D.offered

10.A.graduation        B.movement         C.separation   D.vacation

11.A.would             B.should           C.could        D.must

12.A.demanded          B.reminded         C.removed      D.asked

13.A.ever              B.usually          C.even         D.never

14.A.checked           B.took             C.cleaned      D.put

15.A.over              B.into             C.with         D.for

16.A.find              B.pick             C.pack         D.hold

17.A.talking           B.playing          C.reading      D.watching

18.A.before            B.if               C.while        D.as

19.A.forgotten         B.passed           C.left         D.lost

20.A.helped            B.recovered        C.improved     D.changed




Two men, both seriously ill, were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to _16_ up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was _17_ the room’s only window. The other man on the other side of the room had to _18_ all his time lying on his back in bed.

Every afternoon when the man by the window could sit up he _19_ pass the time by describing to his _20 all the things he could see outside the window. “The window overlooks a _21_ with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans play on the water _22_ children sail their model boats. Young lovers walk _23_ among flowers of every colour. Grand old trees grace(装扮) the landscape, and a fine _24_ of the city skyline can be seen in the distance.” As the man by the window _25_ all this in detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and _26_ the scene.

Days and weeks passed. On morning, the day nurse came only to find the man by the window had died _27_ in his sleep. When the man’s body was _28_, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the _29_. The nurse agreed and after making sure he was _30_, she left. Slowly and painfully, the man raised himself _31_ to take his first look at the _32_ world outside by himself. But to his _33_, he found it faced nothing _34_ a blank wall.

In fact, the man by the window was _35_ and could not even see the wall. He just wanted to encourage his roommate.








A.well above

B.just over

C.far from

D.next to

































A.step by step

B.arm in arm

C.face to face

D.one by one



























A.put away

B.taken away

C.picked up

D.caught up













































Two men, both seriously ill, were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to 46 in his bed for an hour each afternoon for treatment. His 47 was next to the room's only window. The other man 48 spend all his time flat on his back. Every 49 when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he 50 pass the time by describing(描述) to his 51 all the things he could see outside the window. The window overlooked(远眺) a 52 with a lovely lake. Ducks played on the water while children 53 their model boats. Young lovers walked 54 among flowers. As the man by the window described all this beautifully, the other man would close his eyes and 55 the scene.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the 56 body of the man by the window, who had died 57 in his sleep. She was sad and 58 the hospital attendants (服务员) to take the body away. 59 it seemed appropriate (合适的), the other man asked if he could 60 next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch(调换), and after 61 he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he sat up to take his 62 look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the 63 of seeing it for himself. He strained (紧张地) to slowly turn to 64 the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have forced his dead roommate to 65 those wonderful things outside this window. The nurse answered that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”

1.                A.stand up        B.lie down        C.sit up D.sit down


2.                A.room          B.table           C.seat D.bed


3.                A.had to          B.would rather     C.prefer to  D.rather than


4.                A.morning        B.evening         C.afternoon D.dawn


5.                A.will            B.would          C.should   D.might


6.                A.nurse          B.workmate       C.roommate D.doctor


7.                A.park           B.street          C.farm D.field


8.                A.played         B.made          C.started   D.sailed


9.                A.face to face     B.shoulder to shoulder  C.arm in arm D.back to back


10.               A.describe        B.tell            C.hear  D.imagine


11.               A.strong         B.warm          C.sick  D.lifeless


12.               A.peacefully      B.sadly           C.secretly   D.completely


13.               A.looked         B.found          C.called D.saw


14.               A.Before         B.As soon as      C.Although  D.As far as


15.               A.changed        B.sit             C.be moved  D.be taken


16.               A.making sure     B.depending on    C.making up D.accounting for


17.               A.next           B.first           C.last   D.another


18.               A.surprise        B.feeling         C.try   D.joy


19.               A.look out        B.look at         C.glare at    D.stare at


20.               A.remember      B.describe        C.write D.talk




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