第三节  完形填空(30分)

Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in space. They have looked at them  21   the telescope and  22   this way they have found out  23  . They know, for example, many facts about the moon.

The moon is about 384,000 kilometres  24  the earth . A plane can not fly to the moon because there isn’t enough air. But a rocket can fly even when there is no air .

“How does a rocket fly ?” If you want to know, get a balloon and  25  blow it up  26  it is quite big. Do not  27  the neck of the balloon. Let it go  28  and see  29  happens. The balloon  30  through the air very quickly. The air inside the balloon  31  out. It rushes out through the  32   balloon and this pushes the balloon through the air. It does not need wings 33  .

This is  34   a rocket  35  . It is not made of rubber like a balloon, of course . It is made of metal. The metal  36  not be heavy  37   it must be very strong. A gas is put inside the rocket. When the gas is hot enough , it rushes out of the open end of the rocket , and pushes it  38  the air.

Rockets can fly far out into space . Rockets with men inside them have already  39  the moon . Someday rockets may be able to go  40  in space .

21.A.through     B.towards     C.across     D.into

22.A.at       B.up       C.in       D.by

23.A.a lot of    B.lots of     C.a great deal of  D.a great deal

24.A.away far    B.away from    C.far from    D.far to

25.A.then      B.first      C.at last     D.last

26.A.when      B.while      C.until      D.as

27.A.tie up     B.take up     C.put up     D.hold up

28.A.carefully    B.slowly     C.suddenly    D.quickly

29.A.that      B.what      C.which      D.whether

30.A.go up      B.going up    C.will fly off  D.flying off

31.A.try to get   B.trying to get  C.tried to get  D.tries to get

32.A.neck      B.body      C.mouth      D.nose

33.A.to fly     B.flying     C.its own     D.of it

34.A.what      B.how       C.when      D.where

35.A.runs      B.goes      C.works      D.flies

36.A.shall      B.may       C.can       D.must

37.A.but       B.and       C.so       D.therefore

38.A.in       B.into      C.from      D.towards

39.A.got       B.arrived     C.reached     D.reached

40.A.anywhere    B.everywhere   C.somewhere    D.nowhere

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