

1. In what way will the man call?

A. Using a calling card   B. Through the operator   C. Using the local call

2. What’s the country code for China in calling?

  A. 86         B. 01           C. 10

3. What can we learn from the conversation?

  A. The man changed his mind of calling way    

B. Using a calling card makes no difference

  C. The man calling Beijing needn’t dial 01.


4. What does the woman advise the man to do?

  A. Take some aspirin and keep warm      

B. Not go to the places she used to go

  C. Take some clothes for the cold climate

5. Where is Canada to the speakers’ country?

  A. South   B. North   C. East


6. How many American writers have they mentioned?

  A. 5           B. 4           C. 3

7. When did Jack London go to Canada?

  A. In 1916         B. In 1876        C. In 1897

8. What is the man mainly talking about?

  A. American culture     B. Jack London’s books   C. Jack London’s life


9. What was the name of the man?

  A. Dick         B. Davy         C. David

10. What kind of people didn’t they need?

  A. Those who knew no foreign language.

  B. Those who wanted to work 30 hours a week

  C. Those who had no experience in office work

11. Who will get a higher pay?

  A. Those who are well educated        

B. Those who have much experience

  C. Those who can speak a second language


12. Why didn’t Mark and Dan go sailing together?

  A. Mark would like to go with John       

B. Mark was in some other place

  C. Dan was in some other place

13. What were they worrying about?

   A. They would lose their way in the sea     

B. They would be hit by a big ship

   C. Their boat would be turned over and sink

14. Where did Mark have to stay for the night?

  A. In the boat       B. In the ship       C. On the buoy (浮标)

15. What was Mark doing when the ship came to his help?

  A. He was having a bad dream      B. He was shouting for help   C. He was having breakfast

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