4.  你认为怎样的学习方式才能取得最佳的学习效果。

自主学习 study alone 合作学习 study in groups




Interviewing  mind  experience  off  delayed  later  airport  breakfast  noisy  sure

Personally, I prefer to study alone. I find studying alone more challenging and exciting. Each time I come up with an idea after a long time thinking, I feel a great sense of achievement. Studying alone also allows me to develop independent thinking which is a very important skill I need as I grow older and must solve the problems myself without the help of parents and teachers.   

Our teachers often encourage us to study in groups. I enjoy my friends' company, but in group study, I find we spend far less time studying and more time playing games and having fun. It is for these reasons that I believe the most effective way to learn new knowledge is by studying alone.

   [ Personally I like studying in groups. When studying in groups we can learn from each other, share our experiences in solving difficult problems and learn more in less time.

   In the past I seldom had the confidence to discuss study topics with my classmates. I also had little enthusiasm for studying as I found it to be very boring. But following my teachers' advice I joined a study group and to my surprise my performance in class improved greatly. Studying became more enjoyable and something I looked forward to doing as I was able to learn from as well as help others. So for me, studying in groups is by far the most effective way to learn.]

75.The purpose of the passage is to       .

    A.encourage people to make a difference in fashion

    B.appeal for responsible consumption

    C.shorten the distance between Esprit and the consumers

    D.arouse consumers’ awareness of environmental protection



M:Hello. I work for Sun Tour Holidays and I'm (76) i    people           (76) ______

    about their last holiday. Would you (77) m    answering a few           (77) ______

    questions for our survey?

W:No, not at all.

M:Thank you. Did you (78) e     any difficulties in your journey?         (78) ______

W:Well, our plane didn’t take (79) o    on time. We didn’t get to          (79) ______

    Cyprus until three in the morning because it was (80) d    five hours,         (80) ______

    so we were very tired. You know we were a few hours (81) l    than       (81) ______

    usual. But there was a bus at the (82) a    and dropped us off at the       (82) ______

    hotel in time for (83) b   , so that was all right.                         (83) ______

M:And how was the hotel?

W:Well, we were a little disappointed with the room. It looked out onto

    some rather ugly,  (84) n     streets, but the beach was just a           (84) ______

    stone’s throw away.                                       

M:And how important are holidays to you?

W:Oh, we always make (85)s__________ we can get away at least once a year.   (85) ______



71.Why does the writer write this passage ?

    A.To tell people the Americans are illiterate

B.To prove the Americans to be a queer nation

C.To make fun of the American way of life

D.To give the readers information about USA


  So often our needs are defined by things that don’t get

us much: the comfort of having lots of stuff, the image we want to

portray, the social pressure to appear to be rich, the fantastic idea of

having something new for its own sake, like a new car or new TV or

the latest fashion. For years, we have spoken to our customers about

the difference between fashion and style. We’ve tried our best to

encourage style and reinforce the concept that style isn’t fashion.

It comes from your imagination and is developed slowly.

It’s reflection of your values.

Today, more than ever, the direction of an environmentally conscious style is not to have luxury or conspicuous (炫耀的) consumption written all over your clothes. This is still our message. We believe this could be best achieved by simply asking yourself before you buy something (from us or any other company ) whether this is something you really need. It could be you’ll buy more or less from us, but only what you need. We’ll be happy to adjust our business up or down accordingly, because we’ll feel we are then contributing to a healthier attitude about consumption. We know this is an opinion against the growth of economy, but frankly, if this kind of thinking doesn’t catch on quickly, we, like a plague of locusts, will swallow all that’s left of the planet. We could make the decision to reduce our consumption, or the decision will soon be made for us.

   We are optimistic that we can change course and avoid the disastrous destination toward which we’re heading. We also believe that there are many events occurring throughout the world right now which support this outlook. We’ve experienced big changes in people’s attitudes about some extremely important philosophical issues and values.

Our purchasing habits have enormous influence. By changing the things that make us happy and buying less stuff, we can reduce the terrible impact we have been placing on the environment. We can buy for vital needs, not silly self-satisfying needs. We do need clothes, yes, but so many?

While we’re advocating responsible consumption, we want to suggest one more idea. What you save, if you do, through changing your purchasing habits, contributes to one of the thousands of social and environmental organizations that are working to correct, repair, preserve or halt the damage to which our consumptive ways and economic system have led us.

We all have to work together to preserve the continuity of natural cycles and processes. If we don’t we’ll have no inheritance to give to our grandchildren. All will be gone. Our place in history will be that of the greatest mismanagers of the Earth, not such a loving way to be remembered!


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