Sometimes, when people have problems they cannot solve by themselves, they write to a newspaper columnist(专栏作家) like Abigail Van Buren, who calls herself Abby. She prints some of the letters in her column and ads her own advice or comments.

DEAR ABBY: I was called to serve on a jury (陪审团) and was really looking forward to serving, but when I told my husband, he said: "You have to get out of it !" I asked him why, and he couldn't give me a good reason; he just demanded that I try to get out of it.

Abby, I think it would be a good experience for me. Furthermore, I consider it my duty. My children are in school, and it wouldn't be difficult for me to find the time.

I know you are in favor of keeping peace in the family, but I honestly think my husband is wrong to demand that I get out of serving on a jury. So how do I defend my point of view?


DEAR CIRIZEN: You've right when you say it is your duty. I hope your husband never gets in trouble with the law, but ask him how he'd feel if he were tried by judge alone because all his neighbors and fellow citizens refused to serve on a jury.

Then tell him to reread the Declaration of Independence, and to remember that one of the complaints of the first Americans against King George of England was that they were not permitted to have jury trials. If your husband continues to refuse you the right to serve on a jury, declare your own independence on this point. It is one of the only two public services a citizen is asked to perform; the other is voting.

82. The name of the person who wrote the letter for help is ________.

   (A) Abby         (B) Abigail Van Buren

   (C) Citizen        (D) unknown

83. One who serves on a jury_______.

   (A) works for the jury  (B) is part of the jury

   (C) speaks to the jury  (D) defends for the jury

84. In line18, "fellow citizens" means _______.

   (A) other citizens of your country

   (B) other fellows from your country

   (C) other people you know in your country

   (D) other people in your neighborhood

85. The most powerful argument against the husband is ________.

   (A) the accused would face an unfair trial if his wife doesn't serve on the jury

   (B) his wife has studied the law

   (C) his wife can find the time

   (D) it's against the law to refuse one's wife the right to serve on a jury



If you ask some people, "How did you learn English so well?" you may get a surprising answer: "In my sleep!"

These are people who have taken part in one of the recent experiments to test learn-while-you-sleep methods, which are now being tried in several countries, and with several subjects. English is only one of them.

Scientists say that this sleep-study method greatly speeds language learning. They say that the ordinary person can learn two or three times as much during sleep as in the same period during the day---and this does not affect his rest in any way. A word of warning, however; sleep-teaching will only hammer(反复灌输) into your head what you have studied already while you are awake.

In one experiment, tem lessons were broadcast over the radio at intervals(期间) of two weeks. Each lesson lasted twelve hours from 8 p. m. to 8 a. m. The first three hours of English grammar and vocabulary were given with the student awake. At 11 p. m. a lullaby (催眠曲) was broadcast to send the student to sleep and for the next three hours the radio whispered the lesson again into his sleeping ears. At 2 a. m. a sharp noise was sent over the radio to wake the sleeping student up for a few minutes to review the lesson. Then soft song sent him back to rest again while the radio went on. At 5 o'clock his sleep ended and he had to go through the lesson again for three hours before breakfast.

78. By this method, one______.

   (A) starts to learn a new lesson in sleep

   (B) learns how to sleep better

   (C) is made to remember his lessons in sleep

   (D) can listen to broadcast while in bed

79. In the experiment, lessons were given ________.

   (A) in the night-time

   (B) after lullabies were broadcast

   (C) while the student was awake

   (D) all through the twelve hours

80. Before each lesson finishes, the student has to _________.

   (A) get up and take breakfast

   (B) be wakened by a loud noise

   (C) listen to the lesson again in sleep

   (D) review the lesson by himself

81. The sleep-study method is being tried in many countries to teach______.

   (A) English          (B) grammar and vocabulary

   (C) a number of subjects   (D) languages



Do you know how to read this? This is how to do it: read each word backwards. If that was too easy for you, try to work out how to read this:


Did you see how to do it ? Change each letter to the one that comes before it in the alphabet.

Both of the 'secret' sentences above are in cipher. You do not have to look up anything in a book to find out what they mean. You have to know the system. Then you know how to read them.

A cipher is always based on a system. The system may be a matter of changing the order of letters or words, or of substituting letters or words for other letters or words, according to a plan. Sometimes numbers or symbols have to be replaced by letters or words, but there is always a system, or plan. The Morse code, for example, is not really a code at all. It is a cipher. It was invented by a man called Samuel Morse. It uses an alphabet of dots and dashes for the letter of the ordinary alphabet.

A code uses substitution, too, but in a different way. A code uses signs, sounds, numbers, letters or words to stand for words, sentences or complete thoughts. In a cipher each of these stands for a single letter. In a code one of these stands for a whole word, a whole sentence or the whole message.

75. The first sentence in the passage is written in _______.

   (A) symbols    (B) cipher    (C) code    (D) Morse

76. According to the cipher plan suggested in paragraph 1, DBO ZPV SFBE UIJT? Means ______.



77. The Morse code substitutes ________.

   (A) symbols    (B) words    (C) numbers    (D) letters

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked (A) (B) (C) and (D). Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


In October 1978, Spiderman "climbed" up the Connaught Centre, which was then the tallest building in Hong Kong. The Connaught Centre has fifty storeies and is about 600 feet high, so it was chosen as part of the plot in a Spiderman film for American television.

In the film, Spiderman has to climb six floors up the outside of the Connaught Centre. The American television station used an experienced stunt man(替身演员), Mr. Fred Waugh, who had climbed up much taller buildings in the U. S. A. For his Hong Kong adventure, Mr. Waugh was put in a special bag with two cables attached(系) to it . The bag could carry a weight of more than 2000 pounds, so there was no chance that it would break. However, the climb was difficult because the cables were 400 feet long and it was not easy for Mr. Waugh to control his movements.

A crowd of people on the ground were astonished when they saw a tiny figure appear from a window in the eighteenth floor and climb slowly upwards. When they saw the cameramen taking a film of Mr. Waugh, they guessed what was happening.

After he finished his climb, Mr. Waugh said that it was one of the most difficult jobs he had ever done. "But," he said, "I'll do it again if necessary. It is just part of my job."

71. The cables holding Mr. Waugh's bag most probably came from the _______.

   (A) eighteenth floor      (B) twenty-fourth floor

   (C) top of the building    (D) bottom of the building

72. We would expect a stunt man to ________.

   (A) do dangerous things      (B) speak many languages

   (C) be an experienced cameraman  (D) be silent

73. If Mr. Waugh slipped when he was climbing up the building, ______.

   (A) the bag would fall to the ground with him

   (B) the cables would prevent him from falling

   (C) he would hit the people watching below

   (D) there would be no more Spiderman

74. It is possible that in the film on television, _______.

   (A) people will not see the Connaught Centre

   (B) the cables will break and Spiderman will fall

   (C) this scene will not be shown

   (D) the bag and cables will be invisible


More US experts have expressed confidence in China's economic reforms (改革) and the prospects for China's Modernization.

"If the reforms are implemented ," said Doak Barnett, professor of Johns Hopkins University, they would confirm the trend(趋势) towards more significant and broader economic __61__ between China and the United States, which will have in some respects, a favorable impact __62__ political relations.

"Also these __63__ will encourage China to become more __64__ in the international economics and the international community. Barnett believes the __65__ is desirable, from China's point of __66__, and for the international community, the more __67__ China is in the international community, the larger role it may __68__ in world affairs," he said.

"Personally, I think China has the ability to move __69__ in this direction, and I am fairly confident that the Chinese leadership will __70__ to move in this direction."

61. (A) relation   (B) ties      (C) dialogues   (D) talks

62. (A) on       (B) of       (C) about     (D) to

63. (A) intentions  (B) backgrounds  (C) programmes  (D) reforms

64. (A) involved   (B) interesting  (C) extended   (D) convincing

65. (A) association  (B) cooperation  (C) job      (D) start

66. (A) opinion    (B) remark     (C) view     (D) benefit

67. (A) beneficial  (B) active     (C) lively    (D) logical

68. (A) suffer    (B) has      (C) take     (D) play

69. (A) especially  (B) specially   (C) ahead     (D) heavily

70. (A) insist    (B) go on     (C) fight     (D) continue

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