6. twice  7. uncommon  8. riders    9. neighborhoods  10. averaging 

Passage (2)

Australia, the last continent, was discovered by ships  1    (belong) to some European nations in the seventeenth century. These nations were  2    (little) interested in changing it into a colony than in  3    (explore) it. As in the early history of the United States, it was the English  4   set up the settlements in Australia. This history and the geography of these two British colonies have some other things in common as well.

     Australia and the United States are about the same in size, and their western lands are both not rich  5    soil. It was on the eastern coast of Australia and America that the English first settled, and both colonies soon began to develop towards the west. However, this westward  6    (move) took place  7       because the English were searching for better land than the population was increasing. Settlements of the west part of both countries developed quickly after gold   8      (discover) in America in 1849 and in Australia two years later.

     Although the development of these two countries has a lot in common, there are some  9    (strike) differences as well. The United States gained its independence from England by revolution while Australia won its independence without having to go to war. Australia,  10    (like) the United States, was firstly turned into a colony by English prisoners and its economic development was in wheat growing and sheep raising. By 1922, for example, Australia had fifteen times more sheep than it had people or almost half as many sheep as there are people today in the United States. Australia and the United States have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world.

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