4. 祈使句 + and + 陈述句结构


  果,它相当于If you..., you will...,另外,祈使句 +

  or + 陈述句结构表示:If (not)..., you will,有时候,


  Work harder, and you'll find it not difficult to learn.


   Hurry up, or you will be late.


   More effort, and you can finish it in time.



[考点1]Pierre and I did have a very good time at the

ball. 皮埃尔与我确实在舞会上玩得很开心。


在“助动词do / does / did + 动词原形”结构中,助动词

do / does / did意思是“确实,的确,一定”。常常用在



Do send me e-mail immediately you arrive at Beijing. 你


He does smoke two packs of cigarettes every day. 他确


The company earned much more this month than it did

last month. 公司本月赚的钱要比上个月多得多。

[考例1](NMET 2000) An awful accident____,

however, occur the other day.

   A. does   B. did

   C. was to   D. had to

[考查目标] 对句子中谓语的强调。

[答案与解析] B  助动词do (does用于第三人称) 用于



[考点2]In the eighteenth century, Benjamin Franklin

conducted a number of experiments in which he showed

what electricity is. 18世纪。本杰明·富兰克林做了一系


注意:该句子中的 a number of 作主语,谓语动词用复数


A number of children play video games online. 很多的


a number of意思是“许多,数目”,作主语时,谓语动词

用复数形式。the number of意思是“数量”,作主语时,


A number of people prefer to sending e-mail each other

t0 writing letters. 许多人更愿意发电子邮件,而不愿意


The number of milu deer is increasing year by year. 麋


[考例2](NMET 1996) The number of people invited

____ fifty,but a number of them ____ absent

fnr different reasons.

   A. were; was   B. was; was

   C. was; were   D. were; were

[考查目标] 主谓一致。

[答案与解析] C  根据以上的解释,应该选was;were。

[考点3]Having realized that I could use a kite to attract

Iightning, I decided to do an experiment. 意识到可以用


该句中的having realized是v-ing形式的完成式在句中


v-ing形式在句中的主要作用是作状语,having done表



ing done;非谓语与句子主语之间存在着被动关系时,

用having been done;其否定形式是在v-ing前加not。


Having finished his homework, the boy decided to play

football for a while. 做完了作业.他决定去踢一会儿


Not having cleaned the classroom, they couldn't go

home. 还没有打扫完教室,他们还不能回家。

Having been praised in class, the girl felt very happy.


[考例3](2001上海春招) ____ from heart trouble

for years, Professor White has to take some medicine

with him wherever he goes.

   A. Suffered   B. Suffering

   C. Having suffered   D. Being suffered


[答案与解析]C  v-ing形式的逻辑主语是Professor

White,Professor White和suffer之间存在着主动关

系,而且根据,for years,表示 suffer 的动作持续换了



17. pick out 挑出;辨别出;使显眼

  I can pick out my sister in the crowd.


  The houses in the painting were picked out in white.


  [注意]与pick搭配的词组有:pick up 拿起,拾起,恢

  复;pick over 检查

[考点1]含“介词at + (冠词) + 名词短语”

① at the head of 在……最前头

② at midnight 在半夜

③ at present 现在,目前

④ at once 立刻,马上

⑤ at breakfast 早餐时

⑥ at first 起先,首先

⑦ at school 在学校,在上学

⑧ at home 在家

⑨ at night 在晚上

⑩ at the moment 此刻

⑩ at the end of 在……结尾.到……尽头

⑩ at the same time 同时

⑩ at times 有时,偶尔

⑩ at all 一点也不

⑩ at last 最后,起码

⑩ at sea 在海上,茫然.奠名其妙

⑥ at the age of 在……岁数时

⑩ at the beginning of... 起初,开始

⑩ at (the) most 至多

④ at a time 每次

① at one time 过去有段时间,曾经

◎ at work 在工作

④ at a loss 茫然

⑨ at hospital 住院

④ at (the) least 至少

[例句] A policeman drove at the head of the procession.


At first he was a little shy in class, but now he acts

more naturally. 起初在班里他有点害羞.但是现在自然


If you find anything not to your liking you will tell me

at once? 如果你发现你不喜欢的东西,马上告诉我好吗?

At one time 1 used to play a lot of sport, but I seem to

have lost interest now. 我曾经喜爱运动,但是现在好像


I feel a little nervous at times. 有时我的确感到有些紧


The meal came to an end at last, and Mr. Li rose. 这顿


I don't understand politics: I'm at sea when people talk

about the government. 我不懂政治,当人们谈论政府


[考例l](NMET 1994) Don't all speak at once!

____ please.

   A. Each at one time

   B. One by one time

   C. One for each time

   D. One at a time


[答案与解析]D at a time 每次;one at time 每次一

个;“一个接一个”应该用one by one, 不可以在后面加

lime;at one time过去有段时间,曾经。本句话意思是



① a few 一些,几个

② a series of 一连串的。一系列

③ a bit (of) 少量的,一点,也不

④ a pairr of 一对,一双

⑤ a bottle of 一瓶

⑥ a glass of 一杯

⑦ a piece of 一件

⑧ a kind of 一种

⑨ a little 一点

⑩ a lot of / lots of 许多

⑥ plenty of 许多,大量的

⑥ a number of 许多

⑩ the number of... …的数量

⑩ a great deal of 许多,大量

⑩ a basin of 一盆

⑩ a bowl of 一碗

⑥ a basket of 一篮

⑩ a bucket of 一桶

⑩ a handful of 一把

⑩ a mouthful of 一口

[例句] A series of rainy days spoiled our vacation. 一连


There lay a pair of glasses on the desk. 在课桌上放着一


There was plenty of work for girls of her age. 对于她这


A great number of civilians were murdered in the war.


She thought that her friend must have been through a

great deal of trouble. 她想她的朋友肯定经历了许多麻


[考例2](NMET 1996) The number of people invited

____ fifty,but a number of them ____ absent

for different reasons.

   A. were; was   B. was; was

   C. was; were   D. were; were

[考查目标] 此题主要考查主谓一致。

[答案与解析]C “the number of + 复数名词”作主语

时,谓语动词用单数形式;“a number of + 复数名词”作





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