【题目】 For generations, students were taught to stretch before playing games. Then the practice fell out of favor. Studies seemed to show that such stretching temporarily reduces muscular power, weakens athletic performance and increases the risk of injury. So most fitness experts currently advise against stretches before exercise. But now a new research indicates that they might not be such a bad idea after all.

This month, the journal, Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism (APNM), published a study by four distinguished exercise scientists who analyzed more than 200 studies of how stretching affects the following exercise. In broad terms, they found that stretching can briefly prevent the ability to generate power. So if you reach for your toes and hold that position, tightening your hamstrings (腿筋), you might not then be able to leap as high or start a dash as forcefully as you don’t stretch.

Those undesirable effects were generally found, however, only if each stretch was held for more than 60 seconds and the subject then immediately became fully active, with no further warm-up. “Outside the lab, most people are unlikely to hold a warm-up stretch for longer than about 30 seconds.” Dr. McHugh, the co-author of the study says. The review found few lasting negative impacts from these short stretches, especially if the volunteers followed that stretching with several minutes of jogging or other basic warm-up movements. In fact, these short stretches turned out to have a positive effect.

Do these findings mean that all the athletes should stretch in advance before a match? “Not necessarily,” Dr. McHugh says, “Runners and cyclists don’t have much risk for acute muscle injuries.” Stretching before these activities is unlikely to protect against injury. Runners and cyclists can adequately warm up by jogging or pedaling lightly. But he suggests that people who play basketball and other ball sports should stretch in advance. Those who haven’t stretched since childhood gym class might want to consider consulting an athletic trainer about the best upper and lower body stretches, particularly for the shoulders and hamstrings.

1According to the new research, people may suffer negative impacts when _______.

A.they do stretches after attending a game

B.they reach for toes and hold that position

C.following a stretch with several minutes’ jogging

D.dashing immediately after one 60-second plus stretch

2We can learn from the passage that _______.

A.all athletes should not stretch in advance

B.the four scientists published the journal APNM

C.it’s unnecessary for a tennis player to do warm-up stretches

D.players ought to have done warm-up stretches since childhood

3What’s Dr. McHugh’s attitude toward stretches?



【题目】 What we know of prebirth training makes all this attempt made by a mother to influence the character of her unborn child by studying poetryartor mathematics during pregnancy seem totally impossible. How could such extremely complex influences pass from the mother to the childThere is no connection between their nervous systems. Even the blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly. An emotional shock to the mother will affect her childbecause it changes the activity of her glands() and the chemistry of her blood. Any chemical change in the mother's blood will affect the child for better or worse. But we can not see how a looking for mathematics or poetic genius can be dissolved(溶解) in blood and produce a similar liking or genius in the child.

In our discussion of instincts(本能) we saw that there was reason to believe that whatever we inherit(继承) must be of some very simple sort rather than any complicated or very definite kind of behavior. It is certain that no one inherits a knowledge of mathematics. It may behoweverthat children inherit more or less of a rather general ability that we may call intelligence. If very intelligent children become deeply interested in mathematicsthey will probably make a success of that study.

As for musical abilityit may be that what is inherited is an especially sensitive eara special structure of the hands or the vocal(发声的) organs connections between nerves and muscles. If these factors are all organized around musicthe child may become a musician. The same factorsin other circumstancemight be organized about some other center of interest.

The rich emotional equipment might find expression in poetry. The capable fingers might develop skill in surgery. It is not the knowledge of music that is inheritedthen nor even the love of itbut a certain bodily structure that makes it comparatively easy to acquire musical knowledge and skill. Whether that ability shall be directed toward music or some other fields may be decided entirely by forces in the environment in which a child grows up.

1What can we learn from the first paragraph

A.Mothers' prebirth training is totally unlikely to influence the character of unborn children.

B.A pregnant mother needn't have prebirth training because of no nervous connection with her child.

C.A mother can't help her child become a talented poet just by studying poems during pregnancy.

D.An emotional shock to the mother has little effect on her unborn child for their unconnected vessels.

2It can be concluded from the passage that a child may not inherit ________ from mother.

A.sensitive earsB.capable fingers

C.intelligenceD.a knowledge of maths

3Which of the following can be the best title of the passage

A.Role of InheritanceB.Role of the Environment

C.An Unborn ChildD.Inherited Talents



1. 接触纯正地道英语,有助提高口语;













参考词汇:地道的 authentic, 评估 evaluate

English is widely recognized as the universal language. Recently there have been various English learning institutions. People’s opinions on these institutions are divided.



Many things — genetics, environment, the food you eat, illness, sleep, even the seasons — influence your emotional state. But at the heart of it is how you regard yourself. If you have a healthy level of self-esteem (自尊), you not only deal with life's challenges better than people with low self-esteem, but you're probably more content, confident, and successful. You're probably also healthier. Studies show that positive self-esteem actually helps prevent people against depression and anxiety.Most people's sense of worth is rooted in their childhood — in the early approval or disapproval of parents, teachers, and friends. But as we get older, most of us judge ourselves by our sense of how effectively we're managing in the world, especially in the areas of love and work. Our ability to love and be loved can give our lives a sense of purpose and deep fulfillment. We can also find satisfaction and pride in work-related accomplishments, and the people we meet and work with can strengthen our sense of self and our role in life.

Once midlife comes along, however, our self-esteem can take a turn in response to changes in our lives. Marriage may change, children may leave home, and we may begin to cut back on work as we approach retirement. Of course, the view in the mirror may not be what it used to be, either.

If you find your self-esteem eroding (变弱) a bit, there are plenty of ways to build it back up again.

Reframe your identity. Redefine what you base your sense of self-worth on. Instead of “sales manager”, “stock market analyst”, or “mom”, start thinking of yourself as “community organizer”, “literacy volunteer”, “great cook”, “gifted gardener”, and more.

Talk back to your inner critic. Become conscious of how hard you're being on yourself, and fight against a negative attitude with some positive self-talk.

Take time for yourself. Read the paper, keep a journal, go for a swim. This is especially important for women, who are often so busy nurturing others that they neglect their own needs and interests. (346 words)


【题目】Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge

This modern-art gallery in a Victorian house was founded in the 1950s by Tate Jim and reopened in February following a two-year redevelopment by Jamie Fobert Architects, the team behind the 2017 Tate Steves extension. This means a new cafe, a four-floor education wing and improved gallery space that can accommodate more visitors. The gallery’s permanent collection includes works by Joan Miró, Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth.

Being Brunel, Bristol

To celebrate the life and work of famous civil engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunei, Being Brunei will open in March on Bristol’s harbourside. The museum will include a range of interactive and entertaining exhibits, including talking portraits of his friends and family and personal possessions, including an 1821 school report. It is a good place for families to strengthen connections.

Royal Academy of Arts, London

The RA reopens on 19 May for its 250th anniversary, following a 50m renovation (翻新) with a gallery and expanded exhibition programme. These will include three day-lit galleries, which will host exhibitions with a focus on contemporary art and architecture. The grand frontwall of the Burlington Gardens building has also been restored—possibly the first time it’s had a proper clean in its 150 year history.

V&A, Dundee

One of the most significant new openings of the year will be Scotland’s first design museum and also the first V&A anywhere outside of London on 15 September. The museum building sits on the river Tay. It will celebrate Scottish design and objects in its collection.

1What do we know about Being Brunel?

A. It has a long school report.

B. It includes three day-lit galleries.

C. It is family-friendly.

D. It possesses permanent collections.

2The purpose of the RA reopening is _______.

A. to expand the exhibition

B. to mark its 250th anniversary

C. to display contemporary art

D. to present its 150-year history

3What does the writer intend to tell us?

A. To compare different tourist attractions.

B. To attract more visitors to the UK.

C. To describe some famous museums and artists.

D. To introduce openings of some famous art museums.

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