【题目】 If you wear glasses, chances are you are smarter. Research published in the famous British journal Nature Communications has found that people who displayed higher levels of intelligence were almost 30 percent more likely to wear glasses.

The scientists studied the genes of thousands of people between the ages of 16 and 102.The study showed intelligence can be connected to physical characteristics. One characteristic was eyesight.In out of 10 people who were more intelligent, there was a higher chance they needed glasses. Scientists also said being smarter has better benefits. It is connected to better health.

It is important to remember these are connections which are not proven causes. Scientists call this correlation. Just because something is connected to something else does not mean one of those things caused the other. And it's worth noting that what constitutes intelligence is subjective and can be difficult, if not impossible, to measure.

Forget genes though. Plenty of proof shows wearing glasses makes people think you are more intelligent, even if you do not need glasses. A number of studies have found people who wear glasses are seen as smarter, hard working and honest. Many lawyers use this idea to help win their cases. Lawyer Harvey Slovis explained this. Glasses soften their appearance, he said. Sometimes there has been a huge amount of proof showing that people he was defending broke the law. He had them wear glasses and they weren't found guilty.

Glasses are also used to show someone is intelligent in movies and on TV. Ideas about people who wear glasses have begun to shift. People who do not need glasses sometimes wear them for fashion only. They want to look worldly or cool. But not everyone is impressed by this idea, though. GQ magazine said people who wear glasses for fashion are trying too hard to look smart and hip(时髦的). However that hasn’t stopped many celebrities from happily wearing glasses even if they do not need them. Justin Bieber is just one high-profile fan of fashion glasses.

1What does the new study show?

A. People wearing glasses are smarter.

B. People wearing glasses are healthier.

C. Wearing glasses can make people cleverer.

D. Wearing glasses is associated with higher IQ.

2What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. ShiftB. Link

C. ProofD. Consequence

3Why do some lawyers ask Their clients to wear glasses in court?

A. Because it can create a moral image.

B. Because it can mislead the witnesses.

C. Because it can highlight clients’ qualities.

D. Because it can prove the clients' innocence.

【题目】When the sun sets in Hong Kong, the city skyline comes alive. Billboard(广告牌)lights flash, and light up the crowded streets. The colorful lights from the tall buildings are one of the city’s main attractions.

“Oh, my god. The lights are so amazing. We love it. It’s so nice.” said one visitor.

But this appreciation is not shared by everyone in Hong Kong. Lat year then government reported a record number of complaints. The curtains may be drawn. But residents argue the bright light outside is hard to escape. “We receive some complaints about the light pollution. They find it very hard to sleep or they have disturbance from the light outside.”

Scientists at the University of Hong Kong spent 18 months studying levels of light pollution and collecting more than 5 million measurements. They found Hong Kong one of the world’s worst “victims”. The lights pollution condition in Hong Kong was extremely severe. Particular in cities, the night sky brightness, as well as the lights, is a few hundred times over the level of that of a night sky without light pollution. In cities such as Seoul, London, Shanghai and Paris, billboard lighting is under control. And there are punishments for people who go against the law.

But in Hong Kong, there are no laws. A volunteer regulation called Charter of External Light(户外灯光约章)encourages visitors to switch off between 11 p.m. and 7 p.m. The critics say it’s not enough to make a difference. The government says 4800 businessmen have signed up to the Charter so far. And it’s satisfied that it’s working.

But not everyone is convinced and some residents are taking upon themselves to act. Zoe Chow led a campaign to have a commercial building switch off their midnight. She won but she believes the lights will eventually turn back on. “I know that the building has signed the Charter of External Light. But it is voluntary, not mandatory(强制的).

1What is the complaint about in the third paragraph?

A. The ill-designed billboard.

B. The unattractive night lights.

C. The light pollution at night.

D. The city noise and disturbance.

2Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?

A. Billboard lighting is under control in all big cities.

B. Scientists have found ways to stop the light pollution.

C. The government attaches little importance to the light pollution.

D. The Charter of External Light is aimed to help reduce the light pollution.

3What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Bright lights in Hong Kong may continue to shine.

B. People are satisfied with the role the Charter plays.

C. Residents will never start a campaign against the light pollution.

D. The Charter of External Light will no longer have an effect.

4What is this text mainly about?

A. Hongkong’s light pollution law.

B. Severe light pollution in Hongkong.

C. Pollution problems in big cities.

D. The Solution to light pollutions.

【题目】Airports are dull places where bored passengers kill time eating rubbish food they don’t want and buying stuff they’ll never need. Right?

Wrong! Many of today’s terminals(航站楼)around the world offer great entertainment, dining and shopping. With so much to offer, you’re almost attracted to miss your flight.

1. Changi Airport, Singapore

It’s the only one in the world with its own butterfly garden, and each of the three terminals has its own indoor playground and video game area.

If you have a long wait you could always watch the latest movies at the free cinema, go to sunflower gardens or take a dip in the rooftop swimming pool.

2. Incheon Airport, Seoul, South Korea

A five-minute free shuttle bus ride will take you to the SKY72 Golf Club, with three courses and a driving range.

There are seven gardens inside the terminal, an ice rink, a spa and the Museum of Korean Culture. There is even a casino(赌场).

3. Dubai Airport, UAE

It has its own health club with a Jacuzzi, gym and swimming pool, or you can wander in the Zen Garden. The weary can take a rest in a sound-proofed pod with a bed for a while.

4. Hong Kong Airport

Not only does it have its own IMAX cinema, the airport is home to Green Live AIR, a hi-tech space offering both nine and 18-hole golf simulations(模拟).

For kids, there’s the Dream Come True Education Park, where they take part in role-playing jobs, or the Aviation Discovery Centre, with themed exhibits and graphics, and the Sky Deck runway viewing platform.

5. Munich Airport, Germany

Go to the outdoor Visitor’s Park to check out the historic aircraft, watch the planes from the viewing hill or browse in the souvenir shop. For kids, there’s Kinderland, a fun paradise with a big “adventure plane”, films, games, arts and crafts, and a waiting room for their tired parents to relax in.

And, of course, since we’re in Bavaria there’s a beer garden!

1What do we know about the airports mentioned in the text?

A. All the airporys are dull places to kill time.

B. Many airports have their own butterfly gardens.

C. Kids may like Hong Kong Airport and Munich Airport.

D. Passengers can enjoy watching the movies in all airports.

2At which airports can people play golf?

A. Changi Airport and Incheon Airport.

B. Munich Airport and Incheon Airport.

C. Dubai Airport and Hong Kong Airport.

D. Incheon Airport and Kong Kong Airport.

3What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A. To introduce changes in some airports.

B. To advise passengers to play golf.

C. To encourage people to travel by plane.

D. To provide guidance on airport shopping.

【题目】 It's at this time of the year that marathon recovery, not marathon training, starts to take center stage.

Research indicates that the muscle damage from running a marathon can last up to two weeks. The research also indicates that muscle soreness(肌肉酸痛)is not a good indicator of muscular healing. In other words, just because you aren't sore anymore doesn't mean that you are fully healed. This is the danger for marathon runners: post-marathon muscular soreness fades after a few days but minor damage within the muscle cells remains. If you return to full training too soon--running more and faster than the tissues are ready for--you risk delaying full recovery and the chance to get ready for your next goal.

The solution, it appears, is to recognize (and accept) that the muscles will take a while to heal and to be prepared to take it easy for the first couple of weeks (even longer if you’re particularly sore after your marathon).While the research isn't very promising when it comes to things to do to reduce soreness and aid healing, a couple of concepts appear to help. First, providing gentle blood flow to the area helps bring healing nutrients (营养) into the muscles and also helps to remove waste products and damaged tissue. Walking and gentle massage(按摩)can help, particularly in the first few days after a marathon. Once muscle soreness has significantly reduced (usually two to four days after the race), light jogging can commence. Just be mindful to run very slowly.

No runner wants to get super fit and then lose that during the recovery process. But since you must reduce your training load following your marathon, it can be difficult as to how much and how soon to insert running into your post-marathon training.

1When should marathon runners return to full training?

A. About half a month after the competition.

B. A few days after soreness disappears.

C. Before the tissues recover completely.

D. Before the next game draws closer.

2How can marathon runners reduce their muscle soreness?

A. Through family care.

B. By doing gentle exercise.

C. Through medical treatment.

D. By removing damaged tissue.

3Which of the following best explains “commence” underlined in Paragraph 3?

A. Fit.B. Heal.

C. Start.D. Mend.

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Reducing Training LoadB. Soreness with Sports

C. Healing Muscle SorenessD. Recovery after Marathon

【题目】Yesterday, I posted a photo of a pile of cross stitch kits (十字绣) on my blog. To my ______, many readers say I do well in them. 1 couldn’t use them all,______ finally I decided to ______ the rest to ladies in my neighbourhood who like to ______ a project with their own hands.

I ______ them all up into a box and decided to start with the lady who ______ a pub. She’s perfectly ______ and she served me with a cup of coffee. I took her out to my car and showed her the ______. I was holding it in my arms beside my car when another car ______ up next to us with two other ______ in it. Within moments I was pushed against the ______ behind the weight of three elderly ladies and I had to ______ my way to pick up the empty box. The three ladies had taken every single item in that box with ______ expressions on their faces and lots of thanks. One of the ladies has a son who is a firefighter. She decided to give some cross stitch kits to the ______ station. Her decision did make me ______. I had in my mind a wonderful picture of all these ______ and strong firemen sitting around all working on their cute cross stitch Christmas stockings while they ______ for fire alarms to be called in.

Finally,______ and laughter all went around, and then I e-mailed another ______, who often visits me and also likes cross stitch kits. She promised to send me her extra cross stitch kits, too. I just know kindness will finally ______ on to others.

1A. mind B. joy C. sadness D. goal

2A. or B. but C. so D. because

3A. set down B. put off C. give away D. take apart

4A. use B. create C. buy D. sell

5A. broke B. employed C. got D. packed

6A. runs B. visits C. destroys D. invents

7A. confident B. cruel C. kind D. unfair

8A. magazine B. flower C. coat D. box

9A. pulled B. burst C. finished D. hung

10A. ladies B. men C. friends D. children

11A. car B. pub C. table D. wall

12A. take B. fight C. lead D. choose

13A. frightened B. satisfied C. disappointed D. upset

14A. bus B. police C. television D. fire

15A. pleased B. hopeless C. scared D. anxious

16A. little B. slow C. big D. thin

17A. look B. wait C. search D. stand

18A. shyness B. worry C. danger D. happiness

19A. stranger B. volunteer C. neighbor D. foreigner

20A. hold B. try C. look D. pass

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