12.You may think that sailing is a difficult sport,but it is really not hard to learn it.You do not need to be strong.But you need to be quick.And you need to understand a few basic rules about the wind.First,you must ask yourself,"Where is the wind coming from?Is it coming from ahead or behind or from the side?"You must think about this all the time on the boat.The wind direction tells you what to do with the sail.
Let's start with the wind blowing from behind.This means the wind and the boat are going in the same direction.Then you must always keep the sail outside the boat.It should be at a 90° angle (角度)the boat.Then it will catch the wind best.
If the wind is blowing from the side,it is blowing across the boat In this case,you must keep the sail half way outside the boat.It should be at a 45° angle to the boat.It needs to be out far enough to catch the wind,but it shouldn't flap (摆动).It shouldn't look like a flag on a flagpole.If it is flapping,it is probably out too far,and the boat will slow down.
Sailing into the wind is not possible.If you try,the sail will flap and the boat will stop.You may want to go in that direction.It is possible,but you can't go in a straight line.You must go first in one direction and then in another.This is called tacking.When you are tacking,you must always keep the sail inside the boat.

29.What should you consider first while sailing?D
A.Wave levels.
B.Size of sails.
D.Wind directions.
30.What does the word"It"underlined in Paragraph 4 refer to?C
A.The boat.B.The wind.C.The sail.D.The angle.
31.What do you have to do when sailing against the wind?A
A.Tack the boat.
B.Lower the sail.
C.Move in a straight line.
D.Allow the sail to flap.
32.Where can you probably find the text?C
A.In a physics textbook.
B.In a tourist guidebook.
C.In a popular magazine.
D.In an official report.
11.Thousands of people were attracted to a 2-meter-wide lane in Tongcheng,Anhui proving this spring festival.Although (61)it was impossible to count the exact number,at least 5,000people visited it each day.
This narrow lane,(62)called (call) Liuchi Lane in Chinese,won greater popularity after the story behind it was broadcast on a CCTV show.At first glance it may seem unimportant,but to those(63)who  know its history,Liuchi Lane means much more than its(64)appearance (appear).In the early Qing Dynasty it served (65)as the boundary between Zhang family and Wu family.They quarreled (66)fiercely (fierce) over which family had the right to build a wall on the dividing line.After(67)failing (fail) to make a compromise,the Zhangs turned to Zhang Ying,a family member of Zhangs and also a top official in the emperor's court.To(68)their (they) surprise,Zhang Ying did not provide the support they needed.He called for his family to step back I meter from the boundary.Seeing that,the Wus (69)agreed (agree) to move back another meter.Thus Liuchi lane was born.
In reality,the story of Liuchi Lane is not only about how to get along with others,(70)but  also a guideline for all the officials in China.
8.How can I carry out a group project?Group projects can be so overwhelming (是人不知所措的),especially when people don't cooperate and follow through."(36)D"To follow this wise advice from expert Julie Hochheiser IIkovich,simply break down that hug project into smaller jobs that can be tracked.Here's exactly how to do it:
●List it.The day the project is assigned,immediately identify the end goal.(37)BThis should include everything from minor tasks to major ones.
●Schedule it.(38)EThis should include meetings,tasks,and deadlines.Assign each person a color and highlight each task with those colors,so it's clear who is doing what.
●Track it.As a team,decide on a project manager who will keep everyone on track,and who you agree is allowed to call team members out if they're not hardworking.(Advice on how to choose:(39)C)
As stressful as group work is,it can actually be beneficial in the long run.At first,groups that work well together can achieve much more than individuals working on their own.And being part of a team will help you develop your interpersonal skills.Also,working with others will help identify your own strengths and weaknesses.(40)F

A.Give feedback on group processes to groups
B.Then list what needs to get done to accomplish it
C.Look for the person with the most organized desk!
D.A half-hour of planning saves a week of stress at the end!
E.Create a timetable for the project and put everything from the list on it.
F.This sense about yourself will be invaluable when you enter the workforce.
G.Group projects can help people develop new approaches to solving problems.
7.A member of our class told us of a request made by his wife.She and a group of other women in her church were involved in a self-improvement program.She asked her husband to help hr by listing six things he believed she could do to help her become a better wife.He reported to the class,"I was surprised by such a request.Frankly,it would have been easy for me to list six things I would like to change about her---my heavens,she could have listed a thousand things she would like to change about me---but I didn't.I said to her,‘Let me think about it and give you an answer in the morning.'"
"The next morning I got up very early and called the florist(花商)and had him send six red roses to my wife with a note saying,‘I can't think of six things I would like to change about you.I love you the way you are.'"
"When I arrived at home that evening,who do you think greeted me at the door?That's right.My wife!She was almost in tears.Needless to say,I was extremely glad I had not criticized her as she had requested."
"The following Sunday at church,after she had reported the result of her request,several women with whom she had been studying came up to me and said,"That is the most considerate thing I have ever heard.'I was then that I realized the power of appreciation."
Lincoln once began a letter saying,"Everybody likes a compliment."William James said,"The deepest principle in human nature is the desire to be appreciated."So let's give honest,sincere appreciation to others instead of criticizing them.This will make a great difference to your life as well as others'.

24.What can we learn from the husband's words in the text?B
A.He had to end his marriage            B.His wife actually wanted some praise
C.He was angry with his wife            D.His wife's request was a joke
25.What does the underlined phrase"the result"in Paragraph 4 refer to?B
A.Being criticized
B.Getting the flowers
C.Listing the six things
D.Becoming a better wife
26.What kind of person is the husband according to the text?D
A.Childlike               B.Ambitious           C.Courageous          D.Thoughtful
27.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?A
A.To stress the value of recognition
B.To tell us the power of knowledge
C.To tell us the meaning of perfection
D.To stress the importance of forgiveness.
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