4.This year,many schoolchildren across the United States have taken part in local and state spelling competitions.The young competitors could spell words that even some adults may never have heard of.
More than 280 local winners earned the right to compete in this year's National Spelling Final,which took place from May 28 to June 3 near Washington,D.C.,at the National Harbor in Maryland.Most competitors in the National Spelling Final were between the ages of 12 and 14.But one competitor was less than half that age-five-year-old Edith Fuller.She won an area spelling competition in her home state of Oklahoma.The five-hour competition lasted 37 rounds.Edith correctly spelled words
like sevruga(一种俄罗斯鱼子酱),jacamar (a kind of bird);and Nisei (a child of Japanese immigrants).Jnana,a Sanskrit(梵语)word made the youngest person qualify(获得资格)for the National Spelling Final.
When she was just four,Edith surprised her parents when she was able to spell the word"restaurant."At that moment,her mom and dad realized their child might be something special there.Edith is homeschooled,so her parents are able to spend a little more time teaching her to spell.
Her mom spoke with the Media about the benefits of homeschooling Edith."We have the freedom to answer her questions,to help her advance at her own pace,"she said.Now,Edith is already being called a"spellebrity(拼写达人)."

25.Where did the local winners take part in the National Spelling Final?B
A.In Washington D.C..
B.At the National Harbor in Maryland.
C.In Oklahoma.
D.It's not mentioned in the passage.
26.The reason why Edith Fuller won in her home state is thatD.
A.she was the youngest competitor                   
B.she could spell the words like sevuga,jacamar,etc
C.she competed in 37 rounds                                  
D.she could spell Jnana,a Sanskrit word
27.What can we know about Edith after reading this passage?D
A.She was a homeschooled kid.
B.She was the youngest person to qualify for the National Spelling Final.
C.Her parents were ever surprised at her spelling gift.
 D.All are right.
1.Much meaning can be conveyed,clearly,with our eyes,so it is often said that eyes can speak.
Do you have such kind of experience?In a bus you may look at a stranger,but not too long.And if he is sensing that he is being stared at,he may feel uncomfortable.
The same in daily life.If you are looked at for more than necessary,you will look at yourself up and down,to see if there is anything wrong with you.If nothing goes wrong,you will feel angry toward others'stare at you that way.Eyes do speak,right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive.But things are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex.If a man glances at a woman for more than 10seconds and refuses to move his gaze,his intentions are obvious,that is,he wishes to attract her attention,to make her understand that he is admiring her.
However,the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time,in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking,to tell him that he is attentive.
If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,as if he tries to dominate you,you will feel uncomfortable.A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim,since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication.Quite the contrary.
In fact,continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only,who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time,to show affection that words cannot express.
Evidently,eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.

33.Which of the following behaviors is proper according to the passage?D
A.To the opposite sex,stare at him or her.
B.To a stranger,avoid looking at him or her.
C.In a conversation,look at the listener all the time.
D.Make eye contact depending on the relationship and different situations.
34.If two persons exchange eye contact gently for long,what is probably their relationship?B
A.Boss and employee.
C.Teacher and student.
35.What's the best title of the passage?C
A.Don't stare at others    
B.Body language is important
C.Eyes can speak         
D.Eye contact benefits you.
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