
2.The giant panda (61)is loved(love) by people throughout the world.Chinese scientists (62)recently(recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.She was a very (63)caring/careful(care)mother.For 25 days,she never left her baby,not even to find something (64)to eat (eat)!She would not let any other pandas come near.She licked(舐,舔)the baby constantly to keep it clean.Any smell might attract dangerous (65)animals (animal)that would try to eat the little comforting pats.The mother held the baby in her front paws much the way a human does.(66)When/If it cried,she rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting pats.The mother continued to care for the young panda (67)for more than two years.By that time,the panda no longer needed (68)its(it)mother for food.However,it stayed with her and leaned about the ways of the forest.Then,after two and a half years,the mother (69)drove (drive)the young panda away.It was time for her to have a new baby,and it was also time for the young panda to be (70)independent(depend).

分析 本文主要写了雌性大熊猫和她的孩子baby大熊猫之间的关系.

解答 61.is loved 考查被动语态.句意:大熊猫受到全世界人们的喜爱.大熊猫与love之间是被动关系,所以答案是is loved.
62.recently  考查副词. 中国科学家最近有机会研野生雌性大熊猫和她的孩子.recently是副词"近期"在句中做状语.
63.caring/careful考查非谓语. 此处是现在分词或形容词作定语,放在名词前面,故填caring/careful
64.to eat   考查非谓语动词.句意:甚至不去找吃的东西.此处是动词不定式放在不定代词后面作后置定语,故填to eat
65.animals    考查名词的复数.句意:任何气味都可能吸引自然界危险的动物.不止一个,应该用复数形式,故填animals
66.When/If   考查连词.句意;当它哭的时候,她会动摇,故用When/If
67.for  考查介词 句意:妈妈继续照顾小熊猫两年多,此处表示一段时间,故用for.
68.its   考查代词.句意:小熊猫不再需要它妈妈的食物,形容词性物主代词修饰名词,故用its
69.drove  考查时态.对于大熊猫的研究的叙述用的都是过去时,所以此处谓语动词也要用过去时drove.
70.independent 考查名词.句意:也到了年轻的大熊猫独立的时候了,independent是名词"独立".

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.


Every four years on November 8, the American people will vote for the next U. S. president. Before election day, people following the presidential campaign will see many polls (民调). A poll is a public opinion study. Research organizations ask people questions about the candidates to find out who they support.

For example, one of the poll is run by a professor at a university in the U.S. state of Connecticut. People who work for the polling service call likely voters on the telephone.

How can one poll be so different from others? Here are some things to remember when you are looking at polls:

Not all polling groups are the same

Some polls target specific groups of people. Many polls make sure they collect many different opinions. Sometimes, however, polling organizations receive money from groups that support a specific political issue. It is important to look at which group carried out the poll along with the results.

A poll's method is important

Some polls are using new technology. Traditionally, polls are done over the phone. But that is slowly changing. Many polls are now done online. While online polls can produce good information, it is sometimes hard to reach as many different types of people over the Internet.

Also important the size of the poll. Try to find out how many people were polled before believing its results.

Polls are not predictions(预测)

Polls only show how people feel at one moment in time. They do not show what will happen in the future. Public opinion may change before the general election on November 8. Some things that could change the opinions of voters include: the debates on television, the release of the candidates’ tax or medical records, and unexpected illnesses.

1.What do political polls in the U. S. try to do?

A. Call on people to be active in the election.

B. Help political parties to win the election.

C. Find out the support rate in the election.

D. Affect people's opinions in the election.

2.What do you know about polling organizations?

A. Some serve for certain groups. B. They all collect different opinions.

C. They all make money from their polls. D. All of them try to find the correct results.

3.What is the disadvantage of polls done online?

A. People may refuse to respond. B. Results sometimes lack of representation.

C. Only the young give their ideas. D. People refuse to tell their true thoughts.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Effects of Political Polls in the U. S..

B. Various Kinds of Political Polls in the U. S..

C. Ways to Carry Out Political Polls in the U. S..

D. Things to Know About Political Polls in the U. S..

10.On Christmas Eve─the night before Christmas Day─children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.
Father Christmas is very kind and hearted.He gets to the top of each house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace.He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents.
Of course,Father Christmas isn't real.In Jim and Kate's house,"Father Christmas"is really Mr Green.Mr Green doesn't climb down the chimney.He waits until the children are asleep.Then he quietly goes into their bedrooms and fills their stockings with small presents.When they were very young,Mr Green sometimes wore a red coat.But he doesn't do that now.The children are no longer young,and they know who"Father Christmas"really is.But they still put their stockings at the end of their beds.
44.Christmas Eve isD.
A.the night of Christmas Day 
B.the evening of Christmas Day
C.Christmas Day 
D.the night before Christmas Day
45.Father Christmas often puts presentsB.
A.into children's hats   
B.into children's stockings
C.under children's beds  
D.into children's shoes
46.When the children were very young,A.
A.they didn't know who Father Christmas was
B.they knew that Father Christmas wasn't real
C.they thought their father was Father Christmas
D.they knew who put the presents into their stockings
47.Father Christmas comes into the house through theA.
B.back door  
C.front door  
17.Two men,both seriously ill,were in the same hospital room.(16)Bman was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon.His bed was next to the room's only(17)D.The other man had to spend all his time lying on his back.
They talked for hours(18)A.Every afternoon when the man by the window could sit up,he(19)Apass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.The other man felt his world would be(20)Cand enlivened (有生机) by all the wonderful world outside.
The window overlooked a(21)Dwith a lovely lake.Ducks played on the water while children(22)Ctheir model boats.Young lovers walked arm in arm in flowers.A fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the(23)A.
As the man by the window described all this in(24)C,the other man would close his eyes and(25)Bthe beautiful scene.One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade(游行) passing(26)B.Although the other man couldn't hear the(27)D,he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window pictured it with(28)Awords.
Days and weeks passed.
One morning,the nurse arrived,(29)Dto find the lifeless body of the man by the window,who had died eacefully in his sleep.She was saddened and had the body taken away.
The other man asked to be(30)Cnext to the window.Painfully,he sat up to take his first look at the world outside.(31)B he would have the joy of seeing it for himself.
He slowly turned to look out of the window.It faced a blank wall.
The man asked the nurse what could have got his(32)Cto describe such wonderful things outside.The nurse(33)Athat the man was blind."Perhaps he just wanted to(34)D you."
Shared sorrow is half the sorrow,(35)Bhappiness when shared,is doubled.
16.A.The oneB.OneC.AnotherD.This
18.A.on endB.in factC.at lastD.after all

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