
9.The train came to an\a         stop,making many passengers fall off their seats.(  )

分析 火车突然停下来,使得很多乘客从座位上摔倒.

解答 答案是D.本题考查形容词词义辨析.A项和B项副词表示"突然地";C项形容词表示"感到惊讶的";D项形容词表示"突然的";题干中需要的是形容词"突然的"充当名词stop的定语,所以答案选择D项.

点评 辨析形容词要在识记常见形容词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


Many of the new ideas and attitudes that marked the Renaissance times were shown in art.A new idea called humanism put a focus on human interests,needs,and abilities.This new ides changed how artists painted their subjects as well as the choice of subjects they painted.

Change of Subjects

In the Middle Ages,the subject of almost all European art was religion,specifically Christianity and the Catholic Church.Although Renaissance artists continued to paint religious paintings,they also branched out to other subjects including Creek and Roman mythology(神话),historical subjects,and portraits(肖像)of individuals.They also focused on the details of everyday life.


One of the big changes in art was to paint and sculpt subjects realistically.This is called realism and concerned with a number of techniques that make the subjects and background look like what they would in real life.This also meant giving the subjects more emotional qualities.

Many new techniques were introduced during the Renaissance.These techniques helped to improve the quality and realism of the art.

Perspective—perspective is drawing or painting a picture such that it looks like there are three dimensions.It gives the illusion(错觉)that some objects in the painting are further away than others.

Balance and Proportion—Drawing subjects such that they are the correct she when compared to each other.

Use of Light and Dark—Many artists started using light and shadows in their works to add drama, perspective,and timing to their art.

Sfumato—a technique used by Leonardo da Vinci to add additional perspective and dimension to paintings.It was a way of blurring(变暗)the lines between subjects.This technique was used in Leonardo's Mona Lisa.

Foreshortening—It is another technique that adds perspective and depth to paintings;foreshortening is a way of shortening lines to give the illusion of depth.

1.Before the Renaissance,what was(were) the primary subject(s) of paintings during the Middle Ages ?

A. Kings and Queens. B. Portraits of people.

C. Greek Mythology. D. Christianity.

2.What does realism mean when referring to paintings and art?

A. That the subjects and background appear as they would in real life.

B. That the paintings are landscapes of nature with no people.

C. That the painting is flat with little perspective.

D. That the subjects are only people.

3.What artistic technique make(s) some objects in a picture look further away than others?

A. Perspective. B. Balance and Proportion.

C. Sfumato. D. Light and Dark.

4.What was foreshortening?

A. When artists painted people shorter than they really were.

B. A way of making people look taller than they really were.

C. A technique where artists shortened lines to make some special effects.

D. When artists used shadow and light in their paintings to give the illusion of depth.

17.Two men,both seriously ill,were in the same hospital room.(16)Bman was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon.His bed was next to the room's only(17)D.The other man had to spend all his time lying on his back.
They talked for hours(18)A.Every afternoon when the man by the window could sit up,he(19)Apass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.The other man felt his world would be(20)Cand enlivened (有生机) by all the wonderful world outside.
The window overlooked a(21)Dwith a lovely lake.Ducks played on the water while children(22)Ctheir model boats.Young lovers walked arm in arm in flowers.A fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the(23)A.
As the man by the window described all this in(24)C,the other man would close his eyes and(25)Bthe beautiful scene.One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade(游行) passing(26)B.Although the other man couldn't hear the(27)D,he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window pictured it with(28)Awords.
Days and weeks passed.
One morning,the nurse arrived,(29)Dto find the lifeless body of the man by the window,who had died eacefully in his sleep.She was saddened and had the body taken away.
The other man asked to be(30)Cnext to the window.Painfully,he sat up to take his first look at the world outside.(31)B he would have the joy of seeing it for himself.
He slowly turned to look out of the window.It faced a blank wall.
The man asked the nurse what could have got his(32)Cto describe such wonderful things outside.The nurse(33)Athat the man was blind."Perhaps he just wanted to(34)D you."
Shared sorrow is half the sorrow,(35)Bhappiness when shared,is doubled.
16.A.The oneB.OneC.AnotherD.This
18.A.on endB.in factC.at lastD.after all
4.This year,many schoolchildren across the United States have taken part in local and state spelling competitions.The young competitors could spell words that even some adults may never have heard of.
More than 280 local winners earned the right to compete in this year's National Spelling Final,which took place from May 28 to June 3 near Washington,D.C.,at the National Harbor in Maryland.Most competitors in the National Spelling Final were between the ages of 12 and 14.But one competitor was less than half that age-five-year-old Edith Fuller.She won an area spelling competition in her home state of Oklahoma.The five-hour competition lasted 37 rounds.Edith correctly spelled words
like sevruga(一种俄罗斯鱼子酱),jacamar (a kind of bird);and Nisei (a child of Japanese immigrants).Jnana,a Sanskrit(梵语)word made the youngest person qualify(获得资格)for the National Spelling Final.
When she was just four,Edith surprised her parents when she was able to spell the word"restaurant."At that moment,her mom and dad realized their child might be something special there.Edith is homeschooled,so her parents are able to spend a little more time teaching her to spell.
Her mom spoke with the Media about the benefits of homeschooling Edith."We have the freedom to answer her questions,to help her advance at her own pace,"she said.Now,Edith is already being called a"spellebrity(拼写达人)."

25.Where did the local winners take part in the National Spelling Final?B
A.In Washington D.C..
B.At the National Harbor in Maryland.
C.In Oklahoma.
D.It's not mentioned in the passage.
26.The reason why Edith Fuller won in her home state is thatD.
A.she was the youngest competitor                   
B.she could spell the words like sevuga,jacamar,etc
C.she competed in 37 rounds                                  
D.she could spell Jnana,a Sanskrit word
27.What can we know about Edith after reading this passage?D
A.She was a homeschooled kid.
B.She was the youngest person to qualify for the National Spelling Final.
C.Her parents were ever surprised at her spelling gift.
 D.All are right.

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