19.The largest earthquake(magnitude里氏9.5)of the 20th century happened on May 22,
1960off the coast of South Central Chile.
It generated(生成)one of the most destructive Pacific-wide tsunamis(海啸).Near the generating area,both the earthquake and the tsunamis were very much destructive,particularly in the coastal area from Concepcion to the south end of Isia Chiloe.The largest tsunamis damage occurred at Isia Chiloe-the coastal area closest to the epicenter(震中).Huge tsunamis waves measuring as high as 25meters arrived within 10to15minute after the earthquake,killing at least two hundred people,sinking all the boats,and flooding half a kilometer inland.
There was large damage and loss of life at Concepcion,Chile's top industrial cry.Near the city of Valdivia,the earthquake and following aftershocks generated landslides which killed 18people.At the port city of Valparaiso,a city of 200,000,many buildings collapsed.A total of 130,000houses were destroyed-one in every three in the earthquake zone and nearly 2,000,000people were left homeless.
Total damage losses,including to agriculture and to industry,were estimated(估计)to be over a half billion dorms.The total number of death related with both the tsunamis and the earthquake was never found accurately for the region estimates of deaths reached between 490to 5,7002with no distinction(差别)as to how many deaths were caused by the earthquake and how many were caused by the tsunami.However.it is believed that most of the deaths in Chile were caused by the tsunamis.

61.Where did the largest tsunamis damage occurred?B
A.Concepcion   B.Isia Chiloe  
C.Valdivia     D.Valparaiso
62.What can we learn about the tsunamis waves generated by the earthquake?C
A.The tsunami waves as high as 25meters arrived immediately after the earthquake.
B.The tsunami waves killed 200people and sank all boats.
C.The tsunami waves were very destructive.
D.The tsunami waves flooded half of the inland.
63.What is generally thought the main cause of deaths in Chile?B
A.Landslides     B.The tsunami
C.Aftershocks    D.The magnitude 9.5earthquake
64.What is the total number of deaths in the earthquakeD
A.2,000,000.    B.between 490to 5,7002.
C.200,000.       D.it was hard to know.
65.What does underline word"collapsed"probably mean?A
A.Wall destroyed   B.caught fire  
C.was flooded      D.sank.
18.In a natural disaster-a hurricane,flood,volcanic eruption,or other catastrophes-minutes and even seconds of warning can make the difference between life and death.Because of this,scientists are working to use the latest technological advances to predict when and where disasters will happen.They are also studying how best to analyze and communicate this information once it is obtained.
On September 29,1998,Hurricane Georges made landfall in Biloxi,Mississippi,after damaging Haiti,the Dominican Republic,Puerto Rico,and several islands of the Caribbean badly with torrential rains and winds up to 160km per hour.Few people lost their lives along the Gulf Coast of the United States,although hundreds died in the Caribbean.
This was a very different outcome from 1900,when a powerful Gulf Coast hurricane made an unexpected direct hit on Galveston,Texas,killing at least 6,000people.
Vastly improved hurricane warnings explain the different circumstances at either end of the 20th century--residents of Galveston had no advance warning that a storm was approaching,while residents of Biloxi had been warned days in advance,allowing for extensive safety precautions (预防).
At the same time that people in Biloxi were thankful for the advance warning,some residents of New Orleans,Louisiana were less satisfied.A day before Georges made landfall,forecasters were predicting that the hurricane had a good chance of striking New Orleans.Because much of New Orleans lies below sea level,the city is at risk for flooding.Emergency management officials must begin evacuations (疏散)well before a storm strikes.But evacuation costs money:businesses close,tourists leave,and citizens take precautionary measures.The mayor of New Orleans estimated that his city's preparations for Georges cost more than 50million.After Georges missed New Orleans,some residents questioned the value of the hurricane forecasts in the face of such high costs.
The different views on the early warnings for Hurricane Georges show some of the complexities related to predicting disasters.Disaster prediction is a process of providing scientific information to the government officials and other decision makers who must respond to those predictions.

67.What is the purpose of disaster prediction according to the passage?B
A.To identify the cause of disasters.
B.To save people's lives and property.
C.To prevent natural disasters from happening,
D.To apply advanced technology to disaster prediction.
68.Which of the following areas suffered the most severe damage?D
A.Puerto Rico.                     B.New Orleans.
C.Biloxi,Mississippi.             D.Galveston,Texas.
69.The city residents of New Orleans were unsatisfied becauseA_.
A.their preparations were made in vain
B.the hurricane warning arrived rather late
C.the forecast hurricane did not hit the city
D.they suffered from a heavy hurricane attack
70.What does the passage mainly talk about?D
A.The different ways of disaster prediction.
B.Technological advances in disaster prediction.
C.The benefits and preparations of disaster prediction.
D.The importance and uncertainty of disaster prediction.
17.The Channel is the name given to the stretch of water which separates England and France.Ferries operate all year round to carry people across the Channel,and they are busy most of the year.January is the only quiet month nowadays.As well as summer holiday-makers,there are day trippers and coach traffic,not to mention lorries and other commercial vehicles.Some ferries carry cars and their passengers,while others also connect train passengers with the Continental rail network.
The biggest hazard for the ferry is the wind.The crew listens to BBC weather reports four times a day.Or they sometimes get gale warnings from local radio station.
Crossing the Channel by ferry is a bit like trying to cross Oxford Street on a busy afternoon,according to one ferryboat captain.The ferries from Folkstone and Dover to Calais and Boulogne have to cross the main flow of traffic.This consists of ships traveling through the Channel to and from Northern Europe.There may be four hundred ships making the journey at any one time,and they all pass through a"choke point"which is only fifteen miles (twenty-five kilometers) wide.The cross-channel ferries have to sail right through the middle of all this traffic.
68.The passage is mainly concerned withC.
A.the English Channel                 
B.the weather on the Channel
C.cross-channel ferries                   
D.what crossing the Channel by ferry is like
69.The word hazard is closest in meaning toB.
A.trouble              B.danger           C.enemy            D.problem
70.We can infer from the passage thatA.
A.if there is a gale warning from the BBC,the ferries will stop operating.
B.the traffic on the Channel is very busy only in winter
C.ferries are busiest in the afternoon
D.the crew of the ferry listens to the weather reports four times a day
71.Where does this passage most probably appear?C
A.In a dictionary.
B.In a novel.
C.In a transportation magazine.
D.In a geography textbook.
15.[1]My best friend was born in South Korea and adopted (收养) by American parents when she was two years old.She has two first names.One is Heather,and the other is Na-ri.I have never seen her____________.But today,for the first time,she is writing a letter with this name.
[2]Two days ago,she received a letter from South Korea.The letter was sent to Na-ri.She was so surprised that she couldn't open the letter.So I did it for her.The letter was written in Korean.I said,"Heather,you should ask someone to read this for you.It is written in Korean."But she was silent.
[3]Yesterday,on the way home,I saw her sitting on a bench near my house and crying."What is it,honey?"I said.She told me that her birth mother had blood cancer,and the only solution for her illness might be Heather's blood.I asked how she knew this.Heather said,she had learned Korean secretly.Crying hard,Heather only asked again and again,"What should I do?What should I do?"I really had no answer.
[4]This morning,Heather called me."Can you be with me when I write a letter to South Korea?"I gladly went over to her house.Heather didn't seem to have slept at all.I hugged (拥抱) her and told her everything would be okay.Now I am sitting in front of Heather watching her write a letter.She hasn't told me what she is writing,but I can guess.Heather is writing,"Na-ri is coming,mother."
76.What happened to Heather when she was two years old?(no more than 8 words)
She was adopted by American parents.
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph I with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
use the name Na-ri.
78.How did Heather feel when she received a letter from South Korea?(no more than 5 words)She felt very surprised.
79.Why could Heather read the letter in Korean?(no more than 6 words)
Because she had learned Korean secretly.
80.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?(no more than 8 words)
Heather decided to help her birth mother.
14.The League of High Schools is pleased to invite student freethinkers to our 2007 Student Leadership Meeting July 15-17 at our office building in Manhattan,New York.
This yearly meeting has been successfully held for the past three years.The event brings together student activists from around North America for a busy weekend of workshops,networking,lectures,and a lot of fun.
We encourage every school to send at least one representative (代表)(if not more) and we are keeping the costs down to help make this possible.Any individual (个人)•student activists who are interested are also welcome to attend.Registration (注册),rd5m and food for the entire three 一 day event will cost only $ 39 for each student.We've  booked you single rooms at Travelodge,New York.For any information about the hotel,please call 88643911.
This time we are making a special offer 一 providing some money for travelling to make sure each group can send a representative even if it lacks the money to do so.Email Anna Porter at apor-ter@leaguehighschool.net or call 46935040 to get more information about this travel support.
The registration form can be found at http://www.freethought.org/SLM2007.pdf.For more information about registration you may call Lucy Becker at 36904560 or email her at lbecker@IeaguehighschooL net.
So don't wait!Send in your registration.‘
35.The main purpose of this passage is toB.
A.explain meeting programs       
B.invite students to a meeting
C.call for papers for a meeting  
D.introduce meeting organizers
36. From the passage we know that the Student Leadership Meeting.D
A.invites students from Manhattan
B.provides free meals for students
C.is held every three years      
D.was first held in 2004
37.What is new about this year's meeting?C
A.There is wireless Internet service.
B.Individual students are welcome.
C.It offers money to some groups.
D.The cost for registration is low.
38 If you want to know more about registration,you mayA.
A.email Lucy Becker              
B.email Anna Porter
C.call 88643911                  
D.call 46935040.
13.BEIJING  March l  ( Reuters)-China hailed its best ever Winter Olympics on Mon-day,crediting technology,foreign coaches and even improved language skills for the winning five gold,two silver and four bronze medals in'Vancouver.
    Only eight years after skater Yang Yang (A) won the  country's first Winter gold at Salt Lake City,a sweep of the women's short track speed skating and a first figure skating  title helped China to joint seventh place in the medals table.
"Cold Standard"read the banner headline on the front  page China Daily,while the People's Daily led its sports page with"Vancouver historical breakthrough".
"We have made an important breakthrough at these Games"Xiao Tian,deputy chef de mission of China's largest ever Winter Games delegation,told the Xinhua news agency.
"Actually the five-gold finish was within my expectation before we set off for the Games,but I couldn't say that at that time because I would not want to put any pressure on the ath-letes.Now I can speak out."
    Xiao was quick to retun to the earlier subject of conversation to pessirrustic(悲观)  type,however,when discussing the future,emphasizing the huge task the Winter Sports adnunistra-tion faced to close the gap on their Summer counterparts,who topped the table at the 2008 Bei-jing Olympics.
"Despite the good results at these Games,we still have a long way to go in the develop-ment of China's winter sports,"he said.
"It's impossible for us to reach the same-level as we have done in Summer sports,but we will try to minimize the gap as much as we can."
    Xiao said that progress would come not through a vast expansion of the Winter sports pro-gramme but by using the best coaches,wherever they came from,and technology.
71.China regarded the Vancouver Winter Olympics as a breakthrough becauseA
A.China gained-seventh place in the medals table
B. many people were crazy about the Vancouver.Games
C.'Yang Yang (A) won the country's first Winter gold
D.People's Daily thought it a historical breakthrough
72.Which contribution to China's success is not mentioned in the passage?D
B.Foreign coaches.
C.Language skills.               
73.The reason why Xiao Tian didn't speak out the five-gold finish before setting off for the Games is thatB
A.he wanted to give us a big surprise at Vancouver
B.he didn't want to put any stress on the athletes
C.he didn't have an optimistic attitude to the athletes
D. he  thought the five-gold finish was a huge task
74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.The headline of China Daily is"Vancouver historical breakthrough"
B.The results in Winter Olympic8 are as good as those in Summer Olympics:
C.We will try to narrow the gap between the Winter and Summer Sports.
D.It's easy for us to reach the same level as we have done in Summer sports.
75.What's the main idea of this passage?A
A.China hails Winter Games'breakthrough  at Vancouver.
B.A first figure skating title helped China succeed.
C.Cluna swept the women's short track speed skating.
D.Using the best coaches is important for China Winter Games.
12."If music is the medicine of the soul(灵魂),let it play on,"said a famous person.I think he said so because probably he got some help from music.Music has some strange abilities.Medical scientists have found that a person that feels stressed can actually listen to some kind of music and become well.
The researchers said that since stress comes as a result of life events such as starting a new family,starting a new business,and starting a new job,one can actually listen to good music and feel good because good music touches the human mind in a positive way.Music helps you to forget the life events that make you worried and remember the important events that once happened in your life.
Depression(抑郁) is a disease cause by stress,smoking,social problems and so on.Depression is also caused by problems such as failure in business.Depression may bring us weakness,headache,and loss of concentration.Good music makes one remember happy moments or good days.If you play music about love,it makes you feel like falling in love again though you may have had several upset experiences.And such good feeling make you healthy.
Anxiety(焦虑) is another health problem that can be controlled by music.Anxiety is a side effect of some major health problems such as cancer of the liver and cancer of the breast.Good music makes you feel relaxed and removes the pains from these diseases and you feel all right.
Good music can send you to sleep.And you need to know that sleep puts your body in a healthy condition.Sleep takes away the effects of stress,depression and anxiety from a person.
66.According to the famous person in Paragraph 1,music canB.
A.treat many kinds of diseases                      
B.help you keep healthy in your mind
C.take the place of medicine in treating illness 
D.make you remember things happened in the past
67.Good music helps people remove stress mainly byB.
A.letting people have a good sleep    
B.making people think positively
C.showing something new to people   
D.making people focus only on important things
68.Which of the following is NOT a reason for depression mentioned in the passage?D
A.Stress      B.Smoking        C.Failure in business      D.Loss of concentration
69.According to the passage,one who has cancer will most probably experienceC.
A.stress          B.depression        C.anxiety        D.upset
70.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A
A.The health benefits of listening to music  
B.Stress can bring us many kinds of diseases
C.Some diseases have something to do with music
D.Tips for us to live a healthy and comfortable life.
11.English families face being limited to 80bags of rubbish a year.Households throwing away more waste will have to take it to the tip (垃圾站) or buy a limited number of extra bags.
Doretta Cocks,of the Campaign for Weekly Waste Collections,said,"They must think we are fools.How can they claim to be concerned for the environment when they tell people to drive to the local tip?And what do you do if you don't have a car?Walk?"
The plan ignores the voice from ministers to end such heavy-hand edness (高压手段).
It is to be carried out by the Tory-led council (市政厅) in Workingham.Berkshire,and is already in operation in Brozbourne in Hertfordshire.
Many of the 180councils that still offer unrestricted weekly rubbish collections are watching the trial.
Wokingham officials have told residents that 75-litre bags will be given to each housedhold and anything not left in them will not be collected.
"Every household will receive 80 bags every year,"it said."You can buy extra bags in rolls of ten but this will not be encouraged."
Families of five will get 100rubbish bags a year and households of six or more will get 120.
Residents will have a weekly recycling collection limited to cans,paper and card,plastic bottles and so on.
Plastic packaging and glass including bottles must either go with the general waste or be taken to recycling points.Green waste pick-ups cost an extra£60a year.
The council has told residents it will save£922,000a year under the new system.There will be no local consultation before it is introduced next April.

61.What's Doretta Cock's attitude towards the new plan?C
A.Satisfied.  B.Curious.  C.Angry.  D.Interested.
62.How much rubbish is a family of three limited to every year?A
A.100 bags of rubbish.
B.120bags of rubbish.
C.6,000litres of rubbish.
D.7,500litres of rubbish.
63.What does the underlined word"this"refer to in the seventh paragraph?B
A.Receiving 80rubbish bags every year.
B.Buying extra bags every year.
C.Driving to city tips.
D.Getting 100rubbish bags a year.
64.It can be learned from the passage that.D
A.the new plan is agreed by most ministers
B.the new plan will waste a lot of money
C.the government has asked for much advice of the new plan
D.the new plan does not necessarily do good to the environment
65.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A
A.English families are limited to 80bags of rubbish a year
B.English families can't clear away their rubbish
C.English families are angry with their government
D.English government pays no attention to resident's interest.
10.In 1945,the re was a young boy of 14in a concentration camp (集中营).He was skinny (36)B  had a bright smile.Every day,a young girl came by on the other side of the fence.She(37)B the boy and asked him if he spoke Polish,and he said yes.She said he looked (38B,and he said he was.She then (39)A  in her pocket and gave him her apple.He(40)D her and she went on her way.The next day,she came by again,(41)Banother apple.Each day,she walked by the outside of the fence,(42)C to see him,and when she did,she happily  (43)B him an apple in exchange for conversation.
One day,he told her not to come by anymore.He told her he would be shipped to another concentration camp.As he walked away with(44)Cstreaming down his face,he wondered if he could ever see her again.She was the only(45)Bperson he had  seen across the fence.
He made it out of the concentration camp,and went to America.In 1957,his friends fixed him up on a blind date (男女初次约会).He had no(46)D   who the woman was.He picked her up,and during dinner(47)Atalking of Poland and the concentration camp.She said she was in Poland at that time.She said she(48)C   to talk to a boy and gave him apples daily.He asked if this bo y was tall,(49)A and if he had told her that she shouldn't come back because he was (50)B.she said yes.
It was her,the young girl who came by every day to give him(51)D.After 12years,after the war and in another country they (52)D again.He proposed (求婚) to her on that very night and told her he would (53)C again let her go.They are still happily (54)A today.
My friends,that is a true love story.(55)Cdo happen,and there is a greater force at work in our lives.

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