
10.In 1945,the re was a young boy of 14in a concentration camp (集中营).He was skinny (36)B  had a bright smile.Every day,a young girl came by on the other side of the fence.She(37)B the boy and asked him if he spoke Polish,and he said yes.She said he looked (38B,and he said he was.She then (39)A  in her pocket and gave him her apple.He(40)D her and she went on her way.The next day,she came by again,(41)Banother apple.Each day,she walked by the outside of the fence,(42)C to see him,and when she did,she happily  (43)B him an apple in exchange for conversation.
One day,he told her not to come by anymore.He told her he would be shipped to another concentration camp.As he walked away with(44)Cstreaming down his face,he wondered if he could ever see her again.She was the only(45)Bperson he had  seen across the fence.
He made it out of the concentration camp,and went to America.In 1957,his friends fixed him up on a blind date (男女初次约会).He had no(46)D   who the woman was.He picked her up,and during dinner(47)Atalking of Poland and the concentration camp.She said she was in Poland at that time.She said she(48)C   to talk to a boy and gave him apples daily.He asked if this bo y was tall,(49)A and if he had told her that she shouldn't come back because he was (50)B.she said yes.
It was her,the young girl who came by every day to give him(51)D.After 12years,after the war and in another country they (52)D again.He proposed (求婚) to her on that very night and told her he would (53)C again let her go.They are still happily (54)A today.
My friends,that is a true love story.(55)Cdo happen,and there is a greater force at work in our lives.


分析 文章大意:本文讲述的是在1945年,在集中营里有一位14岁的小男孩,他很瘦但是笑容很灿烂.有一天有一位小女孩看到了他,给他一个苹果.后来每一天小女孩都还给小男孩一个苹果,但是有一天小男孩说要被押到另一出集中营,让她不要给他送苹果了.再后来小男孩从集中营里出来了,他的朋友安排了与一位女士的一次约会,通过交谈,他才得知这位女士就是当年给他苹果的女孩,因此很高兴,然后他就向她求婚,他们过得很幸福.

解答 36-40 BBBAD  41-45 BCBCB  46-50 DACAB  51-55 DDCAC
36.B 考查连词.根据前面的skinny以及后面的had a bright smile.可知此处应表示转折关系,因此答案选B.
37.B 考查动词.A项observe"观察,遵守";B项notice"注意到";C项watch"观看";D项find"发现".根据语境可知小女孩在经过集中营是注意到了小男孩,因此答案选B,其它选项与语境不符.
38.B 考查形容词.根据上文可知小男孩很瘦以及下文小女孩给了他一个苹果可知,因此小女孩问他是不是很饿了,因此选B.
39.A 考查动词.reach in one's pocket意思是"伸进某人的口袋",因此答案选A.
40.D 考查动词.根据上文可知小女孩给了小男孩苹果,因此他要谢谢她.因此答案选D.
41.B 考查非谓语动词及动词词义辨析.bringing为现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随.另外其他三项意思与语境不符.
42.C 考查非谓语动词及动词词义辨析.根据下文可知小女孩跟小男孩谈话很高兴,因此她希望见到小男孩.
43.B 考查动词.sell"出售,卖";hand"递,递给";show"显示,展示";present"赠送",根据语境可知小女孩递给了小男孩一个苹果,因此答案选B.
44.C 考查名词.根据语境可知当时小男孩要离开了,因此"泪水流了下来",因此答案选C.
45.B 考查形容词.根据整体内容可知,小女孩给小男孩苹果,这体现了小女孩的心地善良,因此答案选B.
46.D 考查名词词义.have no idea意思是"不知道",因此根据语境可知答案选D.
47.A 考查动词.根据语境可知他们再次见面时已经不认识对方了,因此在晚饭时他们开始谈到了波兰以及集中营的事情,然后他们才相认.因此答案选A.
48.C 考查动词.根据上文可知,这位女士就是当年的小女孩,她曾经跟小男孩谈话并且给他苹果,used to do sth."曾经做…",因此答案选C.
49.A 考查形容词.根据文章第一段可知小男孩曾经"很瘦小",因此此处选thin.
50.B 考查动词.根据上文中的He told her he would be shipped to another concentration camp可知小男孩要离开原来的集中营了,因此此处表示"离开",因此答案选B.
51.D 考查名词.根据上文可知小女孩曾经每天给小男孩苹果,因此答案选D.
52.D 考查动词.根据文章内容可知,他们从集中营分开后,现在在美国又再次相遇了,因此答案选D.
53.C 考查副词.根据上文可知小男孩向小女孩求婚后,他不会再让她离开了,因此答案选C.
54.A 考查动词.此处表示"他们至今婚姻很幸福",因此答案选A.
55.C 考查名词.通过整个故事内容可知,小男孩和小女孩开始在集中营相遇,分开多年以后又在美国相遇,这的确是一个"奇迹",因此答案选C.

点评 本题考查人物故事类完形填空.这类题材的完形填空是高考常考的内容,要求考生树立语篇意识和语境意识,平时做题时要在了解大意的基础上结合上下文及所学语言语法知识做出正确的判断.

18.EXPERTS have put forward detailed plans for a tunnel to join Taiwan with the Chinese mainland.
The shortest proposed route would be 126 kilometers-more than twice the length of the English Channel Tunnel.And the longest proposed route would be 207 kilometers.
A recent conference in Xiamen,Fujian Province brought together more than 70 experts.The event was co-sponsored by universities from Taiwan and the Chinese mainland.
Fujian is the province where both proposed routes would begin.There is no direct passenger access between the mainland and Taiwan by road or sea at the moment.Experts say that it is better to start research sooner rather than later,despite the current lack of government funding.There are no technical problems to build a Taiwan tunnel.But it will require an improved political relationship across the Straits.
Tsinghua University Professor Wu said,"A special feature of huge projects is that the period of preparation is longer than the period of construction."For instance,Wu said,the English Channel Tunnel took 14 years of planning and had been discussed for two centuries.And preparations for the huge Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River began in the 1950s.
The Xiamen conference focused on the longest southern route,which would use the Taiwan-controlled islands of Jinmen and Penghu as stepping stones.
The first stage of the new project could be a bridge to cover the five kilometers between Xiamen and Jinmen.This would mean that travelling from Xiamen to Jinmen by car would only take five minutes.
The longest tunnel now being planned anywhere in the world is the 54-kilometre land tunnel to link Lyon in France with Turin in Italy.The tunnel will not be completed until 2015-2020.

56.What is mainly talked about?C
A.The longest tunnels of the globe.                 B.The English Channel Tunnel.
C.Bridge for Taiwan and mainland.                   D.Preparations of two centuries.
57.Why is it better to start research sooner rather than later?D
A.Currently,there is a lack of government supporting.
B.No direct passenger access between Taiwan and the mainland.
C.There are some technical problems to build a tunnel.
D.The period of preparation is longer than that of construction.
58.What can be learned from the passage?A
A.2020 will see the longest tunnel between France and Italy.
B.It took two centuries to prepare for the Three Gorges Dam.
C.A tunnel has been constructed between Xiamen and Jinmen.
D.Experts are sure about an improved political relationship across the Straits.
59.How long will it take to go from Xiamen to Taiwan by car when the tunnel is completed?D
A.5 minutes.      B.14 hours.
C.54 minutes.     D.The passage doesn't mention it.
5.Fly into Lisbon and spend a couple of days exploring the capital,which is a terrific bargain.In addition to some worthwhile and affordable dining and lodging(住宿) choices,must-see sights include the Romanesque Lisbon Cathedral,which dates back to the 12th century,and the Moorish Alfama quarter,with its markets and winding cobblestone streets.Take a taxi or bus to the Belém district,where you'll find the Tower of Belém and the Jerónimos Monastery.After Lisbon,you can take a day trip,by train,to Sintra,a beautiful town nestled(依偎) against the hills about 20miles west of Lisbon; its castle and palaces,like the Sintra National Palace and the Pena National Palace,are well worth a visit.
To see the countryside,rent a car and drive southeast about 90minutes to the Alentejo region.Base yourself in ?vora,an architectural precious stone.By foot,explore its winding cobblestone streets,fountains and whitewashed houses.Attractions include the Roman Temple of ?vora.And make sure to hear some fado,the traditional music of Portugal(葡萄牙).
Alternatively,head north from Lisbon to Oporto,about three hours,and then east to the winemaking region of the Douro River Valley.In his article Portugal Old,New and Undiscovered,Frank Bruni wrote:"All around us mountains undulated(波动) into the distance.The slopes(斜坡)in the foreground were an amazing patchwork of greens,reds,browns and grays,as if some grand hand had fashioned it into a picture on all that nature and agriculture can do."

68.You can NOT enjoy the beauty ofA in Lisbon.
A.the Sintra National Palace
B.the Moorish Alfama quarter
C.the Tower of Belém
D.Romanesque Lisbon Cathedral
69.In Alentejo region,a tourist canB.
A.walk by the sea bare feet
B.appreciate traditional music
C.enjoy a good view of the city
D.buy some precious stones cheap
70.Frank Bruni's words help the readers to get a better picture ofA.
A.Douro River Valley
71.The text is meant toA.
A.advise on travelling in Portugal
B.describe the beauty of Portugal
C.introduce the attractions in Lisbon
D.compare the city with the countryside.
15.[1]My best friend was born in South Korea and adopted (收养) by American parents when she was two years old.She has two first names.One is Heather,and the other is Na-ri.I have never seen her____________.But today,for the first time,she is writing a letter with this name.
[2]Two days ago,she received a letter from South Korea.The letter was sent to Na-ri.She was so surprised that she couldn't open the letter.So I did it for her.The letter was written in Korean.I said,"Heather,you should ask someone to read this for you.It is written in Korean."But she was silent.
[3]Yesterday,on the way home,I saw her sitting on a bench near my house and crying."What is it,honey?"I said.She told me that her birth mother had blood cancer,and the only solution for her illness might be Heather's blood.I asked how she knew this.Heather said,she had learned Korean secretly.Crying hard,Heather only asked again and again,"What should I do?What should I do?"I really had no answer.
[4]This morning,Heather called me."Can you be with me when I write a letter to South Korea?"I gladly went over to her house.Heather didn't seem to have slept at all.I hugged (拥抱) her and told her everything would be okay.Now I am sitting in front of Heather watching her write a letter.She hasn't told me what she is writing,but I can guess.Heather is writing,"Na-ri is coming,mother."
76.What happened to Heather when she was two years old?(no more than 8 words)
She was adopted by American parents.
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph I with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
use the name Na-ri.
78.How did Heather feel when she received a letter from South Korea?(no more than 5 words)She felt very surprised.
79.Why could Heather read the letter in Korean?(no more than 6 words)
Because she had learned Korean secretly.
80.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?(no more than 8 words)
Heather decided to help her birth mother.
2.Americans are thinking about national education standards recen1y developed by teachers and other education experts.The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) led the effort.
The United States,unlike other nations,has never had the same school standards across the country.What is the reason?Education is not discussed in the Consti1ution.That document limits the responsibilities of the federa1government.Other responsibilities,like education,fall to each state.
Loca1control of education probably was a good idea two hundred years ago.Peop1e stayed in the same place and schools knew what students needed to learn.But today,people move to different   cities.And some people work at jobs that did not exist even twenty years ago.
Many American educators say that getting a good education should not depend on where you live.They say that some states have lowered their standards in order to increase student sores on tests required by the No Child Left behind Act.
Kara Schlosser is communications director for the CCSSO.She says the new standards clearly state what a student should be able to do to be successful in college and work.
Forty--eight states have a1ready shown approval for the standards.Two states refuse to accept the idea.Critics(批评家) say that working toward the same standards in every state will not guarantee(保证) excellence for all.Some educators in Massachusetts say adopting the national standards wi11hurt their students because the state standards are even higher.Others say the change will be too costly,requiring new textbooks and different kinds of training for teachers.Still others fear federal control.
Supporters say the standards are goals and do not tell states or teachers how to teach.They also say the federal government is not forcing accep1ance.However,approving the standards will help states qua1ify(合格) for some federal grant money.

60.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.Local Control of Education Standards out of Date
B.American National Education Standards under Consideration
C.Education Standards in Each State--Good or Bad.
D.Acceptance of the New Standards in the United States
61.Why is local control of education no 1onger a good idea today?C
A.Because local standards are limited.
B.Because it is required by the federal government.
C.Because people today moves among states more often than before.
D.Because America has never had the same school standards throughout the country.
62.Some people are against the nationa1education standards becauseC
A.the standards are higher than those of each state
B.they are not yet prepared for the new standards
C.the standards may prevent some students gaining excellence
D.they don't want the federal government to train their teachers
63.If a state agrees to accept the national standards,it will probab1y getD.
A.more students  
B.advice on how to improve teaching 
C.better textbooks 
D.money from the federal government.

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