
12."If music is the medicine of the soul(灵魂),let it play on,"said a famous person.I think he said so because probably he got some help from music.Music has some strange abilities.Medical scientists have found that a person that feels stressed can actually listen to some kind of music and become well.
The researchers said that since stress comes as a result of life events such as starting a new family,starting a new business,and starting a new job,one can actually listen to good music and feel good because good music touches the human mind in a positive way.Music helps you to forget the life events that make you worried and remember the important events that once happened in your life.
Depression(抑郁) is a disease cause by stress,smoking,social problems and so on.Depression is also caused by problems such as failure in business.Depression may bring us weakness,headache,and loss of concentration.Good music makes one remember happy moments or good days.If you play music about love,it makes you feel like falling in love again though you may have had several upset experiences.And such good feeling make you healthy.
Anxiety(焦虑) is another health problem that can be controlled by music.Anxiety is a side effect of some major health problems such as cancer of the liver and cancer of the breast.Good music makes you feel relaxed and removes the pains from these diseases and you feel all right.
Good music can send you to sleep.And you need to know that sleep puts your body in a healthy condition.Sleep takes away the effects of stress,depression and anxiety from a person.
66.According to the famous person in Paragraph 1,music canB.
A.treat many kinds of diseases                      
B.help you keep healthy in your mind
C.take the place of medicine in treating illness 
D.make you remember things happened in the past
67.Good music helps people remove stress mainly byB.
A.letting people have a good sleep    
B.making people think positively
C.showing something new to people   
D.making people focus only on important things
68.Which of the following is NOT a reason for depression mentioned in the passage?D
A.Stress      B.Smoking        C.Failure in business      D.Loss of concentration
69.According to the passage,one who has cancer will most probably experienceC.
A.stress          B.depression        C.anxiety        D.upset
70.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A
A.The health benefits of listening to music  
B.Stress can bring us many kinds of diseases
C.Some diseases have something to do with music
D.Tips for us to live a healthy and comfortable life.

分析 本文列举了音乐在几个方面的具体作用,讲述的是听音乐对我们身体的好处.

解答 66:B 推理题.根据文章第一句"If music is the medicine of the soul(灵魂),let it play on,"said a famous person.可知:如果音乐是灵魂的良药,那么就让音乐一直播放下去.可知在第一段里提到的是音乐对精神的作用.故B正确.
67:B 细节题.根据文章第2段2,3行one can actually listen to good music and feel good because good music touches the human mind in a positive way.可知好的音乐可以去除人们的压抑情绪,是因为好的音乐可以让人们用积极的思维方式来思考.故B正确.
68:D 细节题.根据文章第三段1,2行Depression(抑郁) is a disease cause by stress,smoking,social problems and so on.Depression is also caused by problems such as failure in business.可知ABC三项都是抑郁的原因,只有D项不是.
69:C 推理题.根据文章第4段1,2行Anxiety(焦虑) is another health problem that can be controlled by music.Anxiety is a side effect of some major health problems such as cancer of the liver and cancer of the breast.可知患癌症的人很可能会体验到焦虑.故C正确.
70:A 主旨大意题.本文在第一段中提到了音乐对我们的健康有很多的好处,接下来列举了音乐在几个方面的具体作用.所以本文讲述的是听音乐的好处.故A正确.

点评 本文是健康环保类阅读理解.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

9.We all have an idea about the common types of environmental problems.However,light pollution may be a new term to many of us.But,the fact is,it does affect mankind,other living forms and the environment as a whole.
What is light pollution?It presents all forms of misused man-made light.The obvious cause of light pollution is the use of outdoor lighting products improperly.It can be office lighting,car headlights,station lights,streetlights and many more.
Light pollution is harmful to both animals and plants.Upon studies,it is found that obvious effects  are observed in the behaviour of nocturnal animals.Needless to mention,bright light at night makes it difficult for these animals to hunt,wander and perform their regular activities.Light pollution is directly or indirectly responsible for causing several diseases.Its effects are related to disturbance in the physical rhythm.It contributes to risks of developing cancerous cells.So,it's nothing less than a threat to human health.
You have already seen the negative effects of light pollution on animals and human health.Apart from this,the actual cost of misused light is about millions of dollars every year.It also leads to the release of greenhouse gases and global warming.After all,fuels are used for producing electricity.
While outdoor lighting and using man-made lighting products are part of our modern lifestyle,some simple ways will surely help in reducing light pollution.For example,while installing outdoor lighting,make sure that they are pointed downwards.Also,use only the required lighting equipment for both home and offices.Believe it or not,many people living in the urban areas cannot view clear sky and stars at night.Let's contribute our part in reducing the pollution.

32.What can we learn about light pollution?A
A.It is a negative fruit of light technology.
B.It has no effect on plants
C.It contributes to most cancers.
D.It affects animals'normal activities in the daytime.
33.How does light pollution affect the climate?D
A.It reduces temperatures by days and makes nights warmer.
B.It creates more clouds over parts of the Earth.
C.It stops the release of greenhouse gases.
D.It causes global temperatures to go up.
34.How can we contribute our part in reducing light pollution?B
A.Forbid the use of outdoor lighting.
B.Don't use unnecessary lights at home and offices.
C.Reduce money spent on man-made light in urban areas.
D.Use clean energy to produce electricity.
35.It can be inferred from the last paragragh thatC.
A.Citizens should be forbidden to install outdoor lighting.
B.Only simple ways can help reduce light pollution.
C.Light pollution needs to be dealt with urgently.
D.There is no clear sky or stars over the urban areas.
20.There are about 15,000-20,000 species of butterflies all over the world.They can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
To go to sleep,butterflies look for a safe place like the underside of a leaf or a branch,for example.Most butterflies sleep alone,but there are also species sleeping in groups.Poisonous butterflies have a particular smell that probably protects them better when they sleep together.It is also useful not to change the group'S sleeping place because a predator(食肉动物)who attacked a poisonous butterfly one time won't do this again.There is only a limited number of predators in an area so there is only a limited number to"educate"if the sleeping place stays the same.
One species from Costa Rica whose scientific name is Marpesia berania sleeps in groups on a leaf.If one butterfly of the group is disturbed,it opens its wings and touches its neighbors.Being touched,they open their wings as well and so the whole group is informed about the danger and Can escape together.
The speed of their flight depends on the way the butterfly flies:Blues and Whites normally have speeds under 8 km/h,the speed of Fritillaries is between 16 to 40 km/h and some Skippers reach speeds up to 60 km/h.
Besides warning and scaring predators with colors butterflies fly in a special way.The direction of their amazing flight is hard to predict.When they hear the sounds of a bat,the ones flying at night start a zigzag(之字形)flight in all directions:up and down,left and right.So it gets hard for the bat to catch them.
In the dark when colors don't function,some poisonous butterflies make clicking noises to warn bats that they are poisonous.Of course other species copy this sound to produce the protective effect,too.
56.The reason why butterflies don't change the group'S sleeping place is thatB
A.a predator would attack them again in the same place
B.few other predators would attack them in this fixed area
C.the predators would know they are poisonous
D.there are more predators in other places
57.The author takes Marpesia berania for example in order toC.
A.introduce where butterflies sleep at night
B.tell us how butterflies work together to defeat predators
C.introduce how butterflies sleeping in groups escape from danger
D.tell us that Marpesia berania is the most clever butterflies
58.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?D
A.The different flight speeds of the butterfly.
B.Which butterfly flies at the highest speed.
C.Most butterflies fly at a low speed.
D.The different way the butterfly flies.
59.It'S hard for bats to catch butterflies because butterflies flyD.
A.much faster than bats   
C.at different speeds
D.in a zigzag way
60.Some poisonous butterflies warn predators in the dark byC.
A.scaring predators with colors
B.touching their neighbors with their wings
C.making clicking noises
D.copying bats'sound to confuse predators.
7.Honeybees are disappearing for unknown reasons around the United States.Last winter,bees disappeared from 23percent of American beekeeping businesses.Causes of the phenomenon,however,have remained a mystery.
Now,scientists from several universities and the United States Department of Agriculture say they have a possible explanation for the bee decline.It is a little-known virus called Israeli acute--paralysis virus (IAPV).The virus kills bees.Researchers in Israel first described it in 2004,but until now,bee experts haven't paid much attention to it.
When trying to find out why the bees were disappearing,a research team at Columbia University studied bee colonies ( 群体),some with and the others without decline.The research turned up large numbers of two types of fungi (真菌) once suspected of causing the bee decline.The research results,however,showed that the fungi were almost as common in colonies without a decline as they were in colonies with a decline.The researchers concluded that the two fungi probably weren't the cause.
Studies of the presence of IAPV,however,showed more interesting information.In those studies,done by a team at Pennsylvania State University in University Park,the virus showed up in 83percent of samples from colonies with symptoms (症状).Only five percent of samples from symptomless colonies had it.
Scientists still don't know whether IAPIV can single--handedly cause the bee decline.They believe that even if the virus is making colonies sick,it could have a partner in crime.It's possible,for instance,that insects or chemicals in the environment weaken bees,making them more likely to catch IAPV.
Scientists are still trying to figure out how IAPV came to the United States.The United States currently allows bee products to be imported from Canada,Australia,and New Zealand.If it turns out that this trade is spreading disease,the rules might eventually change.

46.According to the passage,IAPV is a virus thatA.
A.hasn't attracted much attention
B.well-known to doctors and scientists
C.was first found by Austrian researchers
D.is dangerous to animals and human beings
47.The underlined word decline in the second paragraph most probably meansB.
A.disease   B.decrease   C.secret   D.growth
48.From the third and fourth paragraphs,we know researchers draw their conclusions by means ofC.
A.calculating  B.examining  C.comparing  D.investigating
49.The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph probably meansC.
A.the virus could also cause other damages
B.there must be something that is the real cause
C.IAPV is not the only cause for the bee decline
D.the virus may be caused by the polluted environment
50.What still remains unknown to American scientists according to the passage?D
A.How and why to kill IAPV.
B.How to change the rules of the bee products trade.
C.Whether bee products should be imported.
D.How IAPV came to America.
17.The Channel is the name given to the stretch of water which separates England and France.Ferries operate all year round to carry people across the Channel,and they are busy most of the year.January is the only quiet month nowadays.As well as summer holiday-makers,there are day trippers and coach traffic,not to mention lorries and other commercial vehicles.Some ferries carry cars and their passengers,while others also connect train passengers with the Continental rail network.
The biggest hazard for the ferry is the wind.The crew listens to BBC weather reports four times a day.Or they sometimes get gale warnings from local radio station.
Crossing the Channel by ferry is a bit like trying to cross Oxford Street on a busy afternoon,according to one ferryboat captain.The ferries from Folkstone and Dover to Calais and Boulogne have to cross the main flow of traffic.This consists of ships traveling through the Channel to and from Northern Europe.There may be four hundred ships making the journey at any one time,and they all pass through a"choke point"which is only fifteen miles (twenty-five kilometers) wide.The cross-channel ferries have to sail right through the middle of all this traffic.
68.The passage is mainly concerned withC.
A.the English Channel                 
B.the weather on the Channel
C.cross-channel ferries                   
D.what crossing the Channel by ferry is like
69.The word hazard is closest in meaning toB.
A.trouble              B.danger           C.enemy            D.problem
70.We can infer from the passage thatA.
A.if there is a gale warning from the BBC,the ferries will stop operating.
B.the traffic on the Channel is very busy only in winter
C.ferries are busiest in the afternoon
D.the crew of the ferry listens to the weather reports four times a day
71.Where does this passage most probably appear?C
A.In a dictionary.
B.In a novel.
C.In a transportation magazine.
D.In a geography textbook.
4.Beijing:The highly anticipated Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway will begin operation next year,and is expected to cut travel time to four hours,railway officials said.
The high-speed railway between China's two most important metropolises was scheduled to open in 2012but will now open one year ahead of time,said Zheng Jian,chief planner with the Ministry of Railways.
Wang Zhiguo,vice-minister of railways,said that it would be a four-hour journey from Beijing to Shanghai,and only three hours from Beijing to Nanjing,capital of East China's Jiangsu province.
At present,it takes about 10hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai and Nanjing by train.A new-generation bullet train that will travel up to 380kilometers per hour (kph) is now under development for the high-speed rail link.
It will be rigorously tested this year,and engineers want the train to run at a top speed of 420kph to guarantee a safe operational speed of 380kph,Huang Qiang,chief researcher with the China Academy of Railway Sciences told he Beijing News.
Vice-Minister Wang Zhiguo said it was expected that high-speed trains would one day take passengers from Beijing to most capital cities within eight hours,except for Haikou,Urumqi,Lhasa and Taipei.
It is expected that an 110,000-km railway network will be completed by 2012,including 13,000km of high-speed rail,he said.
China already has 6,552km of rail track in operation---the longest amount of high-speed rail track in the world.
At present,at least 10,000km of high-speed rail line is under construction in China.About 3,676km of new track for running trains at speeds up to 350kph have already been laid and put into operation.Another 2,876km of old tracks have been upgraded to run trains of 200to 250kph.
Ultimately,China plans to construct a 120,000-km railway network,including 50,000-km of high-speed rail track,by 2020.
The Ministry of Railways wants to export China's high-speed railway technology to North America,Europe and Latin America.
Wang said,"State-owned Chinese companies are already building high-speed lines in Turkey and Venezuela.Many countries,including the United States,Russia,Brazil and Saudi Arabia,have also expressed interest."

56.When will the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway come into use?C
A.In 2012.       B.In 2013.
C.In 2011.        D.In 2010
57.How much time will a passenger save by train from Beijing to Shanghai after the high-speed railway is open?B
A.4hours.       B.6hours.
C.10hours.      D.3hours.
58.Which of the following countries owns the longest railway in the world?A
A.China.        B.America.
C.Canada.       D.Russia.
59.Which city,in the opinion of vice-minister Wang Zhiguo,can passengers from Beijing reach  in high-speed trains within 8hours?D
A.Haikou.      B.Urumqi.
C.Lhasa.       D.Changsha.
60.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?B
A.The Ministry of Railways wants to increase GDP by exporting railway technology.
B.China's railway technology is superior to that of many other countries.
C.Countries in North America have already imported the railway technology of China.
D.The United States also wants to build high-speed railways in Turkey and Venezuela.

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