
14.The League of High Schools is pleased to invite student freethinkers to our 2007 Student Leadership Meeting July 15-17 at our office building in Manhattan,New York.
This yearly meeting has been successfully held for the past three years.The event brings together student activists from around North America for a busy weekend of workshops,networking,lectures,and a lot of fun.
We encourage every school to send at least one representative (代表)(if not more) and we are keeping the costs down to help make this possible.Any individual (个人)•student activists who are interested are also welcome to attend.Registration (注册),rd5m and food for the entire three 一 day event will cost only $ 39 for each student.We've  booked you single rooms at Travelodge,New York.For any information about the hotel,please call 88643911.
This time we are making a special offer 一 providing some money for travelling to make sure each group can send a representative even if it lacks the money to do so.Email Anna Porter at apor-ter@leaguehighschool.net or call 46935040 to get more information about this travel support.
The registration form can be found at http://www.freethought.org/SLM2007.pdf.For more information about registration you may call Lucy Becker at 36904560 or email her at lbecker@IeaguehighschooL net.
So don't wait!Send in your registration.‘
35.The main purpose of this passage is toB.
A.explain meeting programs       
B.invite students to a meeting
C.call for papers for a meeting  
D.introduce meeting organizers
36. From the passage we know that the Student Leadership Meeting.D
A.invites students from Manhattan
B.provides free meals for students
C.is held every three years      
D.was first held in 2004
37.What is new about this year's meeting?C
A.There is wireless Internet service.
B.Individual students are welcome.
C.It offers money to some groups.
D.The cost for registration is low.
38 If you want to know more about registration,you mayA.
A.email Lucy Becker              
B.email Anna Porter
C.call 88643911                  
D.call 46935040.

分析 高中联合会很高兴邀请到学生自由思想者出席我们的学生领导者会议,该会议于2007年7月15-17时在我们位于纽约曼哈顿的办公大楼召开.该会议每年举行一次,已经成功举办了三年.它将全北美的学生积极分子聚集在一块儿,开展为期一周的繁忙活动,包括研讨会、网络活动、听讲座和娱乐活动.我们鼓励每一所学校派遣至少一名学生(如果没有更多的话).我们正努力减少开支,使一切成为可能.也非常欢迎任何感兴趣的学生个人积极分子出席会议.注册和三天会议期间的食宿每人只需要39美元.我们已经为你们在纽约Travelodge旅店预定了单人间.想要了解该旅店的信息,请致电:88643911.这次我们提供一项特殊的服务--提供一些旅行基金,从而确保每一个学校,既使缺钱,也能够派遣一名代表.想要了解有关旅行资助的更多信息,请联系AnnaPorter,邮箱:aporter@leaguehighschool.net,电话:46935040.注册表格可以登录http∥www.freethought.org/SLM2007.pdf.查看.想要了解关于注册的更多信息,可以同LucyBecker联系,电话:36904560,邮箱:lbecker@leaguehighschool.net.还在等什么,赶紧注册吧.

35.B 主旨题.根据文章可以得出这篇文章主要是在邀请学生积极分子参加会议,所以正确答案是B.
36.D  细节理解题 根据The League of High Schools is pleased to invite student freethinkers to our 2007 Student Leadership Meeting July 15-17 at our office building in Manhattan,New York.This yearly meeting has been successfully held for the past three years.可知,前面已经成功举办过三届,说明第一届应该是2004年举办,故选D
37.C细节理解题 根据This time we are making a special offer 一 providing some money for travelling to make sure each group can send a representative even if it lacks the money to do so.可知,组办方给一些团体提供必要的资金支持是本次的新亮点,故选C
38.A  细节理解题 根据For more information about registration you may call Lucy Becker at 36904560 or email her at lbecker@IeaguehighschooL net.可知,要了解更多注册信息可以给Lucy Becker发邮件或打电话,故选A

点评 本文考查细节题为主,细节题可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息?或是其变体.搜查信息在阅读中非常重要它包括理解作者在叙述某事时使用的具体事实、数据、图表等细节信息.在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节.做这类题一般采用寻读法?即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案

11.If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life,new research may come as a shock.According to a recent scientific study,people who do a very  strenuous  workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.
Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000joggers and non-joggers for 12years.The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die.The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5miles per hour.The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7mph die at the same rate as non-joggers.The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉).Over time,this can cause serious injuries.
Peter Schnohr,a researcher in Copenhagen,said,"If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy,jogging a few times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy.Anything more is not just unnecessary,and it may be harmful."
The implications of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as t'ai chi,yoga and brisk walking may be better for us than"iron man"events,triathlons and long-distance running and  cycling.According  to  Jacob  Louis  Marott,another researcher involved in the study,"You don't actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health.And perhaps you shouldn't actually do too much."

32.The underlined word"strenuous"in Paragraph 1is closest in meaning to"A".
A.hard           B.regular
C.practical      D.flexible
33.The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2toC.
A.suggest giving up jogging
B.show risks of doing sports
C.provide supportive evidence
D.introduce the research process
34.According to the scientists,why is too much exercise harmful?A
A.It may injure the heart and arteries.
B.It can make the body tired out.
C.It will bring much pressure.
D.It consumes too much energy.
35.What can be inferred from the text?D
A.No exercise at all is the best choice.
B.More exercise means a healthier life.
C.Marathons runners are least likely to die.
D.Proper exercise contributes to good health.
2.Friday,December 30,2011 has been cut for the tiny South Pacific island nation,Samoa as it moved its time zone 24 hours ahead to catch up with Asia,New Zealand and Australia. On New Year's Eve,Samoa will Slave jumped to the west of the international dateline,which runs through the Pacific Ocean and broadly follows the 180 degree line of longitude (经线).
Its Prime Minister said it would make it easier for Samoa to trade with their key partners."No longer shall we have people ringing us up on Monday from New Zealand and Australia thinking it is Monday when we are closing our eyes and praying at churches.And in the same way,on our Fridays when we ring up and already our contacts are holidaying on their Saturdays,"he told Radio New Zealand on Friday.
To help win public support,the government declared employers must still pay workers for the missing Friday,although banks will not be allowed to charge interest for the lost day.
Countries are free to choose whether the dateline passes to the east or west,and Samoa's decision means all new maps will need to change.But some tourism operators are worried Samoa will lose business by losing its position as the last place on earth to see the sunset each day,although it is now one of the first places to see in each new day.
Samoa,a country of about 180,000 people,used to be in the same time zone as New Zealand and Australia,but went back a day in 1892,celebrating July 4 twice and aligning itself with the United States.The date change is not the first major change in Samoa in recent years.In 2009,the country switched to driving on the left hand side of the road from the right hand side,in line with New Zealand and Australia.
71.Samoa moved its time zone 24 hours ahead toD   
   A.trade with the United States
    B.be the first place to see in each new day
    C.follow the international dateline
    D.be in the same time zone as Australia
72.Which of the following is true according to the text?A
A.It's Monday now in Samoa while it is Sunday in America.
    B.Samoa once had a date change about 200 years ago.
    C.Samoa and America are now in the same time zone.
    D.In Samoa,cars move on the right hand side of the road.
73.On the missing Friday,___ in Samoa,C
    A.banks still charged interest      B.all the people had a day off
    C.workers still got paid            D.all celebrated New Year's Eve
74.The underlined word"aligning"in the last paragraph possibly meansB.
    A.celebrating     B.adjusting        C.moving           D.trading
75.What's the text mainly about?D
    A.The change of international dateline.
    B.The first nation to greet New Year.
    C.A new neighbor of Australia.
    D.A new date change in Samoa.
9.Why can some people sleep through noises like a honking car or flushing toilet,while others are awakened by the lightest sound?
To find the answer,sleep researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital conducted an unusual study of 12self-described deep sleepers.After tests confirmed that the healthy volunteers were solid sleepers,they took part in a three-night study in the university's sleep laboratory.The participants spent the night in a big and comfortable room.But the room also included four speakers positioned near the top of the bed.
During the night,the deep sleepers were subjected to 14different recorded sounds,like street traffic,toilets flushing,an ice machine dispensing and an airplane flying overhead.Next door,the researchers monitored their sleep patterns and brain waves.
As expected,all of the participants slept relatively well,but there were differences in how they responded to the noisy interruptions.Some of the sleepers didn't wake up even when a sound was blasted at 70decibels (分贝); others were awakened by sounds at 40or 50decibels.
The researchers discovered that the difference in a sleeper's reaction to noise could be predicted by the level of brain activity called"sleep spindles''.A sleep spindle is a burst of high-frequency brain activity coming from deep inside the brain during sleep.The source of the spindles is the thalamus,a part of the brain that sends sensory information to the rest of the cortex (皮层).
Before the study,the Massachusetts researchers theorized (推理) that the spindles are the brain's way of preventing sensory information from passing through the thalamus and waking the rest of the brain during sleep.They found that the sleepers who experienced the most sleep spindles during the night were also the soundest sleepers and were least likely to be awakened by noise.
Scientists already know that most people become lighter sleepers with age,most likely because older people experience less"slow wave sleep'',which is the deepest stage of sleep.People also produce fewer sleep spindles as they age.But even when controlling for the stage of sleep a person was in,the number of sleep spindles still predicted their risk for awakening because of noise.
More research is needed,but the findings suggest that a better understanding of sleep spindles could lead to new behavioral or drug therapies for people with sleep disorders.For instance,future studies may try to determine whether diet,exercise or other behaviors may influence the number of sleep spindles a person produces during the night.

63.Some participants can sleep well through loud noises mainly becauseB.
A.their brains don't respond to outside noises
B.their brains react differently to noises
C.they adapt to the environment quickly
D.they don't pay attention to the monitors
64.Scientists believe that the key to affecting deep sleep isA.
A.sleep spindles  B.stages of sleep    C.sleep disorders D.sensory information
65.It can be learned from the passage thatB.
A.the older a deep sleeper becomes,the lighter his sleep must be
B.the more"slow wave sleep"one experiences,the deeper sleep one has
C.the more frequently a sleeper's brain works,the less information it sends
D.the deeper sleep people have,the more likely they will be awakened by noise
66.From the passage we can predictA.
A.more factors in influencing sleep spindles may be discovered
B.more solid sleepers will take part in relative experiments
C.sleep spindles will be applied to changing one's behaviors
D.deep sleepers will probably enjoy a more healthy life.
19.The largest earthquake(magnitude里氏9.5)of the 20th century happened on May 22,
1960off the coast of South Central Chile.
It generated(生成)one of the most destructive Pacific-wide tsunamis(海啸).Near the generating area,both the earthquake and the tsunamis were very much destructive,particularly in the coastal area from Concepcion to the south end of Isia Chiloe.The largest tsunamis damage occurred at Isia Chiloe-the coastal area closest to the epicenter(震中).Huge tsunamis waves measuring as high as 25meters arrived within 10to15minute after the earthquake,killing at least two hundred people,sinking all the boats,and flooding half a kilometer inland.
There was large damage and loss of life at Concepcion,Chile's top industrial cry.Near the city of Valdivia,the earthquake and following aftershocks generated landslides which killed 18people.At the port city of Valparaiso,a city of 200,000,many buildings collapsed.A total of 130,000houses were destroyed-one in every three in the earthquake zone and nearly 2,000,000people were left homeless.
Total damage losses,including to agriculture and to industry,were estimated(估计)to be over a half billion dorms.The total number of death related with both the tsunamis and the earthquake was never found accurately for the region estimates of deaths reached between 490to 5,7002with no distinction(差别)as to how many deaths were caused by the earthquake and how many were caused by the tsunami.However.it is believed that most of the deaths in Chile were caused by the tsunamis.

61.Where did the largest tsunamis damage occurred?B
A.Concepcion   B.Isia Chiloe  
C.Valdivia     D.Valparaiso
62.What can we learn about the tsunamis waves generated by the earthquake?C
A.The tsunami waves as high as 25meters arrived immediately after the earthquake.
B.The tsunami waves killed 200people and sank all boats.
C.The tsunami waves were very destructive.
D.The tsunami waves flooded half of the inland.
63.What is generally thought the main cause of deaths in Chile?B
A.Landslides     B.The tsunami
C.Aftershocks    D.The magnitude 9.5earthquake
64.What is the total number of deaths in the earthquakeD
A.2,000,000.    B.between 490to 5,7002.
C.200,000.       D.it was hard to know.
65.What does underline word"collapsed"probably mean?A
A.Wall destroyed   B.caught fire  
C.was flooded      D.sank.
6.The name of Macau comes from the word Magao (A-Ma Temple),which were shrines (圣地) dedicated to Mazu,a holy sea goddess worshiped by Macau people.It was said that when the Portuguese people first came here in the middle of sixteenth century,one of the officers asked a fisherman the name of the land.The man misunderstood the officer's question,and answered"Magao"-the name of A-Ma Temple in front them.
Many people wonder how Macau is spelled.Is it"Macao"or"Macau"?Both are actually correct.Macao is Portuguese,and this is the official spelling backed by Macau SAR Government.Macau is English,that's how they spell it in the U.S.and other parts of the world.However,most publications use"Macau"as the preferred spelling
Members of the Southern Song Dynasty and some 50,000followers were the first recorded inhabitants (居民) of the area,seeking shelter in Macau from invading Mongols in 1277.They were able to defend their settlements and establish themselves there.
The Hoklo Boat people were the first to show commercial interest in Macau as a trading center for the southern provinces.During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1643),fishermen migrated to Macau from various parts of Guangdong and Fujian provinces and built the A-Ma Temple in which they prayed for safety on the sea
Chinese fishermen have been living and working in the Pearl River Delta for more than four thousand years.The small peninsula and islands that came to be called Macau were first settled by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century
In 1998,Chinese (Cantonese) was given official status and the same legal power as Portuguese,the official language.The Chinese government assumed sovereignty over Macau on December 20,1999,ending 329years of Portuguese rule

68.We can learn from the text that the name"Macau"B
A.is named after a sea goddess
B.is first called by the Portuguese
C.is only used in publications
D.is given by a fisherman
69.Which is the correct order of the things that happened in Macau?A
a.Portuguese people first came to Macau
b.The fishermen of Guangdong and Fujian migrated to Macau
c.The first recorded inhabitants established themselves in Macau
d.the A-Ma Temple was built in Macau
A.c,b,d,a         B.d,c,b,a
C.b,c,a,d         D.a,c,b,d
70.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.Both Chinese and Portuguese are official languages in Macau
B.The A-Ma Temple was built in honour of a holy sea goddess
C.The inhabitants in Macau mainly made their living by fishing before the 16th century
D.Macau didn't belong to China until December 20,1999
71.Members of the Southern Song Dynasty went to Macau in order toC
A.show commercial interest in Macau
B.find a good place for fishing
C.get away from their enemies
D.establish Macau SAR there.

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