4.As science and technology make rapid progress,it is hard to predict what would happen in life by 2030.However,people believe life will probably make a big difference by then.
TV channels will have disappeared.Instead,people will choose a program from a"menu"and a computer will send the program directly to the television.Today,we can use the World Wide Web to read newspaper stories and see pictures on a computer thousands of kilometers away.By 2030,music,films,programs,newspapers,and books will come to us by computer.
Cars will run on new,clean fuels and they will go very fast.Cars will have computers to control the speed and there won't be any accidents.Today,many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are.By 2030,the computer will control the car and drive it to your destination.Space planes will take people halfway around the world in two hours.Today,the United Sates Space Shuttle can go into space and land on Earth again.By 2030,space planes will fly all over the world and people will fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo in just two hours.
Robots will have replaced people in factories.Many factories already use robots.Big companies prefer robots-they don't ask for pay rises or go on strike,and they work 24hours a day.By 2030,we will see robots everywhere-in factories,schools,offices,hospitals,shops and homes.
Medical technology will have conquered many diseases.Today,there are electronic devices(装置)hat connect directly to the brain to help people hear.By 2030,we will be able to help blind and deaf people to see and hear again.
Scientists will have discovered how to control genes.Scientists have already produced clones of animals.By 2030,scientists will be able to produce clones of people,and decide how they look,how they behave and how much intelligence they have.Scientists will be able to do these things,but should they?

57.Which of the following can NOT be turned into reality today?D
A.Creating cloned animals.
B.Reading newspapers on a computer.
C.electronic devices can be used to help people hear.
D.People can travel around the world by space plane
58.Some big companies prefer robots to human workers because human workersB.
A.can work less effectively
B.often demand to get a rise
C.are difficult to obey the rules
D.are not on duty
59.From the 5th paragraph we can infer thatC.
A.all diseases will be cured by 2030
B.people are not infected with diseases
C.medical technology will be more effective by 2030
D.there will be no blind and deaf people by 2030
60.What's the author's attitude towards the cloning technology?D
A.The author does not agree on the use of cloning technology.
B.The author thinks human cloning is impossible.
C.The author is quite excited about human cloning.
D.The author is not in favour of the idea of human cloning.
3.Advice to"sleep on it"could be well founded,scientists say.After a good night's sleep a problem that seemed impossible to solve the night before can often appear easier,although no evidence has proved this by now.But researchers at the University of Luebek in Germany have designed an experiment that shows a good night's sleep can improve insight(洞察力)and problem-solving."If you have some newly acquired memories in your brain,sleep acts on these memories,restructures(重构)them,so that after sleep the insight into a problem which you could not solve before increases,"said Dr.Jan Bom,a neuroscientist,at the university.To test the theory,they taught volunteers two simple rules to help them put a string of numbers into a new order.There was also a third,hidden rule,which could help them increase their speed in solving the problem.The researchers divided the volunteers into two groups,half were allowed to sleep after the training while the remainders were forced to stay awake.Bom and his team noticed that the group that had slept after the training were twice as likely to figure out the third rule as the other group."Sleep helped,"Bom said in a telephone interview."The important thing is that you have to have a memory representation in your brain of the problem you want to solve and then you sleep,so it can act on the problem."But Bom admitted that he and his team don't know how restructuring of memories occurs or what governs it or in which stage of sleep it works.Pierre Marquette and Pierre Ruby of the University of Liege in Belgium said the experimental evidence supports the suggestions that sleep can promote creative thinking.Although the role of sleep in human creativity will still be a mystery,the research gives people good reason to fully respect their periods of sleep,they added.

36.The underlined phrase"sleep on it"in the first line probably meansA.
A.to put something aside to be solved until the next day
B.to get as much sleep as possible
C.to go on sleeping without being disturbed
D.to sleep till you get up the next morning
37.Jan Bom and his team carried out the experiment throughA
38.It can be inferred from the passage thatC.
A.people should sleep so long as they have time
B.sleep is the only way to solve hard problems
C.people have various periods of sleep
D.people know how sleep restructures memories
39.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.How Sleep Works
B.Sleep Helps Solve Problems
C.No Evidence,But Well Founded
D.Bom's Discovery On Sleep
40.Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?D
A.A science fiction.
B.A book review.
C.An advertisement.
D.A newspaper.
2.Positive Thinking Can Transform Your Health
Our emotional(情感)world has a remarkable power to determine not only our mental health,but also our physical well-being.And a growing body of research in psychology,medicine and public health is displaying the health benefit of positive emotions and their effect on physical health.(36)C.
1.Optimism may protect the heart.
According to a 2012review of literature,a number of studies have shown that people with optimistic personalities are at a reduced risk of the heart attack.(37)A,such as improved immune system function and increased life span.
2.Compassion and care for others can improve nerve function.
Compassion,a loving concern for the well-being of others,can make us feel positive and may improve our physical health.
Positive psychologist Barbara has conducted research on the effects of loving kindness meditation(沉思),a traditional religious practice that involves meditating on love and extending compassion to oneself and others.(38)D,which extends from the brain to the heart,helping to regulate emotions as well as bodily systems
Like optimism,an"attitude of gratitude",appreciation and feeling of thankfulness for the blessings one has in life,carries significant mental and physical health benefits.Gratefulness,like optimism,has been linked with improved immune health,and has also been shown to improve sleep quality.
4.Self-compassion improves health-related behaviors.
(40)E.A 2013study found that self-compassionate people sought medical attention sooner than people who were lacking in self-compassion.Self-compassionate people also tended to be less depressed.

A.Optimism's benefits for physical health also extend beyond heart health
B.There are many kinds of methods to make us feel positive
C.Here are four positive emotions to improve physical health and prevent disease
D.Researchers find the practice can have a positive impact on the nerve
E.People who cultivate kindness towards themselves are also kinder to their bodies
F.Gratitude may also benefit heart health and immune system function
G.Those who are kind to others are easier to feel relaxed.
1.The simplest way to say it is this:I believe in my mother.My (11)A began when I was just a kid.I(12)Cbecoming a doctor.
My mother was a domestic.Through her work,she observed that  (13)C people spent a lot more time reading than they (14)D watching television.She announced that my brother and I (15)A watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week.With our free time,we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and (16)B her written book reports.She would mark them up with check marks and highlights.Years later,we realized her marks were a(17)D.My mother was illiterate.
When I entered high school,I was a(an)(18)A,but not for long.I wanted the fancy clothes.I wanted to(19)B  the guys.I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student.One night my mother came home from (20)C her various jobs and I complained about not ha ving enough Italian knit skirts.She said,"Okay,I'll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms,and you can buy(21)D  food and pay the bills.With everything (22)A,you can have all the Italian knit skirts you want."I was very (23)B with that arrangement but once I got through allocating money,there was (24)D left.I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to (25)C our heads and any kind of food on the table,(26)Abuy clothes.I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn't going to get me anywhere.Success required intellectual preparation.I went back to my(27)C  and became an A-student again,and eventually I (28)Bmy dream and I became a doctor.
My story is really my mother's story----a woman with(29)Aformal education or property,who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe.There is no job (30)Cthan parenting.This I believe.

12.A.majored inB.got used toC.dreamed ofD.got tired of
15.A.could onlyB.could notC.must notD.should often
16.A.read toB.present toC.teachD.explain
19.A.get rid ofB.hang out withC.break away fromD.keep in touch with
21.A.your brotherB.yourselfC.your sisterD.the family
22.A.left overB.paid offC.used upD.carried out
25.A.put an idea intoB.gave an impressionC.keep a roof overD.have eyes in the back of
26 A.let aloneB.let outC.let inD.leave alone
30.A.more interestingB.less importantC.more importantD.less interesting.
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