
10.Nowadays,more and more young ladies,______ figures most are fine enough,are going on a diet.(  )
A.whoB.whoseC.of whoseD.of whom

分析 现在越来越多的年轻女士打算减肥,其中大部分身材都很不错.

解答 答案:C
题干中有逗号分隔,是一个非限制性定语从句,要用连词;从句中figure缺少表示所属关系的修饰语,要用whose;句中most表示大部分,后要接介词of表示范围,相当于most of young ladies'figures.故选C.

点评 定语从句是用来修饰名词的形容词性从句,相当于一个形容词.连接定语从句的引导词分为关系代词和关系副词,关系代词在从句中要作主语或宾语;关系副词在从句中作状语.这也是选择关系词的一个判断方法.

20.We know that sugary sodas aren't good for our bodies.Now it turns out that they may not be good for our minds,either.A new study of more than 260,000 people has found a link between sweetened soft-drinks and depression,and diet sodas may be making matters worse.
Americans drink far more sodas than people in other countries-as much as 170 liters per person per year.But the impact of this study isn't limited to the United States."Sweetened drinks,coffee and tea are commonly consumed worldwide and have important physical consequences.And they may have important mental-health consequences as well,"study author Dr Honglei Chen said in a statement.
The study studied 263,925 people between the ages of 50 and 71.Researchers followed their consumption of drinks like soda,tea coffee,and other soft drinks from 1995 to 1996 and then.10 years later,asked them if they had been diagnosed with depression since the year 2000.More than 11,3000 of them had.
Participants who drank more than four servings of sodas per day were 30 percent more likely to develop depression than participants who did not drink sodas at all.People who stuck with fruit punch(鸡尾酒),had a 38 percent higher risk than people who didn't drink sweetened drinks.And all that extra sugar isn't the actual problem.Researchers say that the artificial sweetener aspartame may be to blame.
The study found a link but could not surely determine whether sodas and other sweet soft drinks cause depression.Still,the results"are consistent with a small but growing body of evidence suggesting that artificially sweetened beverages may be linked to poor health outcomes."
But there's a bright side for those who can't live without their daily sodas.Adults who drank coffee had a 10 percent lower risk of depression compared to people who didn't drink any coffee,according to the study."Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk,"said Chen.

41.What has the new study of more than 260,000 people found?C
A.Sugary sodas aren't good for the physical health of old people.
B.Americans have a special tooth for sweet foods.
C.Sweetened soft-drinks may increase the risk of depression.
D.Sweetened soft-drinks have important physical consequences.
42.What do we know about the process of the study?D
A.About twenty-six thousand people participated in it.
B.The oldest participants were below 80 when the study was over.
C.Most of the participants had depression when the study was over.
D.The study lasted more than ten years from the beginning to the end.
43.We infer that the underlined word"aspartame"in Paragraph 4 refers to something thatD
A.can reduce the harm of sweetened drinks
B.is used to reduce the risk of depression
C.is mainly used to make fruit punch
D.is used to make something.sweet
44.It is implied in the passage thatA.
A.more research is needed to confirm the new findings
B.the new findings aren't consistent with any previous findings
C.cutting one's sodas intake will surely reduce one's depression
D.the new findings won't have an impact on people's drinking habits
45.What should you drink in order to reduce the risk of depression?B
B:Unsweetened coffee.
C.Sugary coffee.
D.Fruit punch.
18.Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness,happiness,goodness,and self-respect?The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as"honor"help you create this life of good feelings.
Here's an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.
Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item.If we keep silent,and profit from the clerk's mistake,we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement.Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune.On the other hand,if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item,the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty.We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.
Then,what is it to do with our sense of happiness?
In the first case,where we don't tell the clerk,a couple of things would happen.Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief.In the process,we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect.We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted,since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends.We damage our own reputations by telling others.In contrast,bringing the error to the clerk's attention causes different things to happen.Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable.Upon leaving the store,we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased.Whenever we take honorable action we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.
There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions.Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions.Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence.And it's easy to think and act honorably again when we're happy.While the positive cycle can be difficult to start,once it's started,it's easy to continue.Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind,which is important for our happiness.

51.According to the passage,the positive action in the example contributes to ourA.
B.financial rewards 
C.advertising ability 
D.friendly relationship
52.The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal toB.
A.lying           B.stealing        
C.cheating        D.advertising
53.The phrase"bringing the error to the clerk's attention"(in para.5)meansA.
A.telling the truth to the clerk          
B.offering advice to the clerk
C.asking the clerk to be more attentive   
D.reminding the clerk of the charged item
54.How will we feel if we let the clerk know her mistake?C
A.We'll be very excited.
B.We'll feel unfortunate.
C.We'll have a sense of honor.
D.We'll feel sorry for the clerk.
55.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage.D
A.How to Live Truthfully          
B.Importance of Peacefulness
C.Ways of Gaining Self-respect     
D.Happiness through Honorable Actions.
5.Why Laughter Matters
Although most people believe that laughter is one of the nature's great treatments for a whole range of mental and physical diseases,it is still a serious scientific subject that researchers are trying to figure out.
"Laughter above all else is a social thing,"says Baltimore neuroscientist,Robert Provine,who has studied laughter for decades."All laughter groups laugh‘ha-ha-ha'basically the same way.Whether you speak Mandarin,French or English,everyone will understand laughter.There is a pattern generator(发生器) in our brain that produces this sound."
Laughing is our first way of communicating.Babies laugh long before they speak.No one teaches them how to laugh.They just do.People may laugh at a prank(恶作剧) on April Fools'day.But surprisingly,only 10to 15percent of laughter is the result of someone making a joke.Laughter is mostly about social responses rather to a joke.Deaf people laugh without hearing and people on cell phones laugh without seeing,showing that laughter isn't dependent on single sense but on social interactions.
And laughter is not just a people thing.Chimps tickle(挠痒) each other and even laugh when another chimp pretends to tickle them.
Jaak Panksepp,a Bowling Green University Psychology professor,studies rats that laugh when he tickles them.It turns out rats love to be tickled-they return again and again to the hands of researchers tickling them.
By studying rats,scientists can figure out what's going on in the brain during laughter.Northwestern University biomedical engineering professor,Jeffrey Burgdorf has found that laughter in rats produces a chemical that acts as an antidepressant(抗抑郁药).He thinks the same thing probably happens in humans,too.This would give doctors a new chemical target to develop drugs that can fight depression.
Even so,laughter itself has not been proved to be the best medicine,experts said.Margaret Stuber,a professor at University of California,studied whether laugher helped patients.She found that distraction(分心) and mood improvement helped,but she could not find a benefit of laughter alone.
"No study has shown that laughter produces a direct health benefit,"Provine said,largely because it's hard to separate laughter from just feeling good.But he thinks it doesn't really matter:"Isn't the fact that laughter feels good when you do it enough?"

67.The most important finding of Robert Provine's research is thatA.
A.laughter makes a person feel good
B.laughter depends on different senses
C.laughter is a quality people are born with
D.laughter is a social response shared by all creatures
68.According to the passage,scientists studied rats in order to findC.
A.if they can laugh
B.if they like laughing
C.what laughter in rats produces
D.how rats react while being tickled
69.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Patients will recover if they laugh enough.
B.Laughter is a means of communication as well as language.
C.A new medicine has been developed based on the laughter research.
D.Scientists can know what is happening in a human brain when he laughs.
70.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?D

CP:Central point   P:Point   Sp:Sub-point(次要点)   C:Conclusion.
9.BANGKOK-The tiny island nation of Tuvalu has promised to do its part for climate change by fueling its economy entirely from renewable sources by 2020.
The South Pacific nation of 12,000people is part of a movement of countries and cities committed to going climate neutral.Since February 2008,10nations have promised to reduce their emission(释放)of greenhouse gases as part of a goal of reaching zero emissions in the next decade.
None of these commitments alone is expected to make a significant difference in the fight to cut heat-trapping gases.But the moves can inspire bigger emitters(排放者)like the United States to take further steps to limit their carbon footprints.
Climate scientists have urged rich countries to reduce emissions from 2005levels by between 25percent and 40percent by 2020to avoid the worst effect of warming.For its parts,Tuvalu hopes to replace the fossil fuels that are imported by ship with solar energy and wind power soon.
Tuvalu already emits almost no greenhouse gases.But because of climate change,many South Pacific islands see worsening flooding.The country is just 10square miles in size,with most of its land less than a meter above sea level.
So far,Tuvalu has equipped a 40-kilowatt solar energy system with the help of Japan's Kansai Electric Power Co.and Tokyo Electric Power Company.The Tuvalu government is working to expand the $410,000project from 40to 60kilowatts,and will extend solar power to outer islands.
"We thank those countries who are helping Tuvalu reduce its carbon footprint,"Public Utilities and Industries Minister Kausea Natano said."And we look forward to the day when our nation offers an example to all-powered entirely by natural resources such as the sun and the wind."

53.What is the main energy source in Tuvalu at present?B
A.Solar energy
B.Imported fossil fuels
C.Wind powder
D.Local fossil fuels
54.For Tuvalu,the biggest trouble now is thatA.
A.it is under threat from rising sea level
B.it lacks enough natural resources
C.Climate change affects its economy
D.it lacks clean power equipment
55.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.It is impossible for Tuvalu to realize its goal.
B.The world will see zero emissions in ten years.
C.Tuvalu imports technology to reduce emissions.
D.Big countries haven't started to reduce emissions.
56.The best title for the passage might be"D".
A.Climate change threatens small island nations
B.island nations urge big countries to reduce emission
C.Countries unite to reduce greenhouse gases
D.An island nation will only use green power.

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