
9.-What has made him so knowledgeable?
-______ domestic and foreign classics.(  )
A.Having exposed toB.Being exposed to
C.Exposing toD.Exposed to

分析 -什么让他如此博学?

解答 答案:B
题干中是回答作主语的特殊疑问词what,要用动名词形式;be exposed to暴露在…之下,(长期)接触,短语搭配.根据句意,故选B.

点评 动名词相当于名词,具备名词的特征.在句中可以作主语,宾语,表语,定语等.动名词和现在分词的构成方式一样,但用法不同.现在分词具备动词的特征,有时态和语态的变化,学习时要注意区分和掌握.

19.Leaders of the World Health Organization say they are concerned about the air quality and health efiects on citizens during a recent outbreak of heavy pollution in Beijing.Still,they said they were unsure of the exact amount the air pollution takes on any person's body,casting doubts on local reports tying the area's dirty air to particular cases of illness.
   Speaking at a briefing(情况介绍会)on Tuesday,the WHO's Western Pacific regional director,Shin Young-Soo,cited(列举)reports about poor air quality causing lung cancer in recent weeks.
"The WHO is skeptical of the information,"she said."We're cautious of whether the illness is related to air po11ution.We know it has an impact on health,but we don't know how much."
    The officials didn't cite particular reports.The comments follow a number of articles since late last year connecting some cases of diseases like lung cancer with pollution,.including one in November regarding an 8-year-old girl.
   The health impact of Beijing's gray skies has been on the minds of many over the past week.Local authorities on Tuesday preserved an orange alert(警报)一the city's second highest pollution-warning level-and again warned people to stay indoors.Experts widely agree that small particulates(颗粒) known as PM2.5 carry significant short-and long-term health risks,particularly with children.Other studies find a certain link between pollution and shorter life spans.
Chinese state media have noted a rise in cancer levels in Beijing,without specifying(具体说明)whether the new cases are the main result of pollution,smoking,other sources or some combination.
Bernhard Schwartlander,the organization's China chief,said he is concerned and has been in contact with national authorities."There is no easy solution,"Dr.Schwartlainder said,adding that solving the problem requires managing industry and the economy.WHO leaders advised citizens.to stay indoors and limit exposure to the harmful particulates.When asked if wearing a face mask has any proven efficacy in preventing health effects of air pollution,Dr.Schwartlainder said,"Whatever you do,it's better than nothing."

68.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.in case of an orange alert,we had better not go outside
B.the case of the girl with lung cancer was little'linked to air pollution
C.cancer levels in Beijing are rising due to heavy air pollution
D.it is widely agreed that pollution shortens life spans very slightly
69.According to Dr.Schwartlander,the ways to solve the problem includeC.
A.contacting the national authorities     
B.being exposed less to harmful particulates
C.managing the enterprise and economy  
D.preventing health effects of pollution
70.What would be the best title of this passage?D
A.The dangers of heavy pollution
B.The impacts of pollution on health
C.The importance of protecting the environment
D.The uncertainty of relationship between pollution and health.
17.An increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to (归因于)the global economic crisis (危机) awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works.
Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January,according to UCAS,the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were also up.
Professor John Beath,the president of the society and a leading lecturer at St Andrews University,said his first-year lectures-which are open to students from all departments-were drawing crowds of 400,rather than the usual 250.
"There are a large number of students who are not economics majors,who would like to learn something about it.One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasn't traditionally done."He said.
University applications rose 7% last year,but there were rises above average in several subjects.Nursing saw a 15% jump,with people's renewed interest in careers in the public sector(部门),which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.
A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters,and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on,although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain.
Zack Hocking,the head of Child Trust Funds,said:"It's possible that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation that's financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty."

46.Professor John Beath's lectures areB.
A.given in a traditional way            
B.connected with the present situation
C.open to both students and their parents  
D.warmly received by economics
47.Careers in the public sector are more attractive because of theirA.
A.greater stability                    B.higher pay
C.fewer applications                   D.better reputation
48.In the opinion of most parents,C.
A.economics should be the focus of school teaching
B.more students should be admitted to universities
C.the teaching of financial matters should be strengthened.
D.children should solve financial problems themselves
49.According to Hocking,the global economic crisis might make the youngstersA.
A.wiser in money management          
B.have access to better equipment
C.confident about their future careers     
D.get jobs in Child Trust Funds
50.What's the main idea of the text?B
A.Universities have received more applications.
B.Economics is attracting an increasing numbers students
C.College students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty
D.Parents are concerned with children's subject selection.
4.As science and technology make rapid progress,it is hard to predict what would happen in life by 2030.However,people believe life will probably make a big difference by then.
TV channels will have disappeared.Instead,people will choose a program from a"menu"and a computer will send the program directly to the television.Today,we can use the World Wide Web to read newspaper stories and see pictures on a computer thousands of kilometers away.By 2030,music,films,programs,newspapers,and books will come to us by computer.
Cars will run on new,clean fuels and they will go very fast.Cars will have computers to control the speed and there won't be any accidents.Today,many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are.By 2030,the computer will control the car and drive it to your destination.Space planes will take people halfway around the world in two hours.Today,the United Sates Space Shuttle can go into space and land on Earth again.By 2030,space planes will fly all over the world and people will fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo in just two hours.
Robots will have replaced people in factories.Many factories already use robots.Big companies prefer robots-they don't ask for pay rises or go on strike,and they work 24hours a day.By 2030,we will see robots everywhere-in factories,schools,offices,hospitals,shops and homes.
Medical technology will have conquered many diseases.Today,there are electronic devices(装置)hat connect directly to the brain to help people hear.By 2030,we will be able to help blind and deaf people to see and hear again.
Scientists will have discovered how to control genes.Scientists have already produced clones of animals.By 2030,scientists will be able to produce clones of people,and decide how they look,how they behave and how much intelligence they have.Scientists will be able to do these things,but should they?

57.Which of the following can NOT be turned into reality today?D
A.Creating cloned animals.
B.Reading newspapers on a computer.
C.electronic devices can be used to help people hear.
D.People can travel around the world by space plane
58.Some big companies prefer robots to human workers because human workersB.
A.can work less effectively
B.often demand to get a rise
C.are difficult to obey the rules
D.are not on duty
59.From the 5th paragraph we can infer thatC.
A.all diseases will be cured by 2030
B.people are not infected with diseases
C.medical technology will be more effective by 2030
D.there will be no blind and deaf people by 2030
60.What's the author's attitude towards the cloning technology?D
A.The author does not agree on the use of cloning technology.
B.The author thinks human cloning is impossible.
C.The author is quite excited about human cloning.
D.The author is not in favour of the idea of human cloning.

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