The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month,usually in February or occasionally (偶尔) in March in the Gregorian calendar.

   The important activity on this day is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC—AD 220) ,Buddhism (佛教) was very popular in China. One emperor ordered to light lanterns in his palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. Later,the Buddhist rite (仪式) developed into a great festival among common people.

   Till now,the Lantern Festival is still held each year around the country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets,attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to hang out,very excited.

   “Guessing lantern riddles” is a central part of the festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have answers to the riddles,they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answers. If they are right,they will get a little gift. The activity started in the Song Dynasty (960—1279) . As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom,it has become popular among people of all ages.

   People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings on this day. So it is also called the “Yuanxiao Festival. ”Yuanxiao also has another name,tang yuan. It tastes sweet and delicious. What’s more,tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with Utuanyuany,meaning getting together. So people eat them and hope they can take happiness to the family.

() 1. The Lantern Festival may be in .

   A. January   B. February

   C. March   D. February or March

() 2. The emperor of the Han Dynasty ordered to light lanterns because.

   A. it was too dark in his palaces

   B. he liked lanterns so much

   C. he wanted to show respect to Buddha

   D. he wanted to show respect to common people

() 3. What is the central part of the Lantern Festival?

   A. Watching lanterns.

   B. Guessing lantern riddles.

   C. Making lanterns.

   D. Eating yuanxiao.

() 4. What is the best title for the article?

   A. The Lantern Festival.

   B. The Beautiful Lanterns.

   C. People Respect Buddhism.

   D. When did the Lantern Festival Begin?

   Michae’s birthday was coming soon,so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he would not need to walk to school any more. However,MichaeFs dad had lost his job and did not have much money. Michael got a book instead,but he did not say anything.

   One bright and sunny day,while Michael was walking past a store on his way to school,he saw a big boy on a bike. The bike was too small for the boy. As the boy was turning around a corner,he fell off the bike and cried. The boy's name was William. William seemed to have broken his leg. Michael picked up William's bike and rode to the nearby hospital to get help. A few minutes later,an ambulance came and brought William to the hospital. Michael rode William's bike to school,so he would not be late for class. William was not too seriously hurt. He was discharged after his leg was put in a cast.

   After school,Michael quickly rode the bicycle to William^ house with a book and a jigsaw puzzle for William. To Michael's surprise,William was getting a new bike on his birthday in two months,time and Michael could have William's old bike. Michael was overjoyed. From then on,Michael and William became good friends. Michael visited William every day till William's leg was OK.

() 1. Michael asked his father for a .

   A. bike   B. car   C. horse   D. book

() 2. Michael's father gave him a because he didn't have much money.

   A. bike   B. watch   C. book   D. pen

() 3. What was the matter with William?

   A. He broke Michael's leg.

   B. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg.

   C. He fought with Michael.

   D. He was later for class.

() 4. Michael gave William .

   A. a bike   B. a book

   C. a new bike   D. a book and a jigsaw puzzle

   It all started when Tom called me to join him in a game of basketball. He said that Jack and some other boys would be there too. I had finished my homework and had nothing else to do so I agreed. Tom told me to go to Radin Mas Community Club at three o’clock.

   On the way there,I bought a burger. When I reached the basketball court,I was surprised to see Tom and Jack quarrelling. Tom and Jack are brothers. They love each other and they have hardly ever quarrelled.

   Later on,I learnt that they were quarrelling over who should start throwing the ball. I shouted to them to stop but they would not listen. They created such a racket that the people in a nearby coffee shop were looking at them. Soon Tom and Jack started to trade punches. I was shocked,as I had never even heard them quarrel before. Now they were fighting before my eyes!

   Luckily,two men came and stopped them till the boys calmed down. Then I suggested that we go to the coffee shop for a drink. At the coffee shop,I brought out my burger and it was good to see Tom and Jack sharing the burger and laughing once again.

() 1. Tom called the writer to join the game.

   A. basketball   B. soccer

   C. volleyball   D. tennis

() 2. On the way to Radin Mas Community Club,the writer bought.

   A. some bread   B. a burger

   C. a cup of coffee   D. a drink

() 3. The writer was surprised because .

   A. Tom and Jack are brothers

   B. they loved each other

   C. they hardly ever quarrelled

   D. all above

() 4. Tom and Jack fought over .

   A. when they should start throwing the ball

   B. where they should start throwing the ball

   C. who should start throwing the ball

   D. who should pay for the drink


                                I’ll Never Forget That Day 

  When I was 8 years old,my father took my brother and me on a picnic. On that day,I did something wrong,and I will never forget it.

  It was a sunny day;I was very happy and excited. When we arrived there,my father warned me that the river was very dangerous and made me promise not to walk up to it. I promised my father,but I did not keep my promise.

  I forget why I walked into the river. Maybe I was curious. I walked into the river,and I fell down because the river was very deep. I could not stand or touch the bottom. I cried out loudly,but nobody was there,except my younger brother.

  I remember that my younger brother was very scared and did not know what he could do because he was just one year younger than me. He jumped into the river,but that just made the situation worse because he was even shorter than me and he could not swim. Both of us cried out.

  Fortunately,there was a farmer who was working there. He found us and saved me first. At that time,I could no longer see my brother. I cried louder,and I shouted to the farmer ,“Please save my brother!” He was very shocked because it turned out he had only seen me. He asked me ,“Are you sure that your brother fell into the river?” “Of course,I am sure!” I answered. 

  Then,my father arrived and started looking for my brother in the river. Finally,they found him and took him to the hospital. Luckily my younger brother was alive,or else I could never forgive myself.

1. How many people were there on the picnic?

2. Why did the father warn the writer not to walk up to the river?

3. How old was the writer's brother when he wanted to save the writer?

4. Who saved the writer at last?

   I recently traveled home to visit my family,and to my great disappointment,it was during this trip that I realized that my 85-year-old mother Nancy,frail (虚弱) and thin,but trying her best to hide her mistakes and poor memory,had so sadly begun her quick fade into dementia (痴呆) .

   In short,it hit me like a ton of bricks. She was a lovely and loving woman,my confidant and guide at times when I was most confused and helpless before. She has been my greatest source of wisdom (智慧的源泉) and support for so many years. I was quite sad that she was painful,and fell into deep dementia.

   When my trip was over and I was leaving for the airport,I said a tearful goodbye to my mother,perhaps for the final time. And just like that,I felt like I would never see her again quite the same as a fully-realized adult who I could turn to to explain the world to me,and to answer my most basic questions. In fact,I was completely at a loss (不知所措) as to how my mother would be when I next saw her. How quick would her dementia be? As my plane lifted off the ground,I felt like something crucial and essential was being ripped from my heart. And I was alone and heartbroken,not just for me but also for her,and I cried as I had not been for a very long time.

() 1. Where did the writer travel?

   A. Her home. B. The airport

   C. Her family. D. Her mother.

() 2. What did the writer think of her mother before?

   A. She was frail and thin.

   B. She was a lovely and loving woman.

   C. She has poor memory.

   D. She was demented.

() 3. Why did I say a tearful goodbye to my mother?

   A. Because she was demented.

   B. Because she didn't want to leave.

   C. Because it was perhaps for the final time.

   D. Because she was disappointed.

() 4. Who was alone and heartbroken?

   A. The writer. B. The writer's mother.

   C. Both A and   B. D. No one.

   It was a dark and stormy night. I was about to go to bed when I heard a tapping sound on my window.

   “Who's there?” I shouted. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning;I saw a face at the window. It looked like an alien that I had seen on the television show ,“the X files."

   I felt very scared. I ran to my bed and pulled my blanket over my head. I started to shout for my parents but there was no reply. Then I remembered that they were at a fancy dress party. I peeped out of my blanket but it was too dark to see anything. Then I heard footsteps. They were getting louder and louder. It was dark but I knew the way to my drawer where I kept my camera. I ran there and took out my camera and started to take pictures in the direction of the window. Soon the footsteps died off. And then I went back to my bed and tried to sleep. But I could not. I felt too scared. I sat up,and my mind was full of thoughts. I didn't fall asleep until late at night.

   I woke up and found some footprints outside my bedroom window. I measured them with a tape and found them to be exactly the same size as my father's shoes. The footprints ended at the door of my house. I then went to town to get the film developed. But when I saw the photos I was shocked. They were black and I could hardly see anything. Then I remembered that I did not use the flash.

   When I reached home I told my father about it and he started to laugh. I started laughing too when he told me that he had dressed up as an alien for the party.

() 1. It was when the story happened.

   A. stormy   B. dark   C. sunny   D. Both A and B

() 2. My parents went to a party.

   A. dress   B. evening   C. birthday   D. dancing

() 3. I  put the camera in the .

   A. desk   B. dresser   C. drawer   D. bag

() 4. In fact,the “alien” was the .

   A. boy   B. father   C. mother   D. friend

   Hi!My name is Jim. Today,I want to tell you a story about something I did when I was 14 years old. I made some friends in school but they turned out to be bad boys. They were part of a gang who stole bicycles and resold them.

   One bright Sunday afternoon,we went to an apartment in Bukit Batok to steal a bike. We found a bicycle on the landing of the fifth floor and started to work on the lock. The lock was hard to break,and it took us 10 minutes to break it. As we were about to escape with the bike,the owner of the bicycle suddenly came out of the elevator. “My bike!” he shouted. 

   We dropped the bike and ran down the stairs but two policemen who were near-by caught us.

   We were brought to the police station. Our parents were called and our teachers were told what had happened. As we were too young,at last we were allowed to go back home,but I was sent to the Boys’ Home for six months. Life in the Boys’ Home was very hard but I learnt a very important lesson. I learnt that stealing was not right and I decided to stop stealing.

   To this day,I regret what I had done. I hope you will learn from my story and not take the same path which I took.

() 1. Jim stole the bike at the age of .

   A. 11   B. 12   C. 13   D. 14

() 2. Jim and his friends found the bike on the landing of the floor.

   A. second   B. third   C. fourth   D. fifth

() 3. It took them minutes to break the lock.

   A. 5   B. 10   C. 15   D. 20

() 4. Jim spent in the Boys’ Home.

   A. half a year   B. 8 months

   C. 10 months   D. a year

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