Once there were two brothers,John and Tom,whose father died. They divided the land in half. Over time,the older brother John married and had six children,while the younger brother Tom never married.

One night,Tom lay awake. "It's not fair that each of us has half the land to farm," he thought. "My brother has six children to feed and I have none. He should have more grain than I do."

So that night Tom went to his silo,gathered a large bag of wheat,and climbed the hill that separated the two farms and over to his brother's farm. Leaving the wheat in John's silo,he re?turned home,pleased.

Earlier that very same night,John was also thinking , " In my old age my wife and I will have our grown children to take care of us,while my brother will probably have none. He should at least sell more grain from the fields now so he can provide for himself with dignity in his old age."

So that night,too,he did the same as Tom..

The next morning,Tom was surprised to see the amount of grain in his silo unchanged. "I can not have taken as much wheat as I thought," he said,confused. "Tonight I'll be sure to take more."So it was the same with John.

After night fell,each brother did the same thing as last night. The next morning,the brothers were again puzzled at the unchanged silo. But they decided to do it again.

The third night,each brother gathered a large pile of wheat,and went to his brother's silo. At the top of the hill,under the shadow of the moon,each brother noticed a figure in the dis?tance.

Who could it be?

(   ) 5. Why did Tom think it's unfair for him to have half the land?

   A. Because his brother had a big family to support on half the land.

   B. Because he wanted to get more land,for he was younger.

   C. Because his parents loved his brother more than him.

   D. Because his brother had six children to help farm the land.

(   ) 6. What call we learn from the passage?

   A. Tom stole a large bag of wheat from John's.

   B. Both of the two brothers did the same thing that night.

   C. Tom was disappointed to see the grain stolen.

   D. The brothers decided to sell their grains in their own way.

(   ) 7. When the two brothers found the unchanged grain,they felt         .

   A. disappointed   B. frightened

   C. confused   D. pleased

(   ) 8. The author writes this passage in order to         .

   A. tell us a story about the two brothers

   B. introduce the two brothers' wisdom

   C. bring out an interesting topic

   D. present the brotherhood between them

 After a boy had unwrapped his gifts on Christmas morning,his mother asked him which present he wanted to donate.

  "None," the 5-year-old boy replied. His mother explained that sharing was part of the holiday spirit. She also explained that a poor child would be very happy to receive a gift. The boy eventually agreed to part with (舍弃) one of his gifts. He put his four gifts in front of him and tried to decide which one to part with. It was a difficult decision,but he chose to say goodbye to the flute (长笛) ."Where do we take it?" he asked his mother. His mother explained that there was a Salvation Army box two streets away and someone would give the gifts to children who needed them.

  This parting with a gift became a yearly activity. When he was 8 years old,the boy treas?ured the gifts he had received so much that his decision needed to be made using a special method,which led him to part with a set of checkers (跳棋) .Three months later,he saw the checkers set at his friend Jerry's house. When Jerry was 6 years old,his father had died and his mother had lost her job,so he had few gifts.

  The next Christmas,when the boy thought about how much fun he had watching Jerry play with the checkers,he told his mother that he wanted to put his new football in the Salvation Army box. Through giving gifts,he found that giving brings happiness not only to others but also to himself.

(   ) 1. What do we learn about the 5-year-old boy?

   A. He was poor but kindhearted.

   B. He never shared anything with others.

   C. He often donated money to others.

   D. He decided to donate a gift after hesitation.

(   ) 2. The boy and his mother took the flute to         .

   A. a post office for the army two streets away

   B. a postbox for the army two streets away

   C. the Salvation Army which protects the safety of the poor

   D. a box used for collecting gifts for the poor two streets away

(   ) 3. When he was 8 years old,the boy         .

   A. loved his gifts and struggled to donate one

   B. treasured his gifts so much that he stopped donating

   C. was very generous in sharing his gifts with the poor

   D. was too pleased to share his gifts with the poor

(   ) 4. What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A. Giving presents out on Christmas Eve.

   B. Hard decisions to make about what to give.

   C. Giving brings happiness to others and oneself.

   D. Receiving presents is a pleasant thing.

  A nine-year-old kid is sitting at his desk when suddenly there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his 1        is going to stop beating because he can?not possibly imagine 2        this has happened.   It's never happened before,3 he knows that when the boys find out he will 4        hear the end of it. When the girls find out,they'll never 5        to him again as long as he lives.

  The boy puts his 6        down and prays this prayer, "Dear God,this is an 7       !I need help now!”

  He 8       his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that 9        he has been discovered.

  As the teacher is walking 10        him,a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie 11       in front of the teacher and dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap. The boy pretends to be 12       ,but all the while is saying to himself, "Thank you,Lord!Thank you,lord!"

  Now all of a sudden,instead of being the object of ridicule,the boy is the object of 13.        The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on 14        his pants dry out. All the other children are 15        their hands and knees 16        up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it,the ridicule that should have been his has been 17        to someone else―Susie.

  She 18       to help,but they tell her to get out. "You've done 19      ,you klutz!"

  Finally,at the end of the day,as they are waiting for the bus,the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, "You did that 20        purpose,didn't you?"

Susie whispers back, "I wet my pants once too."

(   ) 1. A. mind   B. heart   C. time   D. breath

(   ) 2. A. what   B. when   C. how   D. why

(   ) 3. A. so   B. but   C. and   D. therefore

(   ) 4. A. never   B. just   C. ever   D. even

(   ) 5. A. say   B. speak   C. discuss   D. tell

(   ) 6. A. heart   B. hands   C. arms   D. head

(   ) 7. A. emergency   B. accident   C. event   D. incident

(   ) 8. A. looks up to   B. looks down upon   

       C. looks up from   D. looks back to

(   ) 9. A. predicts   B. expresses   C. says   D. reads

(   ) 10. A. toward   B. past   C. from   D. out of

(   ) 11. A. falls   B. trips   C. throws   D. drops

(   ) 12. A. sad   B. happy   C. annoy   D. angry

(   ) 13. A. respect   B. admiration   C. praise   D. sympathy

(   ) 14. A. while   B. before   C. since   D. after

(   ) 15. A. with   B. in   C. on   D. by

(   ) 16. A. cleaning   B. getting   C. doing   D. standing

(   ) 17. A. changed   B. transferred   C. turned   D. transmitted

(   ) 18. A. asks   B. manages   C. goes   D. tries

(   ) 19. A. good   B. enough   C. bad   D. all

(   ) 20. A. with   B. in   C. on   D. without

  Failing to drink enough water can make our brain shrink (萎缩) ,experts have warned. Re?search showed that dehydration not only affects the size of the brain but also how it works. Just 90 minutes of steady sweating (出汗) can shrink the brain as much as a year of aging,research?ers believe.

  Being short of water,the brain is also forced to work harder to process the same informa?tion. Over days and weeks,lack of liquids could have an impact on performance at work and school,causing exam results to fall. But there is no need to panic,because after a glass of water or two,the brain quickly returns to normal.

  A team of scientists from around the UK scanned the brains of teenagers after an hour and a half of cycling. Some exercised in three layers of clothing. Others were much more lightly dressed in shorts and T-shirts. The brain tissue (组织) of those who were wrapped up had shrunk away from their skulls (头骨) .

  Researchers Dr. Matthew Kempton and Ulrich Ettinger,of the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London,said; "It's clear that we saw a general shrinking of the brain tissue. Liquidfilled space in the middle of the brain expanded and there was a comparative shrinking of the brain tissue. The people who lost the most weight had the most shrinkage of the brain. " On average,the amount of shrinkage equated to 14 months of agerelated wear and tear,or the brain shrinking matched two and a half months of Alzheimer's disease (老年痴呆症) .

  The sweaty students did just as well when they were asked to play a computer game that tests the ability to plan and solve problems. But the scans showed they used more of their brain to do it,the journal Human Brain Mapping reports.

  Professor Ben McGannan of the study's funder,water cooler firm of Water for Work and Home,said:" We strongly believed loss of water was an issue affecting students' performance,but we offered financial support for this research to give us clear evidence. Most importantly,we're seeking a way to get rid of the undesirable impacts and make up enough water effectively,such as drinking beers."

(   ) 5. What does the underlined word "dehydration" probably mean?

   A. Plenty of water.

   B. The inappropriate way to drink water.

   C. Great damage done to the brain.

   D. Dryness resulting from lack of water.

(   ) 6. Without enough water,          .

   A. it is hard for the brain to think normally

   B. the body can't sweat in time

   C. people will suffer from ageing

   D. the liquidfilled space will disappear

(   ) 7. What do Professor Ben McGannan's words suggest?

   A. We should make effort to take good care of our brain.

   B. More research is needed to solve the brain's loss of water.

   C. Drinking beers is the best way to make up water in the body.

   D. Students must drink enough water to improve their performance.

(   ) 8. What subject is talked in the passage?

   A. The brain structure. B. Exercise and the brain.

   C. Lack of water in the brain. D. The importance of water.

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