
  A nine-year-old kid is sitting at his desk when suddenly there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his 1        is going to stop beating because he can?not possibly imagine 2        this has happened.   It's never happened before,3 he knows that when the boys find out he will 4        hear the end of it. When the girls find out,they'll never 5        to him again as long as he lives.

  The boy puts his 6        down and prays this prayer, "Dear God,this is an 7       !I need help now!”

  He 8       his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that 9        he has been discovered.

  As the teacher is walking 10        him,a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie 11       in front of the teacher and dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap. The boy pretends to be 12       ,but all the while is saying to himself, "Thank you,Lord!Thank you,lord!"

  Now all of a sudden,instead of being the object of ridicule,the boy is the object of 13.        The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on 14        his pants dry out. All the other children are 15        their hands and knees 16        up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it,the ridicule that should have been his has been 17        to someone else―Susie.

  She 18       to help,but they tell her to get out. "You've done 19      ,you klutz!"

  Finally,at the end of the day,as they are waiting for the bus,the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, "You did that 20        purpose,didn't you?"

Susie whispers back, "I wet my pants once too."

(   ) 1. A. mind   B. heart   C. time   D. breath

(   ) 2. A. what   B. when   C. how   D. why

(   ) 3. A. so   B. but   C. and   D. therefore

(   ) 4. A. never   B. just   C. ever   D. even

(   ) 5. A. say   B. speak   C. discuss   D. tell

(   ) 6. A. heart   B. hands   C. arms   D. head

(   ) 7. A. emergency   B. accident   C. event   D. incident

(   ) 8. A. looks up to   B. looks down upon   

       C. looks up from   D. looks back to

(   ) 9. A. predicts   B. expresses   C. says   D. reads

(   ) 10. A. toward   B. past   C. from   D. out of

(   ) 11. A. falls   B. trips   C. throws   D. drops

(   ) 12. A. sad   B. happy   C. annoy   D. angry

(   ) 13. A. respect   B. admiration   C. praise   D. sympathy

(   ) 14. A. while   B. before   C. since   D. after

(   ) 15. A. with   B. in   C. on   D. by

(   ) 16. A. cleaning   B. getting   C. doing   D. standing

(   ) 17. A. changed   B. transferred   C. turned   D. transmitted

(   ) 18. A. asks   B. manages   C. goes   D. tries

(   ) 19. A. good   B. enough   C. bad   D. all

(   ) 20. A. with   B. in   C. on   D. without

1 - 5 BCCAB    6-10 DACCA 

11-15 BDDAC    16 -20 ABDBC


1. B本句句意应为"他觉得心脏都要停止跳动了"。

2. C   "因为他根本无法想象怎么会发生这种事。"

3. C这里是叙述他当时的想法,是顺势连接而没有转折。

4. A前面说"一旦男孩子们发现了,那么就会……",所以接下去应该是指他们"无休止"的议论。

5. B speak to sb."跟某人说话",符合题意; say sth. to sb."对某人说某事",say后面常接宾语;discuss"讨论";tell"讲,告诉",均不符合题意。

6. D小男孩开始祷告,自然是把"头"低下去。

7. A根据语境可知小男孩认为在课堂上尿湿裤子是难堪而需要马上处理的"紧急事情", emergency"紧急情况",符合题意。

8. C look up from"从……中抬起头",符合题意。

look down upon"瞧不起";look up to"尊重";look back to"回顾"。

9. C此处是"她的眼神似乎在说……"。say "说";express"(侧重用语言) 表达";read"看,读";predict"预示",后三者均不符题意。

10. A前一段提到老师走了过来,所以这里是"当老师朝他走过来的时候"。

11. B苏西想帮小男孩,所以在老师走到小男孩身边时在老师前面(故意) 摔倒。

trip"绊倒";fall"倒下,落下";drop"降低,扔下"; throw"(朝远处) 扔"。

12. D小男孩身上被水洒到,自然是"生气"。

13. D根据上文,小男孩被水洒到,得到了大家的"同情"。

14. A根据句意应该是当小男孩的裤子在外面晾干时,他就穿老师给他的运动短裤。

15. C on one's hands and knees"手忙脚乱"。

16. A clean up"打扫"。水洒得到处都是,故孩子们都在忙着打扫。

17. B change "改变";turn "转变";transit"运输";transfer"使转变成……;转换到……",符合题意。

18. D上文提到她摔倒并把水洒到地上和小男孩身上,同学们都在清理地板上的水,而她自然也是想帮忙,所以用"tries",其他词均不符合题意。

19. B句意为"你惹的麻烦够多了"。

20. C on purpose"故意";with purpose"带有目的"。


T-shirts Out; Uniforms In School uniforms are becoming more and more popular across theU. S. A. That's no sur?prise,because they offer many benefits. They immediately end the powerful social sorting and labeling (标记) that come from clothing. If all students are dressed in the same way,they will not pay too much attention to their clothing,and some of them will not be laughed at for wear?ing the " wrong" clothes.

Some people are against the strict rule of school uniforms,but they do not realize that students already accept a kind of rule―wanting to look just like their friends. The difference is that the clothing students choose for themselves creates social barriers;school uniforms tear those barriers down.

As in other places,uniforms remind the wearers of their purposes and duties. For example,when a man or woman puts on a police uniform,he or she becomes,for a time,the symbol (象征) of law and order. The uniform means to the wearer his or her special duties and sends the same message to everyone the wearer meets. People with different jobs wear uniforms of one kind or another. For students,the school uniform reminds them that their task for the six or seven hours they are in school is to get an education.

Some parents are unhappy about uniforms,saying that school uniforms will affect their children's "creativity". First,as noted above,the clothes students choose to wear do not necessarily express their individuality (个性) .They just copy their classmates. Second,students have the rest of the day to be as creative as they like. While they're in school,their job is to master reading,writing,and maths; this should take up all the creativity they have. Mastery of those skills will be good for the students to build up their creativity in every way.

(   ) 5. The purpose of the first paragraph is to show that the author         .

   A. is in favor of this course of action

   B. does think poorly of it

   C. thinks nothing of the method of doing it

   D. strongly opposes the way of doing it

(   ) 6. What is the meaning of the underlined word "benefits" in Paragraph 1?

   A. Interests. B. Rewards. C. Personalities. D. Advantages.

(   ) 7. According to the passage,what is the theme of uniforms in general?

   A. They can prevent the wearers from being laughed at.

   B. They will help the wearers keep their duties in mind.

   C. They are seen as a symbol of power.

   D. They help to tear those barriers down.

(   ) 8. Some people are against school uniforms because         .

   A. they fail to realize that students have accepted the uniforms

   B. they believe that uniforms will make students less creative

   C. they don't agree that uniforms can remove social barriers

  Onions make you cry,add flavor to food and are praised for their medical benefits. Now the vegetable has another use―powering up green energy.

  A new system was first used on Friday that converted onion juice into electricity at Gills Onions,the largest fresh onion processor in the United States.

The Oxnard,Californiabased company expects its new onionfueled power to reduce its electric bill by $700,000 a year and cut its annual greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30 ,000 tons.

  The happy ending to this green energy tale,however,started with another question:how to get rid of onion waste.

  "When we peel an onion,35 to 40 percent of the onion comes off before we have a usable onion. That's the top,tail and skin around the onion before you get to the meat," said Steven Gill,coowner of the 25-year-old company.

  They used to put the waste into the fields for composting,but that became a problem. Ten years ago,Gill started looking at technology for a solution.

  "We ended up cutting up the skins as they come out of the plant and extracting all the juice,which is very high in sugars,and bacteria love that stuff," Gill said.

In the new system,bacteria produce methane gas from the juice. The gas then goes to two 300-kilowatt fuel cells,creating enough power for 460 homes. The company expects to get 35-40 percent of its electricity from the onsite generator.

  The company invested $9. 5 million in the project and will receive $ 2. 7 million from Southern California Gas Co.,as part of a state program to encourage selfcontained generation by businesses. In addition to cutting its electric bill,the company will save $400,000 in trans?port expense and expects payback in six years.

(   ) 6. What's the new use of onions mentioned in the text?

   A. To make people energetic. B. For medical use.

   C. To produce green power. D. For composting the fields.

(   ) 7. Which of the statements is true according to the passage?

   A. The Oxnard expects to reduce its electric bill to $ 700,000 a year.

   B. This project comes from the solution to deal with onion waste.

   C. How to get rid of onion waste remains a big problem.

   D. The juice extracted from onion is low in sugar.

(   ) 8. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. the researchers are trying to get rid of bacteria in onion

   B. Steven Gill is 25 years old

   C. it is the bacteria that helps to produce energy from the juice

   D. the company will make a profit of $400,000 in six years

(   ) 9. What's the main idea of the text?

   A. How to deal with onion waste.

   B. A U. S. company makes money from onion juice.

   C. Onions can be used in many ways.

   D. A U. S. company converts onion juice to electricity.

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