

New York Film Academy (NYFA) Summer Camps for Teens

The New York Film Academy offers various summer camps for teens and camps during the school year designed for high school students who are interested in the performing arts.


Offered at LA school, the Four-Week Documentary Camp is designed to provide high school students with a hands-on introduction to documentary filmmaking. Students are involved in the creative and technical demands of making a documentary while gaining experience working with industry-standard equipment on original projects that apply what students learn in the camp to original video content.


Designed for those creative individuals who prefer to create exciting and new stories through their words NYFA,s Three-Week Screenwriting Camp absorbs future screenwriters in script writing with no previous experience needed. If you’ve ever wanted to see whether you could write your own movie, then this is the camp for you.


From popular console games (主机游戏) to the ever-growing mobile game market video games are everywhere you look. At NFYA’s One-Week and Four-Week Game Design Camps students work with our staff of professional game designers to learn the base of game design and obtain the skills they require to create their own games.


Whether you’re interested in learning how to create an original 3D animated short film or simulate (模仿) realistic visual effects, NYFA’s Three-Week and Four-Week 3D Animation Camps, offered at Harvard University and our NYC and LA school, provide students with professional instructions to give them a strong footing in the field.

Students can choose 3D Animation Summer Camps and spend their summer bringing their imagination to life.

Interested in learning more about NYFA’s unique Photography Summer Camps?

Click here for additional information about the application process.

1To create stories for films, you can choose_________.

A.Documentary CampB.Screenwriting Camp

C.Game Design CampD.3D Animation Camp

2It can be learned from the passage that_________.

A.Screenwriting Camp requires experienced students

B.Documentary Camp provides a three-week program

C.students in Game Design Camp learn to play video games

D.students in 3D Animation Camp receive professional instructions

3The passage is written to_________.

A.provide informationB.make comparisons

C.give some adviceD.express opinions







1细节理解题。由SCREENWRITING CAMP中的“Designed for those creative individuals who prefer to create exciting and new stories through their words”可知,SCREENWRITING CAMP是为那些喜欢用自己的语言创作激动人心的和新的故事的人专门设计的。所以要为电影创作故事,你可以选择SCREENWRITING CAMP。故选B项。

2细节理解题。由3D ANIMATION CAMP中的“provide students with professional instructions ”可知,3D ANIMATION CAMP向学生提供专业的指导。所以3D ANIMATION CAMP的学生会受到专业的指导。故选D项。

3推理判断题。由New York Film Academy (NYFA) Summer Camps for TeensThe New York Film Academy offers various summer camps for teens and camps during the school year designed for high school students who are interested in the performing arts.”以及最后段“Click here for additional information about the application process.”可知,纽约电影学院为青少年提供各种夏令营,并在学年期间为对表演艺术感兴趣的高中生提供各种夏令营活动。单击此处获取有关应用程序过程的其他信息。所以判断出这篇短文的目的就是要提供信息。故选A项。



When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten, he was sad that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. He had one.

“It started when one boy teased him,” says his mother, Cortney Lewis. Jayce’s enthusiasm_______.He’d return to their home with questions: Why am I different? Why me?

Lewis admitted she didn’t know what to do at that point. How could she_______answers to her son’s questions when she had never found those answers herself?

A few weeks later, Lewis turned on the TV to a news story about an eighth grader from Washington, Iowa. Trashaun Willis, then 14, had become an Internet _______ after posting videos of his slam dunks (灌篮), and, like Jayce, he was______most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He was completely attracted, watching dunk after dunk.

At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be a(n)_______moment for Jayce. _____little did Lewis know that a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce’s_______

The boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months later and instantly bonded. The day was not spent wallowing (沉浸) in sell-pity—it was lull of______. They rode bikes around the school’s hallways took photos, played hide-and-seek, and shot baskets. Trashaun______gave Jayce a shirt that says “Ten lingers are overrated.”

At one point Trashaun did get serious with Jayce. He said not to let anyone drag him down and not to let words ____ his confidence. Since that meeting Lewis has seen a visible______in her son who is now seven and in second grade. He recently started wrestling and loves it. Lewis points to Trashaun’s ______. “Meeting him,” she said “made Jayce______that there are others like him.”

As for Trashaun his relationship with Jayce made him look forward to______more kids perhaps as a youth coach with a nonprofit organization devoted to coaching kids with limb disabilities.

“Honestly it means a lot to know that I changed Jayce’s______,” Trashaun says. Still he never dreamed that his videos would have such an effect. “I just thought my friends would see my videos and be like ‘Ohhe dunked it!’” Obviously he did more than that!
















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