

When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten, he was sad that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. He had one.

“It started when one boy teased him,” says his mother, Cortney Lewis. Jayce’s enthusiasm_______.He’d return to their home with questions: Why am I different? Why me?

Lewis admitted she didn’t know what to do at that point. How could she_______answers to her son’s questions when she had never found those answers herself?

A few weeks later, Lewis turned on the TV to a news story about an eighth grader from Washington, Iowa. Trashaun Willis, then 14, had become an Internet _______ after posting videos of his slam dunks (灌篮), and, like Jayce, he was______most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He was completely attracted, watching dunk after dunk.

At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be a(n)_______moment for Jayce. _____little did Lewis know that a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce’s_______

The boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months later and instantly bonded. The day was not spent wallowing (沉浸) in sell-pity—it was lull of______. They rode bikes around the school’s hallways took photos, played hide-and-seek, and shot baskets. Trashaun______gave Jayce a shirt that says “Ten lingers are overrated.”

At one point Trashaun did get serious with Jayce. He said not to let anyone drag him down and not to let words ____ his confidence. Since that meeting Lewis has seen a visible______in her son who is now seven and in second grade. He recently started wrestling and loves it. Lewis points to Trashaun’s ______. “Meeting him,” she said “made Jayce______that there are others like him.”

As for Trashaun his relationship with Jayce made him look forward to______more kids perhaps as a youth coach with a nonprofit organization devoted to coaching kids with limb disabilities.

“Honestly it means a lot to know that I changed Jayce’s______,” Trashaun says. Still he never dreamed that his videos would have such an effect. “I just thought my friends would see my videos and be like ‘Ohhe dunked it!’” Obviously he did more than that!

































这是一篇记叙文。Jayce Crowder左臂残缺,受到同学嘲笑,母亲不知如何向他解释,同样左臂残缺的Trashaun在网络上上传了自己扣篮的视频,很快受到欢迎,Jayce Crowder和他的母亲看完视频,信心大增。TrashaunJayce Crowder见面后很快成为朋友。Jayce Crowder意识到,世界上还有和他一样的人,他对自己的未来充满信心。

1考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jayce的热情消失了。A. doubled加倍;B. returned返回;C. improved提高;D. disappeared消失。由“when one boy teased him”可知,有个小男孩嘲笑了他,所以Jayce的热情消失了。故选D项。

2考查动词词义辨析。句意:她自己都没有找到答案,怎么能回答她儿子的问题呢?A. discover发现;B. forget忘记;C. provide提供;D. inform告知。由“when she had never found those answers herself?”可知,Jayce Crowder的母亲自己都不知道答案,怎么能回答她儿子的问题呢。这里的provide“提供”指的是回答的意思。故选C项。

3考查名词词义辨析。句意:14岁的Trashaun Willis在网上晒出了自己扣篮的视频,成为了网络红人。A. hit热门人物;B. winner胜利者;C. fan 风扇;D. user用户。Trashaun 是一个失去左手臂的人,却能灌篮,所以视频一发布,他成为了网络红人。故选A项。

4考查动词词义辨析。句意:和 Jayce Crowder一样,他也失去了左臂的大部分。A. giving给予;B. making制作;C. missing缺失;D. having有。由“like Jayce”可知,Trashaun Jayce都失去了左臂的大部分。故选C项。

5考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那时看Trashaun的比赛对Jayce Crowder来说是一个鼓舞人心的时刻。A. proud自豪的;B. inspiring令人鼓舞的;C. exact确切的;D. warning警告的。 Trashaun网络灌篮的视频鼓舞了Jayce Crowder。因为他们有同样的身体缺陷。所以Jayce Crowder看到了希望。故选B项。

6考查连词词义辨析。句意:但刘易斯并不知道一个家族朋友已经联系到新闻报刊希望与Trashaun见面来帮助Jayce Crowder提升信心。A. So所以;B. And和;C. Thus因此;D. But但是。由“little did Lewis know ”可知,前后语意表示转折关系。故选D项。

7考查名词词义辨析。句意:但刘易斯并不知道一个家族朋友已经联系到新闻报刊希望与Trashaun见面来帮助Jayce Crowder提升信心。A. intelligence智力;B. confidence自信;C. strength力量;D. imagination现象。由下文“his confidence”可知,联系到新闻报刊希望与Trashaun见面就是来帮助Jayce Crowder提升信心的。故选B项。

8考查名词词义辨析。句意:这一天他们并不是沉湎在对自我的怜悯中,他们在一起很开心。A. fun趣事;B. pride自豪;C. sadness悲伤;D. silence沉默。由“they rode bikes around the schools hallways took photos, played hide-and-seek, and shot baskets”可知,他们在一起很开心。故选A项。

9考查副词词义辨析。句意:Trashaun甚至送了Jayce Crowder一件体恤衫。A. still仍然;B. just仅仅;C. even甚至;D. again又一次。除了玩的很开心,Trashaun甚至送了Jayce Crowder一件体恤衫。even“甚至”表示递进关系。故选C项。

10考查动词词义辨析。句意:他说不要让任何人让自己失去勇气,不要让任何话语动摇自己的信心。A. gain获得;B. lose丢失;C. fix安装;D. shake晃动。由“not to let anyone drag him down”可知,TrashaunJayce Crowder说不要让任何话语动摇Jayce Crowder的信心。故选D项。

11考查名词词义辨析。句意:自从那次会面以来,刘易斯看到了她儿子明显的变化,他儿子七岁,现在上二年级。A. experience经历;B. difference不同;C. behavior行为;D. agreement同意。由“He recently started wrestling and loves it.”可知,Jayce Crowder最近开始摔跤了,并喜欢上了摔跤。所以母亲看到了儿子明显地变化。故选B项。

12考查名词词义辨析。句意:刘易斯指出了Trashaun的影响。A. influence影响;B. action行动处;C. attitude态度;D. education教育。TrashaunJayce Crowder产生了重大的影响,所以Jayce Crowder有了很大的改变且明白了到了世界上还有很多像他一样的人。故选A项。

13考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说,见到TrashaunJayce Crowder明白这个世界上还有很多像他这样的人。A. expect期望;B. promise承诺; C. understand理解;D. suggest建议。TrashaunJayce Crowder产生了重大的影响,所以Jayce Crowder有了很大的改变且明白了世界上还有很多像他一样的人。故选C项。

14考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于Trashaun,他与Jayce Crowder的关系让他期待帮助更多的孩子,也许是成为一个非营利组织的青年教练,专门训练肢体残疾的孩子。A. helping帮助;B. persuading说服;C. challenging挑战;D. calling打电话。由下文“ perhaps as a youth coach with a nonprofit organization devoted to coaching kids with limb disabilities”可知,对于Trashaun,他与Jayce Crowder的关系让他期待帮助更多的孩子。故选A项。

15考查名词词义辨析。句意: Trashaun ,“老实说,我改变了Jayce Crowder的生活,这对我来说意义非凡。A. love爱;B. way方式;C. habit习惯;D. life生活。Trashaun所做的使Jayce Crowder更加自信了,使他积极地去改变了很多的东西,从而改变了自己的生活。故选D项。


【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Now, let me say a few words to our American friends. Climate change is one of the major1of our time. It is already changing our daily lives but it is global. Everyone is impacted. And if we do nothing, our children will know a world of migrations, of wars, of shortage. A dangerous world. It is not the futurewe want for ourselves.It is not the futurewe want for our children.It is not the futurewe want for our world.

Today, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced his decision to2the United States from the Paris Agreement. I do respect his decision, but I do think it is an actual mistake both for the US and for our planet.

I just said it to President Trump, in a few words a few minutes ago this3. Tonight, I wish to tell the United States: France believes in you. The world believes in you. I know that you are a great nation. I know your history, our common history.

To all the scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and responsible citizens who were disappointed by the decision of the president of the United States, I want to say they will find in France a second homeland. I call on them---come and work here with us, to work together on4solutions for our climate, our environment. I can assure you: France will not give up the fight.

I reaffirm clearly that Paris agreement will remain irreversible and will be5not just by France, but by all the other nations. Over the coming hours, I will have the opportunity to speak with our main partners to define a common strategy and to launch new6. I already know that I can count on them.

I call on you to remain confidence. We will succeed, because we are7, because wherever we live, whoever we are, we all share the same responsibility to make our planet great again.

【题目】The news that Li Tiejun, a father in the southwestern city of Luzhou, had his nine-year-old daughter drop out of school and homeschooled her for 11 years has aroused heated discussions online. It is reported that about 18,000 Chinese children are educated at home. With more parents and education experts dissatisfied with the current system, do you support home schooling for your child? Below are the selections of the opinions from the netizens.


Li is a hero. But at the same time, it has to be pointed out that he was and is not the ideal teacher for his daughter. She can’t possibly learn about physics, chemistry and biology from an elderly man with no formal higher education. I wish his daughter all the success in life that she may wish to have.nit666

I was homeschooled until I was about 12. In Australia, we have a remote school option for people who live away from the cities. We were taught through mail. I would say that you can learn as much knowledge as people in a school. My life were much happier without the kind of academic pressure.


1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;

2. 用约 120 个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:


(2)用 2-3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。












A visit to the Harvard Museum of Natural History can be the highlight of a day in lively and historic Harvard Square. The museum is located on the campus of the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.

General Admission

Adults: $12.00

Non-Harvard students with I.D.: $10.00

Seniors (65+): $10.00

Children ages 3–18: $8.00

Children under 3: Free

Go Boston Card

The museum accepts the Go Boston Card, a multi-attraction pass that includes admission to over 40 museums, tours, and attractions with a savings of up to 55%. Check out the Explore Pass and Build Your Own Pass to save time and money by purchasing in advance.

Discounted Admission

Boston and Cambridge libraries are among the dozens of public libraries in Massachusetts that have museum passes available for $6 admission to the Harvard Museum of Natural History. Each pass admits up to four people. Ask for passes at your local library! Please be prepared to show proof of Massachusetts residency (居住权) or library membership.


Street parking is limited; MBTA public transportation recommended (Red Line to Harvard Square, or Commuter Rail to Porter Square.) No Cambridge resident restrictions on street parking on Sundays or holidays. On weekends, you can purchase a parking pass at the front desk to park in the University’s adjacent garage at 52 Oxford St. See the museum’s website for directions to reserve parking online on weekdays.

Museum Policies

Enjoy your visit, and please help us keep the museum safe and comfortable for other visitors.

No eating or drinking in the galleries.

Do not lean on glass cases; they are fragile.

Our passages are narrow; keep them accessible for other visitors.

Cell phones are permitted for phone calls in the ground and third floor lobbies.

Personal photography is allowed; however, the use of flash and tripods is not permitted in the galleries. Commercial photography or video cameras are not permitted without written permission.

1If two college students with Massachusetts ID. go to Boston for a visit, what is their lowest possible admission price to the Harvard Museum of Natural History?

A. $6. B. $9.

C. $20. D. $24.

2Which of the following is TRUE about visiting the Harvard Museum of Natural History?

A. Visitors are free to take photos of all its exhibits.

B. Visitors are prohibited from making phone calls.

C. Visitors can park in the street as long as they pay.

D. Visitors can make parking reservations on weekdays.


New York Film Academy (NYFA) Summer Camps for Teens

The New York Film Academy offers various summer camps for teens and camps during the school year designed for high school students who are interested in the performing arts.


Offered at LA school, the Four-Week Documentary Camp is designed to provide high school students with a hands-on introduction to documentary filmmaking. Students are involved in the creative and technical demands of making a documentary while gaining experience working with industry-standard equipment on original projects that apply what students learn in the camp to original video content.


Designed for those creative individuals who prefer to create exciting and new stories through their words NYFA,s Three-Week Screenwriting Camp absorbs future screenwriters in script writing with no previous experience needed. If you’ve ever wanted to see whether you could write your own movie, then this is the camp for you.


From popular console games (主机游戏) to the ever-growing mobile game market video games are everywhere you look. At NFYA’s One-Week and Four-Week Game Design Camps students work with our staff of professional game designers to learn the base of game design and obtain the skills they require to create their own games.


Whether you’re interested in learning how to create an original 3D animated short film or simulate (模仿) realistic visual effects, NYFA’s Three-Week and Four-Week 3D Animation Camps, offered at Harvard University and our NYC and LA school, provide students with professional instructions to give them a strong footing in the field.

Students can choose 3D Animation Summer Camps and spend their summer bringing their imagination to life.

Interested in learning more about NYFA’s unique Photography Summer Camps?

Click here for additional information about the application process.

1To create stories for films, you can choose_________.

A.Documentary CampB.Screenwriting Camp

C.Game Design CampD.3D Animation Camp

2It can be learned from the passage that_________.

A.Screenwriting Camp requires experienced students

B.Documentary Camp provides a three-week program

C.students in Game Design Camp learn to play video games

D.students in 3D Animation Camp receive professional instructions

3The passage is written to_________.

A.provide informationB.make comparisons

C.give some adviceD.express opinions

【题目】 In a hot summer, there’s no better place than a UK beach—these shores offer walks and wildlife, picnics and rockpools.

Runswick Bay, North Yorkshir

It is a popular destination for rock poolers, walkers and hunters. Many of the homes are now holiday accommodations, linked by paths and walkways rather than streets. The Royal Hotel, at the heart of the village, offers homemade cakes and coffee alongside a simple but tasty bar menu and local Black Sheep bitter on draft.

Stay inCastle House(sleeps six, three nights from 500) at the top of the village; has sweeping views of the bay from a comfortable window seat.

South Shore, Brownsea Island, Dorset

Reached by ferry from the moneyed shores of Sandbanks, Brownsea Island is a pocket of safe wilderness in Poole harbour. Famous for its red squirrel population and as the site of Baden-Powell’s first Scout camp, its mixture of woodland, wildland, and ponds suits a day of exploration and adventure. Push yourself into the sandy banks and enjoy views across the harbour in the company of various sea birds.

Stayin National Trust-ownedCustom Houseon the seaport (sleeps four, three nights from 622); offers a real Brownsea experience.

Kingsgate Bay, Broadstairs, Kent

The lack of a convenient car park means that Kingsgate Bay, between Margate and Broadstairs, is quieter than other beaches on the Thanet coast. A short walk from the car park at neighboring Joss Bay (popular with surfers), however, will take you to this sheltered sandy bay with its sea caves. It is also a safe place to swim and canoe.

Stay intheBotany Bay Hotel(family rooms from 80 B&B); has some dog-friendly rooms.

1Which of the following suits you most if you are an animal lover?

A.Joss Bay.B.Kingsgate Bay.

C.South Shore.D.Runswick Bay.

2What can we learn from the passage?

A.Runswick Bay can be accessible by ferry.

B.Your pet dogs are admitted into theBotany Bay Hotel.

C.There are lots of convenient car parks for visitors at Kingsgate Bay.

D.You can enjoy homemade cakes during your stay in theBotany Bay Hotel.

3What kind of people is the text mainly written for?



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