
20.假定你是班长李华,你打算组织你班同学参观一次 画展.请根据以下表格内容向同学们宣布一则口头通知,告知本次活动的内容和注意事项.
地点文化中心(the Culture Centre)

分析 本篇书面表达属于图表类作文,根据提示信息向同学们宣布一则口头通知,写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确几个要点:分别从时间、地点、内容和注意事项方面写作 2、图表是文章的总体框架,要在图表的范围内进行分析、构思和想象.要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写.本文写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写.3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态.4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点.
On Saturday afternoon,we will go to the Culture Center in the city to visit an art show of Xu Beihong's paintings.(高分句型一)具体某一天的朝夕应该使用介词on;to visit  an art show of Xu Beihong's paintings属于不定式作目的状语
 After arriving there by school bus,we will spend about one hour seeing the exhibition of paintings by Xu Beihong.(高分句型二)arriving there by school bus至于介词之后,使用动名词

解答 Boys and girls,
     May I have your attention,please?I have an announcement to make.On Saturday afternoon,we will go to the Culture Center in the city to visit an art show of Xu Beihong's paintings.(高分句型一)
At 2:00 p.m.,we will gather at the school gate.After arriving there by school bus,we will spend about one hour seeing the exhibition of paintings by Xu Beihong.(高分句型二) And then we will discuss his painting styles,such as,his beautiful brush line and his lively painting of horses.And we'll have a competition about Xu Beihong's paintings.After that,we'll gather and prepare to return at 6:10.Don't forget to bring your pens and notebooks.
     That's all.Thanks for your attention.

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

13.While you are online there are plenty of perfectly legal sites where you can listen to music for free.This gives you the chance to listen to music before buying it,discover new music,and create great online playlists that you can share with others.
The Sixty One
The Sixty One is devoted to showcasing obscure or unknown artists of all genres.There's a range of musical styles from classical to rock and roll,folk to jazz,and everything in between.Don't expect to find big name musicians on here; you're more likely to find the musicians playing at local coffee shops than bands you hear on the radio.You can find fantastic music that you never would have heard of otherwise.
Pow Wow
Pow Wows are the Native American people's way of meeting together,to join in dancing,singing,visiting,renewing old friendships,and making new ones.This is a time method to renew Native American culture and preserve the rich heritage of American Indians.PowWows.com has 2online radio stations that play Native American Music 24/7free!Here you can listen to your favorite artists and drum groups on your computer or mobile device and add your music to our station.
Playlist has an enormous library,so you can create playlists with almost any musician you can think of.They have both some lesser known artists and big names,so you have a really good selection.The worst part:Due to licensing laws,many of the songs on Playlist are now restricted to certain countries.So unless you live inside the US,it is likely that you might not be able to find all of your favorite songs.
Pandora is an intelligent Internet radio site.Basically,as you listen,you can give each song a thumbs up or thumbs down.You can create your own radio station that only plays music you like.The best part:It listens to your opinion,so that after a while it's only playing music you like,but the list is always changing and expanding.
My Space
Combine a major social networking site with thousands of artists around the world.Each musician has their own page,which normally has a playlist of several of their songs.But it has a huge range of musicians ranging from huge stars to the up-and-coming,and you can listen to the music and interact with the rest of the page.

28.If you enjoy listening to some new music,you can pay a visit toC.
A.Pow Wow   
C.The Sixty One    
29.You can't listen to some music on Playlist possibly becauseA.
A.it is only open to those who are in theUnited States
B.you are not one of the members of the website
C.you don't have any playlist
D.the music is played only by the local people.
30.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Best Free Music Websites.
B.All Kinds of Music Online.
C.Create Your Own Playlist.
D.Listen to Music for free.
15.The Ramayana tells the story of a battle between the Hindu (印度教的) god Vishnu and a demon (魔鬼) called Ravana.None of the gods could fight Ravana because of a promise they had foolishly made earlier.So Vishnu decided to be reborn as a man,and then he would be able to fight Ravana.
So Vishnu was born as the prince Rama.Rama was supposed to be king when his father died,but at the last minute his father decided to make his brother king instead.Rama and his other brother Lakshmana and Rama's wife Sita went away to live a simple life in the forest,where the demon Ravana's sister fell in love with Rama and tried to get Rama to leave Sita.When Rama said no,Ravana's sister attacked him,but Rama and his brother Lakshmana fought her off.
The demon went back to her brother Ravana on the island of Lanka and complained to him that Rama had attacked her.Also,Ravana's sister told him how beautiful Rama's wife Sita was.So he went to the forest to see for himself.
When Ravana got to the forest,he found itwas true.So he took Sita back to Lanka.Sita was very sad there and missed Rama very much.
Rama and his brother Lakshmana needed help to rescue Sita,so they went to see the king of the monkeys,Hanuman,who had the magic power to make himself bigger or smaller.Hanuman found Sita on the island of Lanka and told her that Rama was coming to save her.Sita was very happy,but then the demon Ravana caught Hanuman and set his tail on fire!In the end,however,Hanuman escaped and set fire to the whole island of Lanka.
Hanuman went back to the forest and got Rama and Lakshmana,and they all went together with the whole monkey army to attack the island of Lanka.The monkeys made a bridge over to the island.There was a terrible battle,but finally Rama killed the demon Ravana.

21.We can learn from the first paragraph thatD.
A.the gods agreed with Vishnu's plan
B.Ravana often fought with the gods
C.the gods were afraid of Ravana
D.Vishnu was brave and clever
22.Why did Rama and Ravana's sister fight each other?C
A.Because the demon hurt Rama's wife.
B.Because Rama knew the girl was a demon.
C.Because Rama refused the demon's request.
D.Because the girl discovered Rama's true identity.
23.The underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4 probably refers to the fact thatB
A.Rama attacked Ravana's sister
B.Sita was a good-looking woman
C.Rama was indeed the god Vishnu
D.the two brothers lived in the forest  
24.We can infer from the end of the text thatA.
A.Sita was rescued at last
B.Rama became king of his country
C.Ravana's sister was killed in the battle
D.the princes chose to stay in the forest forever.
5.World travel has moved on to a new level as new websites spring up to enable travelers to plan their trips online.Virtual tourism is the latest name of the game and although relatively new,has seen some tourism websites grow to host over one-million users.
Typically,this development features a website that contains the answers to almost any tourism question.Tips and information are not provided by a single source,such as the website host,but rather from travelers themselves-often in the thousands.This has proven to be exceptionally beneficial for would-be travelers who are seeking infomtation on questions such as where to find the best museum or beach; whether it is better to tour Brussels with a bicycle or on foot; and which exchange rate bureaus are available in Italy.Questions about food and restaurants; tourist spots; safety; accommodation; and others are all answered.In addition,posted tips promote better preparation,such as what to pack when heading for Sicily(西西里岛).
Apart from the useful tips,visual images and virtual tours have also been made available.If you'd like to visit the Eiffel Tower,it's a good idea to view the surrounding areas; to pick a safer train route; or to know that it's very close to the Seine River and that a walk along it would enhance the experience.
Virtual tours have sprung up globally.In South Africa,John Gore established the Virtual Tour Guide in November last year.On his blog,Gore was quoted a saying,"The world is panoramic(全景的)."'We are able to tum our heads and look in all directions and get a feel for where we are,but the typical photograph cannot show or describe that experience completely."However,there is ananswer-technology makes it possible to share the world around us in a 360degree panoramic way,which really makes the viewer feel as though he or she is really there.

67.Why is virtual tourism more and more popular?B
A.Online games are more and more attractive.
B.Many new websites appear and develop fast.
C.More and more people want to travel abroad.
D.It helps travelers save as much money as possible.
68.From the second paragraph we knowD
A.we can solve any problem on websites
B.websites offer all the tips and information
C.we can get all our questions answered online
D.we can get many tips about tourism on websites
69.What does the underlined word"sprung up"most probably mean?A
A.Appeared.  B.Moved.  C.Competed.  D.Reduced.
70.What makes us see the world in a panoramic way?C
A.Information.  B.Photograph.  C.Technology.  D.Virtual images.
12.I was desperately nervous about becoming car-free.But eight months ago our car was hit by a passing vehicle and it was destroyed.No problem,I thought:we'll buy another.But the insurance payout didn't even begin to cover the costs of buying a new car-I worked out that,with the loan (贷款) we'd need plus petrol,insurance,parking permits and tax,we would make a payment as much as£600 a month.
  And that's when I had my fancy idea.Why not just give up having a car at all?I live in London.We have a railway station behind our house,a tube station 10 minutes'walk away,and a bus stop at the end of the street.A new car club had just opened in our area,and one of its shiny little red Peugeots was parked nearby.If any family in Britain could live without a car,I reasoned,then surely we were that family.
  But my new car-free idea,sadly,wasn't shared by my family.My teenage daughters were horrified.What would their friends think about our family being"too poor to afford a car"?(I wasn't that bothered what they thought,and I suggested the girls should take the same approach.)
  My friends,too,were ast onished at our plan.What would happen if someone got seriously ill overnight and needed to go to hospital?(an ambulance) How would the children get to and from their many events?(buses and trains) People smiled as though this was another of my mad ideas,before saying they were sure I'd soon realize that a car was a necessity.
  Eight months on,I wonder whether we'll ever own a car again.The idea that you"have to"own a car,especially if you live in a city,is all in the mind.I live-and many other citizens do too-in a place that has never been better served by public transport,and yet car ownership has never been higher.We worry about rising car costs,but we'd be better off asking something much more basic:do I really need a car?Certainly the answer is no,and I'm a lot richer because I dared to ask the question.
24.The author decided to live a car-free life partly becauseC.
A.most families chose to go car-free        
B.he was hurt in a terrible car accident
C.the cost of a new car was too much    
D.the traffic jam was unbearable for him
25.What is the attitude of t he author's family toward his plan?B
26.What did the au thor suggest his daughters do about their friends'opinion?D
A.Argue against it.
B.Take their advice.
C.Think it over.
D.Leave it alone.
27.What conclusion did the author draw after the eight-month car-free life?C
A.Life cannot go without a car.
B.Life without a car is a little bit hard.
C.His life gets improved without a car.
D.A car-free life does not suit everyone.

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