
   In almost every big country in the USA. football is a favorite sport.

   American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball,but they kick and run with it. They try to take the ball to the end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field,they will get six points. This is called a touch-down.

   It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven players try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards,his team kicks the ball to the other team. Every university wants its team to win . A lot of people come to watch. They also yell for their favorite team. Young men and women call their leaders to come to help the people to yell more.

   Every team plays ten or eleven games each season which begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good,it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1 ,the first day of the new year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.


1. How many points can they get if they carry or throw the ball to the other field?

2. How many persons are there in one team from the article?

3. How long do the teams play each season?

4. How do people know about the football games?

5. When do the best teams play again after all games a in year?


1. Six points.细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句“If they move it to the end of the field,they will get six points”可知:进球可得六分。

2. There are 11 persons in one team.细节理解题。由第三段第二 句 “Eleven players try to stop the man who has the ball. ”可知一个 队由11名队员组成。

3. About two months. 细节理解题。由最后一段第一句“Every team plays ten or eleven games each season which begins in Sep-tember and ends in November. ”可知赛季持续两个月。

4. They can go to see the games and watch them on TV.细节理解 题。由短文最后一句“Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV. ”可知。

5. The best teams play again on January l,the first day of the New Year.细节理解题。由短文倒数第二句“The best teams play again on January   1.the first day of the new year. ”可知。


   What is Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not!It is in foreign countries. It is a(n) 1 where many overseas (海外的) Chinese live together.

   There are lots of Chinatowns in America 2 the biggest one is in New York. There are about 150,000 people in it. It is also a 3 place to go to. It is attractive in the following ways.

   4 in Chinatown is fun. You can find 5 things there. Most of them are made in 6 . Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very cheap.

   Chinatown has more than 200 7 . You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. You can also eat some Shanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant.

   Living in Chinatown is 8 . You can find hospitals,schools,banks,libraries and supermarkets in it.In some schools,students must learn Chinese. Many overseas Chinese 9 their children to these schools. They want their 10 to learn more about China and its culture.[2013 黑龙江大庆]

() 1. A. time   B. organization   C. club   D. place

() 2. A. and   B. so   C. or   D. however

() 3. A. favorite   B. good   C. bad   D. quiet

() 4. A. Playing   B. Working   C. Studying   D. Shopping

() 5. A. a plenty of   B. lots of   C. many of   D. few of

() 6. A. America   B. France   C. China   D. England

() 7. A. restaurants   B. schools   C. banks   D. hospitals

() 8. A. boring   B. interesting   C. comfortable   D. important

() 9. A. send   B. take   C. fetch   D. carry

() 10. A. workers   B. children   C. students   D. friends

   It is very important for us to protect our hearing. We can 1 beautiful music,nice songs of birds,the laughter of people or other different kinds of 2 in the world with our ears. So we must try to protect our ears. The following will tell you how 3 ears.

   Listening to 4 music a lot can be bad for ears,5 when headphones (耳机) are used. So try not to wear headphones,or 6 the volume (音量) when you’re wearing headphones. You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing headphones.

   Before swimming,remember 7 earplugs (耳塞) into your ears or wear a swim hat to stop water 8 into your ears.

   If you are going to a concert,wear earplugs to protect your ears from the terrible music!9 special earplugs can be made for you if you go to concerts a lot or if you are a musician yourself.

   See a doctor if your ears hurt. Take some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so. Follow the advice above now and you won’t be saying “What” when you are getting 10 .

() 1. A. listen   B. hear   C. hear of   D. listen to

() 2. A. sounds   B. noise   C. voices   D. information

() 3. A. protect   B. protects   C. to protect   D. protecting

() 4. A. loud   B. aloud   C. loudly   D. soft

() 5. A. specially   B. especially   C. especial   D. special

() 6. A. turn off   B. turn up   C. turn on   D. turn down

() 7. A. put   B. to put   C. putting   D. puts

() 8. A. to get   B. with getting   C. from getting   D. to getting

() 9. A. In fact   B. In general   C. In a word   D. In all

() 10. A. young   B. old   C. tired   D. bored

  Some parents are used to doing almost everything for their children. They see their older children as babies!It can be a very common problem in China,because most parents only have one child in China. Some parents care so much about the safety of their children that they are afraid to let them go anywhere or do anything by themselves. So their children fail to learn social skills and become more dependent on (依赖于) them!

   In fact,no children really enjoy being looked after by their parents all the time. No parents would be happy knowing that. Because of too much care,their children don't know anything about the world. Children need their own time to grow into adults and to learn how to deal with problems. Too much care damages (损 害) their fun when they are growing up. And when suddenly they can't depend on their parents,these children will be in big trouble!

   It is nice that parents show their care to their children. It is nice that children know that their parents’ care is out of love. And it will be nicer if the children let their parents know how much love they really need and how much love is too much.

() 10. In the passage,the common problem in China is .

   A. parents in China only have one child

   B. parents do almost everything for their children

   C. older children look like babies

   D. parents don't care for their children too much

() 11. According to the passage,children fail to learn social skills because .

   A. they are too lazy to learn these skills

   B. their parents don't teach anything about them

   C. they have no chance to do anything by themselves

   D. there are not any subjects about these skills at school

() 12. What's the best title for the passage?

   A. Take care of your children. B. No longer babies.

   C. Help your children. D. We don't need love.

  The bank of England is making plans to introduce plastic banknotes to the UK.

   Paper notes,meaning pieces of paper money,have been used in England for more than 300 years,but replacing them with plastic ones could be better.

   Plastic notes were first introduced to Australia back in 1988. Since then other countries,including Romania,Vietnam,Mexico and Malaysia,have also begun using money made in this way.

   Fans of water sports,such as surfing,find this type of money more useful and easier,as they can take it with them in the water and won't worry that it will fall apart. It is also good for people who by mistake put clothes in the washing machine with a note in the pocket!

   It is more hygienic (clean and free of bacteria) than paper money as it absorbs less bacteriaCthe simplest and smallest form of plants,some of which cause disease) . And it is stronger. This means it lasts longer. According to a survey,a usual 5 note in the UK lasts around six months,while the $ 5 Australian bill lasts for an average of 40 months.

   A downside of plastic cash is that it costs more money to produce. Cash and money-counting machines will also have to be adapted to accept the new money.

   It is expected that the Bank of England,who hopes to start printing plastic notes from 2015,will introduce the money slowly,using the most common notes first.(江苏省连云港市 2013 年中考)

() 10. Which country was the first to use plastic notes?

   A. The UK. B. Romania. C. Vietnam. D. Australia.

() 11. You can put the sentence “Besides being waterproof,there are other good effects of using plastic notes instead of paper ones. ” at the beginning of .

   A. Paragraph 3   B. Paragraph 4   C. Paragraph 5   D. Paragraph 6

() 12. What can you infer (推断) from Paragraph 6 ?

   A. Plastic notes should be printed in cash machines.

   B. There are some disadvantages of using plastic notes.

   C. Every country will have to accept the new money.

   D. Plastic notes should be produced by the cashiers.

() 13. Which is NOT the reason why the UK wants to use plastic notes instead of paper ones?

   A. They take up less space. B. They are stronger.

   C. They don't let water through. D. They are more hygienic.


Darling Kelli

I’m so sorry I will not get to see you grow up as I so want to. Please don’t blame people or the world for this. I wish I didn’t have cancer and you didn’t have to see me in pain as you often do now.

_1._ We don’t have that time. I won’t be able to drop you off on your first day at big school, pick you up after your first date, hold you when your heart hurts or cheer when you graduate.

But while your old dad is still around I thought I’d try to give you some life advice. I hope it gives you some comfort.


Everyone will say it’s important to work hard at school. Hopefully you’ll always do your best. I did well at school but did it do me much good in life? Not really. __2.__


You and your mum will argue at times, especially when you’re a teenager. __3.__ Give Mummy a hug when she is feeling sad and help each other get through any horrible times when I am gone. When you’re a teenager you might think your friends are right and your mum is wrong. But she has to make hard decisions for you. Treat her well.

Christmas & birthdays

On your first Christmas without me, I’d love if you and Mummy would light a candle and remember me for a few minutes. It would be great if you two did the monkey dance together. That’s something to make me smile from up above.

I’ve given Nanny Sue presents for all your birthdays. I wish I could be there to see you open them. __4.__


In life, many people will say you cannot do things. You make up your mind. Can you? Big challenges involve risks so make smart choices. Those who told me I couldn’t do certain things didn’t want me to do them. If you want something, it is nearly always possible, so do your best. I’m sure there’s a lot you can achieve!

And finally, thank you for being you, Kelli. Having you as my daughter is the greatest honour of my life.

All my love, always, to you princess and to Mummy,


A. Please remember she loves you and wants the best for you.

B. Most dads and daughters have decades to chat around the kitchen table.

C. Remember your life motto.

D. Believe in yourself.

E. School work is important, but make sure you have fun too.

F. Remember to write thank-you letters for presents of kindness as it is always nice to act with grace and gratitude.

G. Hopefully you will like everything as it’s hard to imagine you at 10, 15, and 20.

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