
2.There are many reasons for people to study abroad.One is that you can have the chance to make yourself know about the culture of the place.Although we humans belong only to the same one species,we are divided into several races.(31)GAnd when countries are divided by oceans,naturally the way of life in that country is different from ours.
Once you are studying in a foreign country,you will slowly learn to speak the language of the place.(32)EIf you want to ask for directions or if you are lost,it can be of great help.
(33)B If you study in such places as Spain and the Philippines,there are lots of foreign sights to see.
Studying abroad will also give you the chance to experience a totally different curriculum(课程).(34)D
Studying abroad is also a memory that can be valued for a lifetime.(35)AOnce you have made friends with your classmates,I'm pretty sure you will enjoy being with them in your hangouts,in your parties,and even in helping out with each other's homework.

A.This is an opportunity to make friends from other races.
B.Studying abroad also offers an opportunity to travel.
C.Different countries have different cultures.
D.A college course in the UK,for example,is not similar to the one we have here.
E.Learning the native language of the place can also greatly help you to go around.
F.English is spoken as a third language in many countries.
G.There are Africans,Europeans,Asians and etc.

分析 本文讲述的是出国留学的利弊以及针对出国留学提出的一些建议.

解答 36---40:GEBDA
36.G 考查细节理解.根据"And when countries are divided by oceans,naturally the way of life in that country is different from ours."可知,出国后会见到世界各地的人.故选G.
37.E 考查细节理解.根据"If you want to ask for directions or if you are lost,it can be of great help"可知,学习当地的语言也可以帮助你四处走动.故选E.
38.B 考查细节理解.根据"If you study in such places as Spain and the Philippines,there are lots of foreign sights to see."可知,出国留学也为旅行提供了机会.故选B.
39.D 考查细节理解.根据"Studying abroad will also give you the chance to experience a totally different curriculum"可知,英国的课程与我们这里的课程不一样.故选D.
40.A 考查细节理解.根据"Once you have made friends with your classmates,I'm pretty sure you will enjoy being with them in your hangouts"可知,这是一个与其他国家的人交朋友的机会.故选A.

点评 七选五"这样的题型,主要目的在于"考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握.解题时最主要的两个步骤就是1.理清文章的逻辑和结构,2.在所给的原文中找出关键词或者说是线索词.文章的整体思路能帮助你在答案中筛选出符合逻辑的选项,关键词则能帮助你确定更多的细节,排除相近的选项.这些技巧多练练就能孰能生巧.

10.You get anxious if there's no wi-fi in the hotel or mobile phone signal up the mountain.You feel upset if your phone is getting low on power,and you secretly worry things will go wrong at work if you're not there.All these can be called"always on"stress caused by smart phone addiction.
For some people,smart phones have liberated them free from the nine-to-five work.Flexible working has given them more control over their working lives and enabled them to spend more time with their friends and families.For many others though,smart phones have become cruel masters in their pockets,never allowing them to turn them off and relax.
Pittsburgh-based developer Kevin Holesh was worried about how much he was ignoring his family and friends in favour of his iPhone.So he developed an app-Moment-to monitor his usage.The app enables users to see how much time they're spending on the device and set up warnings if the usage limits are breached."Moment's goal is to promote balance in your life,"his website explains."Some time on your phone,some time off of it enjoying your loving family and friends around you."
Dr Christine Grant,an occupational psychologist at Coventry University,said,"The effects of this‘always on'culture are that your mind is never resting,and you're not giving your body time to recover,so you're always stressed.And the more tired and stressed we get,the more mistakes we make.Physical and mental health can suffer."
And as the number of connected smart phones is increasing,so is the amount of data.This is leading to a sort of decision paralysis(瘫痪)and is creating more stress in the workplace because people have to receive a broader range of data and communications which are often difficult to manage."It actually makes it more difficult to make decisions and many do less because they're controlled by it all and feel they can never escape the office,"said Dr Christine Grant.

28.What's the first paragraph mainly about?A
A.The signs of"always on"stress.
B.The progress of modern technology.
C.The popularity of smart phones.
D.The solutions of smart phone addiction.
29.Kevin Holesh developed Moment toD.
A.research how people use their mobile phones
B.increase the fun of using mobile phones
C.make people better use mobile phones
D.help people control their use of mobile phones
30.What's Dr Christine Grant's attitude towards"always on"culture?C
31.According to the last paragraph,a greater amount of data meansB.
A.we can work more effectively
B.we will become less productive
C.we will be equipped with more knowledge
D.we can make a decision more quickly.
17.The worst time to look for a job is when you must have a new one immediately.Job Searching under pressure often results in nervous interviewing and decision-making from rela-tively few options.If you are not in need of an immediate career change,here are ways you can improve your long-term career prospects (前景) today:
Identify at least two different roles.You do not have to be qualified for these positions today,nor do they have to exist in your company.However,these roles should be related to your current skill set.They are career options that look interesting.Once you have a couple of targets,think about why and what interests you.Pay close attention to what appeals to you,and write it down.This will give insight into your motivations and targets.
Subscribe to a career specific magazine.Knowledge is power in the workplace.All busi-nesses must stay relevant to their customers in order to win the competitions and increase revenue(收益).Reading about industry trends,advancements and success stories keeps you in touch with market conditions.This information allows you to see which companies and professionals are leading the peck.You can follow their examples in your own workplace.If you associate with those that stand out from the rest,you are likely to find yourself with better opportunities.
Do exceptional work.In any role,there is a way to perform at your best.Look for ways to deliver a top performance.Show up early,be flexible to new assignments,have a positive attitude,cooperate with other departments,pay attention to the little details.
Be professionally curious.Talk to people about their careers.Learn more about how success is measured in other roles,departments and companies.Ask people their thoughts on different industries.Challenge yourself to expand your business knowledge through interactions with people at regular time.People hire people.You never know what connections may be relevant when you start your next job search,so develop a habit of making good connections no matter where you go.Take the time to learn about others,and be helpful when you can.
As in all things in life,getting in front of a difficult task early is always less stressful than reacting to a career surprise.Changing jobs is to be expected.No matter how secure you feel today,the time will come when either you or your employer decide it is time to change.
How to Improve Your Carter Prospects
Passage outlineSupporting details
Problem?Job searching under pressure (71)causes negative consequences,such as nervous interviewing.
Ways to improve your career prospectsIdentify at least
two different roles
?The roles are supposed to have (72)something/muchto do with your current skill set.
?Pay close attention to those things that make you(73)interested.
Subscribe to a magazine on carter?The relevant knowledge in the workplace can make you
 (74)competitive/powerful/successful in the business world.
?Follow the examples in your field,
making it (75)possible/probably/likely for you too get better chances.
Do exceptional work?Try your best to perform at your best.
?Work early to finish new tasks with a flexible and positive attitude.
?Cooperate with other departments
Without(76)inoring/overlooking/overlookinglittle details.
Be professionally curious?Talk about people's careers and learn how people (77)measuresuccess in other role and fields.
?Widen your business knowledge by interacting with people (78)regularly/often/frequently.
?Develop a Habit of connecting well wherever you go.
ConclusionFacing hard tasks early can help reduce your (79)stress/pressure.
?Changing jobs may be
(80)unavoidable,however secure you feel today.
7.Since the nineteen nineties,education has been required for all South Africans from age seven to fifteen.Last December,the government announced that seventy percent of students passed their final examination to finish high school.In 2008 the passage rate was about sixty-three percent.There have been increases each year since then.
Professor Sireen Motala at the University of Johannesburg says access to basic education is no longer the problem in South Africa.She says most children stay in school until they are about sixteen.The problem now,she says,is that large numbers of them leave without completing high school.Students take an examination known as the matric in grade twelve,their final or"matriculation"year.Professor Motala notes that less than half the children who started school in 2000 sat for the matric last year.
Educational researchers also point to another problem.They say South African schools do not produce enogh students with the skills for higher education in math and science.Many schools are not well-equipped.They do not have libraries at school.Ninety-two percent of the schools do not have libraries.
Also,education specialists say in many cases,teachers and school principals do not have the skills or training to do their jobs.In other cases,they are simply not doing their duty to provide an education.Professor Motala says a number of teachers were poorly trained during the system of apartheid(种族隔离),or racial separation in South Africa.Apartheid ended in 1994.
Secondly,she says,teachers have been confused by the many educational reform efforts in the last ffteen years.And,finally,she thinks language differences in the classroom have not gotten as much attention as they should.
South Africa's minister of basic education promises a number of improvements.

29.How was thepassage rate in 2008?D
A.uncertain    B.just so-so   C.high      D.low
30.What's the Motala's attitude towards the basic education for students in South Africa?A
31.From the passage we know the matric isB.
A.an examination difficult for students to pass
B.an examination for students in grade twelve
C.the number of students leaving school
D.the number of students taking exams
32.Students in South Africa find it hard to get improved in math and science becauseC.
A.they drop out of school without finishing high school
B.teachers don't have the abilities to teach them
C.most schools can not provide enough equipment
D.there aren't such subjects in most schools.
14.A healthy lifestyle is related to physical and mental fitness.Therefore,it's time for you to make some changes to lead a healthier life and put yourself (41)atease.Nowadays many people say they just don't get much time to look after (42)their(they) health.Actually,it is (43)whatyou do and eat every day that guarantees you a healthy body.So make some little changes in your schedule to improve your lifestyle.It's never too late.
These are some suggestions(44)given(give) by health experts which can help you achieve your goal.First of all,add healthy food to your diet.For example,eating green vegetables and fruits is a must because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals(45)which/that are necessary to your body.Do remember to eercise(46)regularly(regular) because it will burn extra fat in your body and help you gain control of your (47)weight(weigh).If you can't exercise every day,at least go for a walk every day.Sleeping at least eight hours every day (48)makes (make) you feel fresh and energetic.In addition,many people do some activities every day,(49)saying (say) this helps them to develop their mind.There are many things you can do to keep healthy,but exercising should always (50)be placed ( place ) at the top.

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