
English is my favorite subject and I'd love the opportunity to improve my English by studying abroad.My spoken language is excellent so I am afraid my writing is not as good.My parents had promised if I am accepted into program,they will get me a teacher for after-school writing lesson.Study abroad will not only improve my English but also gives me a better understanding of customs and cultures in the West.I watch for a lot of English movies but I think life is different from that the movies show.Belonging to a debating club,I'm used to speaking in front of others people.This can prove quite usefully if I have to give talks while I'm abroad.

分析 本文作者主要讲述了自己想通过出国留学来提高英语水平;作者口语很好,但是不擅长英语写作,因此父母答应他,如果他能抓住这次出国留学机会,他们将找一位老师给他上课外写作课;作者认为:出国留学不仅将提高他的英语水平,而且还会让他更好地了解西方的风俗以及文化;作者也看很多英语电影,但他认为生活不同于电影所表演的东西;由于作者参加了一个辩论俱乐部,这使得他习惯于在别人面前讲话,所以他还认为,这将对他在外国必须要做演讲时有用处.

解答 English is my favorite subject and I'd love the opportunity to improve my English by studying
abroad.My spoken language is excellent so I am afraid my writing is not as good.My parents had
                                                            but                                                                          have
promised if I am accepted into∧program,they will get me a teacher for after-school writing lesson
                                           the                                                                                       lessons
Studyabroad will not only improve my English but also givesme a better understanding of customs
Studying                                                                     give
and cultures in the West.I watch for a lot of English movies but I think life is different from thatthe
movies show.Belonging to a debating club,I'm used to speaking in front of otherspeople.This can 
prove quite usefullyif I have to give talks while I'm abroad.
1.将so改为but    考查连词的用法    分析句意可知,此处表达的是转折关系;即:我的口语很好,但是恐怕我的写作就没那么好了;故用but
2.将had改为have  考查时态    由于此处并不是发生在过去某时间之前的动作,故不能使用过去完成时;根据该主句之后的从句使用了一般现在时可知,此处应使用现在的某种时态,即改为现在完成时;故用have
3.在program之前加the    考查冠词的用法     此处的名词program(计划,安排)特指上文提到的"通过出国留学提高我的英语水平";故用the
4.将lesson改为lessons      考查名词的单复数   本句的意思是:他们将找一位老师给我上课外写作课;其中的写作课应不止上一节;故用lessons 
5.将Study改为Studying     考查动名词的用法   由于Study abroad"出国留学"是动词短语,而在本句中作的是主语,故应将其改为动名词短语
6.将gives 改为give     考查时态的一致性      此处的并列连词词组"not only…but also…"用来连接两个谓语,故句子的谓语在形式上应保持一致;由于本句含有助动词will,故其后的动词应使用动词原形
7.去掉for   考查动词的用法    由于watch是及物动词,所以其后可以直接跟宾语;故去掉for
8.将that改为what     考查连接代词的用法    此处在句中作介词from的宾语,故为宾语从句,意为:但我认为生活不同于电影所表演的东西;由于该从句缺少宾语"所演的东西",而that不作任何成分,也没有意义,只起连接作用;故改为what
9. 将others改为other    考查形容词的用法     others 的用法相当于复数名词,不能用作定语,表示的意思是"不具体的某些其他东西"; 此处是用来修饰名词people,意为:其他的人;故用形容词other
10.将 usefully改为useful   考查形容词的用法    本句的意思是:如果我必须要在国外演讲,这可以证明是非常有用的;句中prove"证明是;结果是"用作连系动词;故此处用形容词

点评 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性试题,主要考查学生对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力.错误类型一般有:缺词、多词和错词.常见的错误有:1 词法错误,主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用、同义词混淆使用、固定搭配等方面.解答此类试题时,需要正确分析句子成分,熟练掌握各词类的用法以及掌握一些固定搭配等.2 常见句法错误.通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误.解答此类试题时,需要掌握各类句子的句式结构及意义用法.3 应在理解文章大意的前提下,进行作答.

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36.This advertisement aims at calling on people toC
A.attend full-time universities
B.work part time to further their education
C.improve their education at home to get better jobs
D.earn their degrees in different ways that suit them
37.Which of the following is NOT clearly mentioned in this advertisement?B
A.The way how you will get your degree.
B.Tuition price.
C.The hot fields you will be preparing yourself for.
D.The length of time it will take you to get a degree.
38.What does the writer of this ad intend to say by naming General Electric.IBM,Ford,etc.?C
A.To show that their training is widely used in the country.
B.To show that the training program is fully supported by famous companies in the U.S.
C.To prove the value of their training in every area.
D.To show the importance of getting recognized by the most famous companies.
39.It seems to the writer that the greatest attraction for people to take their training isC.
A.its convenience
B.the degree's nation-wide recognition
C.the economic benefit it will bring about
D.the hot fields the training will help people to enter
40.How many ways are mentioned in the ad for people to get in touch with the Harcourt Learning Direct?D
14.I was sure that I was to be killed.I became terribly nervous.I fumbled(摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes,which had escaped their search.I found one and because of my shaking hands,I could barely get it to my lips.But I had no matches,they had taken those.I looked through the bars at the guard.He did not make eye contact with me.I called out to him"Have you got a light?"He looked at me,shrugged and came over to light my cigarette.As he came close and lit the match,his eyes unconsciously locked with mine.At that moment,I smiled.I don't know why I did that.Perhaps it was nervousness,perhaps it was because,when you get very close,one to another,it is very hard not to smile.In any case,I smiled.In that instant,it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts,our two human souls.I know he didn't want to,but my smile leaped through the bars and caused a smile on his lips,too.He lit my cigarette but stayed near,looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.
I kept smiling at him,now thinking of him as a person and not just a guard."Do you have kids?"he asked."Yes,here,here."I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family.He,too,took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them.My eyes filled with tears.I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again,never have the chance to see them grow up.Tears came to his eyes,too.Suddenly,without another word,he unlocked my cell and silently led me out.Out of the prison,quietly and by back routes,out of the town.There,at the edge of town,he released me.And without another word,he turned back toward the town.
21.What had happened to the man before?C
A.He had been badly treated.
B.He had killed someone.
C.He had been searched.
D.He had been forbidden to get in touch with anyone.
22.Why did the man want to smoke cigarettes?B
A.Because he was sure he was to be killed.
B.Because he wanted to ease his nervousness.
C.Because he wanted to talk to the guard.
D.Because he was used to smoking cigarettes.
23.Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
A.The man was a heavy smoker.
B.The man smiled to please the guard.
C.The guard set the man free with permission.
D.The man hadn't thought the guard would set him free.
24.What do you think finally saved the man's life?A
A.The smile.B.The cigarette.C.The tears.D.The wallet.
1.The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising career in business to study music.My parents,although sympathetic,disapproved of music as an occupation.This was understandable,I thought,in view of my family background.My grandfather taught music for nearly forty years at Spring Hill College,and it was only the threiftiness (节俭) of my grandmother that kept the wolf at bay.As a consequence,My parents insisted upon college instead of a music school.
Before my graduation from Columbia University,the family met with severe fanacial difficulty and I felt it my duty to leave college and take a job.Thus was I launched upon a  business career-which I always think of as the wasted years.
Now,I do not for a moment mean to disparage (贬低) business; my whole point is that it was not for me.My one ambition was to save enough money to quit and go to Europe to study music.
I used to get up at dawn to practice before I left for"downtown",upsetting my poor mother by having a hasty breakfast at the last minute.Instead of lunching with my business associates,I would seek out some cheap café,order a mean meal and draw my harmony exercise.I continued to make money,and finally,bit by bit,accumulated enough to enable me to go abroad.The family being once more wealthy,and my help no longer necessary.I resigned from my position and feeling like a man released from jail,sailed for Europe.I stayed four years,worked harder than I had ever dreamed of working before and enjoyed every minute of it.
"Enjoyed"is too mild a word.I walked on air.I really lived.I was a free man and I was doing what I loved to do and what I was meant to do.If I had stayed in business,I might be a really wealthy man today.But I do not believe I would have made a success of living.I would have given up all those inner satiosfaction that money can never buy and that are too often sacrificed when a man's primary goal is fanacial success.Money is a wonderful thing,but it is possible to pay too high a price on it.

59.Why did the author's parents object to his decision to study music?A
A.His family was not well off.
B.He had a good family background.
C.His parents were not fond of music.
D.He modeled himself after his grandfather.
60.What caused the author to leave college and take a job?B
A.Expectations of his parents.
B.The financial crisis of the family.
C.His ambition for a business career.
D.His dissatisfation with the college.
61.It was possible for the author to go to Europe to study music becauseD.
A.he kept practicing music
B.he was released from prision
C.he used to lunch with other businessmen
D.his financial condition was improved
62.What does the author intend to tell us through the story?C
A.Whaterver you do,you must do it well.
B.Wherever you go,you can achieve your dreams.
C.Whoever you are,you should follow your inner voice.
D.However poor you are,you deserve equal treatment.
18.All you have is what you bring with you
I've always felt a need to be prepared for whatever situation I've found myself in.
My mother once took me to a store when I was seven years old.She and I got to the checkout counter,and she realized she had forgotten a couple of things on her shopping list.She left me with the cart and ran off to get what she needed.
"I'll be right back."she said.
She was gone just a few minutes,but in that time,I had loaded all the things on the belt and everything was rung up.I was left staring at the cashier,who was staling at me."Do you have money for me,son?"she said."I'll need to be paid."-
I didn't realize she was just trying to amuse herself.So I stood there,ashamed and embarrassed.
By the time my mom returned,I was angry."You left me here with no money!This lady asked me for the money,and I had nothing to give her I"
Now that I'm an adult,you'll never catch me with less than $200 in my wallet.I want to be prepared in case I need it.
I've always admired people who are over-prepared.In college,I had a classmate named Norman.One day he was giving a presentation on an overhead projector and in the middle of his talk,the light bulb (灯泡) on the projector blew out.We would have to wait ten minutes until someone found a new'projector.
"It's Okay."he announced."There's nothing to worry about."
We watched him walk over to his bag and pull something out.He had brought along a spare bulb for the Overhead projector.Who could even think of that?
I often told my students,"When you go into the wilderness,the only thing you can depend on is what you take with you."And essentially,the wilderness is anywhere but your home or office.So take money.Pack a light bulb.Be prepared.
59.Why did the cashier ask a seven-year-old boy to pay for the purchases'?C
 A.The boy was shopping by himself.
 B.The boy's mother asked her to do so.
 C.The cashier was playing a joke on him.
 D.The boy's mother was away for something else.
60.Why was the boy angry with his mother?B
 A.His mother left him alone.
 B.He lost face in front of the cashier.
 C.His mother forgot to buy something.
 D.He had just quarreled with the cashier.
61.Why did Norman bring a spare bulb with him?A
 A.He was always well-prepared.
 B.His presentation was about bulbs.
 C.He knew the classroom equipment was of poor quality.
 D.He predicted the bulb on the projector would blow out.
62.What do the two stories tell us?C
 A.Accidents happen almost every day.
 B.Money is the key that opens all doors.
 C.In fair weather,prepare for a rainy day.
 D.Chances favor those who are well-prepared.

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