

Senior Three student will face the question after they pass by the college entrance examination."Should I choose a good major and a good university?"Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn what they are interested.It will also make it possibly for them to take their favorite jobs in the future.However,those who think differently believes that the environment is important to one's development.They also believe that students graduate from leading universities are often more likely to find good jobs.In my opinion,a best choice is to choose a good major at a good university.But if we couldn't obtain both,the first thing to consider is a good major,because no matter where we study,they can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.

分析 本文作者主要针对高三学生在通过大学入学考试后,就"是选择一个好专业还是选择好大学"这一问题而展开的讨论;有些学生更愿意先考虑专业,这样他们就可以学到他们感兴趣的东西了,这同样会使得他们在将来能够从事他们最喜欢的工作成为可能;但是,还有一些学生认为:环境对他们今后的发展很重要;他们还认为,从一流的大学毕业的学生往往更容易找到好的工作;最后,作者在文中表明了自己的观点:最好的选择是在一所好大学里选一个好专业,但是,如果两者不能兼得的话,最好还是选择一个好的专业;因为无论我们在哪里学习,只要我们努力,我们仍然可以在某一领域取得很多成就.

解答 短文改错:
Senior Three studentwill face the question after they pass by 
                   students                                             去掉by
the college entrance examination."Should I choose a good major and a
good university?"Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can
learn what they are interested∧.It will also make it possibly
                                          in                                possible
for them to take their favorite jobs in the future.However,those who think
differently believes that the environment is important to one's 
development.They also believe that students graduate from leading
universities are often more likely to find good jobs.In my opinion,a best 
choice is to choose a good major at a good university.But if we couldn'tobtain both,
the first thing to consider is a good major,because no matter where we study,they can
still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.

1.将student改为students   考查名词单复数    根据句意可知,此处指的是通过大学入学考试的高三的学生们;故用名词的复数students 
2.去掉by    考查固定短语的用法    固定短语pass by"经过"; pass the examination"通过考试",此处指的是"通过大学入学考试";故去掉by
3.将and改为 or     考查连词的用法     根据句意可知,此处表示选择关系,即:我应该选择一个好专业还是一所好大学?故用or
4.interested后加in    考查固定短语的用法   固定短语be interested in"对…感兴趣";本句的意思是:有些学生更愿意先考虑专业,这样他们就可以学习他们感兴趣的东西了;此处in的宾语是连接代词what 
5.将 possibly改为possible    考查固定结构的用法"make sb./sth.+形容词"意为:使某人或某物变得…;此处指"使得他们在将来能够从事他们最喜欢的工作成为可能"故用形容词possible 
6.将believes改为believe    考查主谓一致    由于此处的主语是"those who think differently那些有不同想法的人"表示复数,故谓语动词用原形
7.将graduate改为graduating或在graduate前加who/that   考查定语的用法    此处在句中作后置定语,修饰名词students,并与该名词构成逻辑上的主谓关系;故用现在分词graduating;另外,此处也可以改为定语从句,先行词students(指人),在从句中作主语,故用关系代词who/that  
8.将a改为the     考查形容词最高级的用法     在形容词最高级的前面加a,不表示最高级,意为:一个非常…的…;在形容词最高级的前面加the,才表示最高级;此处意为:最好的选择;故用the
9.将couldn't改为can't    考查时态    根据句意"但是,如果两者不能兼得的话,最好还是选择一个好的专业"可知,此处说明的是现实情况;故用一般现在时; 当can/could 表示能力,意为"能,可以"时,can 通常用于现在时,could 用于过去时;故用can't
10.将they改为we    考查人称的一致性    根据句意"因为无论我们在哪里学习,只要我们努力,我们仍然可以在某一领域取得很多成就"可知,此处的主语应是we

点评 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性试题,主要考查学生对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力.错误类型一般有:缺词、多词和错词.常见的错误有:1 词法错误,主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用、同义词混淆使用、固定搭配等方面.解答此类试题时,需要正确分析句子成分,熟练掌握各词类的用法以及掌握一些固定搭配等.2 常见句法错误.通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误.解答此类试题时,需要掌握各类句子的句式结构及意义用法.3 应在理解文章大意的前提下,进行作答.

11.The Chinese government has decided to end its one-child per family policy and let families have two children.A statement gives the reasons for the change,(61)saying (say) it is meant to balance population development,stop a declining birth rate and strengthen the country's work force.
China(62)carried (carry) out the one-child policy in 1980.But the government permitted a small number of(63)couples (couple) to have two children.For example,some rural families were given approval to have two children if the first-born was a girl.In 2013,the government permitted other families to have two if one parent was(64)an only child.
A teacher and population expert,Jiang Quanbao,explains how Chinese families will react(65)to the policy."Many young people in the cities are(66)probably (probable) not interested in having a second child,"he says."People in rural villages may be(67)more (much) interested,but some of them are already allowed to have two children."
At the end of 2014,China had a population of 1.37billion people,a total of 800million of(68)whom are employed.But that job market population is expected(69)to drop (drop) by 2050.With the two-child policy,the labor.(70)shortage (short) will be relieved,starting in 20years.
          Dibea  Smart Vacuum Cleaner(真空吸尘器)  X500
Product Operating
Battery storage and charging
1.Place the charging home base
Note:Put the charging home base against the wall and remove obstacles around it.
2.Charge the robot in either way as shown below:
A.Plug into an outlet(插座);
B.Press the HOME button on the main body or on the remote control to make the robot return to the charging home base to charge itself.
A.Turn on the power switch at the bottom side before charging the robot.
B.When the robot is charging,the display panel(仪表板) will show 1111,and repeat from the right to the left.
C.When charging is finished,the display panel will show FULL.
D.When the robot is charging,do not make the robot start working.
3.Auto charging
The robot will automatically return to the charging home base when cleaning is done or the battery is low.
Note:Please keep the charging home base plugged in.If not,the robot is unable to auto charge.
Starting up/Pause/Sleeping
1.Starting up
A.Make sure the power switch is on;
B.Press the CLEAN button on the main body or on the remote control to start cleaning.
Note:If the robot is in the sleeping mode,press the CLEAN button to wake the robot up from the sleeping mode.Then press CLEAN for a second time,the robot starts cleaning automatically.
To turn the robot from the cleaning mode to a selected mode:
A.Press either button among PLAN,SPOT,CLEAN and HOME buttons on the main body;
B.Press the CLEAN button on the remote control.
Note:When the robot is paused,press CLEAN to make the robot restart cleaning.
To turn the robot from a selected mode to the sleeping mode:
A.If no command is received,the robot will turn to sleep automatically after 20seconds;
B.Keep pressing CLEAN on the main body for 3seconds.
Note:If not using the robot for a long time,please turn the power switch off.
You can schedule to let the robot start cleaning from a certain time.
For example,if you set 6:30on the robot,the robot will start cleaning after 6hours and 30minutes every day until the power switch is turned off.
A.Once the power switch is turned off,all the scheduling will be cancelled.
B.Once certain time is scheduled,the robot will always work according to the setting.
Virtual(虚拟的) wall use
The virtual wall is used to prevent the robot from entering off-limit areas.For best results,place the virtual wall on outside of the doorway you want to block.The virtual wall can create a bunch of light,with largest range reaching 4meters.
1.After the batteries are installed,turn on the power switch.
2.Put the virtual wall where you want it to work.
Note:Turn the power off when not using the virtual wall.
70.Which of the following steps can be omitted if you want the robot to charge itself automatically?A.
A.Press the HOME button on the remote control.
B.Clear up the place around the charging home base.
C.Turn on the power switch at the bottom of the robot.
D.Put the charging home base against the wall and plug it in.
71.If it's 9:45PM now and you want the robot to start cleaning at 8:00AM tomorrow,you should setB on the robot.
A.13:45 B.10:15 C.8:00 D.1:45
72.If you want the robot to start cleaning right now,you canC.
A.keep pressing the CLEAN button on the main body for 3seconds
B.press either of PLAN,SPOT,CLEAN and HOME buttons on the main body
C.turn on the power switch and press the CLEAN button on the remote control once
D.press the CLEAN button on the main body once when the robot is in the sleeping mode
73.The virtual wall is designed toA.
A.limit the robot to a certain area 
B.prevent the robot from bumping into walls
C.stop the robot from reaching 4meters
D.create a bunch of light outside the doorway.
11.Learning English Video Project
1.Encounters in the UK (17 minutes)
Encounters in the UK is the first film in this documentary mini-series.It tells the story of four girls from different countries who travel  to Cambridge in England to study English and stay with local families in what is called a"homestay"arrangement.For the four girls the homestay arrangement is a positive experience.As one of the homestay hosts explains:"It's going to be a great experience,not only in terms of learning English,but in learning about life."
Watch with:subtitles|transcript|no subtitles|Comments
2.Stories from Morocco (16 minutes)
Set in Casablanca,Morocco,this film features footage and interviews focusing on key questions such as"Why are people learning English?"and"What tips and advice can learners offer?"Staff and learners discuss the  advantages and challenges of English language learning in Morocco.Interviewees touch on a variety of topics including British vs.American accents,multi-level classrooms,and the similarities of English to French and Spanish.
Watch with Subtitles|Watch without Subtitles|Comments
3. Thoughts from Brazil (17 minutes)
Like Insights from China,Thoughts from Brazil also looks at modern trends in learning English,especially for children and teens.It will be of particular interest to all those who long for a learning experience that is more interactive and communicative.Teens and young adults will find new ideas for combining  personal interests such as music,gaming and social media with self-study.As Daniel Emmerson talks to learners and teachers of English in Sao Paulo,Brazil,he discovers that many of them have found for themselves the principle of learning by doing and have readily adapted it to the Internet era.
Watch with Subtitles|Watch without Subtitles|Comments
69.From the passage we can conclude that"Learning English Video Project"is most probablyC.
A.an online language learning course          
B.audio documents on language learning
C.a series of short video programs                     
D.a set of films on English-speaking countries
70.If someone is interested in the comparison between English and other languages,he might be interested to watchB.
A.Encounters in the UK                           
B.Stories from Morocco
C.Thoughts from Brazil                            
D.Insights from China
71.What can we know about English learning in Sao Paulo,Brazil?D
A.Classroom teaching is more interactive and communicative.
B.Homestay arrangement provides positive experience for learners.
C.The Internet and games plays a major role in language learning.
D.The principle of learning by doing is widely accepted by learners.
16.Happiness is a Journey
We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married,have a baby,than another.Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are.After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with.(36)D.
We always tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together.when we get a nice car,and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire.(37)B.If not now,when?our life will always be filled with challenges.It's best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza.He said."For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life.But there was always some obstacle in the way,something to be gotten through first,some unfinished business,time still to be served,a debt to be paid.(38)GAt last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness.Happiness is the way.So treasure every moment that you have.
(39)C  So stop waiting until you finish school,until you go back to school; until you get married,until you get divorced; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car or home; until spring; until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy….
(40)F.So,work like you don't need money,love as you've never been hurt,And dance as  no one's watching.

A.Looking back,it's really an extraordinary journey.
B.The truth is,there's no better time than right now.
C.And remember that time waits for no one.
D.We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.
E.The more you have the sense of belonging,the happier you will be.
F.Happiness is a journey,not a destination.G.Then life would begin.
13.Online Money Earning
Yes you can earn money online without any investment or without anytime limit.I have many useful easy methods for earning easy money while we all spend our useful time on the Internet by surfing,chatting,downloading and other work.There is no need to stop any other work.We can earn with or without our daily routine.Here I tell you the complete method for online earning.
First Method
Earn money with"Bux.to".You can earn money through"Bux.to"by clicking on ads on"Bux.to"site.First you need to open an account at"Bux.to".
"Bux.To"is a new international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ads on our"Surf Ads"page.An exact calculated percentage of all advertising income is paid to our members."Bux.to"makes money through advertising.
How you make money
You view websites in 30seconds through the"Surf Ads"page.Once the 30seconds is up,you'll either get a green tick(对号) sign or a red"x".The green tick sign means you've earned 0.01andthe"x"meansyouhavenotearnedmoneyforthevisit.You'llgetredx'swhenyouhavemorethanonewebsitesfromthe"SurfAds"pageopen.Whenthishappens,yougetnocredit.EarningsexampleYouclick10adsperday=﹩0.1020referrals(转送)click10adsperday=2.00
Your daily earnings=﹩2.10
Your weekly earnings=﹩14.70
Your monthly earnings=﹩63.00
How to get paid
If you have at least﹩10.00 accumulated,you can click on your account balance within your states area and it will meet your request.At present,it only makes payments through"AlertPay".It will soon be using other methods of payment.
AlertPay is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members.Your AlertPay address is the e-mail address you use to register with AlertPay.You can get a free AlertPay account at http://alertpay.com.
Method 2will publish soon…

40.What is the author's purpose of writing this passage?B
A.To tell an interesting story.B.To introduce a surprising way to earn money.
C.To solve a puzzling problem.D.To present an exciting research.
41.You can earn money byC.
A.chatting online                 B.advertising some products
C.clicking on advertisement         D.choosing green ticks or x's
42.The underlined word "accumulated"can be replaced by"D".
A.wasted        B.spent          C.lost           D.gathered
43.What can we know from the passage?C
A.You'll earn $0.10 if you click 1ad.
B.You'll get many green ticks if you have many websites open.
C.You can get your payments through AlertPay.
D.Your AlertPay account is not for free.

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