¼Ò³¤¾­¼Ã¸ºµ££ºparents'economic burden  ÐÅϢʱ´ú information times
½ûÖ¹  ban¡­from¡­¹Ø»ú turn phones off
Dear principal£¬
I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether a mobile phone should be brought to school£®                                                   

·ÖÎö ±¾ÆªÊéÃæ±í´ïÒªÇó¸øУ³¤Ð´Ò»·âÐŻ㱨°à¼¶¾Í"ÖÐѧÉúÊÇ·ñ¿ÉÒÔ´øÊÖ»ú"½øÐеÄÌÖÂÛ½á¹û£®ËùÒÔÎÄÕÂÔÚ¿ªÍ·Ê×ÏÈÒª½²Ã÷дÐŵÄÄ¿µÄ£®Æä´Î£¬ÔÚ½éÉÜѧÉúÃǵĹ۵㿴·¨Ê±ÒªÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£»ÎÄÕÂÒªÇó¿Í¹ÛµØ½éÉÜÌÖÂÛ½á¹û£¬ËùÒÔÎÄÖÐÒª±ÜÃâ³öÏÖ±í´ï¸öÈ˹۵ã̬¶ÈµÄ´Ê£®´ËÍ⣬ÔÚ³ÂÊöÒªµãʱҪ¼ÓÈëÊʵ±µÄÁ¬½Ó´ÊÒÔʹÓï¾äͨ˳£¬ÄÚÈÝÁ¬¹á£¬½á¹¹½ô´Õ£®
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½â´ð Dear principle£¬
    I am writing to tell you about the discussion we haveabout whether a mobile phone should be brought to school£®
    To tell you the truth£¬the students in ourclass have different opinions£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©About 70% of the students think that we shouldn't bring mobile phones to school£®Because with them we may not fix our attentionto the lessons£®If the phone is no t turned off by chance and the ringing will destroy the class£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Furthermore£¬using mobile phones will add to ourparents'economic burdens£®However£¬about 30%of the students think we canbring phones to school on condition that we turned off them in class£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©With amobile phone it is convenient for us to keep in touch with our parents and friends£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Besides£¬the mobile phone is a tool ofinformation times£®It may not be right to ban students from carrying mobilephones£®
                                                                                                                                                                                 Yours sincerely

µãÆÀ Ó¢Óïд×÷ÊÇÒ»ÏîÖ÷¹ÛÐÔ½ÏÇ¿µÄ²âÊÔÌ⣮Ëü²»½ö¿¼²éѧÉúµÄд×÷»ù´¡¶øÇÒ»¹¿¼²éѧÉúÔÚд×÷¹ý³ÌÖÐ×ÛºÏÔËÓÃÓïÑÔµÄÄÜÁ¦£®ÔÚ׫дʱҪעÒâÖ÷νÓïÒ»Ö£¬Ê±Ì¬ºôÓ¦£¬ÓôÊÌùÇеȣ®ÒªÌá¸ßÓ¢Óïд×÷ˮƽ£¬ÐèÒªÁ½·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£ºÒ»ÊÇÓïÑÔ»ù´¡·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£¬ÒªÓÐÔúʵµÄÔì¾ä¡¢·­ÒëµÈ»ù±¾¹¦£¬¼´Óôʷ¨¡¢¾ä·¨µÈ֪ʶÔì³öÕýÈ·ÎÞÎóµÄ¾ä×Ó£»¶þÊÇд×÷֪ʶºÍÄÜÁ¦ ·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·ÒÔÕÆÎÕд×÷·½ÃæµÄ»ù±¾·½·¨ºÍ¼¼ÇÉ£®

12£®You may have read about confidence£®But reading about confidence£¬and actually achieving it£¬are very different issues£®You can read about it your entire life£¬but you will not have it until you make a move to achieve it£®
If you are going to do something about your confidence level£¬you really have to make a posi-tive decision to get started£¬and then get along with it£®£¨36£©EWatching and reading about it will not do you any good at all£®The reality is that you are going to have to make that first critical move£®
Reading theory alone is not enough£®£¨37£©BWhy£¬you might ask£¿Confidence is not theory£®
It is a feeling and a state of mind£®Therefore£¬it is not possible for anyone to build confidence with-out having to do something about it£®
Money and gold will not buy yon confidence£®It is not something that comes ready-made£¬off the shelf in a supermarket£®The responsibility lies with one person and one person only£®£¨38£©AAs soon as you take some sort of action£¬something will happen£ºyou will gain experience£®
Whatever that experience is£¬it becomes an asset£¨ËùÓÐÎthat is yours to use and also to share£®
Someday that experience may help you£®£¨39£©FKeep doing things£¬repeatedly if necessary£¬and
your knowledge and skill base will grow£®As it grows£¬your confidence will increase£®The better you get at whatever it is£¬the more confidence you will have£¬Furthermore£¬that extra knowledge and experience forms a foundation for the next level£®£¨40£©G

A£®And that is you£®
B£®Action is required£®
C£®You will probably make mistakes£®
D£®Self-confidence is something unique£®
E£®If you do nothing£¬then nothing will happen£®
F£®It may even help you to advise somebody else£®
G£®Before you know it£¬you will be building a skyscraper£®
9£®Have you ever noticed a character on a TV show or in a movie drinking your favorite brand of cola or driving your favorite type of sports car£¿This is called"product placement"£¬or PPL for short£¬and it is a form of advertising in which a product is inserted into the scene of a movie or a TV program£®PPL has increased greatly in recent years£¬and has become some companies'favorite method of advertising their products£®If you saw the movie Spiderman£¬you might have noticed ads for Samsung electronics£¬Toyota cars£¬and Dr£®Pepper soda£®
Companies love the convenience of PPL£ºThere are no commercials to make£¬models to hire£¬nor concepts to dream up£®By featuring their product in a popular TV show or movie£¬that product is naturally linked with an attractive character in a comfortable setting£ºTake one of the main characters on Friends£¬for example£®Think about Rachel in a fine Ralph Lauren suit£¬working at a Ralph Lauren store in New York City£®And entertainment producers love the money PPL brings in-----in fact£¬the entire production budget for some movies is sometimes paid for by the film's PPL advertisers£®
However£¬there is more and more opposition to the growing PPL trend£®Critics say obvious PPL in movies or TV shows destroy viewers'ability to escape into the fantasy world on the screen£®Directors and writers hate having to include a product in a scene£¬ruining the writing and aesthetic£¨ÃÀѧµÄ£© quality of the piece£®And consumer groups warn that kids cannot tell PPL£®When£¬for example£¬a child sees his favorite character wiping her lips with a Kleenex after drinking a Coca-Cola£¬it is likely that the child would falsely think that Kleenex and Coca-Cola are the general terms for all similar products£®This suggests that PPL can be a powerfully subconscious tool that encourages kids to develop preferences for certain brands£®
Regardless of how critics feel about it£¬there is little doubt that PPL will continue to play a significant part in entertainment for the foreseeable future£®
28£®PPL is a type of ad thatB£®
A£®helps people get to know the latest trend
B£®places a product in a movie or a TV show
C£®enables small businesses to develop fast
D£®uses characters related to a movie or a TV show
29£®According to Paragraph 2£¬PPL is consideredD£®
A£®a one-stop movementB£®a two-step movement
C£®a win-win movementD£®a long-term movement
30£®Why do consumer groups disapprove of PPL£¿D
A£®It prevents views escaping from the real world£®
B£®It destroys the artistic beauty of the show or the movie£®
C£®It creates negative relationships between products and movies£®
D£®It can cause children to prefer certain brands without knowing why£®
31£®What's the author's attitude towards the growing PPL trend£¿A
    The people who lived in Rome 2£¬000 years ago were already talking about the noise in their
city£®They couldn't sleep£¬they said£¬with all the people and carriages in the streets£®For them noise was only a trouble£¬but for us it has become a real danger£®We know that sounds of an ordinary city are loud enough to cause serious harm to the people's hearing--in the United States£¬one person out of twenty has suffered some hearing loss£®£¨66£©FIt has increased greatly in the 20th century with the development of machines£®We live
surrounded by loud planes£¬trucks£¬buses£¬radios£¬machines--that make such loud noises day and
night up to 90 or 100 decibels£¨·Ö±´£©£®A usual talk reaches 55 decibels£®A jet plane goes to 100
decibels and more£®"Pop"music reaches around 118 decibels£®At 120 decibels the ear stops
hearing sound£¬and the ear suffers a lot£®
    However£¬the human ear does not judge clearly the degree of loudness of a noise£®A sound ten decibels louder than another one is felt as twice as loud£¬when£¬in fact£¬it is ten times louder£®
 £¨67£©EBut it is not only our hearing that is harmed£®It has been known that loud noises£¬over a period of time£¬cause loss of sleep£¬anger£¬and many other problems£®£¨68£©GCan anything be done to make our world more quiet£¿We know how to build quieter machines£¬if the public wants them£®But shop-assistants say that people who buy motorbikes like the loudest ones because they sound more loudly£®£¨69£©AIn America the drivers in some cities are fined fifty dollars for honking£»they may lose their right to drive if they do it again£®People who carry noisy radios in public places may lose them if they are caught with them£®£¨70£©DEven so£¬say the scientists£¬in twenty years the cities will be twice as loud as they are
today because of the increase of the population£®People will have to shout to be heard at the dinner table£®Unless£¬of course£¬they have all become completely deaf!

A£®Some countries are trying to make laws£®
B£®People will become completely deaf in the future£®
C£®When a sound is getting louder and louder£¬our ears are in danger£®
D£®In fact£¬it will take everybody's hard work to keep city noises from increasing£®
E£®Since we cannot measure the increase or decrease of noise£¬we never know in what danger we are£®
F£®And all over the world the situation is getting worse all the time since noise increases with the population£®
G£®Such problems have been found among factory workers£¬and people who operate loud machines£¬or often go to pop music concerts£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
