
15.Green Hills,Clean water,Blue Sky is a(36)Cset up by the government.Since it was created,many people have taken part.They think it is their duty to make the public more(37)Bof the importance of protecting our environment.At the same time,many people(38)Athe government should take measures to protect the environment.
First,some factory owners have(3)9Ba major role in damaging the environment.They have focused on(40)Athe production in order to make more money.Their actions have resulted in serious(41)Ato the environment.They have not dealt with the problem of waste from their factories.They continue to pollute local rivers with harmful chemicals.The government should advise factory owners to(42)Dthe production,so that they produce less waste.The government should also(43)Dfactories pay high taxes for polluting the environment.
Second,some people believe that the government should(44)Ato punish those who damage the environment.The government should let everybody know that it is illegal to kill or sell(45)Aanimals.They should also make sure people know that they are not allowed to pour chemical waste into rivers.
Third,the government should offer money to companies that(46)Bwaste.It could also build some conservation centers to protect plants and animals that are in danger.
Common people still play an important part in protecting the government,(47)Dthe government should work side by side with them to take care of the earth.

42.A.cut offB.cut upC.cut inD.cut back
44.A.pass lawsB.make decisionsC.take measuresD.take steps

分析 本文是一篇社会文化类完型填空,文章主要讲述了政府建立了一个保护环境的项目.人们坚持政府应该采取措施来保护环境.具体措施有三:1、政府应该建议工厂减少有害化学物品的排放;2、政府应该让大家知道杀或买卖稀有动物是非法的,也要确保人们知道倾倒化学废料进入河流是不允许;3、政府应该提供资金让一些公司回收利用垃圾.

36.C名词辨析.句意:Green Hills,Clean water,Blue Sky(青山,清水,晴空)是一项政府建立的项目.故选C.
37.B固定搭配.make…aware of的意思是:使…意识到.空格处语意为:使人们意识到保护环境的重要性.故选B.
39.B固定搭配.play a role in…的意思是:扮演…的角色.故选B.
42.D词组辨析.A.cut off阻隔;B.cut up咬碎;C.cut in插嘴,干预;D.cut back削减,减少.空格处语意为:政府应该建议工厂减少有害化学物品的排放.故选D.
44.A词组辨析.句意:有些人认为政府应该通过法律(pass laws)惩罚那些破坏环境的人.故选A.
45.A固定搭配.rare animals的意思是:稀有动物.空格处语意为:政府应该让大家知道杀或买卖稀有动物是非法的.故选A.

点评 本题主要考查了单词的应用,主要考察介词动词名词等.做本题的关键是在理解短文的基础上,灵活运用所学的基础知识.本题考到的知识点有:固定的短语,词类的转换,名词的复数形式,副词以及祈使句的用法等.因此,这就需要在平时的学习中,牢固掌握各语言点及一些语法知识.并且联系上下文,选出合适的单词.

16.Long,long ago people couldn't write and they had no books.But they had stories.People learned the stories by heart and taught new ones to one another.Sometimes it was hard to remember them all.(36)D
The ancient Egyptians wrote their stories on something made from papyrus (纸沙草) plants.People in other places learned to use papyrus from the Egyptians.(37)A So,parchment (羊皮纸),made from goatskin,later took its place.
In ancient China books looked a little different.People there used ink to write on bamboo or silk.And then they invented paper.Made of trees,paper was easier and cheaper to make than papyrus or parchment.(38)E Papermaking later spread to the West,but there was a big problem with these early books.Every single one had to be copied and written by hand.
(39)G They carved (雕刻) a page of words into a piece of wood or stone.They could then print the page by spreading ink on the wood or stone and putting it against paper.But it wasn't until a German printer invented movable,metal letters that books became fast and easy to make.The letters could be used to print copy after copy,and the letters put together again and again to print different pages of words.
(40)C Once a luxury (奢侈品) only the rich could buy,they soon became a treasure everyone could enjoy.
A.But papyrus grew mainly in Egypt.
B.It took years to finish making just one book.
C.Finally books could be printed by the thousands.
D.Things grew a little easier when writing was invented.
E.Its surface was smoother and better for writing on too.
F.Books in the West didn't change for a long time after that.
G.The Chinese were the first to think of a way to speed things up a little.
3.A.complexity B.images C.elementary D.signals E.willingly
F.independently G.mental H.experiment I.leaps J.monster
A noted American psychologist once remarked that childhood is a magical period in one's life.Indeed it is,for during childhood,one undergoes a step-by-step transformation not only in (41)G capacity,but also in physical and verbal skills.Each step  (42)Dan increase in the difficulty of a child's conceptual and learning abilities.During the early stages of childhood,from infancy to about five,the child learns simple skills including using the toilet,bathing and dressing himself   (43)F.At this stage,he also learns to be very observant,curious,imaginative and creative.His ability to remember things also   (44)I   at this stage.He remembers details that an adult may have difficulty in remembering.Gradually,he learns (45)Cskills in problem-solving.At school,particular in art classes,the child is especially creative.Given a piece of paper and some colored pencils,he draws a variety of  (46)Bfrom his surroundings as well as from his family circle.It is not surprising to see a child draw a  (47)Jto represent an abusive father,and an angel to represent a loving and caring mother.
As he graduates to the later stages of childhood bordering on the teenage years,the child learns the  (48)A of human relations and socialization by interacting with his peers-his friends and schoolmates.He also learns to (49)H  with new life situations,including dates and part-time work.Given a tight schedule of schoolwork,the child learns to prepare his own schedules of work and play; the more practical and less serious ones manage to take time out of their busy schedules of assignments,reports and tests and examinations to go with their friends on relaxation entertainment.
7.The more you give to others,the more you reap yourself.When you share what you know,you will find that you grow according to the number of seeds that you sow.Such is the one secret to be happier in life.
Spread cheer and teach others to do the same.People will gather around you to hear your wisdom,and feel your love.They will come to receive your sharing of what is inside you,all around you,and the messages coming from above.
Life is all about giving back.It is not about heartache or lack.Count your blessings every day.Put them in a stack that grows higher and higher,till it sets your spirit on fire with joy!
Life is good when you stand up for what you believe.When you enrich the world with your truth,then you will receive all that is good and wonderful.All that is grand will come to you,too.All it takes is living from your heart to understand how the cycle of giving and receiving works.Ah yes!You will discover endless perks!
For many people today,especially women who are socialized to give of themselves,and told they are selfish if they want to do something for themselves,the cycle of giving and receiving gets blocked.When a person gives and does not receive,then the energy flow gets cut off.
Every person must receive,as well as give.Nature intended for that balance in creating that particular flow.Now why would that giving and receiving be a natural law?Because all people need to open themselves to receiving.In receiving you tell yourself you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.

24.According to this passage,the author wants to tell usD.
A.Giving is more important than receiving
B.Receiving is more important than giving
C.Women need more receiving than giving
D.Giving and receiving is a natural law,and both are important
25.If you want to be popular with the people all around you,what should you do?C
A.Giving them whatever they want to get.
B.Dancing to the music to amuse them.
C.Spreading cheer and teach others to do the same.
D.Sharing whatever you have with them.
26.For the women who are giving,which sentence is right?C
A.They don't need receive or praise.
B.They are selfish if they want to do something for themselves.
C.They need receiving to encourage their energy to continue giving.
D.They can't understand the secret to be  happier in life.
27.The reason why receiving is important is thatA.
A.you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.
B.life is all about giving back not receiving from others.
C.the more you give to others,the more you reap yourself.
D.we living together is to receive our possessions.
4.A young person is said to have a behavior disorder when his or her behavior is noticeably different from that expected in the school or community.This can also be stated in simpler terms as a child who is not doing what adults want him to do at a particular time.Children with this disorder often seem to be behaving in different and socially unacceptable ways.
    Like learning disabilities,behavior disorders are hard to diagnose.There are no physical symptoms in the body that are observable or measurable.Behavior disorders are therefore identified by observing behavior patterns in the child over a period of time.If a child displays some of the following behaviors,he may be labeled with a behavior disorder:
◆Aggression and cruelty to people and animals.
◆Destruction of property-defacing or damaging things.
◆Little sympathy and concern for others.
◆Takes no responsibility for behavior.Also lies,cheats and steals easily.
◆Disregards rules and regulations.
    In addition to these general symptoms of a behavior disorder,there are other symptoms characteristic of more specific behavior disorders such as ADHD-this is the inattentive,can't-sit-still behavior.The attention can't last long and the behavior is impulsive at times.The child also seems quite distracted and forgetful.
     Behavior disorders come from brain injury,child abuse,and shock,etc.There have also been indications that it could be a genetic disorder.The behavior therefore is an involuntary response to these experiences and the child should not be blamed for his behavior.Since the child has problems controlling his behavior,it stands to reason that his performance in school will be affected.A child with a behavior disorder will feel bad about himself and that low self-esteem will be further worsened by the adults around him who do not treat his condition with understanding and willingness to help.
     Behavior disorders are best dealt with by behavior and psychological treatments.But,as with learning disabilities,accurate diagnosis is important and this must be over a length of time.It is also important in trying to modify the behavior to be clear about what is the behavior you are expecting.Make sure it is a rational expectation.For example,expecting a three-year-old to sit quietly through a long church service may not be reasonable,or demanding that a six-year-old does extra home work after a long day of school and extra curricular activities may be stretching the child's concentration and attention too far.Since some behavior disorders result from shocking and upsetting life experiences or brain injury,treatments should include helping the child to resolve and heal emotionally from the experience.The behavior could be corrected through emotional healing.In other words,when a human being is emotionally healthy,that is,can be aware of his intelligence and enthusiasm for life and his loving connectedness to other human beings,he automatically"behaves"rationally.
                      Title:Behaviour Disorders
Passage outlineSupporting (71)details
Definition of a behaviour disorderA person may be considered to have a behaviour disorder when he  behaves apparently (72)differentlyfrom others.
Symptoms of a behavior disorderBeing (73)aggressiveand showing no mercy to animals and other people
Tending to do damage to things around him
Having little sympathy or concern for others
Failing to (74)answer for what he has done and not being honest
Lacking the awareness of (75)obeying/observing rules and regulations
Having difficulty concentrating on something for long
Factors (76)resulting in behaviour disordersSome outside forces may lead to a behaviour disorder.
A genetic disorde r giving (77)rise/birthto a behaviour disorder has also been found.
Ways to deal with behaviour disordersBehaviour treatment:diagnosing such a disorder (78)accuratelyand modifying the disordered behaviour in a rational way.
Psychological treatment:attaching importance to improving the patient's emotional (79)health,thus,developing a proper self-esteem.
Conclusion   A behaviour disorder isn't nearly (80)easyto diagnose from physical symptoms,but it can be dealt with in behaviour and psychological ways.

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