
7.The more you give to others,the more you reap yourself.When you share what you know,you will find that you grow according to the number of seeds that you sow.Such is the one secret to be happier in life.
Spread cheer and teach others to do the same.People will gather around you to hear your wisdom,and feel your love.They will come to receive your sharing of what is inside you,all around you,and the messages coming from above.
Life is all about giving back.It is not about heartache or lack.Count your blessings every day.Put them in a stack that grows higher and higher,till it sets your spirit on fire with joy!
Life is good when you stand up for what you believe.When you enrich the world with your truth,then you will receive all that is good and wonderful.All that is grand will come to you,too.All it takes is living from your heart to understand how the cycle of giving and receiving works.Ah yes!You will discover endless perks!
For many people today,especially women who are socialized to give of themselves,and told they are selfish if they want to do something for themselves,the cycle of giving and receiving gets blocked.When a person gives and does not receive,then the energy flow gets cut off.
Every person must receive,as well as give.Nature intended for that balance in creating that particular flow.Now why would that giving and receiving be a natural law?Because all people need to open themselves to receiving.In receiving you tell yourself you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.

24.According to this passage,the author wants to tell usD.
A.Giving is more important than receiving
B.Receiving is more important than giving
C.Women need more receiving than giving
D.Giving and receiving is a natural law,and both are important
25.If you want to be popular with the people all around you,what should you do?C
A.Giving them whatever they want to get.
B.Dancing to the music to amuse them.
C.Spreading cheer and teach others to do the same.
D.Sharing whatever you have with them.
26.For the women who are giving,which sentence is right?C
A.They don't need receive or praise.
B.They are selfish if they want to do something for themselves.
C.They need receiving to encourage their energy to continue giving.
D.They can't understand the secret to be  happier in life.
27.The reason why receiving is important is thatA.
A.you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.
B.life is all about giving back not receiving from others.
C.the more you give to others,the more you reap yourself.
D.we living together is to receive our possessions.

分析 "善有善报",人生中奉献和获得是不能分开的,奉献传播快乐是幸福的秘密;同时获得也是必然的自然规律,敞开心扉获得,会使你更加的充满活力,使你的价值得到承认.

解答 24.D 主旨大意题.通读全文可知作者通过论述奉献是快乐之源,而获得是必然的自然结果而得出:奉献和获得都是自然规律,同等重要.故选D.
25.C 细节判断题.根据文章第二段开头一句Spread cheer and teach others to do the same可知要受到周围人的欢迎喜爱,就要传播快乐,教人体会到幸福的秘密.故选C.
26.C 推断判断题.根据文章第五段谈到奉献中的妇女会因为被评价自私而使奉献和获得受阻,以及最后一句"When a person gives and does not receive,then the energy flow gets cut off."可知奉献中的妇女需要获得来激励.故选C.
27.A 细节理解题.根据文章最后一句"In receiving you tell yourself you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer."住在一起有价值且值得生活,可得知答案为A.

点评 本文是一个人生感悟类阅读理解,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

8.A garden that's just right for you
Have you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you,where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum(总和) of its parts?(36)F.But it doesn't happen by accident.It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.
Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants,flowers,patterns and masses of color.Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers(肥料).(38)E.However,there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden.One of them comes from our earliest years.
●Recall(回忆) your childhood memories
Our model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood.Grandma's rose garden and Dad's vegetable garden might be good or bad,but that's not what's important.(39)C-how being in those gardens made us feel.If you'd like to build a powerful bond with your garden,start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth.(40)G.Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden.Have fun.
A.Know why you garden
B.Find a good place for your own garden
C.It's our experience of the garden that matters
D.It's delightful to see so many beautiful flowers
E.Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plants
F.You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden,too
G.For each of those gardens,write down the strongest memory you have.
15.Green Hills,Clean water,Blue Sky is a(36)Cset up by the government.Since it was created,many people have taken part.They think it is their duty to make the public more(37)Bof the importance of protecting our environment.At the same time,many people(38)Athe government should take measures to protect the environment.
First,some factory owners have(3)9Ba major role in damaging the environment.They have focused on(40)Athe production in order to make more money.Their actions have resulted in serious(41)Ato the environment.They have not dealt with the problem of waste from their factories.They continue to pollute local rivers with harmful chemicals.The government should advise factory owners to(42)Dthe production,so that they produce less waste.The government should also(43)Dfactories pay high taxes for polluting the environment.
Second,some people believe that the government should(44)Ato punish those who damage the environment.The government should let everybody know that it is illegal to kill or sell(45)Aanimals.They should also make sure people know that they are not allowed to pour chemical waste into rivers.
Third,the government should offer money to companies that(46)Bwaste.It could also build some conservation centers to protect plants and animals that are in danger.
Common people still play an important part in protecting the government,(47)Dthe government should work side by side with them to take care of the earth.

42.A.cut offB.cut upC.cut inD.cut back
44.A.pass lawsB.make decisionsC.take measuresD.take steps
2.It was Monday.Mrs.Smith's dog was hungry,but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way.Mrs.Smith took a piece of paper,and wrote the following words on it"Give my dog half a pound of meat."Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently,"Take this to the butcher( person whose job is selling meat)and he's going to give you your lunch today."Holding the piece of paper in its mouth,the dog ran to the butcher's.It gave the paper to the butcher.The butcher read it carefully,recognized that it was really the lady's handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to.The dog was very happy,and ate the meat up at once.
At noon,the dog came to the shop again.It gave the butcher a piece of paper again.After reading it,he gave it half a pound of meat once more.The next day,the dog came again exactly at noon.And as usual,it brought a piece of paper in the mouth.This time,the butcher did not take a look at paper,and gave the dog its meat,for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers.But,the dog came again at four o'clock.And the same thing happened once again.To the butcher's more surprise,it came for the third time at six o'clock,and brought with it a third piece of paper.The butcher felt a bit puzzled.He said to himself,"This is a small dog.Why does Mrs.Smith give it so much meat to eat today?"
Looking at the piece of paper,he found that there were not any words on it!

21.The little dog went to the butcher'sC altogether during the two days.
A.three times      B.four times     
C.five times       D.six times
22.The butcher did not give any meat to the dogB.
A.when he found that the words on the paper were not clear.
B.before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs.Smith on Monday.
C.until he was paid enough by Mrs.Smith
D.because he had sold out all the meat in his shop
23.From the story,we can know that the dog was veryD.
A.honest       B.foolish        
C.kind         D.clever
24.At the end of the story,you'll find thatA.
A.the butcher found himself cheated by the dog.
B.the dog was clever enough to write on the paper.
C.the dog dared not go to the butcher's any more.
D.the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog.
12.It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation,it turns into an argument.We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly,my mother will push the conversation into World War III.She'll talk about my lack of a bright future because I don't plan to be a doctor.And much to her disappointment,I don't want to do any job related to science,either.In fact,w hen I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修) in English and communications,she nearly had a heart attack.
"Why can't you be like my co-worker's son?"shebemoansall the time.Her co-worker's son received a four-year scholarship and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer.I don't know what to answer except that I simply can't be like Mr.Perfect as I've called the unnamed co-worker's son.I can't be like him.I'm the type of person who loves to help out in the community,write until the sun goes down,and most of all,wants to achieve a career because I love it,not because of fame (名声) or salary.
I understand why my mother is worried about my future major.I've seen my mother struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours.She leaves the house around 630 am and usually comes home around  5 pm or even 6 pm.However,I want her to know that by becoming a doctor,it doesn't mean I'll be successful.I'd rather follow my dreams and create my own future.
32.Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?B
A.The writer's studies.
B.The writer's future job
C.Dinner plans                 
D.Wars around the world
33.We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the writer's motherA.
A.doesn't want the writer to major in English
B.doesn't think the writer should be a doctor
C.gets along very well with the writer
D.doesn't think working in the science field is a good idea
34.The underlined word"bemoans"in Paragraph 2 most probably meansC.
A.agrees       B.shouts     C.Complains     D.smiles
35.Which of following statements is probable TRUE about the writer?D
A.He wants to be like his mother's co-worker's son.
B.He wants to find a job in his community in the future.
C.He doesn't think his mother's co-worker's son is perfect.
D.He wants to do something he really likes in the future.
16.The jobs of the future have not yet been invented.(31)A.By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.
Your children need to be deeply curious.(32)D.Ask kids,"What ingredients (配料)can we add to make these pancakes even better next time?"and then try them out.Ingredients make the pancakes better?What could we try next time?
True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new (33)G.There are a dozen different things you can do with them.Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.
Personal skills
Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids.We know what's going on inside our own head,but what about others?Being able to read people helps kid from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions.(34)F."Why do you think she's crying?""Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?""If someone were to do that to you,how would you feel?"
Self Expression
(35)Cthere are many ways to express thoughts and ideas-music,acting,drawing,building,photography.You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.

A.So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don't yet exist?
B.And we can't forget science education.
C.Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.
D.Encourage kids to cook with you.
E.Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.
F.We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.
G.We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.

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