

分析 首先要注意审题,把题目的意思看清楚.这个题目的意思是说写一封E-mail向超市经理投诉,告诉他事情的经过,并提出你希望的解决方案.在第一段里,大家要开门见山,清楚明确地说明问题,然后告诉他事情的经过.最后一段提出解决方案.
So I took it back to the shop and told the assistant what had happened.(高分句型)
I know that your shop enjoys a high reputation of good service,so I bought the TV set in your shop.(高分句型)
But today,I am sorry to find that such service should have happened in your shop and your assistant didn't seriously think of the interests of customers.(高分句型)
I hope you will look into the matter and give me a reasonable explanation.(高分句型)

解答 Dear Manager,
    Now I am writing to tell you that I bought a TV set from your shop several days ago.But when I brought it home and turned it on,I found it didn't work properly.So I took it back to the shop and told the assistant what had happened.(高分句型)To my surprise,your assistant didn't help me to solve the problem.On the contrary,he shouted at me rudely and refused to examine it.
    I know that your shop enjoys a high reputation of good service,so I bought the TV set in your shop.(高分句型)But today,I am sorry to find that such service should have happened in your shop and your assistant didn't seriously think of the interests of customers.(高分句型)
    I hope you will look into the matter and give me a reasonable explanation.(高分句型) I am waiting to know how you will deal with it.Thank you for your consideration and I am expecting an early reply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Li Hua

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧

11.Most of us like to think we are fairly happy people,but deep down we might not necessarily believe it or feel happy.(36)F
They look on the bright side.
When things get tough,the truly happy are often unshaken.(37)E If you truly want to be happy,you need to make a point of having faith that things will turn out alright.Maintain your perspective(观点) and know that,no matter what happens,you can bounce back(迅速恢复活力).
They value relationships.
Instead of focusing on money and pursuing(追求)career advancement by working long hours,the happiest people focus more of their time on personal relationships.At the end of your life,you won't remember a lot of the time you spent at work.(38)G Putting people before money is a powerful tool in achieving happiness.
They avoid drama(戏剧性事件).
(39)D While other people get caught up in other people's relationships or stress out about who said what to whom,happy people choose to focus on the things they have more control over.Paying attention to your own life and letting other people live theirs is a simple way to make best use of happiness.
They follow their passion.
Finally,happy people follow their passions.If they wake up and realize that they are unhappy with their job,they aren't afraid to leave it to pursue something they really care about.(40)B It might lead to a huge failure.But happy people aren't afraid to stick their neck out and chase what everyone else is afraid to.

A.Focusing on money is to end up unhappy.
B.It might involve taking a risk.
C.They maintain careers they enjoy as individuals.
D.Happy people also tend to mind their own business.
E.Considering failures may be natural for most people.
F.So what are the secrets of all those happy people?
G.You will value family meals and time shared with friends.
8.A garden that's just right for you
Have you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you,where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum(总和) of its parts?(36)F.But it doesn't happen by accident.It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.
Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants,flowers,patterns and masses of color.Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers(肥料).(38)E.However,there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden.One of them comes from our earliest years.
●Recall(回忆) your childhood memories
Our model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood.Grandma's rose garden and Dad's vegetable garden might be good or bad,but that's not what's important.(39)C-how being in those gardens made us feel.If you'd like to build a powerful bond with your garden,start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth.(40)G.Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden.Have fun.
A.Know why you garden
B.Find a good place for your own garden
C.It's our experience of the garden that matters
D.It's delightful to see so many beautiful flowers
E.Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plants
F.You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden,too
G.For each of those gardens,write down the strongest memory you have.
15.Green Hills,Clean water,Blue Sky is a(36)Cset up by the government.Since it was created,many people have taken part.They think it is their duty to make the public more(37)Bof the importance of protecting our environment.At the same time,many people(38)Athe government should take measures to protect the environment.
First,some factory owners have(3)9Ba major role in damaging the environment.They have focused on(40)Athe production in order to make more money.Their actions have resulted in serious(41)Ato the environment.They have not dealt with the problem of waste from their factories.They continue to pollute local rivers with harmful chemicals.The government should advise factory owners to(42)Dthe production,so that they produce less waste.The government should also(43)Dfactories pay high taxes for polluting the environment.
Second,some people believe that the government should(44)Ato punish those who damage the environment.The government should let everybody know that it is illegal to kill or sell(45)Aanimals.They should also make sure people know that they are not allowed to pour chemical waste into rivers.
Third,the government should offer money to companies that(46)Bwaste.It could also build some conservation centers to protect plants and animals that are in danger.
Common people still play an important part in protecting the government,(47)Dthe government should work side by side with them to take care of the earth.

42.A.cut offB.cut upC.cut inD.cut back
44.A.pass lawsB.make decisionsC.take measuresD.take steps
2.It was Monday.Mrs.Smith's dog was hungry,but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way.Mrs.Smith took a piece of paper,and wrote the following words on it"Give my dog half a pound of meat."Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently,"Take this to the butcher( person whose job is selling meat)and he's going to give you your lunch today."Holding the piece of paper in its mouth,the dog ran to the butcher's.It gave the paper to the butcher.The butcher read it carefully,recognized that it was really the lady's handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to.The dog was very happy,and ate the meat up at once.
At noon,the dog came to the shop again.It gave the butcher a piece of paper again.After reading it,he gave it half a pound of meat once more.The next day,the dog came again exactly at noon.And as usual,it brought a piece of paper in the mouth.This time,the butcher did not take a look at paper,and gave the dog its meat,for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers.But,the dog came again at four o'clock.And the same thing happened once again.To the butcher's more surprise,it came for the third time at six o'clock,and brought with it a third piece of paper.The butcher felt a bit puzzled.He said to himself,"This is a small dog.Why does Mrs.Smith give it so much meat to eat today?"
Looking at the piece of paper,he found that there were not any words on it!

21.The little dog went to the butcher'sC altogether during the two days.
A.three times      B.four times     
C.five times       D.six times
22.The butcher did not give any meat to the dogB.
A.when he found that the words on the paper were not clear.
B.before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs.Smith on Monday.
C.until he was paid enough by Mrs.Smith
D.because he had sold out all the meat in his shop
23.From the story,we can know that the dog was veryD.
A.honest       B.foolish        
C.kind         D.clever
24.At the end of the story,you'll find thatA.
A.the butcher found himself cheated by the dog.
B.the dog was clever enough to write on the paper.
C.the dog dared not go to the butcher's any more.
D.the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog.

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