
James Dean was not very tall—he was less than av?erage height. He had thick, light brown hair and blue eyes. He was so short-sighted that he could hardly see anything without his glasses.

He came to Hollywood when he was eighteen, ho?ping to get into the movies. At first, he was not suc?cessful at all, and for a time he was so short of money that he had to live entirely on dry oatmeal(燕麦片). Then he went to New York. He got a part in a play and was seen by the great director Elia Kazan. Kazan was planning the movie East of Eden and realized Dean would be perfect for one of the main roles.

By this time, Dean already had a reputation for be?ing strange and difficult to work with. He then went back to Hollywood to make East of Eden and then made two more movies, Rebel Without a Cause and Giant. He almost always wore the same overcoat and jeans and he had hardly any friends at all. "If he didn't like you, he wouldn't even give you the pleasure of his anger. You could be in the same telephone booth with him, but you wouldn't exist,"someone who knew him said later.

In spite of his poor eyesight, he loved driving fast motorcycles and even faster sports cars. A few days af?ter he finished Giant , Dean went for a drive in his new Porsche. It was evening and the light was poor. Dean was not wearing his glasses. Suddenly, he saw a car in front of him. Il was slowing down and trying to turn off the highway. Dean tried to slow down too, but it was too late. He hit the car at high speed and was killed im?mediately.

Two German girls killed themselves when they heard the news because "life would be unbearable with?out him. " A few years later, a New York salesclerk wrote a book called Jimmy Dean Returns in which she claimed that she was in contact with Dean from the other side of the grave. Half a million copies of the book were sold. It was only the beginning of a strange legend that goes on, even today.

1.    According to the passage, James Dean  .

A.    had poor eyesight but wore no glasses

B.    went to Hollywood to direct a play

C.    often got his clothes changed

D.    was once a poor man in Hollywood

2.    Which is the most important to Dean's success in his career?

A, He directed a successful movie.

B.    He played a role in Elia Kazan's movie.

C.    He wrote a play for a famous director.

D.    His strange temper made him very famous.

3.    Which of the following is probably TRUE about Dean?

A.    He acted in two plays in Hollywood.

B.    He was too shy to express himself.

C.    He committed suicide on a highway.

D.    He was a crazy fan in fast driving.

4.    What does the passage intend to tell us?

A.    The death of James Dean.

B.    James Dean's movies.

C.    The beginning of a legend.

D.    The life of an actor.

【文章大意】本文是一篇人物传记,主要讲述了好莱坞著名演员詹姆斯•迪恩(James Dean)的人生故事。

D细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句"At first, he was not successful at all, and for a time he was so short of money that he had to live entirely on dry oatmeal(燕麦片)."可知,James Dean在好莱坞时曾经很贫穷,故选D项。

B推理判断题。根据文章第二段倒数第二句"He got a part in a play and was seen by the great director Elia Kazan.并结合对全文的整体理解可推知,Dean事业的转折点在于被其人生的伯乐,即导演Elia Kazan所发现,并在其导演的电影中演了一个主角,故选B项。

D推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句"In spite of his poor eyesight he loved driving fast motorcycles and even faster sports cars.",并结合下文Dean因高速驾驶而身亡的故事可推知,Dean非常喜欢快速驾驶,故选D项。

D主旨大意题。根据文章的整体理解可推知,本文是一篇人物传记,主要讲述了好莱坞著名演员James Dean的人生故事, 故选D项。


H.完形填空[2015 •陕西五校高三一模]

My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Carolina to spend a week with my husband in Florida. We were 9 about the trip because we hadn't seen him for five months, and 10  her dad terribly.

As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally 11 . Because we did not get our boarding passes until we 12 at the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together and were 13 by the aisle(过道).I asked two passengers in my row if they would switch places with Kallie and me, 14 we could be together. They 15 , saying they thought they should stay in their assigned seats.

Meanwhile, a mother and her three children were in a 16 several rows ahead of us. There had been a mistake in their boarding passes, and 17 the whole family had been split up. The passengers in her row 18 refused to move elsewhere. She was very 19 about the younger boy sit?ting with strangers. She was in tears, yet nobody 20 to help her.

There were a troop of Boy Scouts(童子军)on 21 Suddenly the Scout leader stood up and said, "Madam, I think we can help you." He then 22 five minutes rear?ranging his group so that adequate space was 23 for the family. The boys followed his directions cheerfully and with?out     24    , and the mother's relief was obvious.

  Kallie, however, was beginning to panic at the 25 of not being next to me. I told her that there wasn't anything I could do.26 , the man sitting next to the Scoutmaster, 27 to me and asked, "Would you and your daughter like our seats?" 28 to himself and the Scoutmaster. We traded seats and continued our trip, very much relieved to be together and watch the scenery from Kallie's window seat.

9.A. worried                                 B. excited
C.  anxious                               D. eager

10.A. loved                               B. considered
C.  imagined                             D. missed

11.A. full                                    B. crowded

C.   empty                          D. overweight

12. A. reached                               B. arrived
C.   landed                           D. knocked

13.A. divided                              B. blocked
C.  separated                        D. connected

14.A. in case                               B.  even if
C.  as if                                D.  so that

15. A. prevented                           B. refused
C.  agreed                            D. promised

16.A. panic                                    B. hurry
C.  rush                                   D. seat

17.A. however                           B. otherwise
C.   therefore                        D. instead

18.A.too                                  B. even
C.  ever                                 D. also

19. A. concerned                          B. curious
C.  particular                          D. content

20. A. suggested                            B. offered
C.  provided                          D. supplied

21.A. duty                                 B. watch
C.  board                                 D. spot

22.A. took                                 B. cost
C.  paid                                D. spent

23. A. convenient                        B. available

C.  probable                       D. comfortable

24. A. permission                          B. excuse

C.  apology                         D. complaint

25. A. thought                             B. end
C.  feeling                              D. sense

26. A. Immediately                      B. Puzzlingly
C. Clearly                             D. Amazingly

27. A. turned up                         B.  turned around
C.  turned out                   D.  turned away

28. A. sticking                              B. keeping
C.  waving                            D. referring

The multi-million pound new Library of Birming-ham( LoB) will be the most visible sign of the way the city is accepting the digitalization(数字化)of everyday life.

Set to open in 2013 , the LoB is already beginning to take shape next to the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with which it will share some equipment.

As digital media(媒介)is important to its idea, the project is already providing chances for some of the many small new local companies working at the new technologies.

Brian Gambles, the LoB's project director, says it is about giving people the right tools for learning, "The aim is to mix the physical with the digital? providing 24-hour services which can be used through many different ways. It is important to enable us to reach more people, more effectively.,,

The digital library will, he says, be as important as the physical one, allowing the distant use of the serv?ices, making sure that it is never closed to the public.

Even before the LoB is complete, the public has been able to go online to visit the Virtual(虚拟的)LoB, designed by Baden. Not only have the public been able to learn about LoB, but the virtual one has also enabled those working on the LoB to understand the building and how it will work before it even opens.

Two other small Birmingham-based digital compa?nies are working on the LoB projects. Substrat, a digital design company, is developing what it calls "enlarge re?ality" project. It is about the use of an exciting smart phone, an important part of the LoB which is in the early stages of development. And The People's Archive is an online library of historical figures of the city being built by a digital content company in Cahoots, in which users will be encouraged to add to and comment on the material.

Gambles says, "Technology will enable us to make the library's content and services open to citizens as never before.,,

1. The underline part "its idea" in Paragraph 3 refers to

the idea of      .

A. the equipment

B. the project

C. the digital media

D. the physical library

2. While visiting the Virtual LoB, the public can .

A. get a general idea of the LoB

B. meet many world-famous experts

C learn how to put up a library building

D. understand how the specialists work on the project

3. Which of the following is TRUE of the LoB when it opens?

a. It offers better learning tools,

b. It reaches users in different ways.

c. It provides users with smart phones.

d. It allows users to enrich its material.

e. It gives non-stop physical and digital services.

A. a, b, d B. a, c, e

C. b, c, d D. b, d, e

4. This text is most probably taken from .

A. a popular science book

B. a library guide

C. a handbook

D. a newspaper report

University of Maryland student Ben Simon and his friends couldn't stand seeing good food thrown out on their campus. "We basically noticed that some of the extra food from the dining hall was going to waste at the end of the day. And we met with the dining services and asked them whether it would be okay if instead of throwing out the food we would donate it. And they were on board," he said.

So 18 months ago, the students began what they call the Food Recovery Network. Each night, volun?teers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area shelters and food banks. So far, they have donated more than 23, 000 kilos of food that would otherwise have been thrown out.

Nationwide, $ 165 billion worth of food is wasted each year, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. Spokesman Bob Keefer says that is about 40% of the country's entire food production. **If we can re?duce our waste in this country by 15 %? we can feed 25 million hungry Americans. That is a huge benefit. That is what programmes like this Food Recovery Network are doing," he said.

Christian Life Centre is one of the beneficiaries (受益者)of the students' efforts. Ben Slye, the senior pas?tor (牧师),said? "It has been just amazing to see these students take their own time, their own vehicles and own gas money and be able to make an effort like this. Each week we are able with this food probably to feed over one hundred people.,,

University of Maryland's Food Recovery Network now has 200 volunteers and the programme has expand?ed to 18 schools across the country. "I want to grow 18 chapters to a thousand chapters within five years. And once we get to the Food Recovery Network being at ev?ery college campus inAmerica, we want to expand to restaurants and farms," said Simon.

The volunteers are committed to making that happen.

1.    The dining services in University  of Maryland

A.    threw out good food on campus

B.    enjoyed the talk with the students

C.    supported the volunteers' job

D.    donated their leftovers to the poor

2.    Volunteers  from  the  Food  Recovery Network

A.    started the Food Recovery Network two years ago

B.    delivered leftovers as well as money to shelters

C.    donated leftovers to avoid food waste

D.    helped to solve the hunger issues inAmerica

3.    Ben Slye's attitude towards the volunteers' efforts was that of .

A. unconcern  B. appreciation

C,  doubt      D. opposition

4.    What can be the best title for the text?

A.    Battles against the problem of hunger

B.    College students rescue leftover food

C.    How to pick up leftovers on college campus

D.    Waste problems in University  of Maryland

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