
10.Terrible disasters in the last 50or 100years have become increasingly common.Over the last 30years,the number of weather-related disasters has increased quickly,and the disasters have also affected more people and caused more economic loss.However,much of this could be avoided through disaster risk reduction(DRR降低灾难风险).
A meeting,held in Sendai,Japan last month,opened one day after Cyclone Pam(飓风Pam)hit Vanuatu,which struck the islands with winds of up to 340km/h and destroyed the island nation.The speech by the President of Vanuatu was given shortly after that.He begged the international community for support and stronger commitment (承诺)to helping them manage climate and disaster risks.In the face of disasters,it is always the developing countries that suffer most.Damage in these countries is often worse and unluckily,there is limited money and technique to prevent these disasters.
In fact,we have seen Asian countries-especially those that have suffered a lot in disasters can't pay the price.Great loss Asia has suffered comes to a total of almost  53billon yearly over the past 20years.
At the same time,studies have shown once again that proper prevention saves lives and damage.With this in mind,people at the Sendai meeting were able to come up with new agreements that effective ways of disaster risk reduction will be carried out in the coming years for those who easily get damaged in disasters.

29.According to the first paragraph,disastersB.
A.can all be prevented             B.have become more frequent
C.are all weather-related ones     D.affect fewer people than before
30.We can know from the passage thatA.
A.The Sendai meeting was held one day after a cyclone hit Vanuatu
B.Vanuatu was terribly destroyed by an earthquake
C.The president of Vanuatu begged his country to prevent the disaster
D.Vanuatu is a small island in Japan
31.Which of the following can be the title of this news report?D
A.Proper ways that save lives and damage have come up.
B.The Sendai meeting has made new commitments.
C.Natural disasters have become more common.
D.Some natural disasters can be reduced and avoided.

分析 现在自然灾害迅速增长危害着人们的生活和经济发展,但这些可以通过人们的关注和制定有效措施避免和减少.

解答 29.B.推理判断题.根据Terrible disasters in the last 50 or 100 years have become increasingly common.及第一段内容可知严重自然灾害越来越普遍,和天气有关的自然灾害迅速增长,严重影响了人们的生活并带来了巨大的经济损失.所以说自然灾害越来越频繁,选B.
30.A.推理判断题.根据第二段A meeting,held in Sendai,Japan last month,opened one day after CyclonePam(飓风Pam)hit Vanuatu可知A项正确B项错误;根据本段He begged the international community for support and stronger commitment (承诺)to helping them manage climate and disaster risks.可知C项错误;文中没提到Vanuatu的大小,D项错误.故选A.
31.D.细节理解题.根据文章much of this could be avoided through disaster risk reduction及最后一句With this in mind,people at the Sendai meeting were able to come up with new agreements that effective ways of disaster risk reduction will be carried out in the coming years for those who easily get damaged in disasters.可知这些灾害可以通过人们的关注和制定有效措施避免和减少,故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

5.Check out our tsunami(海啸) facts and learn some interesting information related to these great walls of water that can cause so much destruction.Find out what causes tsunamis and read about some notable recent examples of tsunamis that have occurred around the globe.
Tsunamis are huge waves of water that are usually caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
 As a tsunami approaches the shore,water may move back from the coast.If it is shallow enough,the water may be pulled back hundreds of meters.If you are in the area,observing this is a good indication that a tsunami is on the way.
Regions in tsunami danger zones often have warning systems in place to give people as much time to evacuate(撤离)as possible.
When tsunamis hit shallow water (often near the coast),they slow down but increase in height.
An earthquake in the Indian Ocean off Indonesia in December 2004 caused a tsunami that killed over 200,000 people in 14 countries.
In March 2011,the Tohoku earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan caused a tsunami that was a major factor in the death of over 15,000 people.
The tsunami waves created by the Tohoku earthquake reached heights of over 40 meters(131feet)in some areas,wiping out coastal towns and causing a number of nuclear accidents.
The Japanese word"tsunami"literally means"harbour wave".
Tsunamis are sometimes referred to as tidal(潮水的)waves but this term has fallen out of favour because tsunamis are not related to tides.
25.How many reasons are mentioned in the passage that may cause tsunamis?B
26.which of the following shows a tsunami is coming soon?B
A.An earthquake takes place.
B.The water marches towards the coast.
C.The water near the shore is pulled back.
D.The water near the shore is very shallow.
27.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.The word"tsunami"is from British English.
B.The term"tidal wave"is used more often than"tsunami".
C.Sone nuclear accident happened after Indonesia tsunami.
D.More people died in Indonesia tsunami than in Tohoku tsunami.
28.The passage is developed mainly byA.
A.listing the facts             
B.giving some examples
C.providing some numb ers     
D.making some conclusions.

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