

I am a 19-year-old girl named Gina. When I was 17, I gave blood for the first time. It was a little scary because I don’t like needles and I am afraid of looking at my own blood.

The blood drive was in the high school gym. I determined to help because I had read the poster about how much one pint(品脱:计量单位) of blood could do for someone else.

After signing a form, I lay in the chair. When I waited for the nurse to get to me, one girl I didn’t know well noticed my nervousness and sat next to me, telling me what a good thing we were doing for someone else. It took a long time to get a pint. But somehow, I suddenly felt like an adult when my first blood donation was finished. I had overcome my fear in order to do something selfless that would benefit others.

Now ,I still donate blood. The Red Cross calls and invites me to blood drives, and I always try to go. It’s not scary any more. It’s something you do for others, without getting anything in return.





3.你自己对于献血持什么样的态度, 为什么;



1. 字数120-150



In the passage, Gina, a 19-year-old girl, shared us her first experience of donating blood, in which she realized that what she did would benefit others and made her an adult.

People’s opinions on donating blood vary from person to person. Some people believe it’s good to both patients and donators. However , others are willing to give blood because they think it may be harmful to their health.

As to me, I am in favor of the first idea. Those people who need blood must be seriously ill or badly injured, so you can save life if you donate blood in time. Besides, donating blood will not do harm to our health. According to doctors, we even can benefit from it physically.

When growing up, teenagers should begin to do something for the society and other people. Donating blood is a good way to help us understand our social responsibility and the meaning of giving.



【亮点说明】本文首先介绍了Gina的情况,然后提出人们的不同看法,用as to me作为纽带,联系到自己的看法,最后提出倡议。文中使用了一些连接词,如 besides,however等。还用过了状语从句if you donate blood in time.定语从句who need blood等等,较好地完成了写作任务。


【题目】【改编】One period of our lives when better results are demanded of us is, strangely enough, childhood. Despite being young we are expected to achieve good grades, stay out of trouble, make friends at school, do well on tests, perform chores at home and so on. Its not easy.

The good news is that being likeable can help a child perform better. Likeable children enjoy many advantages, including the ability to cope more easily with stresses of growing up.

In her book Understanding Child Stress, Dr. Carolyn Leonard states that children who are likeable and optimistic are able to gain support from others. This leads to focus and resilience, the ability to recover from or adjust early to life stress; a child who has adequate emotional armor can continue down the path to success. Much research shows that resilience has enabled children to succeed in school, avoid drug abuse, and develop a healthy self-awareness.

Why does a likeable child more easily handle stress and do better in his or her life? Because likeability helps create whats known as a positive feedback loop(回圈). The positive feelings you want to see in other people are returned to you, creating constant encouragement and motivation to deal with the daily stress of life.

This feedback loop continues into adulthood. To return once again to the example of teaching, learning becomes easier with a likeable personality. Michael Delucchi of the University of Hawaii reviewed dozens of studies to determine if likeable teachers received good ratings because of their likeability or because they in fact taught well. Delucchi found that Students who perceive(察 a teacher as likeable, in contrast to those who do not, may be more attentive to the information that the teacher delivers and theyll work harder on assignments, and they will learn more.

You may have noticed this pattern in your own life when you try to give some advice. The more positive your relationship with that person, the more he or she seems to listen, and the more you feel certain that that person has heard you and intends to act on your words.

【1】What can we know from the first paragraph?

A. Life is not easy for everyone.

B. Children often expected more.

C. Being a happy child is not easy.

D. People often demand more of children.

【2】What is the meaning of the underlined word armor?

A. The ability to control oneself.

B. The ability to deal with pressure.

C. The ability to change the situation.

D. The ability to tell right from wrong.

【3】From the third paragraph we can know likeable children _______.

A. are more optimistic and confident

B. are easy to turn to others for help

C. can easily get support from other people

D. often choose not to rely on others

【4】What did Michael Delucchi find in the studies?

A. Likeable teachers may have a good effect on students.

B. Likeable teachers teach much better.

C. Teachers like likeable students better.

D. Likeable teachers have more flexible teaching methods.

【5】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Children are more likeable than adults.

B. People with likeability often perform better in life.

C. Likeable people have a happy childhood.[.

D. People should be more likeable.

【题目】How can you help kids cope with stress? Proper rest and good nutrition can improve coping skills, so can good parenting. Make time for your kids each day. Whether they need to talk with you or just be in the same room with you, make yourself available.

Even as kids get older, quality time is important. It’s really hard for some people to come home after a tiring day of work, get down on the floor, and play with their kids or just talk to them about their day -- especially if they’ve had a stressful day themselves. But expressing interest in your kids shows that they’ re important to you.

Help your child deal with stress by talking about what may be causing it. Together, you can come up with a few solutions. For example, he should cut back on after-school activities, spending more time talking with his parents or teachers, developing an exercise plan or keeping a journal.

You can also help by predicting potentially stressful situations and preparing kids for them. For example, let a child know ahead of time, but not too far ahead of time, that a doctor’s appointment is coming up and talk about what will happen there. Keep in mind, though, that younger kids probably won’t need too much advance preparation. Too much information can cause more stress.

Remember that some level of stress is normal. Let kids know that it’s OK to feel angry, scared, lonely, or anxious and that other people share those feelings, too.

When kids can’t or won’t discuss these problems, try talking about your own concerns. This shows that you’re willing to handle tough topics and are available to talk with when they’re ready. If a child shows symptoms that concern you and is unwilling to talk, consult a counselor or other mental health experts.

Most parents have the skills to cope with their children’s stress. The time to seek professional attention is when any change in behavior continues to exist, when stress is causing serious anxiety, or when the behavior is causing significant problems in functioning at school or at home.

【1】What is the purpose of the text?

A. To share the author’s ideas on proper parenting.

B. To persuade parents to spend more time with their kids.

C. To advise parents how to help their kids deal with stress.

D. To seek different ways to help solve kids’ problems.

【2】 Why do some parents feel it difficult to spare quality time for their kids?

A. Their kids are growing so fast.

B. They have too much housework.

C. Their kids are losing interest in them.

D. They are tired out after work.

【3】What can we learn from the text?

A. Normal people share the same feelings.

B. It is normal for kids to have some stress.

C. Kids should get rid of the negative feelings.

D. Everybody feels angry, scared, lonely or anxious.

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