

Thirty years ago, communication wasn’t so convenient. And my grandparents wrote letters to their friends and1(亲戚). They wrote to each2because Grandpa worked in the city and Grandma lived in the country. It3(花费)about one week to deliver a letter. When Grandma asked questions in her letter, she had to wait more than two weeks to get the answers! If they had anything4and to deliver immediately, they had to send telegrams.

The telephone became popular in the early 1990s. But not until 1998 did my dad’s family5a telephone. Although it was much6than writing letters, it was still inconvenient. Once Dad arrived home late because he helped a granny7his way. My grandparents were very worried because they couldn’t get in8with him. Then my dad bought his first mobile phone in 2002.

My favorite communication tool is the mobile phone. I have used it since my sixteenth birthday. My parents and friends can find me9I am. It’s very convenient, but at the same time it is easy to get bothered, especially when I want to stay alone. Sometimes I have headaches after10(谈话)on the mobile phone for a long time.













1relatives 考查名词。根据上文的friends以及所提供的中文可知,此次填relatives。句意为:我的祖父母写信给他们的朋友和亲戚。

2other 考查代词。根据上文的each可知此次填other,构成短语each other,表示彼此。句意为:他们彼此间写信联系,因为爷爷在城里工作而奶奶住在乡村。

3took/cost 考查动词。根据所给中文以及前面的It可知,此处可以用take或者cost,表示花费,同时根据上下文的时态,推断此处用一般过去时,故填took/cost

4urgent 考查形容词。根据下文的deliver immediately可知此处表示紧急情况,再根据提供的首字母可知填urgent,表示紧急的、紧迫的。

5have 考查动词。根据句意可知,在20世纪90年代初期,电话变得普及,而直到1998年,父亲家才有了一个电话机。故填have,注意前文出现倒装,故此处填原形即可。

6faster 考查形容词比较级。根据下文的writing letters以及常识可知,电话比写信要快。再根据提供的首字母可判断填fast,注意下文的than,此处填其比较级,填faster

7on 考查介词。本句考查固定短语,on one’s way,意为在路上。句意为:有一次,我的父亲回家晚了,因为他在路上帮助了一位老奶奶。

8touch 考查动词。本句考查固定短语 get in touch with,意为:和取得联系。故填touch。句意为:我的祖父母非常担心,因为他们无法和他取得联系。

9where 考查状语从句的连接词。根据下文可知手机很方便,但是当我想一个独处时,也很容易被打扰。故此处填where,表示我的父母和朋友可以找到我在哪。

10talking 考查动词。根据所提供中文可知此处填talk,需要注意的是,此时动词出现在介词after之后,故填talking



I am a 19-year-old girl named Gina. When I was 17, I gave blood for the first time. It was a little scary because I don’t like needles and I am afraid of looking at my own blood.

The blood drive was in the high school gym. I determined to help because I had read the poster about how much one pint(品脱:计量单位) of blood could do for someone else.

After signing a form, I lay in the chair. When I waited for the nurse to get to me, one girl I didn’t know well noticed my nervousness and sat next to me, telling me what a good thing we were doing for someone else. It took a long time to get a pint. But somehow, I suddenly felt like an adult when my first blood donation was finished. I had overcome my fear in order to do something selfless that would benefit others.

Now ,I still donate blood. The Red Cross calls and invites me to blood drives, and I always try to go. It’s not scary any more. It’s something you do for others, without getting anything in return.





3.你自己对于献血持什么样的态度, 为什么;



1. 字数120-150


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