
【题目】Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or __________ it is convenient to you.

A. whenever

B. however

C. whichever

D. wherever


【解析】句意:请在今天下午或在你方便的时候打电话给我的秘书安排一个会议。本题考查状语从句。根据题中的this afternoon以及or可知设空处应该和时间有关,故答案为A项。



I am a 19-year-old girl named Gina. When I was 17, I gave blood for the first time. It was a little scary because I don’t like needles and I am afraid of looking at my own blood.

The blood drive was in the high school gym. I determined to help because I had read the poster about how much one pint(品脱:计量单位) of blood could do for someone else.

After signing a form, I lay in the chair. When I waited for the nurse to get to me, one girl I didn’t know well noticed my nervousness and sat next to me, telling me what a good thing we were doing for someone else. It took a long time to get a pint. But somehow, I suddenly felt like an adult when my first blood donation was finished. I had overcome my fear in order to do something selfless that would benefit others.

Now ,I still donate blood. The Red Cross calls and invites me to blood drives, and I always try to go. It’s not scary any more. It’s something you do for others, without getting anything in return.





3.你自己对于献血持什么样的态度, 为什么;



1. 字数120-150


【题目】【改编】What is funny? The short answer is: Who knows? The joke that causes a burst of laughter from one listener might be met with a puzzled look from another.

In general, you should avoid jokes at any business or social gathering where there are more than two people in your conversational group. If there are only two people and they consist of you and your best friend go ahead and tell it.

Admittedly, a few people possess a perfect sense of timing, appropriateness, and joke delivery. You are probably not one of them. You might be quite funny and have many great jokes. But there’s a place for jokes over dinner with family, hiking with friends, but business or social affairs with colleagues and acquaintances (熟人) are not it. It takes a whole other level of joke-telling ability to put a joke into the more formal conversations.

The best jokes come into the conversation so that by the time listeners realize a joke is in progress, the punchline that produces humour is being delivered to their surprise and delight.

Jokes don’t translate well when you’re in a group with mixed backgrounds: those whose first language is not English, those who might not understand a special term or an “in” expression, young people who wouldn’t catch a reference to some bit of culture familiar to older people and vice versa (反之亦然).

Never joke about another person in the group about their name, habits, hometown, profession, appearance, or past. It’s not a question of whether the joke is cheery or appropriate. No one enjoys being singled out this way. When you are the subject of the joke, the laughter doesn’t feel good no matter how hard you try to tell yourself they’re not laughing at you. Because that’s what it feels like.

What do you say if you realize your joke upset someone? Apologize as briefly and as sincerely as you can, and hope that someone changes the subject. Try saying: “I’m sorry. I should have known better” or “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

What do you do if people don’t get your joke or don’t appear to find it as funny as you do? First, do not retell it, only louder this time, hoping the point of the joke will be seen. Second, don’t try to push people to get it. People do not like people whose jokes they don’t understand. They feel stupid and need to blame someone. If you want to leave with the goodwill of your listeners, say something to make them feel less foolish. You could say: “I don’t know why I tell jokes when I’m so poor at it.”

The world needs laughter, and good humour is a success wherever it goes, so this caveat (告诫) about joke-telling is not meant to dampen high spirits or to advocate dull conversation. If you’re a gifted story-teller and you know people love your jokes, go for it. We need your kind. The rest of us will save our jokes for family and close friends.

【1】From the first paragraph we can know______.

A. Not all jokes are funny.

B. Not all people like jokes.

C. No one knows what jokes are.

D. People may have different reactions to the same joke.

【2】Which occasion is appropriate for you to tell jokes?

A. At a business meeting.

B. At a social gathering.

C. Over dinner with your boss and colleagues.

D. At home with family..

【3】Which of the following statement is true?

A. Jokes are welcome in whatever situation.

B. People should repeat the joke when it isnt understood well.

C. Not all jokes work well as expected.

D. Jokes have no borders.

【4】When you are the subject of a joke, you may feel _____.

A. uncomfortable B. worried

C. happy D. satisfied

【5】In the passage, the writer suggests that _____.

A. jokes are useful in any situation.

B. joke-telling is a very complex thing.

C. joke-telling can help people get along well.

D. jokes are forbidden in some areas.

【题目】Many Americans concerned about pollution are demanding cleaner supplies of energy. The demand has resulted in increased research about ethanol fuel. Ethanol is an alcohol that can be mixed with gas. It burns up most of the pollutants in gas. It replaces some of the chemicals that are known to cause cancer, and it can be produced in the United States.

Some experts say that in the future ethanol will replace some of the oil imported into America. Today ethanol is less than one percent of total American fuel supply. The head of the National Corn Growers Association, Kieve Hard, says ethanol will provide twenty-five percent of the fuel supply by 2030. The organization is involved in the production of ethanol because it can be made from corn.

One company in the American Midwest says it is starting to produce ethanol because of demands from people and from the government. The Congress approved the Clean Air Act in 1990. The company says this means the market for ethanol will expand. The company is a major producer of corn starch that can be used to make ethanol.

At Texas A and M University Professor Mark Holzapple produces ethanol from materials found in solid waste. He has developed a way to turn materials like paper into simple sugar. He then uses yeast to turn the sugar into ethanol. Professor Holzapple says two hundred liters of ethanol fuel can be produced from one ton of solid waste.

A professor at the University of Arkansas, John Geddie, is exploring another way to make ethanol. He is using acids on paper material. He says a large factory could produce ethanol from waste paper at a cost about the same as the cost of producing gasoline.

Environmentalists support the use of ethanol because it turns solid waste into a useful product. Professor Holzapple says law makers in industrial nations need to support the development of this clean, less expensive fuel of the future.

【1】Why does the interest in ethanol fuel increase in the United States according to the passage?

A. Ethanol products are known to cause cancer.

B. Ethanol can remove some harmful pollutants from gas.

C. The production of ethanol is protected by law.

D. Ethanol-fueled automobiles are cheaper than gas-fueled ones.

【2】In this passage, what is the significance of the Clean Air Act passed by American Congress in 1990?

A. It will increase the consumers’ demand for ethanol as a fuel.

B. It may increase the cost of producing gas.

C. It reflects the view of the government on automobiles production.

D. It limits the ethanol production of one company in the American Midwest.

【3】The author mentions all of the following resources for making ethanol except____.

A. corn starch B. natural gas

C. waste paper D. solid waste

【4】What does Professor Mark Holzapple think of the development of ethanol in countries?

A. It needs the cooperation of many chemists.

B. It associates with the use of advanced equipment.

C. It will improve the use of heat from exhaust gases.

D. It requires the support of the government.

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