
12.That was ageneration(一辈) when girls'education was always placed second to boys'.

分析 那可是一个女孩子教育总是排在男孩子教育之后的时代

解答 generation考查名词.句意:那可是一个女孩子教育总是排在男孩子教育之后的时代.generation名词"时代".

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7.One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming(宣告) that he had(61)the most beautiful(beautiful) heart in the whole valley.A large crowd (62)gathered(gather),and they all admired his heart for it was perfect.
Suddenly,an old man appeared and said,"Why,your heart is not nearly as beautiful as (63)mine."The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart,which was full of scars.It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in,but they didn't fit quite right,and there were several jagged(锯齿状的) edges.In fact,in some places there were deep gouges(沟槽) where whole pieces were  (64)missing(miss).
The young man laughed."Comparing your heart with mine,mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars."
"Yes,"said the old man,"Yours looks perfect (65)butI would never trade with you.You see,every scar represents a person to (66)whomI have given my love.I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them,and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart.But because the pieces aren't exact,I have some rough edges,which I cherish,because they remind me of (67)thelove we shared.Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away,and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his or her heart (68)tome.These are the empty gouges.Although these gouges are painful,they stay open,(69)reminding(remind) me of the love I have for those people.So now do you see(70)what true beauty is?"
17.It was Mother's Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my fiveyearold son,Tenyson.As we were(36)A,we realized that only minutes earlier an(37)D woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground.(38)A was with her,but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock.(39)D,a lot of people stopped to help out.(40)C we were walking towards the scene,Tenyson became very(41)D    about what had happened to the elderly couple.He(42)B to me,"Mum,it's not much fun falling over in front of(43)C."Seeing that there was a flower stall(摊位)at the front of the supermarket,he added,"Why shouldn't we(44)D the lady a flower?It will make her feel better."I was(45)A    that he'd come up with this(46)Bidea.So we went over and told the flower seller(47)C we wanted."Just take it,"she replied."I(48)B take your money for such a wonderful(49)D.?
By now medical staff had arrived,and were(50)B the injured woman.We gave the flower to the woman's husband and I told him it was(51)A  my son.At that,the old man started crying and said,"Thank you very much."He then turned to me,"You have a(52)D    son.Happy Mother's Day to you.?
The man bent down and gave his wife the flower,telling her who it was from.(53)B being badly hurt,the old lady looked up at Tenyson with(54)A in her eyes and gave him a little(55)C.
38.A.Her husbandB.My sonC.The crowdD.The seller
41.A.guiltyB.curiousC.angryD.wo rried
43.A.no oneB.someoneC.everyoneD.anyone
48.A.must notB.can'tC.may notD.needn't
50.A.checking withB.looking afterC.operating onD.praying for
53.A.Out ofB.Regardless ofC.Thanks toD.As to

Clara Barton became known as "The Angel(天使)of the Battlefield" during the American Civil War.Born in Oxford,Massachusetts in 1821,Clara Barton's interest in helping soldiers on the battlefield began when she was told army stories from her father.Another event that influenced her decision to help soldiers was an accident her brother had.His injuries were cared for by Barton for 2 year.At the time,she was only 11 years old.Barton began teaching school at the age of 15.She taught for 18 years before.she moved to Washington,D.C in 1854.

The Civil War broke out 6 years later.Right away,Barton started war service by helping the soldiers with their needs.At the battle of Bullrun,Clara Barton received permission from the government to take care of the sick and hurt.Barton did this with great kindness.She recognized each soldier as a person.When the war ended in 1865,she used 4 years of her life to help the government in searching for soldiers who were missing during the war.

In 1869,while she was on vacation in Europe,she got to know the International Red Cross,an

organization set up by the Geneva Convention in 1864.Clara Barton realized that the Red Cross would be a best help to die United States.After she returned to the United States,she worked very hard to create an American Red Cross. She talked to government leaders and let American people know about the Red Cross.In 1881,the National Society of the Red Cross was finally established in Washington,D.C. Clara Barton managed its activities for 23 years.

1.Which of the following is true of young Barton Clara?

A. She had an accident when she was 11.

B. She helped her father when he was a soldier.

C. She helped her brother who got hut in an accident.

D. She made a decision to live with her brother for 2 years.

2.The underlined part "did this" in Paragraph 2 refers to " ".

A. considered each soldier as a person.

B. helped search for the missing soldiers.

C. nursed the sick and hurt.

D. received permission.

3.What does the author talk about the American Red Cross?

A. It was brought to Europe by Barton.

B. Barton tried to have it set up in America.

C. The Americans were not interested in it..

D. It was first established in the Unites States.

4.What can be the best title of the text?

A. The Angle of the Battlefield.

B. The America Red Cross.

C. The American Civil War.

D. The International Red Cross.

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